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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Bronagh Catibusic
Assistant Professor, C.L.C.S.


Dr Bronagh Catibusic is an Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) in the Centre for Language and Communication Studies. She holds a B.A. (Hons.) in English Studies, an M.Phil. in Applied Linguistics, and a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin. She has previously lectured on the teaching of English as an Additional Language (EAL) in Dublin City University. She has also been involved in research for the Council of Europe, the National College of Ireland, and several NGOs on issues pertaining to language and migration. Her research and publications relate to language acquisition and pedagogy, curriculum and assessment, and plurilingual and intercultural education, with a particular interest in contexts of forced migration.

Bronagh has a long record of teaching, research, and engagement with refugee and migrant communities in Ireland. She recently received an Irish Research Council 'New Foundations' award for a research project focusing on technology-enhanced language learning with adult migrants. She is also actively involved in the University of Sanctuary initiative and leads the Trinity English Conversation Classes, a valuable civic engagement project through which Trinity staff and student volunteers provide language and intercultural support for people who are seeking refuge in Ireland. She currently working on research relating to this project and is involved in initiatives, established within Trinity and by the Irish Universities Association, in response to the crisis in Ukraine.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bronagh Catibusic, Sanctuary in response to forced migration: Language and intercultural support through university civic engagement, Racism, Antiracism and Forced Displacement: Old and New Struggles, Dublin City University, 7-8 March 2024, 2024 Oral Presentation, 2024

Bronagh Catibusic, Learning as a multilingual community: university civic engagement with people seeking refuge, Multilingualism in Ireland, University College Dublin, 7-8 September 2023, 2023, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Bronagh Catibusic, Shadi Karazi, and Jing Deng, Technology-enhanced Language Learning in Community-based Classes for Adult Migrants: Post-pandemic Potential?, TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 30, 2023 Journal Article, 2023

Bronagh Catibusic, Beyond worthy - Creating welcome through informal language classes for refugees in a university context, Migration, Refugees and the Enduring Double Standards: Implications for Education, Online: Marino Institute of Education, University of Nottingham, University of Vienna, Winchester University, 13 March, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Bronagh Catibusic, Under the policy radar: informal language learning in contexts of forced displacement, Language and Education Policy in Ireland Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 18-19 May, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Batardiere, Marie-Therese., Berthaud, Sarah., Catibusic, Bronagh, & Flynn, Colin J., Language teaching and learning in Ireland: 2012 - 2021, Language Teaching, 56, (1), 2023, p41 - 72 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Bronagh Catibusic, Shadi Karazi, Jing Deng, 'Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Integration Tutor-designed activities and digital resources for Fáilte Isteach classes', Trinity College Dublin/Third Age Failte Isteach, 2022, - Digital research resource production, 2022 URL

Bronagh Catibusic, Shadi Karazi, and Jing Deng, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Integration Exploring blended approaches to learning in community-based English classes for adult migrants in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin/Third Age Failte Isteach, 2022 Report, 2022 URL

Bronagh Catibusic, Shadi Karazi, and Fiona Gallagher, ESOL provision for Syrian refugees in Ireland: voices and choices, Advocating for ESOL learners in systems of constraint , IATEFL ESOL SIG (Online), 17 September 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Catibusic, Bronagh, Gallagher, Fiona and Shadi Karazi, Language, intercultural understanding, and integration: learning from Syrian refugees in Ireland, Approaching Contemporary Challenges of Global Migration International Online Conference, Online - Technological University Dublin, 17 June 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Catibusic, Bronagh, Gallagher, Fiona and Shadi Karazi, Syrian voices: an exploration of the language learning needs and integration supports for adult Syrian refugees in Ireland, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(1), 2021, p22 - 39 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Catibusic, Bronagh, Responding to the linguistic needs of adult refugees in Ireland, International Online Symposium: Language Learning and Teaching across Cultures, Online - Russian State University of Justice, Kazan / Moscow State Linguistic University, 18 March, 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Catibusic, Bronagh and Shadi Karazi, Applying linguistics for inclusion: Post-pandemic approaches to language learning with adult migrants in Ireland, 2021 IRAAL Annual Conference, Online - University College Dublin, 25 November 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Syrian refugee resettlement in Ireland: an overview of issues relating to language, cultural identity, and diversity in host communities beyond the metropolis in, editor(s)Carson, Lorna, Kwok, George Chung Kam, and Caroline Smyth , Language and identity in the European Union: the multilingual city and its citizens, Oxford., Peter Lang, 2020, pp105-124 , [Catibusic, Bronagh] Book Chapter, 2020 DOI

Beyond ESOL provision: Perspectives on language, intercultural and integration support for Syrian refugees in Ireland in, editor(s)Mishan, Freda , ESOL provision in the UK and Ireland: Challenges and opportunities, Bern, 2019, pp287-314 , [Catibusic, Bronagh, Gallagher, Fiona and Shadi Karazi] Book Chapter, 2019 DOI

An investigation of ESOL provision for adult Syrian refugees in Ireland: voices of support providers in, editor(s)Mishan, Freda , ESOL provision in the UK and Ireland: Challenges and opportunities, Bern, 2019, pp133-154 , [Catibusic, Bronagh, Gallagher, Fiona and Shadi Karazi] Book Chapter, 2019 DOI

Catibusic, Bronagh, Minority language development in early childhood: a study of siblings acquiring Bosnian and English in Ireland, TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, (10), 2019, p139-161 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Catibusic, Bronagh, DCU MELLIE storytelling project, Asylum Narratives Colloquium, DCU St. Patrick's Campus, 29 September, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Catibusic, Bronagh, Early childhood multilingualism: supporting families and communities, Multilingualism in the Early Years Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 18 May, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Catibusic-Finnegan, Bronagh, Supporting multilingual children's literacy development, MLM - Make Literacy Meaningful, National College of Ireland, 2017 Report, 2017 URL

Catibusic-Finnegan, Bronagh, Supporting language acquisition in multilingual environments, MLM - Make Literacy Meaningful, National College of Ireland, 2017 Report, 2017 URL

Catibusic, Bronagh, Welcome to Europe? For refugees on the Balkan route, Irish Refugee Council AGM, Dublin, 5 March, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Catibusic, Bronagh, Supporting multilingualism: building relationships with migrant parents, European Centre for Modern Languages: Supporting Multilingual Classrooms, Marino Institute of Education, 10 June, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Catibusic, Bronagh, Volunteering with refugees in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (LIAM) Co-ordination meeting, Council of Europe, Council of Europe, Paris, 2 February, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Catibusic, Bronagh, The acquisition of English as a second language among children from immigrant backgrounds in Ireland, 5th International Conference on Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics, International Burch University, Sarajevo, 7 May, 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

Catibusic, Bronagh, The Bosnian community in Ireland after Dayton. Bosnia in the Aftermath of the Dayton Agreement, 1995-2015., Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies., Maynooth University., 18 December, 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

Catibusic, Bronagh and David Little, Immigrant pupils learn English: a CEFR-related empirical study of L2 development, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 1-322pp Book, 2014 DOI

Investigating the development of immigrant pupils' English L2 oral skills in Irish primary schools in, editor(s)Little, David, Leung, Constant, and Piet Van Avermaet , Managing diversity in education: languages, policies, pedagogies, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2013, pp111-131 , [Catibusic, Bronagh] Book Chapter, 2013 DOI

Catibusic, Bronagh, The English Language Proficiency Benchmarks in Irish primary schools, Council of Europe Intergovernmental Seminar - Meeting the challenge of multilingual classrooms: exploiting plurilingual repertoires, managing transitions and developing proficiency in the language(s) of schooling, Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 7 March, 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Catibusic, Bronagh, The Primary European Language Portfolio, English Language Support Teachers Association Seminar, Dublin, 6 March, 2010 Oral Presentation, 2010

Catibusic, Bronagh, Investigating the acquisition of English L2 in Irish primary schools, Trinity Immigration Initiative Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 1 July, 2010 Oral Presentation, 2010

Catibusic, Bronagh, ESL acquisition in the primary school, Language for life: A Symposium in the honour of Professor David Little, Trinity College Dublin, 13 December, 2008 Oral Presentation, 2008

Little, David, Lazenby Simpson, Barbara and Bronagh Finnegan-Catibusic, 'Primary school assessment kit', Dublin, Department of Education and Skills, 2007, - Test or assessment, 2007

Little, David, Lazenby Simpson, Barbara and Bronagh Finnegan-Catibusic, 'EAL post-primary assessment kit', Dublin, Department of Education and Skills, 2007, - Test or assessment, 2007

Catibusic, Bronagh, The acquisition of English as a second language in primary schools, Trinity Immigration Initiative Migration Research Fair, Trinity College Dublin, 24 September, 2007 Oral Presentation, 2007

Finnegan-Catibusic, Bronagh, A case of early childhood bilingualism: the acquisition of two languages in a monolingual environment, CLCS Occasional Paper, No.65, Trinity College Dublin, 2006, 1-114pp Book, 2006

Research Expertise


My research has a strong focus on investigating linguistic and cultural diversity, particularly in contexts of migration, and exploring aspects of the multilingual and pluricultural society of Ireland today. This aligns with my experience of language teaching and active engagement with refugee and migrant communities since the early 1990s and reflects my professional and personal interest in plurilingualism. My recent research has focused on issues relating to language and intercultural support for refugees and adult migrants; from work with the Syrian community in Ireland, to examining technological supports for language learning with adult migrants in informal educational contexts to, currently, considering the role of universities in creating sustainable spaces for language and intercultural sharing which welcome refugees and exploring trauma-informed approaches to language education. This builds on my research background which encompasses the study of home/heritage language development and linguistic and intercultural supports for children from migrant backgrounds. I have a keen interest in engaged research as evident in my Irish Research Council New Foundations award project which involved partnership with a community-based organisation, Fáilte Isteach, that provides English conversation classes for adult migrants in Ireland. This project looked at the impact of the pandemic on these informal language classes which are delivered by volunteer tutors, generally older people, and developed a workshop series in collaboration with tutors to create a digital resource pack of language learning resources using basic, accessible technological tools. I also completed the Engaged Research and Innovation for Societal Impact course (Campus Engage) in 2023, which informs my current research in relation to the Trinity University of Sanctuary classes for refugees and people seeking international protection. This research adopts a participatory approach involving adult learners, student and staff volunteers, and representatives of civic organisations in the co-construction of this programme which seeks to enhance social inclusion.


  • Title
    • Technology-enhanced language support for adult migrants in the post-pandemic environment
  • Summary
    • This research project was developed in partnership with the Third Age `Fáilte Isteach" initiative which enables volunteer tutors, particularly older people, to welcome migrants and promote integration through English conversation classes in local communities across Ireland. This project considered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community-based language support for adult migrants by investigating the experience of online learning in Fáilte Isteach classes. It also explored blended approaches to learning in these informal language classes in the post-pandemic environment. This mixed-methods research involved a survey of Fáilte Isteach learners and tutors to understand their online learning experience during the pandemic. Informed by the findings of the survey, a six-week series of training workshops was then provided for Fáilte Isteach tutors, in which they could engage with accessible digital tools and create technology-enhanced language learning resources for use with their own learners.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • 01.12.21
  • Date To
    • 31.10.22
  • Title
    • The Trinity English Conversation Classes - community engagement with people seeking refuge in Ireland
  • Summary
    • Research aims: This research seeks to investigate the language learning and intercultural experience of participants in the Trinity English Conversation Classes, established in June 2022 through the University of Sanctuary initiative. These weekly classes for adults who are seeking refuge in Ireland, including Ukrainians and displaced people from other countries, provide English language and intercultural support through interaction in small groups with Trinity staff and student volunteers. The classes run throughout the academic year 2022-23, for 10 weeks each semester, with an average of 150 learners and 50 volunteers in attendance every week. Research objectives: 1. To evaluate the Trinity English Conversation Classes, with a view to enhancing this support. 2. To identify potential benefits and challenges associated with informal language classes which bring together people who are seeking refuge and university staff/student volunteers within the context of community engagement.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 02.02.23
  • Date To
    • 30.09.25
  • Title
    • Nurturing networks through the Trinity English Conversation Classes for refugees
  • Summary
    • This research project aims to investigate how network-building through the Trinity English Conversation Classes can support integration. It will explore the networking opportunities which these classes nurture through links with, e.g.: " Trinity Careers, Trinity Access Programme, the ETB Adult Education Guidance Service, and the Irish Refugee Council regarding access to further/higher education and employment. " Additional digital skills and language courses, e.g., through Trinity in the Community, and private language schools. " Other initiatives supporting volunteering, the arts, and community development. In this context of university civic engagement, it will also consider how meaningful networks of mutual learning may be nurtured among learners and student/staff volunteers involved in the classes. The project objectives are to understand: " How the Trinity English conversation classes can support network-building among learners, volunteers, and the wider community. " How the networks emerging from engagement with these classes can be developed. This engaged research will adopt qualitative methods informed by community-based participatory action research (Campus Engage, 2022), involving interviews and focus groups with learners and volunteers, and other stakeholders, e.g., representatives from organisations with which the classes have developed connections.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 01.09.23
  • Date To
    • 30.06.24
  • Title
    • International students - connected or disconnected: The impact of COVID-19 on international students' academic engagement, social adjustment, and wellbeing
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Title
    • Community-based, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning for Integration
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Title
    • Trinity English Conversation Classes for Refugees 2023
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin
  • Title
    • Trinity English Conversation Classes for Refugees 2024
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin



Member of the Irish Universities Association (IUA) Working Group on Ukraine - I contributed to a national collaboration which enabled Ukrainian students to access English language assessments required for entry into higher education. It also reported and made recommendations to the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science regarding language and intercultural support for forcibly displaced students. 2022

I have been a book reviewer for Multilingual Matters, a key publisher in the field of applied linguistics and language education, for the last three years and have reviewed several manuscripts; monographs, and edited volumes. 2021 - Present


NATECLA - National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults 2021 – Present

IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language 2020 – Present

IRAAL - Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 2020 – Present

BALEAP 2019 – Present