Dr. Timothy Savage
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Education
Email Tim.Savage@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3625https://www.scss.tcd.ie/Tim.Savage/Publications and Further Research Outputs
- John Whipple, Charlie Cullen, Keith Gardiner and Tim Savage, Syllable Circles for pronunciation learning and teaching, ELT Journal, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Gallagher, S. & Savage, T., "What is, Becomes What is Right" A Conceptual Framework of Newcomer Legitimacy for Online Discussion Communities., Journal of Computer Mediated Communications, 20, (4), 2015, p400 - 416Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Savage, T., Arnedillo Sánchez, I., O'Donnell, F., Tangney, B., Using Robotic Technology as a Constructionist Mindtool in Knowledge Construction, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Greece, July, 2003, pp324 - 325Conference Paper, 2003, DOI
- Twomey, D., Leahy, M., Close, S., Bree, O., Savage, T., Proceedings of the Computer Education Society of Ireland Conference, Dublin, Ireland, January, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Savage, T., Using Advances in Network Technology in the Desegregation of Distance and Face-to-Face Students, Proceedings of the Computer Education Society of Ireland (CESI) National Conference, Dublin, Ireland, January, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Holmes, B., Cahill, V., Savage,T., The Search for Hy Brazil - Rolling out a Wireless initiative, Annual Conference of the Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education, Swansea, UK, July, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Holmes, B., Tangney, B., FitzGibbon, A., Savage, T., Mehan, S., Communal Constructivism: Students constructing learning for as well as with others, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE 2001), Charlottesville, VA, USA, March, 2001, pp3114 - 3119Conference Paper, 2001
- Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Tangney B., Savage, T., Tiger Tiger: Recommendations for Educational Reform in Booming Economies: a case study of Japan and Ireland, BETT Conference, London, UK., January, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Holmes, B., Brophy, C., Brennan, E., Savage, T., Professionalism in Education in the 21st Century: Recognising and meeting the Challenge, Association of Teachers' Education Centres in Ireland, Tralee, Ireland, November, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- Holmes, B., Tangney, B., Savage, T., Students Constructing Learning for as well as with others, Integrating ICT and the Curriculum, Computer Education Society of Ireland (CESI) National Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- Holmes, B., Savage, T., Tangney, B., Comparative International Research on Best Practice and Innovation in Learning, Dublin, The Lifelong Learning Group, The Information Society Commission, 2000Report, 2000
- Gallagher S E and Savage T, Exploring learning objectives at scale through concept mapping of MOOC learner discussions., EMOOCs 2016: Fourth European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, Graz, Austria, 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016, URL
- Gallagher S E and Savage T, Observing URL Sharing Behaviour in Massive Online Open Courses, Learning at Scale, Edinburgh, 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016, URL
- Arnedillo Sánchez, I., Savage,T., Tangney, B., Higher Education (HE), Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Learning: ICT for replication OR innovation?, Proceedings of the AISHE Conference, Dublin, September, 2004Conference Paper, 2004, URL
- Gallagher S.E., and Savage, T., Comparing learner community behaviour in multiple presentations of a Massive Online Open Course., Proceedings of the 12th International Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) Conference. , Maynooth, Ireland, 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- S. Gallagher & T. Savage, Comparing learner community behavior in multiple presentations of a Massive Open Online Course, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Carina Girvan, Timothy Savage, Virtual Worlds: A New Environment for Constructionist Learning, Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 2019, p396 - 414Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, S and Savage, T, Challenge-based learning in higher education: an exploratory literature review, Teaching in Higher Education, 2020, p1 - 23Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, S and Savage, T., Realising the possibility of a European supranational university: A conceptual reflection on the CHARM-EU European University Initiative. , Educational Studies Association of Ireland , Online, 2021Published Abstract, 2021
- Challenge Based Learning: Recommendations for the Future of Higher Education in, editor(s)Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo Jorge Membrillo-Hernández Rosario Michel-Villarreal Geeta Lakshmi Mariajulia Martínez-Acosta , The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning, Emerald , 2022, pp391 - 411, [Gallagher, S and Savage, T.]Book Chapter, 2022, URL
- Timothy Savage, 'Education for Sustainable Development Field Case Studies', 2023, -Fieldwork collection, 2023
- Timothy Savage, P. J. Wall, Deepak Saxena, Partners in Design: Insights from an Innovative Education for Sustainable Development Module Design Process, Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, 18th IFIP Working Group 9.4 Conference on the Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, Capetown, South Africa, 20-22 May 2024, edited by Chigona, Wallace Kabanda, Salah Seymour, Lisa F. , Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp245 - 257Conference Paper, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Rajkumar Satankar, Anand Krishnan Plappally, Deepak Saxena, Timothy Savage, P. J. Wall, A Socio-Cultural Perspective on Technology for Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Filtering Water Pots (G-filters) in Rajasthan, India, Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, 18th IFIP Working Group 9.4 Conference on the Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, Capetown, South Africa, 20-22 May 2024, edited by Chigona, Wallace Kabanda, Salah Seymour, Lisa F. , Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, pp167 - 178Conference Paper, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Gallagher, S and Savage, T, Challenge Based Learning for Addressing Development Studies Competencies: An Exploratory Analysis, Development Studies Association Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 25/10/2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Tim Savage and Ann FitzGibbon, Using Blended Team Work in an Education Course, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Orlando, Florida, March 2006, edited by Caroline Crawford, Roger Carlsen, Karen McFerrin, Jerry Price, Roberta Weber and Dee Anna Willis , Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2006, pp1328 - 1334Conference Paper, 2006
- T Savage, Emergence vs. Design - A case study of an emergent community of practice, Computer Assisted Learning '07, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 26 March, 2007, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Tim Savage and Ann FitzGibbon, Reflections on a Community Lost and Found, Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Antonio, Texas, March 2007, edited by Roger Carlsen, Karen McFerrin, Jerry Price, Roberta Weber and Dee Anna Willis , Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2007, pp2454 - 2461Conference Paper, 2007
- Ramos, J. L., Carvalho, J. L., Blasquez, F., Luengo, R. e Casas, G.L., Younie, S., Holmes, B., Savage, T., Tangney, B., Arnedillo, I., The Web@classroom project: portables computers and wireless technology in the classroom, Interactive Educational Multimedia, (Number 11), 2005, p204 - 210Journal Article, 2005
- Dr. G Heap, A. FitzGibbon, T. Savage, Project Murias: Making a Second Life difference in the real life development education community in Ireland, Second Life Education Community Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, September 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Elizabeth Oldham, Ann FitzGibbon, Carina Girvan, Graham Heap, Micheal Collins and Tim Savage, You can lead students to Second Life, but can you get them to immerse?, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, March 2009, edited by Ian Gibson, Roberta Weber, Karen McFerrin, Roger Carlsen and Dee Anna Willis , Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, 2009, pp2318 - 2323Conference Paper, 2009
- Carina Girvan, Timothy Savage, Identifying an appropriate pedagogy for virtual worlds: A Communal Constructivism case study, Computers and Education, 55, (1), 2010, p342 - 349Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Girvan, C., Tangney, B. & Savage. T., SLurtle Soup: a conceptual mash up of constructionist ideas and virtual worlds, Constructionism 2010, Paris, 2010, edited by Clayson J., Kalas I. , 2010, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2010
- Carina Girvan, Timothy Savage, Ethical considerations for educational research in a virtual world, Interactive Learning Environments, 20, (3), 2012, p239 - 251Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Girvan, C., & Savage T., Conducting Text-Based Interviews in Virtual Worlds, ReLive, Open University, Milton Keynes, edited by A. Peachey , 2011, pp78 - 86Conference Paper, 2011
- Girvan C., Tangney B., Savage T., SLurtles: Supporting constructionist learning in Second Life, Computers and Education, 61, 2013, p115 - 132Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Gallagher, S, E., Savage, T., Cross-cultural analysis in online community research: A literature review, Computers in Human Behavior, 29, (3), 2013, p1028 - 1038Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Morris, L., & Savage, T. , Virtual Poetry - Examining the affordances of the virtual world environment in supporting students' initial contact with abstract poetic constructs in a particular text., Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference , New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Guidelines for conducting text based interviews in virtual worlds. in, editor(s)Childs, M. & Peachey, A. , Understanding Learning in Virtual Worlds, UK, Springer, 2013, [Girvan, C. & Savage, T.]Book Chapter, 2013
- Timothy Savage, MOOCs in Higher Education, 2015 IEEE 3rd International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), Amritsar, India, 1-2 October, 2015, IEEEInvited Talk
Research Expertise
Education, Technology, and Sustainability: My research focuses on education for sustainable development with Higher Education with a focus on authentic and decolonized case study collection. European Universities: As the Senior Advisor to the CHARM-EU European University initiative I'm focused on the role on innovative pedagogy, challenge-based learning, and technology in supporting students working on the sustainable development goals.
TitleCHARM EU European UniversitySummaryThe mission of CHARM-EU is to promote the common European values emphasising the richness and diversity of the European tradition. CHARM-EU will offer a transformative, truly European educational experience to citizens of the world. Through challenge-driven curricula, CHARM-EU will empower and inspire traditional as well as non-traditional students and staff to become critical thinkers capable of confronting societal challenges linked with the theme of 'reconciling humanity with the planet' and the Sustainable Development Goals.Funding AgencyErasmus +Date FromNovember 2019Date ToOctober 2022
TitleMulti User Virtual Environments in Development EducationSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Aid, Department of Foreign AffairsDate From1/9/2007Date To31/8/2010
TitleCollaborative Content FilteringSummaryFunding AgencyNDRCDate From4/2009Date To9/2010
TitleV-LearningSummaryV Learning is a virtual worlds learning management system that plugs into traditional web based LMS, harnessing the power of 3D technology. This replicates existing pedagogical strategies and provides new opportunities for novel immersive and engaging learning experiences. These immersive spaces can be used for collaboration, information retrieval, personal learning, simulation training or social networking.Funding AgencyNational Digital Research CentreDate From1/12/09Date To11/11/11
Education, Information systems, Earth and related environmental sciences,
- Irish Learning Technologies "Forward Directions Working Group" member 6/2008
- Senior Adviser to CHARM-EU European University initiative. 2020
- Journal Reviewer - Computers and Education (International Journal)
- Journal Reviewer - Behaviour and IT (International Journal)
- Senior Adviser to CHARM-EU European University initiative. 2020
- Journal Reviewer - Computers and Education (International Journal)
- Journal Reviewer - Computers and Education (International Journal)
- Senior Adviser to CHARM-EU European University initiative. 2020
- Journal Reviewer - Computers and Education (International Journal)
- Associate Dean for Online Education 2013-2017
- Senior Adviser to CHARM-EU European University initiative. 2020