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Dr. Michael Nash
Associate Prof in Mental Health Nursing, School of Nursing & Midwifery

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

The essence of physical health care in, editor(s)Callaghan, P., Dickinson, T., & Felton A , Mental Health Nursing Skills 2nd Ed,, UK, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp103 - 112, [Michael Nash] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Nash, M, D'Astoli, P., & Molloy, R, Preventing diagnostic overshadowing to improve the physical health of people with severe mental illness, Mental Health Practice, 27, (5), 2024, p33 - 41 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text DOI

James, PD, Nash, M, Comiskey, C,, Barriers and Enablers for Adolescents Accessing Substance-Use Treatment: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis., International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Pérez-Toribio, A., Moreno-Poyato, A. R., Lluch-Canut, M. T., Nash, M., Cañabate-Ros, M., Myklebust, K. K., Bjørkly, S., Puig-Llobet, M., & Roldán-Merino, J. F., Transcultural adaptation and assessment of psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Scale for the Evaluation of Staff-Patient Interactions in Progress Notes, PLoS ONE, 18, (3), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Pérez"Toribio, A., Moreno"Poyato, A. R., Roldán"Merino, J. F., & Nash, M, Spanish mental health nurses' experiences of mechanical restraint: A qualitative descriptive study, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 29, (5), 2022, p688 - 697, p9 Journal Article, 2022 URL

Granada-López JM, Ramón-Arbués E, Echániz-Serrano E, Juárez-Vela R, Cobos-Rincón A, Satústegui-Dordá PJ, Navas-Echazarreta N, Santolalla-Arnedo I and Nash M , Mental health knowledge and classroom experiences of schoolteachers in Aragon, Spain, Front. Public Health , 11, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Michael Nash, Parity of esteem can be achieved with a shift in attitudes , Mental Health Practice, 26, (5), 2023, p5 - 5 Journal Article, 2023

Umama-Agada V & Nash M, Mental Health Nurses experiences of facilitating oral health in people with severe mental illness. A qualitative descriptive study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024, School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD, 5 - 7 March 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Michael Nash, Severe mental illness: why is physical health monitoring vital?, Mental Health Practice, 26, (1), 2023, p18 - 19 Journal Article, 2023

Michael Nash, José Manuel Granada López, Mental health issues in children: exploring primary school teachers' experiences, knowledge and training needs, Mental Health Practice, Vol.29, (Iss.5), 2021, p12 - 20 Journal Article, 2021

McTiernan, D., Frain, S., Fitzharris, E., Power, J., James, O., & Nash, M, Barriers and facilitators to the Advanced Nurse Practitioner-Mental Health (ANP-MH) role in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024, School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD, 5 - 7th March 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Michael Nash, Examining the preventive health-screening activities of mental health nurses, Mental Health Practice, 25 , (5), 2022, p18 - 26 Journal Article, 2022

Philip James, Michael Nash, Catherine Comiskey, "Won"t somebody please think of the children": Are we ignoring 15-17 year olds in health research and health care?, 2nd International Research Conference: Empowering Care: Innovations in Healthcare for a Sustainable Future, Dublin, 22-23 August 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024 URL

Nash, M., James, O., Power, J., McTiernan, D., Frain, S., & Fitzharris, E.,, A National Survey of the research confidence and training needs of Advanced Nurse and Midwife Practitioners in the Republic of Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024, School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD, 5 - 7 March 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Ramón-Arbués, E.; Granada-López, J.M.; Martínez-Abadía, B.; Echániz-Serrano, E.; Antón-Solanas, I.; Nash, M. , Prevalence and Factors Associated with Problematic Internet Use in a Population of Spanish University Students, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 18, 7620, (14), 2021, p1 - 12 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Byrne G, O' Brien F, Mooney M, Prizeman G and Nash M, Registered general nurses- self reported educational needs on caring for patients with mental illness, TCD Health and Education Conference, Online, March 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Michael Nash, Caring for someone with cancer and Serious Mental Illness , Cancer Nursing Practice, 20, (4), 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Hennessey S., Nash, M. Donohue, G., Mental Health Service User Experience of engaging with the MyPal physical health monitoring tool, TCD Health and Education Conference , Dublin, IRE, March , 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Michael Nash, José Manuel Granada López, Mental health awareness and training needs of Irish primary school teachers, International Mental Health Nursing Research (MHNR) Conference, Online via Zoom, 15/9/20 - 25/9/20, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Michael Nash, Alonso Pérez Toribio, Spanish Mental Health Nurses experiences of using mechanical restraint, International Mental Health Nursing Research (MHNR) Conference, Online via Zoom, 15/9/20 - 25/9/20, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Hennessey, S., Nash, M., Donohue G , Enhancing physical health monitoring in people with severe mental illness: the development of a health passport, Journal of Mental Health Practice , 23, (3), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Pérez, Toribio., A, Nash., M, Molina, Martínez., L Zamel, Valera., D & Bastidas, Salvadó., A , Experiencias Del Personal De Enfermería De Salud Mental En Relación Con La Utilización De La Contención Mecánica En Pacientes Hospitalizados En Una Unidad De Agudos De Psiquiatría, El Xxxvii Congreso Nacional De Enfermería De Salud Mental , Online via Zoom, 2019, 2019 Poster, 2019

Michael Nash, Behaviour and attitudes to e-cigarettes by Irish users: A quantitative descriptive study., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference , Dublin, 6 & 7 March 2019, 2019 Poster, 2019

Brendan Kelly & Michael Nash, Voter participation among people attending mental health services in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Vol.189, (No.9), 2019, p1 - 5 Journal Article, 2019

Michael Nash, Un análisis del confianza en atención de salud mental de enfermeras de oncología Irlandesas , El XXXV Congreso Nacional De Enfermería De Salud Mental , Santiago de Compostela, Espana., 21 - 23 March 2018 , 2018 Poster, 2018

The Physical Healthcare of people with mental health problems in, editor(s)Ian Norman and Iain Ryrie , The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing: Principles and Practice, UK, Open University Press, 2018, pp626 - 643, [Michael Nash] Book Chapter, 2018 URL

Promoting Physical Health in, editor(s)Ian Norman and Iain Ryrie , The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing: Principles and Practice, UK, Open University Press, 2018, [Michael Nash] Book Chapter, 2018

Nash M, McDonagh C, Culhane A, Noone I and Higgins A, Rapid Tranquillisation: An audit of Irish mental health nursing practice, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27, (5), 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Michael Nash, Mental healthcare training needs of oncology nurses in Ireland, Cancer Nursing Practice, 16, (1), 2017, p32 - 37 Journal Article, 2017

Michael Nash, La promotion de la santé dans les services de santé mentale en Europe , 2e journée parisienne Santé mentale et santé physique, l'Hôtel de Ville 5 rue Lobau, Paris , jeudi 17 mars 2016 , 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Mental Health Practice, London, RCNi, [eds.], 2016-2021 Editorial Board, 2016

Michael Nash, Imelda Noone, Ashling Culhane, Catriona McDonagh & Agnes Higgins, Rapid tranquilisation: An audit of Irish mental health nursing practice, Network of Psychiatric Nursing Research, Nottingham, 15-16 Oct 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 URL

Michael Nash, A training needs analysis of Irish Oncology Nurses mental healthcare training needs, Network of Psychiatric Nursing Research, Nottingham, 15-16 Oct 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 URL

Michael Nash, Mental health stigma as a barrier to physical health care, 34th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference: 'Advancing Nursing & Midwifery Practice: Linking National & International Perspectives', Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland , 18th & 19/03/2015, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015

Michael Nash, Service Users' Experiences of Stigma and Diagnostic Overshadowing when seeking help with physical problems, European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH) , Malaga, Spain , 1/10 - 3/10 2015, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015

Michael Nash, Mental Health Service Users Experiences of Stigma and Diagnostic Overshadowing when seeking help for physical health problems , School of Nursing & Midwifery TCD, March, 2014 Report, 2014

Risk and the risk society: the impact on mental health services in, editor(s)Agnes Higgins Shari McDaid , Mental Health in Ireland: Policy, Practice and Law, Ireland, Gill & Macmillan, 2014, pp235 - 250, [Michael Nash, Jo Murphy-Lawless & Marina Bowe] Book Chapter, 2014

Michael Nash, Physical Health and Wellbeing in Mental Health Nursing. Clinical Skills for Practice., 2, UK, Open University Press & McGraw Hill, 2014 Book, 2014 URL

Nash, M., Mental health service users' experiences of diabetes care by Mental Health Nurses: An exploratory study, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2014 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Keogh B, Higgins A, DeVries J, Morrissey J, Callaghan P, Ryan D, Gijbels H, Nash M, 'We have got the tools': Qualitative evaluation of a mental health Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) education programme in Ireland, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, (3), 2014, p189 - 196 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Physical health of people with long term mental health problems in, editor(s)Lee Knifton and Neil Quinn , Public Mental Health Global Perspectives, International, McGraw Hill, 2013, pp109 - 115, [Michael Nash] Book Chapter, 2013 URL

Michael Nash, Diagnostic overshadowing: a potential barrier to physical health care for mental health service users, Mental Health Practice, 17, (4), 2013, p22 - 26 Journal Article, 2013

Michael Nash, Mental Health Service Users Experiences of Diabetes Care, National Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference, Oxford UK, 26-27 September, 2012 Meeting Abstract, 2012

Case Study 14: Self-Harm in, editor(s)Nick Wrycraft , Mental Health Nursing Case Book, UK, McGraw Hill OUP, 2012, pp111 - 118, [Michael Nash] Book Chapter, 2012 URL

Higgins A, Callaghan P, deVries J, Nash M et al , Evaluation of mental health recovery and Wellness Recovery Action Planning education in Ireland: a mixed methods pre-post-evaluation, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 68,, (Issue 11,), 2012, p2418 - 2428 Journal Article, 2012 URL

Michael Nash, Voting: The best tick box exercise in mental health care , RCN 3rd Mental Health Forum Event , London, 24 June 2011, 2011 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Michael Nash, Como votaron los pacientes Irelandeses en el Tratado Lisboa, XXVIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ENFERMERIA DE SALUD MENTAL, Tarragona, Spain, 13-15 April 2011, 2011 Meeting Abstract, 2011

Michael Nash, Detecting diabetes in the mentally ill, Diabetes Professional, Autumn 2011, 2011, p8 - 10 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Michael Nash & Justin Mc Dermott, Mental Health and long term conditions 2: managing depression, Nursing Times, 107, (26), 2011, p21 - 23 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Michael Nash & Justin Mc Dermott, Mental health and long term conditions:1, Nursing Times, 107, (25), 2011, p12 - 14 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Michael Nash, Improving mental health service users' physical health through medication monitoring: a literature review, Journal of Nursing Management , April 19, (3), 2011, p360 - 365 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Higgins A, Callaghan P, deVries J, Nash M et al, Report to the Irish Mental Health & Recovery Education Consortium Evaluation of the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP Education Programme, Ireland, Irish Mental Health & Recovery Education Consortium , 2010 Report, 2010

Michael Nash, Managing obesity and weight gain in mental health service users , British Journal of Wellbeing , 1 , (6), 2010, p37 - 43 Journal Article, 2010

Michael Nash, Physical health assessment in people with mental health problems, British Journal of Wellbeing, Vol 1 , (No 2 ), 2010, p37 - 43 Journal Article, 2010

Michael Nash, Assessing nurses' propositional knowledge of physical health, Mental Health Practice, Vol. 14 , (Issue 2), 2010, p20 - 23 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Michael Nash & Dr MT Romanos, An exploration of Mental Health Nursing Students' experiences and attitudes towards using cigarettes to change client's behaviour, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Volume 17, (Issue 8), 2010, p683 - 691 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Higgins A; Lynch A; Nash M, Antidepressants-Associated Sexual Dysfunction: Impact, Effects and Treatment , Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety , 2, 2010, p141 - 150 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

Michael Nash, Facilitating physical health and well being in mental health nursing: Clinical Skills for Practice , 1st, UK, Open University Press McGraw Hill, 2010 Book, 2010 URL

Michael Nash, Mental Health Nursing Students Attitudes and Experiences of Using Cigarettes to Motivate Patient Behaviour, 10th annual interdisciplinary research conference , Trinity College Dublin, 4th and 5th Nov 09, 2009 Meeting Abstract, 2009

Michael Nash, Exploring Mental Health Nurses Diabetes Care Skills: A Training Needs Analysis, British Journal of Nursing, Vol.18, (No.10), 2009, p626 - 630 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Michael Nash & Caroline Sargisson, "For more information click here". Exploring academic staff experiences and attitudes towards academic misconduct in professional education courses, 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 5th-7th November 08 , 2008 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Michael Nash, Weight ÷ Height X Age'. Mental Health Nurses knowledge of basic aspects of physical care; results of a prestudy day quiz , RCN European Mental Health Conference , UK, March 2008 , 2008 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Michael Nash, From Ward Manager to Clinical Team Leader , 13th International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference , Oxford, UK, 26th-28th Sept 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

Michael Nash, A Training Needs Analysis of Mental Health Nurses Diabetes Care Skills, 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology" , Trinity College Dublin, October 2007 , 2007 Poster, 2007

Michael Nash, The physical care training needs of qualified forensic mental health nurses (FMHNs) , The 4th National Conference of Research in Medium Secure Units. , Institute of Psychiatry, London , Jan 2007, 2007 Poster, 2007

McCallion H, Burleigh S, Brewer S, Davies E, Nash M, Spencer J, Simister S & Warman N , Standards and improvement measures on the management of the physical health care for people cared for by mental health services , The London Network for Nurses and Midwives , 2007 Journal Article, 2007 URL

Michael Nash, A Training Needs Analysis of Mental Health Nurses Diabetes Care Skills, International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference , Oxford, 28th Sept 2006 , 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Michael Nash, Physical care skills: A training needs analysis of inpatient and community mental health nurses, 11th International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference , Oxford, 2005, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Michael Nash, Physical care skills: A training needs analysis of inpatient and community mental health nurses, London Development Centre, Kings Fund Institute , December 2005, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Michael Nash, Physical care skills: a training needs analysis of inpatient and community mental health nurses., Mental Health Practice December , Vol.9. , (No 4.), 2005 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Michael Nash, Who let the dogs in? The use of Drug Sniffer Dogs in Mental Health Settings, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 12, , 2005, p745 - 749 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Michael Nash, Community mental health nurses knowledge and understanding of insight in mental illness , RCN European Mental Health Conference, Dublin, Eire, Feb 2004, 2004 Poster, 2004

Michael Nash, Community mental health nurses knowledge and understanding of insight in mental illness, National Mental Health Nursing Conference Challenging Professional Boundaries , Robinson College, Cambridge, 19 & 20 July 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Michael Nash, The training needs of primary care nurses in relation to mental health , RCN European Mental Health Conference , Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb 2002 , 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Michael Nash, The training needs of primary care nurses in relation to mental health , Nursing Times , Vol. 98, (N0. 16), 2002 Journal Article, 2002 URL

Michael Nash, Voting as a means of social inclusion for people with a mental illness, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , Vol. 9 , (Issue 6 ), 2002, p697 - 705 Journal Article, 2002 DOI

Michael Nash & Dr MT Romanos, Continued Drug and Alcohol misuse in Acute Mental health Inpatient Wards , RCN European Mental Health Conference , UK, Feb 2001, 2001 Conference Paper, 2001

Michael Nash, Voting behaviour in people with a severe mental illness , RCN European Mental Health Conference, Feb 2000, 2000 Poster, 2000

Michael Nash, Homicide and mental illness in Eire, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD, 7 - 9 March 2023, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Pérez Toribio A y Nash M, Experiencias de las Enfermeras de Salud Mental Españolas Sobre el uso de la Contención Mecánica - un Estudio Cualitativo Descriptivo, XXIX Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de Salud Mental, Pamplona, Espana, 6 " 8 April 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Byrne G., Nash M., Mooney M.O Brien F. & Prizeman G., General Nurses self-assessed educational needs regarding caring for patients with mental health problems in the acute care setting. A report for the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Ireland., January, 2020, p1 - 93 Report, 2020

Monahan M, Holme I, Stacey G, Morrissey J, De Vries J, McKenna H, Nash M, Higgins A., Report of the Scoping Exercise on the Introduction of Graduate Entry Mental Health Nursing in Ireland, Dublin, DoH, 2017 Report, 2017

Nash M. Bracken-Scally M. Smith V. Higgins A. Eustace-Cook J. Monahan M. Callaghan P. Romanos MT, Literature review using systematic approaches to explore physical illness co-morbidity among people with serious mental illness and related healthcare interventions, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2015, 1- Report, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Michael Nash, Mental Health Nurses and Physical Care, Edlines RCN, 2006 Journal Article, 2006

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Mental Health Nurses in Ireland: Do they have the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to meet the physical health needs of mental health service users?
  • Summary
    • This is a survey designed to examine the education and training needs of mental health nurses in the area of providing physical healthcare to mental health service users. It will examine mental health nurses" knowledge, confidence and skills in providing physical healthcare to mental health service users and explore the development of a responsive education curriculum to meet identified physical healthcare training needs.
  • Funding Agency
    • University of Galway seed grant
  • Title
    • Research and Implementation Science Capacity Building Initiative
  • Summary
    • This project aims to enhance and develop the research skills and output of Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioners (MHANPs) in CHO Area 7 in the area of implementation science and in so doing improve service user care, outcomes and the implementation of evidence informed practice across the service.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Services Executive (Mental Health Division), NMPDU
  • Title
    • Research and Implementation Science Capacity Building Initiative
  • Summary
    • This project aims to enhance and develop the research skills and output of Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioners (MHANPs) in CHO Area 7 in the area of implementation science and in so doing improve service user care, outcomes and the implementation of evidence informed practice across the service.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Services Executive (Mental Health Division), NMPDU
  • Title
    • JANUS Improving children education and empowerment through an Engaging Early Educational and Empowerment Strategy (4ES) to accomplish a transgenerational prevention of unhealthy habits.
  • Summary
    • JANUS will develop an Engaging Early Educational and Empowerment Strategy (4ES) to tackle the causes predisposing to unhealthy behaviors, and will educate and empower children and their parents. Additionally, an engaging and gamified digital solution will be provided to educate and empower end-users according with their motivations, based on the best available scientific evidence on health, nutrition, and PA. Artificial Intellingence will be used to identify and personalize interests and provide tailored answers and suggestions to further encourage the promotion of healthy lifestyle.To validate the strategy, a clinical study will be conducted during the project in 5 European countries.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission Horizon Europe
  • Title
    • ICARO: Improving the Community health through A transgenerational prevention and training strategy through preconception, pregnancy and post-delivery to Reduce Obesity
  • Summary
    • Obesity prevention. Developing and piloting an Early Educational Strategy (EES) aimed at women at their childbearing ages and their families. EES will be intended to become a long-lasting strategy to promote a knowledge acquisition and change of habits that will prevent the transgenerational perpetuation of obesity and will prevent obesity throughout the life course.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission Horizon Europe
  • Title
    • Research and Implementation Science Capacity Building Initiative
  • Summary
    • This project aims to enhance and develop the research skills and output of Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioners (MHANPs) in CHO Area 7 in the area of implementation science and in so doing improve service user care, outcomes and the implementation of evidence informed practice across the service.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Services Executive (Mental Health Division)
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2022
  • Title
    • Factors that influence the use of coercive treatments in three acute approved Mental Health Units in CHO Area 1
  • Summary
    • This project will explore the factors that influence the use of coercive treatments, such as restraint and seclusion, in three acute approved Mental Health Units in CHO Area 1. A. Higgins, Monahan M, Morrissey J, Nash, M. Doyle, L. Keogh, B. Murphy, R.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Services Executive (Mental Health Division)
  • Title
    • Enhancing systems of care for people experiencing comorbid mental health problems and epilepsy (SeeME study)
  • Summary
    • The aim of this study is to get an understanding of the challenges PWE who have mental health problems encounter and develop strategies that will improve the care offered to them.
  • Funding Agency
    • HRCI/HRB Joint Funding Scheme
  • Title
    • Scoping Exercise on the Introduction of Graduate Entry Mental Health Nursing in Ireland
  • Summary
    • The HSE National Mental Health Division, through the Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director commissioned and funded this scoping review. It explores the feasibility of introducing a graduate entry Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing programme, leading to nursing registration in Ireland. Monahan M, Holme I, Stacey G, Morrissey J, De Vries J, McKenna H, Nash M, Higgins A. Report of the Scoping Exercise on the Introduction of Graduate Entry Mental Health Nursing in Ireland.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Services Executive (Mental Health Division)
  • Title
    • An evaluation of the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP education programme
  • Summary
    • Evaluation of Mental Health Recovery and Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) education programme on participants' knowledge, attitude and skills in relation to mental health recovery
  • Funding Agency
    • POBAL and Institute of Mental Health Recovery
  • Title
    • The mental health awareness and training needs of primary and secondary school teachers: A comparative study of teachers in Dublin and Zaragoza.
  • Summary
    • More than 10% of children and adolescents in Europe have some form of mental health problem. In Ireland by the age of thirteen, it is estimated that 1 in 3 children will have experienced a mental health difficulty (RCSI 2013). In Spain (Catalonia) 4.3% of infants and adolescents under the age of 15 experienced a mental health problem in 2015 (Generalitat of Catalonia, 2016). School teachers in primary or secondary school settings are in a key strategic setting to identify early signs and symptoms or behaviours that may indicate a mental health problem. However, school teachers may not have the necessary levels of mental health awareness to identify signs and symptoms of mental health problems or how to differentiate this from age appropriate behaviour.
  • Funding Agency
    • Unfunded
  • Date From
    • Sept 2019
  • Date To
    • Sept 2020
  • Title
    • Stepping up to Therapeutic Risk in a mental health context:
  • Summary
    • Stepping up to Therapeutic Risk in a mental health context: the development and Evaluation of a Risk Framework and education programme for clinical staff . To develop a single risk assessment framework that is person centred and facilitates collaboration with service users and his/her family/carers that will meet shared needs across the life span in mental health services. . To ensure that the framework facilitates different levels of the risk screening and assessment; and to identify the negative and positive aspects of risk and facilitate opportunities for service users to identify their own strengths and protective factors that contribute to their own risk reduction. . To ensure that the framework must integrate the assessment and management of risk into the individuals care pathway. . To make recommendations on integrating the assessment and management of clinical risk to professional practice in mental health services/organisations. . To develop an education/training programme that will equip nurses/clinicians in the assessment and management of risk in all locations mental health services. . To highlight good practice in the participating services in the assessment and management of risk for service users and make further recommendations on best practice in this respect. . To liaise with services to collate evidence based approaches for improvements to clinical practice.
  • Funding Agency
    • NMPDU
  • Date From
    • October 2013
  • Date To
    • Jan 2015
  • Title
    • Mental Health Service Users Experiences of Stigma and Diagnostic Overshadowing when seeking help for physical health problems
  • Summary
    • Mental Health Service Users tend to have worse physical health and poorer health outcomes than the general population. Service Users also face stigma associated with mental health problems. This research used a quantitative descriptive approach to explore experiences of stigma when seeking help for physical health needs. A fifteen item survey, posted on surveymonkey, was used to collect data. Ethical approval was given by the Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Committee, Trinity College Dublin and permission was sought from various mental health support groups to host the surveylink on their websites.
  • Funding Agency
    • Unfunded
  • Date From
    • Jan 13
  • Date To
    • June 13
  • Title
    • Literature review using systematic approaches to explore physical illness co-morbidity among people with serious mental illness and related healthcare interventions
  • Summary
    • Literature review using systematic approaches to explore physical illness co-morbidity among people with serious mental illness and related healthcare interventions. This project was funded by a HSE grant and then presented at a national conference in November 2015.
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Service Executive (HSE) Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2015
  • Date To
    • 2015
  • Title
    • Registered General Nurses' self-assessed needs in relation to supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting.
  • Summary
    • To determine whether Registered General Nurses' feel adequately equipped to support individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting. This project will assess education and training needs in mental healthcare and ways in which educational supports can be provided to meet the identified needs.
  • Funding Agency
    • Nursing & Midwifery Practice Development Unit
  • Date From
    • 2018
  • Date To
    • 2019
  • Title
    • Registered Childrens Nurses self-assessed needs in relation to supporting children and adolescents with mental health problems and their families in the acute care setting.
  • Summary
    • To assess and present the self-assessed mental healthcare training needs of RCNs in Ireland. This project seeks to - Determine whether Registered Children's Nurses' feel adequately equipped to support children and adolescents with mental health problems and their families in the acute care setting; Determine what education and training needs children's nurses identify as being helpful in supporting children and adolescents with mental health problems and their families in the acute care setting; Compile a needs analysis from the information collected and produce a report on the outcomes.
  • Funding Agency
    • NMPDU
  • Date From
    • Sept 2019
  • Date To
    • Sept 2020
  • Title
    • Mental Health Service Users participation in the electoral process
  • Summary
    • An analysis of voting behaviour of Mental Health Service Users in the local Dublin and European elections in June 2009 and the Lisbon Treaty Referendum October 2009
  • Funding Agency
    • TCD Start Up Fund
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2010
  • Title
    • Physical Health Interventions and Lifestyle improvement Programme (PHiLIP)
  • Summary
    • Education project for qualified mental health nurses on physical health in people with severe mental illness.
  • Funding Agency
    • Nursing & Midwifery Practice Development Unit


Acute Mental Health; Community based mental healthcare; Epidemiology; Health status and inequalities; Mental health nursing; MENTAL-HEALTH POLICY; Public health



I am on the editorial board of Mental Health Practice. This is a Mental health Nursing journal published in the UK. 2018

Mental Health Nurse Academics UK (MHNAUK),

Awards and Honours

Master in Arts jure officii (MA jo) Trinity College Dublin 2011


Nursing & Midwifery Board Sept 2008 – current

Higher Education Academy (UK) Sept 2007 – current

Member of Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing 2009 – present

Asociación Española de Enfermería de Salud Mental (AEESME) 2020 – current