Director of Research

Director of Research - Role and Responsibilities

The Director of Research will have delegated responsibility for the development of research and innovation in the School. The Director will play a strategic role in promoting and enabling research in the School, working closely with the Head of School.

The responsibilities of the Director of Research will include

1. At College Level

1.1 Representing the School on the appropriate College-wide fora; co-ordinating liaison between the School and the Dean of Research, the Research Committee and its sub-committees (including the Business and Industry Committee) as appropriate.
1.2 Representing the School with external bodies in matters relating to research.
1.3 Representing the School in relation to arrangements for, and governance of, cross-school research centres and institutes.

2. At School Level

2.1 Chairing the Research (and where appropriate, Innovation) Committee of the School. The committee may include the Directors of Centres and Directors of Research Groups in the School.
2.2 Developing a research strategy for the School in consultation with the School Executive, taking due regard of College policy. Submitting the research strategy to the Dean of Research for noting.
2.3 Facilitating the linkage of, and co-ordination between, School and College policy in relation to research and liaising with the Dean of Research on these matters.
2.4 Research Groups and Research Centres: making recommendations to the Research Committee of the School on the formal establishment of research groups/centres and on the continuance or cessation of activities in research groups or centres.
2.5 Making recommendations to the Head of School and School Executive regarding the allocation of School resources to research.
2.6 Working with the Dean of Research on the benchmarking of Research Centres and Groups.

3. Research

3.1 Responding to the Dean of Research on new initiatives and research proposals.
3.2 Supporting the needs of the individual researcher within the School.
3.3. Assisting and advising staff on the development of research plans.
3.4 Acting as a source of information and advice on research issues.
3.5 Supporting the Heads of School in the mentoring of staff in relation to their research.
3.6 Ensuring that the School has an active research seminar programme.

4. Innovation

4.1 Liaising with the Business and Industry Committee on Intellectual Property (IP) ownership issues and on IP income maximisation.
4.2 Being responsible for informing the Dean of Research when potential new IP is generated (for those research contracts that require it).
4.3 Acting as an information source on campus company formation and liaison with the Business and Industry Committee.


The Director of Research will be nominated for appointment by, and will report to, the Head of School. The term of appointment will normally be two years, renewable for a further two, and commencing on the day following the end of Trinity Term of the relevant year. The Director will be a full-time member of the academic staff of the School and will be appointed from among those on the Associate Professor grade 1 or above. Nomination for this appointment should be submitted to Council and Board for approval in the normal way. The Director will be an ex-officio member of the School Executive.

1Candidates above the merit bar on the Assistant Professor scale will be considered in exceptional circumstances.