MSc in Computer Science - Intelligent Systems (AI) Strand

The Intelligent Systems (AI) strand focuses on smart, interactive web applications and systems, which are becoming an integral part of our daily lives - at home, in the workplace, and in social interaction.

Designing and building these systems requires expertise in artificial intelligence, human language understanding and generation, web systems and applications, data analytics and knowledge engineering. This strand is closely linked to the school's research groups involved in the ADAPT centre for Digital Content Technology.

Career Prospects

The marketplace of the future will see intelligent behaviour becoming the standard for computer systems.  The courses within the Intelligent Systems strand will provide graduates with the ability to specialise in intelligent adaptive systems and artificial intelligence, providing them with the necessary skills to become leaders in these fields.  Employment opportunities exist in a wide range of areas such as internet-based services,  financial services, and mobile communication companies. Students will also benefit from the comprehensive research scope, networks, and wealth of research achievements in both the School and the ADAPT Centre.

Apply for Intelligent Systems (AI) Strand


Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor Ms. Gaye Stephens

Intelligent Systems (AI) – Strand Leader