Dual BA Programme students will earn two bachelor's degrees—one from Trinity College Dublin and one from Columbia University. In Science, the two available programmes are Neuroscience & Geoscience.
Years One and Two
The first two programme years at Trinity consist of 120 ECTS credits/60 Columbia points, followed by two years at Columbia (128 ECTS credits/64 Columbia points). Students are also required to complete 30 ECTS worth of additional modules for Trinity while at Columbia.
Years Three and Four
After completing their Senior Fresher year at Trinity, Dual BA Programme, students will matriculate at the Columbia University School of General Studies (GS). Students will pursue a major that corresponds to their Trinity programme of study, as well as fulfil requirements for The Core Curriculum, one of Columbia University's longest-standing educational traditions.

Degree awarded: B.A. (Moderatorship)
Degree type: Honours Bachelor Degree
NFQ: Level 8
Awarding body: Trinity College Dublin