M.Sc in Computer Science - Data Science Strand

Data Science or Big Data has become a hugely important topic in recent years finding applications in Healthcare, Finance, Transportation, Smart Cities and elsewhere.  In this strand, Trinity's leading experts in this field will guide you through how to gather and store data (using IoT and cloud computing technologies, process it (using advanced statistics and techniques such as machine learning) and deliver new insights and knowledge from the data.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this programme have many exciting career opportunities. We expect our graduates to be in high demand for top-end research and development positions within leading multi-national companies and from start-up companies alike. All of the major Information Technology companies, from Google to Facebook to Amazon, employ large teams of data scientists. Another important career path is management consulting with companies such as Accenture, McKinsey & Company and PwC. There will also be opportunities to progress to PhD study with many funded positions available locally.

Apply for Data Science Strand



Dr. Mimi Zhang

Strand Leader