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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Carole Holohan
Assistant Professor, History


I joined Trinity College Dublin in 2015. Prior to my arrival I held an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral fellowship at University College Dublin and a teaching fellowship at St. Patrick's College Drumcondra. I also led a research project at Amnesty International Ireland. I was a founding member of the Irish Association of Professional Historians (IAPH).

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

'The Catholic Council for Social Welfare in Ireland' in, editor(s)Laura Lee Downs, Clarisse Berthezène, Dominika Gruziel, Efi Avdela, Dimitra Lampropoulou , Mobilizing Welfare in Europe: The Unpolitical Politics of Social Action, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024, [Carole Holohan] Book Chapter, 2024

Carole Holohan, Review of Going to My Father"s House: A History of My Times, by Patrick Joyce , Family and Community History, 27, (3), 2024, p274-276 Review, 2024

Carole Holohan, Sean O'Connell, Robert J Savage, Rediscovering poverty: moneylending in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960s, Irish Historical Studies, XLV, (168), 2021, p282 - 302 Journal Article, 2021

Carole Holohan, The Second Vatican Council, poverty and Irish mentalities, History of European Ideas, 46, (7), 2020, p1009 - 1026 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Carole Holohan, Reframing Irish Youth in the Sixties , Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2018, 1 - 272pp Book, 2018

Carole Holohan, Review of Sexual Politics in modern Ireland , by Jennefir Redmond, Sonja Tiernan, Mary McAuliffe and Sandra McEvoy , Irish Literary Supplement, A review of Irish Books, vo. 37, (no. 2), 2017 Review, 2017

Carole Holohan, Jack McGinley (ed.) Cluskey: the conscience of labour, Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society, 41, (1916 Special Issue), 2016 Review, 2016

Carole Holohan, 'Conceptualising and responding to poverty in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960s: a case study of Dublin' , Social History, 41, (1), 2016, p34 - 53 Journal Article, 2016 Other

'A powerful antidote? Catholic youth clubs in the sixties' in, editor(s)Catherine Cox and Susannah Riordan , Adolescence in Modern Irish History , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp176 - 198, [Carole Holohan] Book Chapter, 2015

Carole Holohan, 'Challenges to social order and Irish identity? Youth culture in the sixties' , Irish Historical Studies, 38, (151), 2013, p389 - 405 Journal Article, 2013

'John Charles McQuaid and the failure of youth sodalities, 1956-61' in, editor(s)Colm Lennon , Honouring God and community: confraternities and sodalities in modern Ireland , Dublin, Columba Press, 2012, pp126 - 147, [Carole Holohan] Book Chapter, 2012

Carole Holohan, In Plain Sight: Responding to the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne Reports, Dublin, Amnesty International Ireland, September, 2011, p1 - 436 Report, 2011

Carole Holohan, 1977 in the National Archives, History Ireland, 16, (1), 2008, p14 - 15 Review Article, 2008 URL

'More than a revival of memories? 1960s Youth and the 1916 in, editor(s)Mary Daly and Margaret O'Callaghan , 1916 in 1966: commemorating the Easter Rising , Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2007, pp173 - 197, [Carole Holohan] Book Chapter, 2007

Carole Holohan, Roisín Higgins and Catherine O'Donnell, 1966 and all that: the 50th anniversary commemorations, History Ireland, 1, 2006, p31 - 36 Review Article, 2006

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Carole Holohan, '"Deeds done" and "feelings felt": Analysing class in twentieth-century Ireland., Modern and Contemporary Irish History Seminar, Trinity Long Room Hub, 27 March 2024, 2024 Invited Talk, 2024

Carole Holohan, 'Comedies, tragedies and evaluations of one another: Understanding class in 20th century Ireland', Modern Irish History Seminar, University of Cambridge, Sussex College, 24th January 2024, 2024 Invited Talk, 2024

Carole Holohan, 'A poor place? Rethinking Irish histories of welfare', Oxford Irish History Seminar, Hertford College, Oxford, 8 March 2023, 2023, Oxford Faculty of History Invited Talk, 2023

Carole Holohan, 'Church, state and responsibility: new histories of Irish welfare.', Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies Seminar Series, University of Aberdeen, 28th March 2023, 2023, Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies Invited Talk, 2023

Carole Holohan, Sean O'Connell, Robert Savage, Moneylending in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960s, Seminar, Irish Studies, Boston College, Boston College, MA 02467, USA, 2 November 2022, 2022, Irish Studies, Boston College Invited Talk, 2022

Carole Holohan and Lindsey Earner-Byrne, 'Was 'society' really to blame for what happened in mother and baby homes?', Irish Examiner, 2021, - Broadcast, 2021 URL

Carole Holohan, The State of Irish History , The Irish Seminar 2021, Keogh Naughton Institute, 8 June, 2021, University of Notredame Invited Talk, 2021 URL

Carole Holohan, Culture of Work, Behind the Headlines, Trinity Long Room Hub, 23 November, 2021, Trinity Long Room Hub Invited Talk, 2021 URL

Carole Holohan, Growing up in late 20th century Ireland , One Dublin One Book, 10 December , 2020, Dublin City Council Invited Talk, 2020 URL

Carole Holohan, 'The credibility gap: social historians and archives'., Violence Space and the Archive, NUI Galway, 23-24 May 2019, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019 URL

Carole Holohan, 'Social Class and Dublin: the final Taboo' , Trinity and the Changing City , Trinity Long Room Hub, 4 April, 2019, Trinity Long Room Hub Invited Talk, 2019 URL

Carole Holohan, 'Towards 2016', UCD Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive, (UCD Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive Research Report Series; 14), Dublin, UCD Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive, 2010, 1 - 10 Fieldwork collection, 2010

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • 'Reframing '68 and the Sixties'
  • Summary
    • On the 50th anniversary, this symposium will bring together leading scholars to reinterpret the significance of the events of 1968. Some see '68 as a year of 'global revolt' as the revolutions of this year cut across national boundaries, from student protests in France to the Cultural Revolution in China. These events, however, did not come out of nowhere. Our symposium will analyse the genesis of these movements by considering the role of social, political and economic trends from the end of the Second World War, as well as global trends such as de-colonization and reform communism. The participants have been engaged in scholarship that adopts new approaches, from oral histories to cross-national comparisons. By bringing together those engaged in cutting-edge research in this field, the central research questions of this symposium will focus on rethinking the traditional disciplinary, spatial and temporal frameworks in which the significance of 1968 can be interpreted.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity Long Room Hub
  • Date From
    • 26/9/18
  • Date To
    • 28/9/18
  • Title
    • Poverty and Welfare in Postwar Ireland.
  • Summary
    • This project focuses on how poverty and welfare were reframed in the years after the Second World War (c. 1944-1973) and how this affected the provision and nature of services, as well as public and media attitudes, in the Republic of Ireland. In the West, the post-war era saw a focus on the state as a guarantor of individual rights, increased recognition of the value of professional and secular expertise, and changing public perceptions of social citizenship. Despite increasing deference to expertise and the traction gained by leftist conceptualisations of the role of the state, the meaning of poverty and welfare remained highly pluralistic as different countries had deep historic and political legacies that affected attitudes to poverty and the nature of service provision. While histories of poverty and welfare have tended to focus on welfare legislation, the history of the voluntary and NGO sectors is a growing field. This shift in focus has begun to undermine the received wisdom that the post-war era simply saw the evolution of a stronger state and a fading away of the voluntary sector. Given the strength of the voluntary sector in Ireland, it serves as an interesting case study to probe ideas of state responsibility and individual rights, as well as public and political attitudes to poverty and welfare.
  • Funding Agency
    • Alumni donations and Trinity's Commercial Revenue Unit.
  • Date From
    • September 2018
  • Date To
    • September 2022
  • Title
    • The Irish Experience
  • Summary
    • A workshop focused on the turn towards the concept of `experience" and what that means for those engaged in Irish Studies
  • Funding Agency
    • Making Ireland Research Theme (TCD)
  • Date From
    • 23 May 2023
  • Date To
    • 23 May 2023



Irish Economic and Social History - Anonymous peer reviewer 2022

Awards and Honours

Nominated - Award for Excellence in Research Student Supervision 2023-4

Nominated - Teaching Excellence Award 2023-4

Provost's PhD Project Awards 2018

Research Incentive Scheme, Trinity Long Room Hub 2018

Nominated - Provost's Teaching Award 2016

National University of Ireland - Grants towards scholarly publications 2014

UCD College of Arts and Humanities, Seed Funding 2014

Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Scholarship 2012

Postgraduate Research Scholarship- Higher Education Authority's North South Programme for Collaborative Research. 2004


Irish Association of Professional Historians (Founder Member) 2014 – Present

Oral History Network of Ireland 2016 – Present

Women's History Association of Ireland 2016 – Present

Transnational Ireland Research Network 2015 – Present