Congratulations to SCSS Professor Dr. Anthony Ventresque on being one of ten researchers to receive a research award as part of the inaugural SFI LERO Research Awards.  

Announcing the research awards, Lero director Prof. Lionel Briand said the array of research topics selected for support shows how software is integral to every aspect of the world we inhabit. 

“Lero is a world leader in software research. The centre fulfils a vital role in sustaining and developing Ireland’s reputation as a global hub of software research excellence and in maintaining Ireland’s position as a home for some of the world’s top technology companies. As well as attracting additional researchers, the Lero Research Awards incentivise and reward continued impactful and outstanding research among our membership nationwide.   

“Today, we are presenting 10 exceptional Lero researchers across Ireland with awards, which will allow them to hire postdoctoral researchers for two years to take on some really important work. These excellent postdoctoral researchers will join the Lero family to develop better and smarter ways of overcoming many of the obstacles we face today to foster job creation, innovation and competitiveness in software engineering and ICT,” he added. 

Dr. Ventresque and his team (the TCD Complex Software Lab) are working on innovative ways to ensure the quality of software applications. This award will support some of their recent investigations in the domain of Testing AI systems, i.e., making sure that AI models and software systems that use AI components behave as expected. This is a challenging problem as the complexity of modern software systems is amplified by the complexity of AI models. 

LERO Press Release