Dr. Emma Louise Howard
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Email emhoward@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3693https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~emhoward/Biography
Emma is a Assistant Professor in the Trinity College Dublin School of Computer Science and Statistics. Her research interests include the areas of learning analytics, mathematics/statistics education in higher education, aiding student support services through the use of data analytics and student mental health research.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Farahani, Z. T., Howard, E., Rashleigh, C., & Dooley, B., Data collection and outcome measurement in student counseling services in Irish Higher Education Institutions: Counselors' views on challenges and facilitators, Psychological Services, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Contrasting prediction methods for early warning systems at undergraduate level, The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 2018, p66-75Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Live lectures or online videos: students' resource choices in a first-year university mathematics module, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49, (4), 2017, p530-553Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Quantifying participation in, and the effectiveness of, remediating assessment in a university mathematics module, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44, (1), 2019, p97-110Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Howard, E., & Cronin, A., Improving service use through prediction modelling: a case study of a mathematics support centre, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 33, (3), 2021, p369-380Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Meehan, M., & Howard, E., The university mathematics lecture: to record, or not to record, that is the question, Mathematics Education Research Journal, 36, 2024, p285-310Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Howard, E., Farahani, Z. T., Rashleigh, C., & Dooley, B., Developing a national database for higher education student counselling services: the importance of collaborations, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 41, (2), 2024, p247-253Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Mahon, C., Howard, E., O'Reilly, A., Dooley, B., & Fitzgerald, A., A cluster analysis of health behaviours and their relationship to mental health difficulties, life satisfaction and functioning in adolescents, Preventive Medicine, 164, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Epidemiology of mental health difficulties in young people in, editor(s)E., Hennessy, C., Heary, & M., Michail , Understanding Youth Mental Health: Perspectives from Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2022, [Howard, E., & Dooley, B.]Book Chapter, 2022
- Students' in-class and out-of-class mathematical practices in, editor(s)Durand-Guerrier, V., Hochmuth, R., Nardi, E., & Winsløw, C. , Research and Development in University Mathematics Education, Routledge, 2021, [Rasmussen, C., Fredriksen, H., Howard, E., Pepin, B., & Rämö, J.]Book Chapter, 2021
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Cox, T., An exploration of the impact that continuous, summative assessment has on how university mathematics students spend their study time, Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI 8), DCU, Dublin, 14/10/2021-16/10/202, edited by M. Kingston & P. Grimes , 2021, pp212-219Conference Paper, 2021, DOI
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., An exploration of the relationship between continuous assessment and resource use in a service mathematics module, Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Utrecht University, 2019Conference Paper, 2019, URL
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Escalating interventions to improve behaviour and performance in an undergraduate statistics module, Seventh Conference on research in Mathematics Education in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 2019Conference Paper, 2019, DOI
- Meehan, M., Howard, E., & Ní Shúilleabháin, A., Students' sense of belonging to mathematics in the secondary-tertiary transition, PME42 the 42nd annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Umea, Sweden, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, URL
- Copeland, C., Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A. , Engaging with feedback: How do students remediate errors on their weekly quiz, INDRUM 2018, University of Agder, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, URL
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Identifying the reasons behind students' engagement patterns, CERME10, 2017Poster, 2017, URL
- Mahon, C., Hamburger, D., Webb, J.B., Yager, Z., Howard, E., Booth, A., & Fitzgerald, A., Protocol of a cluster randomised trial of BodyKind: a school-based body image programme for adolescents, BMC Public Health, 23, (2246), 2023Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Howard, E., Mullen, C., & Cronin, A., A scoping systematic review of mathematics and statistics support evaluation literature: Lessons learnt, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI9), Dublin, Ireland, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI
- Mullen, C., Howard, E., & Cronin, A., A scoping literature review of the impact and evaluation of mathematics and statistics support in higher education, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- de la Hoz-Ruiz, Antonio and Howard, Emma and Hijón-Neira, Raquel, The Enhancement of Statistical Literacy: A Cross-Institutional Study Using Data Analysis and Text Mining to Identify Statistical Issues in the Transition to University Education, Information, 15, (9), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Howard, E., Meehan, M., & Parnell, A., Investigating student withdrawal rates using survival random forests, Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, Westmeath, Ireland, 15-17th of May, edited by Kelly, G. , 2017, pp77-78Poster, 2017, URL
- Howard, E., & Khakhar, R., Students' Perceptions of, and Engagement with, Student Support Services, Student Affairs Ireland (SAI) Summer Seminar 2024, Limerick, Ireland, 18th June, 2024Poster, 2024
- McCormack, D. & Howard, E., Exploring Students' use of Generative AI tools, Science and Maths Education (SMEC) Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 13-14th June, edited by Twohill, A., Naughton, Y., & O'Neill, N. , 2024, pp55-56Published Abstract, 2024, DOI
- Alejandra Martínez Monés Caitlin Mills Jelena Jovanovic Xavier Ochoa(ed.), 15th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK25), Demo of ouladFormat: an R package for loading and formatting the Open University Learning Analytics Dataset, Dublin, 3-7 March, ACM, 2025, 290 pProceedings of a Conference, 2025
- Howard, E., Student success: Exploring evidence-based academic, emotional, and social supports seminar report, 2022Report
- Meehan, M., & Howard, E., Report on undergraduate mathematics students' perceptions of the affordances and constraints of the online environment for learning, 2020Report, URL
- Emma Howard, 'ouladFormat', ouladFormat: Loads and Formats the Open University Learning Analytics Dataset for Data Analysis, 1.1.2, CRAN, 2024, -Software, DOI
- Armstrong-Astley, R., Flynn, F., Dooley, B., Fox, T., Battle, B., Byrne, D., Chambers, K., Connolly, A., Cunniffe, S., Howard, E., Kirwin, S., Maguire, T., McNamara, R., O'Connor, T., O'Reilly, E., Rashleigh, C., Sheaf, G., Sita, G., Surdey, J., Tayer Farahani, Z., Weiner, R., & Ó Mathúna, C., How counselling and peer-led services can optimise student success: An integrated approach to student mental health and wellbeing in higher education, Trinity College Dublin, June, 2022Report, URL
- Howard, E., ouladFormat R package: Preparing the Open University Learning Analytics Dataset for analysis, 2025Journal Article, URL
- Nominated for a Teaching and Learning Award in the College of Science in University College Dublin 2021/22
- Member of the Irish Statistical Association (ISA) Present
- Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Present