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Professor Peter Arnds
Professor In, School Office Language Lit & Cult Stud


Peter Arnds works in the fields of Comparative Literature, German Literature, Holocaust Studies, Literary Translation and the Environmental Humanities. Since 2009 he has served as the Director of the Comparative Literature MPhil and previously directed the MPhil in Literary Translation until stepping down in 2016 to take over as Head of the Department of German, followed by two years as the Head of Italian. He currently serves as the Faculty Mentor to the Trinity Journal of Literary Translation.

His eight book publications include four academic monographs, an award-nominated literary translation, an edited volume on translating Holocaust literature, and over 60 journal articles and book chapters. His fourth monograph, entitled 'Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World' was published by Bloomsbury in 2021 in paperbook and hardback. The book is a comparative study which engages a reading of the metaphors of dehumanization and racialization that lie at the intersection of political rhetoric, ecocriticism, and world literature.

Dr Arnds was elected into the Academia Europaea, the pan-European Academy of Humanities, Letters, Law, and Sciences, in 2018. He is widely recognised as a leading expert on the works of the Nobel Laureate Günter Grass and was invited by the German writer to be among a select group of distinguished writers and scholars who were asked to contribute essays to a volume entitled 'Freipass' that Grass helped produce shortly before his death in 2015.

In 2014 the IMPAC Dublin International Literary Award committee longlisted his translation of Swiss playwright Patrick Boltshauser's first novel (Rapids). During his time as the Writer-in-Residence at the Heinrich Böll Cottage (supported by a grant from the Irish Arts Council), he wrote and illustrated a poetry chapbook published in 2014 by Redfox Press. His short stories, poems, and first novel have been published in highly-regarded presses, anthologies, and literary magazines in the U.S. and Europe. In 2015 he was elected into the PEN International Centre for German Writers Abroad.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Günter Grass's Multispecies Ethnography in, forthcoming in: Critical Edition: Günter Grass, Rochester, NY, 2027, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2027

Peter Arnds, Caitríona Ní Dhúill, forthcoming in "Enforesting Pedagogy: Wilding Literary Study in Shared Species-Spaces", German Life & Letters, 2025 Journal Article, 2025

Migranten zwischen Schweizer Alpen und dem Mittelmeer: Peter Stamms Weit über das Land und die Odyssee als interkultureller Raum in, editor(s)Zelic, T. , forthcoming in: Interkulturelle Germanistik, Bielefeld, Germany, Transcript Verlag, 2024, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2024

Die Rezeption von Günter Grass im angelsaechsischen Raum in, editor(s)Christoph Jürgensen / Michael Scheffel , GÜNTER-GRASS-HANDBUCH, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2024, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2024

Peter Arnds, review of Lubomír Suva's "Der tschechische Himmel liegt in der Hölle. Märchen von Božena Nemcová und den Brüdern Grimm im Vergleich." Weimar: Jonas Verlag, 2021, Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch, 2023, p308 - 309 Review Article, 2023

Peter Arnds, Metaphors of Violence and Survival: Primo Levi's Philosophy of Chemistry, Neohelicon, 50, 2023, p651 - 668 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Peter Arnds, Biopolitics and Companion Species in Contemporary Novels of Forced Migration, Interventions, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Trauma, Resilience, and Companion Species in Contemporary World Literature in, Representing Vulnerability in Contemporary Literature, New York, Oxford, Routledge, 2023, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2023

Peter Arnds, Animals and Exile, Humanimalia, 13.2, 2023, p205 - 208 Review Article, 2023 DOI

Peter Arnds, From Defeat to Resilience: The Human Cockroach in World Literature after Kafka, World Literature Studies, 15, (2), 2023, p56 - 65 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

"Walking Away, Going Astray in Alpine Spaces: Homeric Wanderings in Peter Stamm's Weit über das Land (To the Back of Beyond, 2016)" in, editor(s)Richard McClelland , The Draw of the Alps: Alpine Summits and Borderlands in Modern German-speaking Culture, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2023, pp159 - 176, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI

"Wolves, Bees, and Roaches: On the Nexus between Cultural Production and Vulnerability of Humans and Non-Human Species in, Representing Vulnerability in Contemporary Literature, New York, Oxford, Routledge, 2022, pp77 - 90, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2022 DOI

Peter Arnds, ''1069'', York Literary Review, 2021, - 2-14 Fiction and creative prose, 2021

Basaraba, Nicole, Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World by Peter Arnds, 2021, p225 Review, 2021 URL

Peter Arnds, Random Pandemic Perambulations: A Brief History of Literary Walks in the Age of Corona, Comparative Critical Studies: Journal of the British Comparative Literature Association, 18.2-3, 2021, p187 - 207 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Deleuzean Perambulations: Urban and Rural Walking in W.G. Sebald. in, Jeremy Tambling , The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2021 DOI

Peter Arnds, 'Bury me in Australia', glossen, 2021, - Fiction and creative prose, 2021

Peter Arnds, 'Identity Construction and the Politics of Slow Travel in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Travel Literature', CompLit: Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society, (2.1), 2021, p37 - 55 Journal Article, 2021 URL

Peter Arnds, Metaphors of Violence and Survival, University-wide "Talk of the Month", Kolkata, India, April 26, 2021, 2021, Presidency University Invited Talk, 2021

Peter Arnds, Review of Glocal Narratives of Resilience, by Ana Maria Fraile Marcos , Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2021 Review, 2021

Trans-Lit 2: The Journal for the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German, XII/2, (2020), Arnds, P. Journal, 2020 URL

Peter Arnds, Rewilding the World in the Postcolonial Age: On the Nexus between Cultural Production and Species Politics, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 57, 2020, p568 - 582 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: The Lost Art of Happenstance: Randomness and Travel Literature, BCLA conference on Randomness, Queens University, Belfast, Sept, 2020 Invited Talk, 2020

Peter Arnds, Frankenstein and Primo Levi: Reading Mary Shelley in the Context of the Holocaust and Contemporary Biopolitics, Jahrbuch der Inklings Gesellschaft, 36, 2020, p121 - 133 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: Wolves and the Poetics of Migration: Translating Theory, Rethinking Comparative Literature, Locations and Dislocations of Theory, Cluj Napoca, March 9, 2020 Invited Talk, 2020

Peter Arnds, 'Taugenichts', PEN Decamerone-Zukunftsentwuerfe, PEN Center Abroad, 2020, - Fiction and creative prose, 2020 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'The Bard of Glendalough Valley', 44, Glossen, Dickinson College, 2019, - Fiction and creative prose, 2019 URL

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: Sognare dei lupi: Dal mito a Freud, Myth and Dreams, University of Bologna, May, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Peter Arnds, Challenging Precarity: International Conference, January, In:Challenging Precarity International Conference, 2019, Aurobindu University, Surat Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2019

Peter Arnds, "Of Monsters and Migrants: On the Loss of Sanctuaries in Literature as Parables of Biopolitics in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries", Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 25.1, 2019, p14 - 34 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Peter Arnds, Keynote address: Mythical Realism North and South: Salman Rushdies Midnights Children and Günter Grass' The Tin Drum, Rethinking the Global North and South: Literature, Film, Media, Lucknow, India, February, 2019, Shri Ramswaroop University Invited Talk, 2019

Arnds, Peter, Grass's Die Blechtrommel and Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel: Translating the Picaresque into a German Context after 1945, Oxford German Studies, 48.3, 2019, p311 - 327 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Peter Arnds, Searching for Alice, London, Dalkey Archive Press, 2018, 238pp Book, 2018 URL

Peter Arnds, 'Natural Birth', Cyphers: Literary Magazine, 2018, - Fiction and creative prose, 2018 URL

"Tracking Wolves: Ethnicity and Migration in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Crossing'." in, editor(s)Critical Insights Series , The Literature of Inequality, Ipswich, MA, USA, Salem Press, 2018, pp144 - 158, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2018 URL

Peter Arnds, Taking Stock of World Literature, Comparative Literature, Translation, Kultur Poetik, 18, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Peter Arnds, 'Castles in the Sand', Pendora Magazine, 2018, - Fiction and creative prose, 2018 URL

Peter Arnds, 'zwielicht', Munich/Planegg, PEN Magazin, 2017, 30 - 31 Poetry, 2017

Arnds, Peter, "From Elephant God to Man Dog: Hybridity, Mimicry, and the Homo Sacer in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.", Metacritic Journal for Comparative Study and Theory, 3.2, 2017, p52 - 71 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Peter Arnds, 'heimatgast', Munich/Planegg, PEN Magazin, 2017, 29 - 30 Poetry, 2017

Arnds, Peter, The Absent Mother and the Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, Neophilologus, 101, (2), 2017, p175 - 185 Journal Article, 2017

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: "Into the Cold: On the Uses and Abuses of Water in Literature and Politics", Traumatic Modernities: From Comparative Literature to Medical Humanities, Krakow, Poland, April, 2017 Invited Talk, 2017

Peter Arnds, 'wo gleise leise liegen', Munich/Planegg, PEN Magazin, 2017, 32 - 33 Poetry, 2017

"Insularity and the Homo Sacer in William Golding's Lord of the Flies" in, editor(s)Katrin Dautel and Kathrin Schoedel , Insulariy: Representations and Constructions of Small Worlds, Wuerzburg, Koenigshausen & Neumann, 2016, pp201 - 210, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2016

Arnds, Peter, 'Dr. Lawless', Alles wandelt sich: Geschichten und Gedanken zu Ovids Metamorphosen, Munich, Bookspot Verlag, 2016, 19 - 23 Fiction and creative prose, 2016

Peter Arnds, 'Loup Garou', The Cape Rock, 43.2, Southeast Missouri University Press, Southeast Missouri University Press, 2016, - 60 Poetry, 2016

Arnds, Peter, Lost in Translation: On Kafka's Language of Abjection in Die Verwandlung, Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory, 2, (1), 2016, p19 - 34 Journal Article, 2016 URL

Arnds, Peter, '"Vier schöne Häuserlein"', Trans-Lit2, XXII.1, SCALG, 2016, - 45 Poetry, 2016

Peter Arnds, The Poetics of Wolves: Hum-animal Rights, Mapping Metaphor in World Literature, Research Seminar, Institute of Advanced Study, JNU, Delhi, 03/16, 2016, 15pp Invited Talk, 2016

Bodies in Transgression: On the Liminality between Humans and Animals in the Literature and Visual Arts of Mythical Realism in, editor(s)Karin Sellberg and Lena Wanggren , Corporeality and Culture: Bodies in Movement, London/NY, Routledge Press, 2016, pp141 - 152, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2016

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: Myth, Emotion, Trauma: Mapping Myth and Metaphor in World Literature, 4th International Conference on Myth Criticism (Myth and Emotions), Spain, Oct., 2016, Universidad de Complutense, Madrid Invited Talk, 2016

Peter Arnds, Keynote Address: Bodies and Minds in Flux: Lycanthropy and Politics in Myth and World Literature, The Return of the Body: Revisiting Cultures of the Body, JNU Centre for English Studies, February, 2016, 14pp Invited Talk, 2016

Peter Arnds, Kafkas Ungeziefer und die Schwierigkeit der Uebersetzung, Guest Lecture, JNU, Delhi, 02/16, 2016, German Department Invited Talk, 2016

Colonialism and the Holocaust in Urs Widmer's and W.G. Sebald's Textual Mining of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness in, Critical Insights, Ipswich, MA, USA, Salem Press, 2016, pp34 - 49, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2016 URL

Arnds, Peter, Close Reading, Distant Reading: Mapping Metaphors in World Literature in the Digital Age, Invited Talk, Nara, Japan, March, 2016, Nara Women's University, 15pp Invited Talk, 2016

Arnds, Peter, 'Pangur Ban 1', 3, By&By Poetry, 2016, 1 - 2 Poetry, 2016

Arnds, Peter, 'A Home for the Mole', Cyphers Literary Journal, No. 80, Dublin, 2015, 15 - 21 Fiction and creative prose, 2015 URL

Peter Arnds (EDITOR), Translating Holocaust Literature, Germany, Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015, 160pp Book, 2015 DOI

Peter Arnds (MONOGRAPH), Lycanthropy in German Literature, New York; London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 210pp Book, 2015 DOI URL

Arnds, Peter, 'Bear Attack', Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine, 2015, - 1-7 Fiction and creative prose, 2015

Arnds, Peter, Wolf und nochmals Wolf: Zum Homo Sacer in Günter Grass' Die Blechtrommel und Hundejahre, FREIPASS. Eine Schriftenreihe der Günter und Ute Grass Stiftung, 1, 2015, p244 - 258 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Arnds, Peter, Bloodlines, Monsters and the Monstrous: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4.2, 2015, p12 Journal Article, 2015

Arnds, Peter, 'The Great Thaw, A Siberian Railway Journey', Cyphers Literary Journal, Dublin, 2014, 34 - 42 Fiction and creative prose, 2014 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'The Nazi Ideology of Blood and Blood-Ridden Tales from German Children's Literature', Blood Exhibition, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, 2014, - Exhibition, 2014

Peter Arnds (TRANSLATOR), Rapids [English Translation of 'Stromschnellen' by Patrick Boltshauser - Longlisted for 2016 IMPAC/International Dublin Literary Award], NY/London, Dalkey Archive Press, 2014, 260pp Book, 2014 URL

Peter Arnds, A Rare Clear Day, Mayo, Ireland, Redfox Press, 2014, 1 - 44pp Book, 2014 URL

"In the Company of Witches and Wolves: Biopolitics and Frau Holle from the Grimm Brothers to Hilsenrath." in, editor(s)Hans H. Ewers , Märchen, Mythen und Moderne: 200 Jahre Kinder und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm, New York, Bern, Peter Lang, 2014, pp237 - 246, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2014

Arnds, Peter, Gregor Samsa, the Ungeziefer: Kafka's Encryption of Racial Melancholia in Die Verwandlung, Specters of the Author, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, April 2013, 2013, 1-9pp Invited Talk, 2013

The Boy with the Old Face: Thomas Hardy's Antibildungsroman 'Jude the Obscure' and Wilhelm Raabe's Bildungsroman 'Prinzessin Fisch' in, Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, vol. 284, Gale Group Publishing, 2013, pp484 (full volume) and online , [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2013

Of Satire and Satyrs: The Monstrous and the Third Reich in Postmodern Culture about Eastern Europe in, editor(s)Laurynas Katkus , Satire and the Grotesque in Eastern Europe, Cambridge Scholarly Publishing, 2013, pp20 - 31, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2013

Arnds, Peter, Wolves in Myth, History, and Culture: Translating a Mythical Motif through Time, Translating Myth: An International Conference, University of Essex, September 2013, 2013, 1-7pp Invited Talk, 2013

Arnds, Peter, Varg: The Politics of Space and Race in Joe Johnston's Wolfman, Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Series, and Alan Ball's True Blood, Topography of Popular Culture, Tampere, Finland, October 2013, 2013, 1-8pp Invited Talk, 2013

Arnds, Peter, Borges and Space, Bill Richardson. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Comparative Literature Association of Ireland webpage, 2013, p2 Review, 2013

Arnds, Peter, Islands, Insularity, and Isolation in the State of Exception: Fascinating Fascism in Golding's Lord of the Flies and Tournier's The Ogre, Islands and Continents: (Re)-Constructions of Identity, Funchal, Madeira, Sept. 2013, 2013, 9pp Invited Talk, 2013

Arnds, Peter, "Island as Forest, Forest as Island: Homo Sacer and Heterotopias in William Golding's Lord of the Flies", Insularity: Representations and Constructions of Small Worlds, Conference at University of Malta, November 2013, 2013, 1 - 7pp Invited Talk, 2013

Arnds, Peter, Die Ethik der Literatur: Deutsche Autoren der Gegenwart, Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein Germanistisches Jahrbuch, 11, 2012, p1-2 Review, 2012

"Of Rats, Wolves and Men: The Pied Piper as Gothic Revenant and Provenant in Wilhelm Raabe's Die Hämelschen Kinder," in, editor(s)Andrew Cusack and Barry Murnane , Popular Revenants: German Gothic in its International Contexts, London, Boydell & Brewer, 2012, pp181 - 200, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2012

Arnds, Peter, Translating Survival, Translation as Survival in Primo Levi's Se questo è un uomo (If this is a Man/Survival in Auschwitz), Journal of Translation and Literature, Univ. of Edinburgh, 21, (2), 2012, p162 - 174 Journal Article, 2012

From Eros to Thanatos: Hiking and Spelunking in Ludwig Tieck's Der Runenberg in, editor(s)S. Ireton, C. Schaumann , The Call of the Mountain: Literary and Filmic Ascents from the Middles Ages to the Present, NY, Camden House, 2012, pp176 - 192, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2012

Arnds, Peter, Innocence Abducted: Youth, War and the Wolf in Literary Adaptations of the Pied Piper Legend from Robert Browning to Michel Tournier, Jeunesse: young people, texts, cultures, 4, (1), 2012, p61 - 84 Journal Article, 2012

Arnds, Peter, Les contes de Grimm et la biopolitique: Der Bärenhäuter, Homo Sacer, Adaptations et devenir des contes populaires en Europe centrale et orientale (XIXe et XXe siècles), Grenoble, November 2012, 2012 Invited Talk, 2012

Homo Lupus as Hunchback: Representation, Subversion and Trauma in Fiction about the Third Reich in, Editors: Jose Manuel Losada and Marta Guirao , Myth and Subversion in the Contemporary Novel, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge Scholarly Publishing, 2012, pp357 - 370, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2012

Arnds, Peter, Representation, Liminality, and the Third Reich in Literary Adaptations of the Grimm Tales, Märchen, Mythen und Moderne, Kassel, Germany, December 2012, 2012 Invited Talk, 2012

Arnds, Peter, 'Irland Lyrik', Frankfurter Bibliothek 2012 Jahrbuch für das neue Gedicht, Frankfurt am Main, Brentano Gesellschaft, 2012, - Poetry, 2012

Arnds, Peter, 'Laura, short story in: Cyphers, a Dublin literary journal', Cyphers, Dublin, Cyphers, 2012, - 8-14 Fiction and creative prose, 2012 URL

Arnds, Peter, Homo Lupus - Not just a Werewolf: Expulsion, Migration, and Heterotopias in Old and New Europe", The New Europe at the Crossroads, Trinity Long Room Hub, Dublin, July 2011, 2011 Invited Talk, 2011

Arnds, Peter, Send in the Clowns: Body Landscapes in Literature and the Visual Arts about the Third Reich, Imagining Spaces & Places, University of Helsinki, August, 2011 Invited Talk, 2011

Arnds, Peter, Of Satire and Satyrs: The Monstrous and the Third Reich in Postmodern Culture about Eastern Europe", Satire and Grotesque in Post/Modern Culture in Central and Eastern European Literature, The Lithuanian Institute for Literature and Folklore, Vilnius, Lithuania, November, 2011, 8pp Invited Talk, 2011

Arnds, Peter (author); Eva Bourke and Borbala Farago (ed.);, 'Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland', Dedalus Press, Ireland, 2010, - 6-7 Poetry, 2010

Im Banne des Wolfsmenschen: Raabes Erzählung Die Hämelschen Kinder kulturtheoretisch betrachtet in, editor(s)Dirk Goettsche and Ulf Michael Schneider , Versuchen wir es auf eine andere Weise: Signaturen realistischen Erzählens im Werk Wilhelm Raabes, Würzburg , Königshausen & Neumann, 2010, pp199 - 214, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2010

"While the Horrors of History are briefly Illuminated: Sebald's Poetics and Politics of Wandering," in, editor(s)Markus Zisselsberger , The Undiscovered Country: W.G. Sebald and the Poetics of Travel, NY, Camden House, 2010, pp324 - 346, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2010

Freezing Sacred Man: Myth, Philosophy, and Medicine's Practice of 'Curing' Undesirables in, editor(s)Elisabeth Coleman, Kevin White , Medicine, Religion, and the Body, Leiden, Boston, Brill Press, 2010, pp249 - 269, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2010

Arnds, Peter, 'Aus dem Fremdenzimmer', Trans-Lit, Colorado, Society for Contemporary American Literature in Germanin G, 2010, - 2 Poetry, 2010

Harlekin, szczuro"ap i król olch: Wokó" mitologii dualizmu ofiar I sprawców u Güntera Grassa I Michela Tourniera in, Gunter Grass. Literatura-Szutka-Polityka, Gdansk, University of Gdansk, 2009, pp165 - 173, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2009

Günter Grass and the Tradition of Magical Realism in World Literature in, Stuart Taberner , The Cambridge Companion to Günter Grass, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2009, pp52 - 66, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2009

Arnds, Peter, 'Norwegengedichte', Trans-Lit 2, Fort Collins, CO, Society of Contemporary American Literature in German, 2009, - 18-20 Poetry, 2009

Arnds, Peter, Race and the Outsider in the Pied Piper Legend, 2009 Invited Talk, 2009

Hitler, Haider und die spanische Inquisition: Der Traum vom multikulturellen Paradies in Robert Menasses Die Vertreibung aus der Hölle, in, Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Irena Swiatlowska-Predota, Wroclaw, 2009, pp35 - 48, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

Arnds, Peter, Embodying the Nation in the Novel of Mythical Realism: Towards a Methodology of Comparative Literature and Literary Translation, Harvard University, Boston, 2009 Invited Talk, 2009

"Oskar und die anderen: Anmerkungen zu den Nebenfiguren in der Blechtrommel" in, editor(s)Jorg-PhilippThomsa , Ein Buch schreibt Geschichte: 50 Jahre, Die Blechtrommel', Lubeck, Gunter Grass House, 2009, pp93 - 99, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2009

Myth, Migration, and Memory in Sebald, Grass, and Rushdie in, editor(s)Rebecca Braun and Frank Brunssen , Changing the Nation: Günter Grass in International Perspective, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 2008, pp67 - 80, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2008

Harlekin, Rattenfänger und Erlkönig: Zur Mythologie der Opfer - Täter Dualität bei Günter Grass und Michel Tournier, in, editor(s)Brandt, Jaroscevski, Ossowski , Günter Grass. Literatur - Kunst - Politik, Gdansk, Poland, University of Gdansk, 2008, pp163 - 172, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2008

Cultural Exercies and Activities for Beginning Italian Language Learners in, "Salve!" Italian Language Textbook, New York, Heinle & Heinle, 2008, pp9 , [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2008

Blasphemy and Sacrilege in the Novel of Magic Realism: Grass, Bulgakov, and Rushdie in, editor(s)Elizabeth Coleman, M.S. Fernandez Dias , Negotiating the Sacred II: Blasphemy and Sacrilege in the Arts, Canberra, Australia, Australian National University Press, 2008, pp69 - 79, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2008

"Race, Myth, and Nomadism in Grass and the Novel of Magical Realism: A Deleuzian Reading" in, editor(s)Norbert Honsza, Irena Swiatlowska , Günter Grass: Bürger und Schriftsteller, Festschrift for Günter Grass, Dresden, Neisse Verlag, 2008, pp51 - 70, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2008

Teaching Race in Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum in, editor(s)Monika Shafi , Approaches to Teaching Grass's The Tin Drum, New York, Publications of the Modern Language Association, 2008, pp164 - 175, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2008

Arnds, Peter, Unterwegs in aussichtsloser Mission, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Feuilleton, 32, 7, 2008, p42 - 42 Journal Article, 2008

Arnds, Peter, "Harlekin, Rattenfänger und Erlkönig: Zur Mythologie der Opfer - Täter Dualität bei Günter Grass und Michel Tournier, Gdansk, Poland, 2007 Invited Talk, 2007

Arnds, Peter, "Wandering in the Field of Lethe: A Heideggerian Reading of W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz", Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein Germanistisches Jahrbuch, 6, 2007, p185 - 211 Journal Article, 2007

Arnds, Peter, 'Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts ', Trans Lit 2, 2007, 17 - 21 Fiction and creative prose, 2007

Arnds, Peter, Memory and Migration in Grass, Rushdie, and Sebald, Liverpool, UK, 2007 Invited Talk, 2007

Grenzgänge zwischen den Kulturen im Werk Rafik Schamis und Emine Sevgi Özdamars Adam in, editor(s)Jens; Hahn, Hans-Joachim; Puchalski, Lucjan; Swiatlowska, Irena , Transitraum Deutsch. Literatur und Kultur im transnationalen Zeitalter, Dresden, Neisse-Verlag, 2007, pp105 - 117, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2007

"A Journey Driven by Myth and Memory" Foreword in, "My Tainted Blood" a memoir by Hubert C. Kueter, Maine, USA, Solon, Me: Polar Bear & Company, 2007, ppXVII - XVIII, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2007

Arnds, Peter, Für alle, die in diesem Lande sind und leiden, wie ich dort gelitten:W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz and German Wartime Suffering, Leeds, UK, 2007 Invited Talk, 2007

Arnds, Peter, 'Wie ich fast Amerikaner wurde', Trans-Lit 2, Colorado, 2006, - 46-51 Poetry, 2006

Send in the Clowns: Carnivalizing the Heil-Hitler Salute in German Visual Culture in, editor(s)Gail Finney , The Text as Spectacle: Visual Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2006, pp235 - 248, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2006

Trans-Lit 2: The Journal for the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German, XII/2, (2006), Arnds, P., [Editor] Journal, 2006

Arnds, Peter, Review of Confronting the Good Death: Nazi Euthanasia on Trial, 1945-1953, by Michael Bryant , Human Rights Review, 2005, p1-2 Review, 2005

Arnds, Peter, Zwischen Utopia und neuer Welt: Die USA als Imaginationsraum in Arno Schmidts Erzählwerk, by Stefan Höppner , IRAS:Internet Review Arno Schmidt, 2005 Review, 2005

Arnds, Peter, "Orientalizing Germany: Cultural Hybridity in Rafik Schami's Die Sehnsucht der Schwalbe and Sieben Doppelgänger", Seminar, 41, (3), 2005, p275 - 288 Journal Article, 2005

Arnds, Peter, Blush of Milkweed, 2004, - Poetry, 2004

Holocaust Satire im Exil: Soma Morgensterns Die Blutsäule und Edgar Hilsenraths Der Nazi & der Friseur in, editor(s)Victoria Hertling, Wulf Koepke, Jörg Thuneke , Hitler im Visier, Wuppertal, Arco, 2004, pp125 - 140, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2004

Peter Arnds (MONOGRAPH), "Representation, Subversion, and Eugenics in Günter Grass's The Tin Drum", New York, Camden House, 2004, 192pp Book, 2004 URL

Arnds, Peter, Review of Alice Schmidt Tagebuch aus dem Jahr 1954, by Alice Schmidt , IRAS, Internet Review Arno Schmidt, 2004, p1 Review, 2004

Arnds, Peter, "Brecht's Clowns and the Nazis' Officialization of Popular Culture", Communications, 32, 2003, p62 - 67 Journal Article, 2003

Arnds, Peter, Review of Changing Europe: Identities, Nations, and Citizens, by David Dunkerley, Lesley Hodgson, Stanislaw Konopacki, Tony Spybey, Andrew Thompson , Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2003, p1 Review, 2003

Arnds, Peter, Review of Der männliche Habitus, by Holger Brandes , Debatte. Review of Contemporary German Affairs, 2003, p1 Review, 2003

Arnds, Peter, Review of Socialist Darwinism: Evolution in German Socialist Thought from Marx to Bernstein, by Richard Weikert , German Studies Review, XXV.1, 2002, p131-133 Review, 2002

Arnds, Peter, Ballymore, 2002, - 61-66 Fiction and creative prose, 2002

Arnds, Peter, "On the Awful German Fairy Tale: Breaking Taboos in Representations of Nazi Euthanasia and the Holocaust in Günter Grass's Die Blechtrommel, Edgar Hilsenrath's Der Nazi & der Friseur, and Anselm Kiefer's Visual Art.", The German Quarterly, vol. 75.4, 2002, p422 - 439 Journal Article, 2002

Arnds, Peter, Review of Richard Wagner und die Juden, by Dieter Borchmeyer, Ami Maayani, and Susanne Vill , German Studies Review, XXV.2, 2002, p394-395 Review, 2002

Arnds, Peter, Review of When I Was A German: An Englishwoman in Nazi Germany, by Christabel Bielenberg , Post-Identity, 3.1, 2001, p100-103 Review, 2001

Arnds, Peter, Translating a Greek Myth: Christa Wolf's Medea in a Contemporary Context., Neophilologus, 85, 2001, p415 - 428 Journal Article, 2001

Arnds, Peter, Review of Starker Toback, voller Glockenklang: Zehn Studien zum Werk Arno Schmidts, by Jörg Drews and Doris Plöschberger , IRAS, Internet Review Arno Schmidt, 2001, p1-2 Review, 2001

Arnds, Peter, Review of Friedrich Gerstäcker: Struktur und Gehalt, by Anton Zangerl , German Studies Review, XXIV.1, 2001, p170-172 Review, 2001

Adolf Muschg's Der Rote Ritter and Switzerland's Return to the Middle Ages in, editor(s)Albrecht Classen , Medieval German Voices in the 21st Century, Amsterdam, Rodopi Press, 2000, pp211 - 226, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 2000

Robert Schindel's Novel Gebürtig in a Postmodern Context in, editor(s)Gerald Chapple , Towards the Millennium: The Austrian Novel 1971-96, Tübingen, Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000, pp219 - 241, [Peter Arnds] Book Chapter, 2000

Arnds, Peter, Review of Ideology, Mimesis, Fantasy, by Jeffrey Sammons , German Studies Review , XXIII.1, 2000, p136-137 Review, 2000

Arnds, Peter, Arno Schmidts Das steinerne Herz und Wilhelm Hauffs Das kalte Herz, oder: wie ein biedermeierliches Märchen gegen den Strich gekämmt wird, Der Bargfelder Bote, edition text+kritik, 2000, p3 - 17 Journal Article, 2000

Arnds, Peter, Aus Fabians Kindheit im norddeutschen Kurort, 2000, - 9-17 Fiction and creative prose, 2000

On Despotic Mothers and Dethroned Patriarchs: Barbara Frischmuth's Über die Verhältnisse and Robert Menasse's Selige Zeiten, brüchige Welt in, editor(s)Renate Posthofen , Barbara Frischmuth in a Contemporary Context, Riverside, Ariadne Press, 1999, pp203 - 223, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 1999

The Paradox of the European Union and Postmodern Literature in Germany and Austria in, editor(s)U. Beitter , The New Europe at the Crossroads, New York, Peter Lang, 1999, pp1 - 15, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 1999

Arnds, Peter, 'Kalifornien im März', Trans-Lit, Indiana University, Journal of the Society of Contemporary American Literature in German, 1999, - 33 Poetry, 1999

Arnds, Peter, 'Kansas', Trans-Lit, Indiana University, Journal of the Society of Contemporary American Literature in German, 1999, - 22 Poetry, 1999

Arnds, Peter, 'Pisang - Malaiische Bananen', Trans-Lit, Indiana University, Journal of the Society of Contemporary American Literature in German, 1999, - 19 Poetry, 1999

Arnds, Peter, '"Der grüne Buddha"', 1999, - 18 Poetry, 1999

Arnds, Peter , 'Die Kakerlake', Trans-Lit, Indiana University, Journal of the Society of Contemporary American Literature in German, 1999, - 20 Poetry, 1999

Arnds, Peter, Ansichten aus der Atlasritze Amerikas, 1998, - 40 Fiction and creative prose, 1998

The Fragmentation of Totality in Robert Menasse's Selige Zeiten, brüchige Welt in, editor(s)Dagmar Lorenz and Renate Posthofen , Transforming the Centre, Eroding the Margins, Columbia, SC, Camden House, 1998, pp215 - 226, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 1998

Die deutsche Wiedervereinigung und der Monolog in Die Birnen von Ribbeck von Friedrich Christian Delius in, editor(s)U. Beitter , Schreiben im heutigen Deutschland: Fragen an die Vergangenheit, New York, Peter Lang, 1998, pp67 - 83, [Arnds, Peter] Book Chapter, 1998

Arnds, Peter, "Into the Heart of Darkness: Switzerland, Hitler, Mobutu and Joseph Conrad in Urs Widmer's novel Im Kongo.", The German Quarterly, 71.4, 1998, p329 - 342 Journal Article, 1998

Arnds, Peter, The Boy with the Old Face: Thomas Hardy's Antibildungsroman Jude the Obscure and Wilhelm Raabe's Bildungsroman Prinzessin Fisch., German Studies Review, XXI.2, 1998, p221 - 240 Journal Article, 1998

Peter Arnds (MONOGRAPH), "Wilhelm Raabe's Der Hungerpastor and Charles Dickens's David Copperfield: Intertextuality of Two 'Bildungsromane'.", New York, Peter Lang, 1997, 191pp Book, 1997 URL

Arnds, Peter, "Sophie von La Roche's Geschichte des Fräuleins von Sternheim as an Answer to Samuel Richardson's Clarissa.", Lessing Yearbook, 29, 1997, p87 - 105 Journal Article, 1997

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Peter Arnds, Seeking Sanctuaries: Dehumanization and Precarious Cities in World Literature, Challenging Precarity International Conference, Aurobindu University, Surat, January, 2019, Aurobindo U, India and the U of Northampton Invited Talk, 2019

Peter Arnds, 'The Animals Inside Us', Syntalk Radio Talkshow, Mumbai, India, 2019, - Broadcast, 2019 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'Ich bin ein Berliner', John F. Kennedy - the man, the myth, the legacy, The History Show, RTE Radio 1, 2017, 1 - 4 Broadcast, 2017 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'Lycanthropy 101', Radio Adelaide, 2016, - Broadcast, 2016

Arnds, Peter, '1914 Christmas Truce ', Dublin, RTE, History Show, 2014, - Broadcast, 2014 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'Alan Turing', RTE, History Channel, 2014, - Broadcast, 2014

Arnds, Peter, 'Germany Facing Its Past', The History Channel, RTE, 2014, - Broadcast, 2014 URL

Arnds, Peter, 'Intellectual Life in Germany', Ulster Theatre Festival, RTE, 2011, - Broadcast, 2011

Arnds, Peter, 'Why Indians Read Hitler's Mein Kampf', Newstalk Radio Show, Dublin, 2009, - Broadcast, 2009

Arnds, Peter, 'Greek Tragedy Today', Modern Language Association, US, 2004, - Broadcast, 2004 URL

Research Expertise


Dr Arnds is the author of 4 academic monographs, with his most recent book published in 2021 in paperback and hardback by the US division of Bloomsbury. He is the sole-editor of two academic volumes, has published over 60 journal articles and book chapters, and his translation of the novel "Rapids" was long-listed for the 2016 International Dublin Literary Award. Dr Arnds works across a wide selection of fields including Comparative Literature, German Studies, Italian Studies, the Environmental Humanities and Literary Translation. He is internationally recognised for his scholarship on the Nobel Laureate Günter Grass and for his work on race, genocide, trauma, and representations of the Third Reich in literature, culture, and translation. His 2021 monograph, entitled 'Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World,' was named in an Amazon list of top-10 new releases in the Environmental Humanities in January of last year. The book is a comparative study that engages a reading of the metaphors of dehumanization and racialization that lie at the intersection of political rhetoric, ecocriticism, and world literature. The monograph examines how the metaphorical representation of a species can aid or prevent its extinction, while also studying how the politics of rewilding (the reintroduction of species to a region) interacts with biodiversity, cultural diversity and cultural production. Published in the Studies in Modern European Literature series with Palgrave Macmillan, his third monograph was published in late 2015, entitled 'Lycanthropy in German Literature.' The book is an interdisciplinary project at the interstices of literature, philosophy, psychology, and anthropology and includes literary texts from Icelandic saga through the picaresque genre, romanticism, realism, and the twentieth century. Dr Arnds has also produced two works of creative arts practice, including a novel "Searching for Alice" which was published by Dalkey Archive Press, one of the most influential publishers of translated literature and the recipient of a National Book Critics Circle award. In 2014 Red Fox Press published his self-illustrated poetry chapbook of work created during his appointment as the Writer-in-Residence at the Heinrich Böll Cottage on Achill Island, funded in part by the Irish Research Council. Dr Arnds currently serves on several funded global research networks including Challenging Precarity: A Global Network and Narratives of Resilience, working together with scholars in India, the UK, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, the US, Australia, and Canada. He is the Faculty Mentor to the Trinity Journal of Literary Translation and has served as the Director of Trinity College's postgraduate programme in Comparative Literature since 2009.


  • Title
    • Myth, Nationalism and Migration
  • Summary
    • This project studies how myths are being deployed in the rhetoric of new nationalist movements in Europe, Australia, and the US, particularly in relation to recent mass migrations. The aim of the project is to understand how sedentary European cultures employ traditional myths in literature and translate them into political contexts to cement new forms of group identification, often involving the demonization of others. Conversely, this study will also seek to shed light on how those in abject situations are generating new forms of empowerment through myth. The project will analyse contemporary scenarios in which myth plays a central role in the practice of reducing humans to the level of animals, and how literary motifs drawn from myth and folklore are used by political movements in acts of dehumanization involving the devaluation and ultimate destruction of the individual's humanity. The biopolitical tactic of reducing humans to the level of animals is a global phenomenon, with the language of racism teeming with animal metaphors.To arrive at a better understanding of the biopolitics involved in the contemporary migrant situation, this project will analyse how these metaphors, are viewed in sedentary versus indigenous cultures.
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 06/06/2017
  • Date To
    • 06/03/2018
  • Title
    • Translating Auschwitz: The Holocaust and the Politics of Translation
  • Summary
    • Principal Investigator and Academic Mentor for project with Dr Joanna Rzepafor her research on "Translating Auschwitz: The Holocaust and the Politics of Translation"
  • Funding Agency
    • IRC - Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • October 2016
  • Date To
    • September 2018
  • Title
    • Myth Matters: Representation of Trauma and Political Violence in World Literature
  • Summary
    • This project examines the uses of myth and metaphor in world literature for the representation of trauma arising from political violence and human rights violations. It is aimed at both a multidisciplinary academic and a wider public audience and examines how myths and their biological metaphors in different cultures impact the biopolitical treatment of humans and the artistic representation of such treatment.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Research Council
  • Title
    • Translating Myth over Time: The Nation, War, Trauma
  • Summary
    • This project explores comparatively how myths are used and misused in a collective nationalist context, in Europe and also beyond. We will examine how myths are being constructed at times of heightened nationalist pressure, how they keep shaping literary genres such as satire to offer a liberating valve to such pressures, and how the return of myth can aid in coming to terms with individual and collective trauma. The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD), for example, where Roman forces were defeated by the Germanic tribes, returns as a national myth in Germany during the Napoleonic invasions as it does during the Third Reich. Under National Socialism many myths of Germanic origin were misused and ideologically abused - the myth of Wotan, the God of storm and war, or by Hitler appropriating for himself the ancient Germanic myth of the wolf man in the final days of the war. In literature after 1945 satires then liberate myth from its earlier political abuse but also take on the rationalist climate of the Adenauer period. On the other hand, mythological themes such as the descent into the underworld or the transformation of humans into animals abound in literary texts as a form of representation of totalitarian and colonial violence. We see this at work, for example, in Primo Levi's "If This is a Man" (1949), where the presence of myth is deeply connected to the potential loss of humanity but also helps Levi find a voice in the face of unspeakable atrocities. How does this mythical landscape in politics and culture map out in other countries around the world? How does myth influence literary genre, especially satire, in its reaction to terror? How are myths manipulated politically and liberated by art and literature? How do they aid victims of terror regimes and political violence in giving testimony?
  • Funding Agency
    • HERA (Humanities in European Research Area)
  • Date From
    • 2016
  • Title
    • Reassessing Satire in the Age of Terror
  • Summary
    • In light of attacks on satirists in France and Denmark and the persecution of authors writing satirical novels, this project addressed the pressing need for a reassessment of the history and values of the genre of satire in world literature. The aim of this research is to highlight the liberating potential of satire as a tool that unites humanity rather than dividing it, especially due to the universal aspects of satire with its recourse to mythological archetypes, humour, the grotesque, hyperbole and exaggeration.
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 03/03/2015
  • Date To
    • 03/12/2015
  • Title
    • Creation of T-JOLT Literary Journal
  • Summary
    • Funding obtained to create a new student Journal Journal of Literary Translation at Trinity College Dublin
  • Funding Agency
    • Goethe Institut Dublin & the Turkish Embassy of Dublin, TCD Alumni Assoc.
  • Date From
    • 2012
  • Date To
    • 2014
  • Title
    • Migration, Myth, Metaphor: The Cultural Politics of the Wolf as Predator and Prey
  • Summary
    • ERC Advanced Grant application. The overarching goal of this research project is to explore the ways in which the wolf has been exploited as a metaphor in the context of migration, with a focus on informing scholars, students, and the general public about the use of dehumanizing metaphors for people outlawed, exiled, and abjected to the level of animals considered dangerous, parasitic, and untrustworthy, an amalgamation that perpetuates the perception of refugees and other immigrants as 'alien' and other. Through the detailed analysis of the cultural history of deeply rooted phobias that tie the wolf to the perception of migration this research project seeks to reach a better understanding of the shared history of wolves and migrants in order to dismantle prejudices and fears, improve conditions for both, and open up new avenues for the field of migration studies.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Research Council
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Title
    • Cities in Translation: Dublin, New York, Berlin
  • Summary
    • Cities of Translation is an interdisciplinary conference organised by Dr Peter Arnds that will analyse three cities in comparison - Dublin, Berlin and New York - as places of translation, to be understood in the wider sense of moving between languages, cultures, social classes, ethnic groups, topographies, and literatures. This research supports a multidimensional examination of identity at work in the urban landscape.
  • Funding Agency
    • Long Room Hub
  • Date From
    • May 9, 2014
  • Title
    • Mapping Metaphors (Japan) and Archival Resarch (Germany)
  • Summary
    • Financial support from the Benefaction Fund in 2015 for travel to Japan to present "Mapping Metaphors in Literature and the Digital Humanities" with Dr Jennifer Edmonds and for archival work at the State Archive (Deutsches Literaturarchiv) in Marbach, Germany.
  • Funding Agency
    • Benefaction Fund
  • Date From
    • 2012
  • Date To
    • 2017
  • Title
    • Literarischer Abend
  • Summary
    • Funding to present lectures and hold a Literarischer Abend at the Austrian Embassy in Delhi, India
  • Funding Agency
    • Austrian Embassy of Ireland
  • Title
    • Island as Forest, Forest as Island: Homo Sacer and Heterotopias in William Golding's Lord of the Flies," Insularity: Representations and Constructions of Small Worlds
  • Summary
    • Grant to present talk at the University of Malta
  • Funding Agency
    • Thyssen Foundation
  • Date From
    • 2013


18th Century intellectual history; children's literature; comparative literature and cultural theory; Exile literature; German Intellectual History; Literary theory; Literature and cultural history of the Enlightenment; literature of genocide, Holocaust; Literature, philosophy and ideology; magical realism; Modern German and Austrian literature; Modern Italian writers; mythology; Post war German literature; psychology and literature; Translation; Weimer Classicism and Romanticism; Writers and politics



Member, Coordinating Committee for the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (one of the research committees of the International Comparative Literature Association) 2018

Member, Scientific Committee, Universidad de Complutense, Madrid 2016

External Supervisor, Carole Mora, "W.G. Sebald and Jungian Psychoanalysis," Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, USA 2018

Judge, International Undergraduate Awards 2016

President, Comparative Literature Association of Ireland 2014

Advisory Board, Metacritic Journal of Comparative Literature and Theory 2017

Assessor, Leverhulme Trust (UK) 2015

Editorial Board member, The German Quarterly 2003

Outside reader for Revue Frontières, Université du Québec à Montréal 2011

External Reader, Camden House 2010

External examiner for Vanesa Cotroneo, Friedrich Alexander Univ, Erlangen, Germany 2020

Awards and Honours

Elected into the Academia Europaea 2018

Honorary Adjunct Professorship, Bennett University, Delhi, India (online) 1/22-1/23

Longlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award for "Rapids" (English translation of Patrick Boltshauser's novel Stromschnellen) 2016

Fellow, TCD 2012

Elected into PEN Centre for German Writers Abroad, part of PEN International 2015

Visiting Professorship, Department of English, University of Salamanca 2019

Visiting Professorship at the JM Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice. Residency funded by Univ. of Adelaide's European Union Centre for Global Affairs. 2016

Visiting Fellow at Institute of Advanced Study at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India 2012 & 2015

All-Ireland Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, awarded by The Undergraduate Awards Committee for European Studies student Ruth Murphy's winning essay on Primo Levi, the Muselmann and Viktor Frankl in the category of Social Sciences 2015

Writer-in-Residence - Heinrich Böll Foundation/Böll Cottage, Achill Island (co-funded by the Arts Council of Ireland) 2012

All-Ireland Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, awarded by The Undergraduate Awards Committee for German Studies student Laura Sinnott's winning essay on The Tin Drum in the field of Languages and Linguistics 2011

Awarded William L. Stamey Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching, College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University 1999

Keynote Address: "The Lost Art of Happenstance: Randomness and Travel Literature" British Comparative Literature Association Triennial Conference, Queens University, Belfast September 15, 2020

Keynote Address: "Wolves and the Poetics of Migration: Translating Theory, Rethinking Comparative Literature" Locations and Dislocations of Theory, Cluj Napoca, Romania March 9, 2020

Keynote Address: "Mythical Realism North and South: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children and Günter Grass's The Tin Drum", Rethinking the Global North and South: Literature, Film, Media, Lucknow, India, Shri Ramswaroop University February 2, 2019

Keynote Address: "Sognare lupi: Dal mito a Freud," Myth and Dreams, International Conference, University of Bologna May 23, 2019

Keynote Address: "Seeking Sanctuaries: Dehumanization and Precarious Cities in World Literature," at "Challenging Precarity. International Conference." Auro University, Surat, India January 28, 2019

Keynote Address: "Into the Cold: On the Uses and Abuses of Water in Literature and Politics," at Traumatic Modernities: From Comparative Literature to Medical Humanities, International Conference and Seminars Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland April 19, 2017

Keynote Address: "Bodies and Minds in Flux: Lycanthropy and Politics in Myth and World Literature", The Return of the Body: Revisiting Cultures of the Body, JNU Centre for English Studies February 10, 2016

Keynote Address: "Myth, Emotion, Trauma: Mapping Myth and Metaphor in World Literature", 4th International Conference on Myth Criticism (Myth and Emotions), Spain, Universidad de Complutense, Madrid October 25, 2016

Visiting Research Fellow: Center for Gender and Women's Culture in Asia, Nara Womens' University (with Dr Jennifer Edmond) - Nara, Japan March 2016


Academia Europaea 2018 – present

President, Comparative Literature Association of Ireland 2014 – present

Modern Language Association 1995 – present

American Comparative Literature Association 1998 – 2013

Elected to the PEN Centre for German Writers Abroad, part of PEN International 2015 – present