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Dr. Constantin Gurdgiev
Visiting Research Fellow, Trinity Business School

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Constantin Gurdgiev, Brian M. Lucey, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird and Lorcan Roche-Kelly, The Irish Economy: Three Strikes and You're Out?, Panoeconomicus, 1, 2011, p19-41 Journal Article, 2011 URL TARA - Full Text

Euro Crisis: From the Sovereigns to the Banks and Back to the Sovereigns in, editor(s)Liam Leonard and Iosif Botetzagias , Sustainable Politics & the Crisis of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece (Advances in Ecopolitics), Emerald, 2011, [Gurdgiev, Constantin] Book Chapter, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Apon, Amy; Ahalt, Stanley; Dantuluri, Vijay; Gurdgiev, Constantin; Limayem, Moez; Ngo, Linh and Stealey, Michael, High Performance Computing Instrumentation and Research Productivity in U.S. Universities, Journal of Information Technology Impact, 10, (2), 2010, p87-98 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

Simon Stevenson and Constantin Gurdgiev, A Comparison of the Appraisal Process for Auction and Private Treaty Residential Sales, Journal of Housing Economics, 19, (2), 2010, p145-154 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin and Donnelly, Faye, A Changing Geopolitical Landscape: Informal Institutions and Democratization, Open Republic, 5, (1), 2006, p9-16 Journal Article, 2006 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Migration and EU Enlargement: The Case of Ireland V Denmark, Romanian Journal of European Studies, 4, 2006 Journal Article, 2006 TARA - Full Text URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Constantin Gurdgiev , NAMA: An Institutional and Operational Failure that Keeps Expanding, 2011 Working Paper, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Ciner, Cetin, Gurdgiev, Constantin and Lucey, Brian M., Hedges and Safe Havens - An Examination of Stocks, Bonds, Oil, Gold and the Dollar, 2011 Working Paper, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Lucey, Brian M. and Reilly, Deirdre, Real Estate and the Stock Market: A Meta‐Regression Analysis, 2011 Working Paper, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, A Life-Cycle Model of Habitual Dependence in Leisure Demand, 2008 Working Paper, 2008 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Owner-Used Capital Goods and the Exchange Rate Determination, 2005 Working Paper, 2005 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin , Habits in Consumption, Transactions Learning and Economic Growth, 2005 Working Paper, 2005 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Component-Specific Versus Comprehensive Habits in a Model of Income and Consumption Taxation, 2004 Working Paper, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Project Contingent Repudiation Risk in the Model of North-South Lending, 2004 Working Paper, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin , Monetary Theory of Inflation and the LBD in Transactions Technology, 2004 Working Paper, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin , A Model of Comprehensive Habits with Psychological Effects of Work Effort, 2004 Working Paper, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Gurdgiev, Constantin, Exogenous Liquidity Supply in Presence of Repudiation Risk and Private Asset Recovery, 2003 Working Paper, 2003 TARA - Full Text