Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate)
Role and Responsibilities
The Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) will have delegated responsibility for the development of postgraduate activities in the School. This position incorporates many of the functions of the former Heads of Department in respect of graduate students and other functions delegated by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
The responsibilities of the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) will include
1. At College Level
1.1 Representing the School on the Graduate Studies Committee
1.2 Liaising with the Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning (CAPSL) and the Dean of Graduate Studies to ensure best practice in teaching and learning at postgraduate level.
2. At School Level
Taught postgraduate courses
2.1 Chairing the School's Graduate Studies Committee, whose membership may include postgraduate course directors and other co-opted members. The Director's responsibilities, supported by the School's Graduate Studies Committee, will include:
- To maintain an overview of the School's postgraduate programme and its place in the academic strategy of the School.
- To oversee all aspects of the School's postgraduate programmes, including postgraduate diploma, MSc/MPhil courses, and integrated PhD courses
- To review the external examiners' reports for postgraduate taught courses on an annual basis and oversee implementation of recommendations
- To develop and propose new postgraduate courses
- To recommend closure of postgraduate courses
The School's Graduate Studies Committee will also act as a Court of First Appeal for student cases.
2.2 Overseeing the local administration of admissions. Depending on the School's circumstances and following consultation with the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Director may have responsibility for issuing letters of provisional offer 1 or rejection to applicants for all taught courses in the school (postgraduate diploma and degree). Confirmation from the Dean of Graduate Studies would be issued with the fee demand for the course.
2.3 Advising the Dean of Graduate Studies regarding applications for fee waivers and regarding special cases.
2.4 Forwarding nominations for external examiners to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
2.5 Marketing of courses in consultation with Head of School, Course Directors in the School, and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Research students
2.6 Making recommendations to the Dean of Graduate Studies regarding the admission of research students.
2.7 Co-ordinating with heads of discipline and maintaining an overview of the assignment of supervisors, co-supervisors, and assistant supervisors to prospective students.
2.8 Overseeing the transfer (MLitt/MSc/PhD) process according to the College's regulations and taking into account discipline-specific aspects. Making the final recommendation for transfer and ensuring full feedback to the student.
2.9 Nominating internal and external examiners to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
2.10 Making recommendations to Faculty Deans regarding postgraduate awards, as appropriate.
2.11 Maintaining records of external examiner appointments in the School to ensure multiple use of the same extern does not occur.
2.12 Making the necessary arrangements for viva voce examinations.
2.13 Reviewing external examiners' reports (forwarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies) and distributing copies of the reports within the School.
2.14. Making provision for generic courses for PhD students as required.
3. Other
3.1 Offering general advice and support for postgraduate students in the School 2 .
3.2 Co-ordinating accommodation (e.g. office space) for postgraduate students (where necessary), in the context of the School's available space.
The Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) will be nominated for appointment by, and will report to, the Head of School. The term of appointment will normally be two years, renewable for a further two, and commencing on the day following the end of Trinity Term of the relevant year. The Director will be a full-time member of the academic staff of the School and will be appointed from among those on the Associate Professor grade 3 or above. Nomination for this appointment should be submitted to Council and Board for approval in the normal way. The Director will be an ex-officio member of the School Executive.
1 The provisional offer would indicate that the student had been accepted subject to confirmation by the Dean of Graduate Studies. It would also indicate that the student's entry qualifications were acceptable to the College, and would be worded so that students could use it as confirmation of acceptance for visa and grant applications.
2 The relevant Head of Discipline could act in a pastoral role for postgraduate students, to include (a) informal advice on non-academic issues such as access to hardship fund, counseling service, health service; (b) representation at disciplinary hearings; (c) acting as a first point of contact for students regarding supervisory issues.
3 Candidates above the merit bar on the Assistant Professor scale will be considered in exceptional circumstances.