TR062 - Geography and Geosciences

TR062 - Junior Sophister 2025-2026


Having successfully completed the Fresh years, of the Geography & Geosciences programme, you must now decide on the discipline in which you wish to specialise for your moderatorship. For some of you this will be an easy decision, as you have known from entry the subject you wish to study. For others, the choice may be more difficult. However, it is important for all of you to be open-minded and reflect carefully on the broad range of topics presented in the Fresh Geography and geoscience modules.

My strong advice to you is - follow your interests! You will excel in the areas of Geography & Geosciences in which you are most interested. Please read the TR062 Sophister Programme carefully, and then complete the TR062 Geography & Geosciences Moderatorship Preference Form in the link below.