Dr. Ema Vyroubalova
Asst. Prof. in Early Modern Literature, English
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ema Vyroubalova, Shauna O'Brien, Mohammadreza Hassanzadeh Javanian, "This is a Political Play": Making Coriolanus Relevant in Contemporary Iran, Asian Theatre Journal, 41, (1), 2024, p177 - 196
Shakespeare in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Persian-speaking Diaspora in, editor(s)Alexa Alice Joubin , Contemporary Readings in Global Performances of Shakespeare, London and New York, Bloomsbury, 2024, pp81 - 102, [Ema Vyroubalova and Shauna OBrien]
Zsolt Almási, Ema Vyroubalova, Krystyna Kujawi"ska-Courtney, Oana-Alis Zaharia, Klára Škrobánková, Madalina Nicolaescu, Politics, Shakespeare, East-Central Europe: Theatrical Border Crossings, Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance, 28, 2023, p45 - 68
Ema Vyroubalova, Translating Shakespeare's Untranslatable Histories, Renaissance Studies, 37-38, (1), 2023, p95 - 108
Ema Vyroubalova and Gemma Navickiene, Shakespeare in Lithuanian, Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose, 1, (19), 2023, p12 - 18
Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai Philologia: Special issue: Theorizing Literary Animals, 67, 2, (2022), 9 - 288p, Ema Vyroubalova, [Guest editor], 06/2021-06/2022
James Robert Wood and Ema Vyroubalova, The Literary Papers of the Reverend Jermyn Pratt, 1723-1791, Norwich , Norfolk Record Society, 2022
"Accents yet unknown:" In Search of Shakespeare's Foreign Accents in, editor(s)Adele Lee , Shakespeare and Accentism, New York, Routledge , 2021, pp25 - 41, [Ema Vyroubalova ]
Richard Hakluyt's Babel : Foreign Languages and Historical Consciousness in The Principal Navigations in, editor(s)Isabelle Bour, Line Cottegnies , Scénographie du recit de voyage et imaginaire viatique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) , Paris, France, Hermann, 2018, pp137 - 150, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Ema Vyroubalova and Edel Semple, "Shakespeare and Early Modern Europe", Shakespeare, 14, (1), 2018, p80 - 96
Ema Vyroubalova, Edel Semple, Introduction to European Women in Early Modern , Early Modern Literary Studies, (27), 2017, p1 - 10
Early Modern Literary Studies (EMLS): Special Issue: European Women in English Early Modern Drama, 27, (2017), Ema Vyroubalova, Edel Semple, [Special Issue Editor], 2015-2017
Conspiring Languages and Images in Samuel Ward's '"The Double Deliverance" (1621) in, editor(s)Crawford Gribben and Scott Spurlock , Puritans in the Trans-Atlantic world 1600-1800, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp47 - 65, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Ema Vyroubalova, , Review of Shakespeare in Transition: Political Appropriations in the Postcommunist Czech Republic, by Marcela Kostihova , The European English Messenger, 24, (1), 2015, p78-79
"Multilingual Ethics in Henry V and Henry VIII" in, editor(s)Alexa Huang and Elizabeth Rivlin , Shakespeare and the Ethics of Appropriation, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp179 - 192, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Ema Vyroubalova, "Shakespeare in Changing Times and a Changing World", The Shakespearean International Yearbook, 14, 2014, p167 - 188
Ema Vyroubalova, Review , Review of Shakespeare in Bits, by MindConnex Learning Company , This Rough Magic, (December), 2013
The Irish Masque at Court (1613), Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1111 - 1112, [Ema Vyroubalova ]
English Grammar, Rober Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1145 - 1146, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Ema Vyroubalova, Review of Shakespeare, Trauma and Contemporary Performance, by Silverstone, Catherine , Early Modern Studies Journal, 5, 2013, p127-129
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue, Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia, 1st , London, The Literary Dictionary Company, 2013, pp1140 - 1142, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Ema Vyroubalova, , Review of Europe's Languages on England's Stages, 1590-1620 (Ashgate, 2012), by Marianne Montgomery , English Text Construction, 6, (1), 2013, p206-208
Ema Vyroubalova, "A New and Large Discourse on the Travels of Sir Anthony Sherley" in Reading East: Irish Sources and Resources, eds. Jane Grogan and Marina Ansaldo , 2012, -
Ema Vyroubalova and James Robert Wood, Propping up the King's Two Bodies in Richard II, Early English Studies, 4, 2011, p1 - 24
"Chronology" in, editor(s)Jennifer Summit and Caroline Bicks , The History of British Women's Writing, 1500-1610, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, ppxiv - xxx, [Ema Vyroubalova]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ema Vyroubalova, The Levant in Early Modern English Travel Narratives: Waypoint or Destination?, Othello's Island, Larnaca, Cyprus, April , 2014, 2014
Ema Vyroubaova, Methods behind Designing Global Shakespeare Courses, Shakespeare 450, Paris, France, April 2014, 2014
Ema Vyroubalova , To translate or not to translate: Rendering Multilingual and Multidialectal Passages in Shakespeare , Shakespeare Association of America, Toronto, Canada, 30.3.2013, 2013
Ema Vyroubalova, "The Celtic Periphery meets the Jacobean Court: Ben Jonson's The Irish Masque and For the Honour of Wales", School Research Seminar, University College Dublin, 5/4, 2012, School of English, UCD
Ema Vyroubalova, Foreign Languages and Foreign Lands in Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Performance, Place, Queen's University Belfast, 2.- 3.11, 2012
Ema Vyroubalova, The Tower of Babel in Early Modern England, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Seminar, University of Haifa, Israel, February , 2011
Ema Vyroubalova, Linguistic Alterity and Foreignness in Early Modern England, 1534-1625 , Stanford University, 2010
Ema Vyroubalova, Foreign Languages and Historical Consciousness in Hakluyt's Principal Navigations, Colloquium on Travel Narrative, Paris, France, December , 2010
Ema Vyroubalova, Queen Katherine's Predicament in Henry VIII, Shakespeare Association of America, Dallas, USA, March, 2008
Ema Vyroubalova, 'Her Majesty's Encounter with That Braving Polack': Poles and Bohemians in Early Modern England, Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, USA, December , 2008
Research Expertise
Editor for The Literary Encyclopedia ("Shakespeare on Film" section)
Reader for Early Modern Studies Journal
Awards and Honours
Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for travel to Othello's Island Conference in Cyrpus
Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for search at Shakespeare's Globe in London
Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund; TCD; for research for my book manuscript at the British Library
Visiting Professorships Benefactions Fund (for hosting Dr. Dror Abend-David)
Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefactions Fund (for hosting Prof. Alexa Huang)
Modern Languages Association of America Travel Grant for attending the Convention
Irish Renaissance Seminar
Shakespeare Association of America
Modern Language Association of America