Faculty Dean - Role and Responsibilities

Faculty Deans provide academic and strategic leadership within their Faculty. They play a pivotal role in the overall academic and strategic development of the College, and are ex officio members of the Executive Officers Group. A Faculty Dean will not hold any other office within College during the period of her/his Deanship

The responsibilities of the Dean include:

  1. To provide overall academic leadership within the Faculty and to coordinate the Faculty's strategic direction and in the process represent the Faculty at key fora in College and integrate the Faculty’s interests into the overall College strategy.
  2. To play an active role in seeking resources that allow for the implementation of the Faculty's strategic goals.
  3. To chair the Faculty Executive Committee and the Faculty Forum.
  4. To have overall budgetary authority1, accountability and responsibility for all budgets allocated in the Faculty, including budgets for research and self-financing, and budgets of Research Institutes and Centres within the Faculty.
  5. To be responsible, within overall College guidelines, for staff recruitment within the Faculty; to chair (or delegate to chair) selection committees for academic and administrative staff appointments in Schools within the Faculty; to establish selection committees for appointments within the Faculty.
  6. To be a member of all search committees for Chair appointments in the Faculty and to play an active role in the negotiations and appointment process for Chairs in the Faculty in collaboration with Head(s) of School(s).
  7. To be a member of Council and relevant College committees, and/or appoint a delegate.
  8. To be a member of the Senior Promotions Committee.
  9. To be a member of the Space Allocation Sub Group.
  10. To be a member of the Board(s) of relevant Trinity Research Institutes.
  11. To support quality review and professional accreditation processes.
  12. To oversee appropriate elections within the Faculty.


1 The Provost, acting on behalf of the Board and as chief officer of the College, has statutory authority and is legally accountable in this regard.