Dr. Eamonn Kenny
Senior Research Fellow, Computer Science
Email Eamonn.Kenny@tcd.ie Phone http://www.scss.tcd.ie/Eamonn.KennyBiography
In 1995 Eamonn joined TCD as a research assistant in the Framework Program 4 (FP4) EU project STORMS producing the propagation models for UMTS systems. From 2001-2003 he completed a PhD in Telecommunications funded by the Enterprise Ireland Informatics Programme. From 2003-2010 he worked on the portability of the Grid middleware for the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. In 2007, he was invited to become the portability coordinator for the gLite middleware FP7 consortium in EGEE-II/III. From 2010-2013 he worked as the metrics task leader for the quality assurance team of the FP7 European Middleware Initiative. His research to date covers the areas of numerical analysis, radio wave propagation, algorithms, portability, system building and statistics. He recently worked on producing a complete interaction framework/middleware as a research fellow in the Adapt Centre. His most recent project involves providing geospatial processing components for producing input data for deep learning image processing architectures for a leading irish company in the digital space. His primary focus is now on automated data provisioning for deep networks in image processing. He is also in the process of producing two startup companies using NLP+Deep Nets+Image processing and using a phased array antenna system for people tracking.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- L.J. Crane, P.B. Deasy, E.M. Kenny, J.J.H. Miller, Erosion of an infinite cylinder, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 74, 1994, p633 - 635Journal Article, 1994
- Peter Lavin, Eamonn Kenny, Brian Coghlan, Computing Resource and Work Allocations using Social Profiles, Journal of Computer Science, 14, (2), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- G Pierantoni, B. Coghlan, E. Kenny, P. Gallagher, D Perez-Suarez,, Extending the Sheba Propagation Model to Reduce Parameter-Related Uncertainties, Journal of Computer Science, 14, (2), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Eamonn Kenny and Duarte Meneses, Common Framework for Extracting Information and Metrics from Multiple Change Trackers, Proceedings of Science, EMI 2nd Technical Conference (EGICF12-EMITC2), Munich, Germany, 26-30 March 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, URL , TARA - Full Text
- M Alandes, E M Kenny, D Meneses and G Pucciani, Experiences with Software Quality Metrics in the EMI Middleware, Journal of Physics, (5), 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Peter Lavin, COMPUTING RESOURCE AND WORK ALLOCATIONS USING SOCIAL PROFILES, Computer Science Journal, 14, (2), 2013, p273 - 293Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Coghlan, B.A., Walsh, J., Quigley, G., O'Callaghan, D., Childs, S., and Kenny, E., Principles of Transactional Grid Deployment, European Grid Conference (EGC'05), Amsterdam, February, 2005, 3470, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp88 - 97Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL
- Kenny, E., Coghlan, B., Walsh, J., Childs, S., O'Callaghan, D., and Quigley, G., Testing Heterogeneous Computing Nodes for Grid Computing, Crakow Grid Workshop 2004, Crakow, December, 2004, ACC Cyfronet UMM, 2005, pp388 - 394Conference Paper, 2005, URL
- Coghlan, B.A., Walsh, J., Quigley, G., O'Callaghan, D., Childs, S., and Kenny, E., Transactional Grid Deployment, Crakow Grid Workshop 2004, Crakow, December, 2004, ACC Cyfronet UMM, 2005, pp363 - 370Conference Paper, 2005, URL
- Kenny, E., Coghlan, B., Tsouloupas, G., Dikaiakos, M., Walsh, J., Childs, S., O'Callaghan, D., and Quigley, G., Heterogeneous Grid Computing: Issues and Early Benchmarks, Int.Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'05) Part III, Atlanta, USA , May 22-25, 2005, 3516, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp870 - 874Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL
- Kenny, E., Coghlan, B., Walsh, J., Childs, S., O'Callaghan, D., and Quigley, G., Heterogeneity of Computing Nodes for Grid Computing, Proc.European Grid Conference (EGC'05), Amsterdam, February, 2005, 3470, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp404 - 413Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL
- Eamonn Kenny, Eamonn O'Nuallain, Convex Space Building Discretization for Ray-Tracing, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65, (5), 2017, p2578 - 2591Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Eamonn Kenny and Eamonn O Nuallain, Wireless Indoor Resource Optimisation meeting Prescribed UserCapacity Requirements, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, (5), 2018, p2557 - 2568Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vladimir A. Krylov , Eamonn Kenny and Rozenn Dahyot, Automatic Discovery and Geotagging of Objects from Street View Imagery, Remote Sensing, 10, (5), 2018, p661-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- IEEE Transactions in Antennas and Propagation, IEEE, [eds.], 2017Editorial Board, 2017
- Ethical Issues in the New Digital Era: The Case of Assisting Driving in, Ethics, Laws, and Policies for Privacy, Security, and Liability, London, UK, Intechopen, 2020, pp1 - 30, [Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R ]Book Chapter, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maad, S., Coghlan, B., Ryan, J., Kenny, E., Watson, R., and Pierantoni, G., The Horizon of the Grid For E-Government, e-Government Workshop (eGOV05), Brunel, UK, September, 2005, (ISBN 1-902316-46-0), 2005, pp1 - 18Conference Paper, 2005, URL
- Maad, S., Coghlan, B., Pierantoni, G., Kenny, E., Ryan, J., and Watson, R., Adapting the Development Model of the Grid Anatomy to meet the needs of various Application Domains, Proc.Cracow Grid Workshop 2005, Crakow, Poland, November, 2005, 2006, pp350 - 357Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Kenny, E., Coghlan, B., Walsh, J., Childs, S., O'Callaghan, D., and Quigley, G., Autobuilding Multiple Ports of Computing Nodes for Grid Computing, Proc.Cracow Grid Workshop 2005, Crakow, Poland, November, 2005, 2006, pp232 - 239Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Pierantoni, G., Lyttleton, O., O'Callaghan, D., Quigley, G., Kenny, E., and Coghlan, B., Multi-Grid and Multi-VO Job Submission based on a Unified Computational Model, Proc.Cracow Grid Workshop 2005, Crakow, Poland, November, 2005, 2006, pp341 - 349Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Childs, S., Coghlan, B., Walsh, J., O'Callaghan, D., Quigley, G., Kenny, E., A virtual TestGrid, or how to replicate a national Grid, ExpGrid workshop at HPDC2006, Paris, June, 2006, 2006, pp47 - 54Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Maad, S., Coghlan, B., Quigley, G., Ryan, J., and Kenny, E., Universal Accessibility to the Grid via Metagrid Infrastructure, EGEE Forum, Switzerland, March, 2006, 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006, URL
- Maad, S., Coghlan, B., Kenny, E., Pierantoni, G., Grid Enabling e-Government through a Universal Accessibility Grid Layer, e-Society 2006, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, June, 2006, 2006, pp1 - 8Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Soha Maad, Brian Coghlan, Geoff Quigley, John Ryan, Eamonn Kenny and David O'Callaghan, Towards a Complete Grid Filesystem Functionality, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, 23, (1), 2007, p123 - 131Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- S.Maad, B.Coghlan, G.Pierantoni, E.Kenny, J.Ryan, New frontiers for grid applications, Proc.European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2006 (EMCIS06), Alicante, Spain, July 6-7, 2006, (ISBN: 1-902316-46-0), 2006, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2006, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O. Lyttleton, B. Coghlan, E. Kenny, and G. Quigley, InfoGrid - a Relational Approach to Grid, Proc.Crakow Grid Workshop 2007, Crakow, Poland, October, 2007, edited by Bubak, Marian and Turala, Michal and Wiatr, Kazimierz , 2008, pp375 - 383Conference Paper, 2008, URL
- Kenny, Eamonn and Coghlan, Brian and Walsh, John and Childs, Stephen and O'Callaghan, David and Quigley, Geoff, Extensions to the ETICS build system client to allow porting to multiple platforms at local sites, CGW 2007 proceedings, Crackow Grid Workshop, 2007, Crackow, Poland, 15-17 October, 2007, edited by Bubak, Marian and Turala, Michal and Wiatr, Kazimierz , 2008, pp437 - 444Conference Paper, 2008
- Pierantoni, Gabriele and Rochford, Keith and Coghlan, Brian and Kenny, Eamonn, Enabling social and economic behaviour based on reliable resource, Crackow Grid Workshop, 2007, Crackow, Poland, 15-17 October, 2007, edited by Bubak, Marian and Turala, Michal and Wiatr, Kazimierz , 2008, pp342 - 349Conference Paper, 2008, URL
- Pierantoni, G. and Kenny, E. and Coghlan, B., A prototype of a social and economic based resource allocation system in grid computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2007. ISPDC '07., 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2007), Hagenberg, Austria, 5-8 July 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007, pp13 - 13Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Pierantoni, G. and Coghlan, B. and Lyttleton, O. and O'Callaghan, D. and Kenny, E. and Maad, S. and Quigley, G., Social grid agents as a metagrid technology: an approach for flexible resource allocation in heterogeneous grid middlewares, Proceedings Crakow Grid Workshop 2006, Crackow Grid Workshop, 2006, Crackow, Poland, 15-18 October, 2006, 2007, pp146 - 153Conference Paper, 2007
- Pierantoni, Gabriele and Coghlan, Brian and Kenny, Eamonn, Agent-based societies for the sharing, brokerage and allocation of grid resources, Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing, Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing (PARA06) , Umea, Sweden, 18-21 June 2006, edited by Kågström B. et al. , 4699, Springer, 2007, pp830 - 839Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL
- Pierantoni, Gabriele and Coghlan, Brian and Kenny, Eamonn and Lyttleton, Oliver and O'Callaghan, David and Quigley, Geoff, Interoperability using a metagrid architecture , Proceedings of the ExpGrid Workshop at HPDC2006, 15th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-15), Paris, France, 19 June 2006, 2006, pp23 - 30Conference Paper, 2006
- Rochford, Keith and Walsh, John and Kenny, Eamonn and Coghlan, Brian , A standards-based architecture for grid service management, 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing , 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2007), Hagenberg, Austria, 5-8 July 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007, pp24 - 24Conference Paper, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Soha Maad, Brian Coghlan, Gabrielle Pierantoni, Ronan Watson and Eamonn Kenny, Towards Greater Grid Universal Accessibility: Initial Benchmarks and the Road Ahead, Proc.Crakow Grid Workshop 2007, Crakow Grid Workshop 2007, Crakow, Poland,, 2007, 2008, pp188 - 195Conference Paper, 2008, URL
- Rochford, K., Coghlan, B., Walsh, J., and Kenny, E., , WSDM for Grid Service Management, 6th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Hagenberg, Austria, July 5-8, 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Eamonn Kenny, Peter Lavin, Brian Coghlan, John Walsh, Extensions for the ETICS client for Multi-Platform support in NGIs Driven by User Requirements, Crakow Grid Workshop (CGW'09), Crakow, Poland, 2009Conference Paper, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Gabriele Pierantoni, Keith Rochford, Brian Coghlan, Eamonn Kenny, Extension of the Social Grid Agents functional engine for greater information model interoperability, Crakow Grid Workshop (CGW'09), Crakow, Poland, 2009Conference Paper, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- KENNY, Eamonn, LAVIN, Peter, WALSH, John, COGHLAN, Brian, gLite Porting to the Play Station 3 using ETICS for electronic High Throughput Screening (eHiTS), EGEE User Forum 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, April, 2010, 2010Poster, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- G.Pierantoni, B.Coghlan, E. Kenny, J. Ryan, The HELIO project, EGEE User Forum 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, April, 2010, 2010Poster, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Social Grid Agents in, editor(s)Nikolaos Preve, National Technical University of Athens, Greece , Computational and Data Grids: Principles, Designs, and Applications, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, IGI Global, 2010, [Gabriele Pierantoni, Brian Coghlan, Eamonn Kenny]Book Chapter, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Pierantoni G., Coghlan B. and Kenny E., Catering for different user profiles in HELIO, EGI User Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-15 April 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Maad, S, Coghlan, B, Quigley, G, Ryan, J, Kenny, E, O'Callaghan, D, Towards a complete grid filesystem functionality, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, 23, 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Gabriele Pierantoni, Brian Coghlan and Eamonn Kenny, The Use of Standards in HELIO, Computer SCIence Journal, ISSN 1508-2806 (also presented at the Crakow Grid Workshop 2011, Crakow, Poland, October, 2011), 13, (2), 2012, p93-102Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gabriele Pierantoni, Eamonn Kenny, Brian Coghlan, David Perez Suarez, Accessing diverse computational resources through SCIBUS to support an Advanced Propagation Model in Heliophysics, Crakow Grid Workshop 2012, Crakow, Poland, October, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Kenny, E.M., Cullen, P.J., Fast numerical calculation of UHF propagation over two dimensional dielectric irregular terrain using an integral equation method, IEEE 47th Vechicular Technology Conference, Vehicular Technology Conference '97, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 4-7 May 1997, edited by Eamonn Kenny , 2, 1997, pp714 - 720Conference Paper, 1997, URL , TARA - Full Text
- P.J. Cullen, D.T. Moroney, E. Kenny, J-F Wagen, Jinming Li, and J-M Coupe, Advanced radio propagation methodology for the optimisation of resources in mobile systems, ACTS Mobile Telecommunications Summit, Granada, Spain, Nov 1996, edited by Peter Cullen , 2, 1996, pp714 - 720Conference Paper, 1996, TARA - Full Text
- An efficient implementation of a three-dimensional microcell propagation tool for indoor and outdoor urban environments, 49, 2, (2000), 622 - 630p, O'Brien W.M. Kenny E.M. Cullen P.J., [eds.]Journal, 2000, URL , TARA - Full Text
- The numerical solution of a moving boundary problem in two dimensions with applications to drug delivery systems, 24, 2, (1993), 124 - 132p, Eamonn Kenny, [eds.]Journal, 1993
- Eamonn Kenny, Eamonn O'Nuallain, An Indoor Resource Optimisation using Ray-Tracing Techniques and Signal-To-Interference Object Function to Obtain Best Capacity, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Annecy, France, 25th-28th May 2014, 2014, pp1 - 1Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Eamonn Kenny, Eamonn O'Nuallain, A Convex-Space Discretization of a Building, Designed for Indoor Resource Optimisation using Ray-Tracing Techniques, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Annecy, France, 25th-28th May 2014, 2014, pp1 - 1Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- J Delaney, E. Kenny, E O Nuallain, A Parallel Implementation of the Electric Field Integral Equation for an Arbitrary Terrain Profile, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Annecy, France, May 25-28, 2014, 2014, pp1 - 1Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Eamonn O Nuallain, Eamonn Kenny, A Localization Method based on the Helmholtz Reciprocity Theorem, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Annecy, France, May 25th-28th, 2014Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Atul Nautiyal, Eamonn Kenny, Kenneth Dawson-Howe, Video Adaptation for the creation of advanced intelligent content for Conferences., Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), Derry-Londonderry, 27-29 August 2014, edited by Sonya Coleman, Bryan Gardiner, Dermot Kerr , 2014, pp122 - 127Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- João P. Cabral, Nick Campbell, Sree Ganesh, Mina Kheirkhah, Emer Gilmartin, Fasih Haider, Eamonn Kenny, Andrew Murphy, Neasa Ní, Chiaráin, Thomas Pellegrini and Odei Rey Orozko, MILLA: A Multimodal Interactive Language Learning Agent, SemDial 2014, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 1st-3rd, 2014Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- Joao Cabral, Nick Campbell, Shree Ganesh, Emer Gilmartin, Fasih Haider, Eamon Kenny, Mina Kheirkhah, Andy Murphy, Neasa Ní Chiaráin, Thomas Pellegrini, Odei Rey Orosko, 'MILLA - A Multimodal Interactive Language Agent', eNTERFACE, 2014, -Software, TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
Multimodal Systems and Games with Machine Learning/AI Numerical Computation/Analysis techniques Electromagnetic Wave Research with Optimisation
Software engineering, Other information and computing sciences, Electrical engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Information systems,
- Nominated for an APS Paper Award 2018 2018
- Postgraduate award from GSO in TCD related to high grades in Undergraduate Degree Sept 1994
- Nomination for AI Awards 2018
- Commendation from EU commission for FP4 Acts 016 STORMS for Advanced propagation modelling research May 1999
- Invited to join the editorial review board of the IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation 2017
- Exam exemption based on results of scholarship examination in 2nd year Mathematics degree June 1989
- Editorial Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions in Antennas and Propagation Now