College Governance

Trinity College Dublin is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and has put in place the appropriate governance structures consistent with such objectives. The Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 2016 has been adopted by the university sector, approved by Trinity’s Board in November 2024. This replaces the Code of Governance for Irish Universities.

Higher Education Authority Act, 2022

Please see information below about the Higher Education Authority Act, 2022:

COVID-19 Management and Governance Structures

The following Management and Governance Structures have been put in place in response to the current COVID-19 crisis: 

Please click here to see the Discussion Paper produced by the Trinity Futures Group, which covers topics such as Trinity's future approach to remote working, online learning and strategic projects in a post-Covid era. This was considered and approved by Board on 27 January 2021 (BD/20-21/138 refers).


Trinity College Dublin was founded in 1592 by the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I and is recognised by the Government of the Republic of Ireland, through its designation under the Higher Education Authority Act, 1971 , the Universities Act, 1997 and the Trinity College, Dublin (Charters and Letters Patent Amendment) Act, 2000 .

The Provost

The Provost is the Chief Officer of the University and a member of the Body Corporate. The role of the Provost is defined in the relevant legislation and in the Statutes and the Provost is appointed after an election by academic staff and student representatives for a ten year term.


The Board is the governing authority of Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.

Find information on Board meetings, Agendas, Minutes, Schedules and membership can be found on the Committees' website.

Please click here to view the 2021 Report of the Board Review Working Group.

University Council

The University Council is the academic council of the University, and subject to financial constraints, is responsible for College's academic affairs including curriculum development and academic appointments.

Find information on Council meetings, Agendas, Minutes, Schedules and membership can be found on the Committees' website.