Professor Johannes Wagener
Professor of Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Dolan A.-M., Hoban T., Brennan G., Flanagan P.R., O'Rourke S., Teoh T.K., Boyle B., Mellerick L., Toolan S., Flynn C., Wagener J., O'Connell B., Magnusiomyces capitatus, an Unusual Cause of Invasive Fungal Infections in Neutropenic Patients: Case Reports and Outbreak Investigation, Mycopathologia, 190, (1), 2025
Elsaman H, Golubtsov E, Brazil S, Ng N, Klugherz I, Martin R, Dichtl K, Müller C, Wagener J., Toxic eburicol accumulation drives the antifungal activity of azoles against Aspergillus fumigatus., Nature communications, 15, (1), 2024, p6312
Schub T, Klugherz I, Wagener J, Prattes J, Hoenigl M, Suerbaum S, Held J, Dichtl K., Serum antigen tests for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis: a retrospective comparison of five <i>Aspergillus</i> antigen assays and one beta-D-glucan assay., Journal of clinical microbiology, 62, (12), 2024, pe0095024
Dichtl K, Barry R, Angstwurm MWA, Suerbaum S, Wagener J., Performance of galactomannan testing from endotracheal aspirate to guide bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis., Infection, 2023
Dichtl K, Osterman A, Forster J, Jakob L, Suerbaum S, Flaig MJ, Schubert S, Wagener J., A retrospective evaluation of the Euroarray STI-11 multiplex system for the detection of eight STI causing agents., Scientific reports, 13, (1), 2023, p11382
Liebl M, Huber L, Elsaman H, Merschak P, Wagener J, Gsaller F, Müller C., Quantifying Isoprenoids in the Ergosterol Biosynthesis by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry., Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland), 9, (7), 2023, p768
Dichtl K, Osterman A, Barry R, Wagener J., A novel microarray-based PCR assay for the detection of HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV skin infections: A retrospective analysis., Journal of virological methods, 312, 2023, p114650
Mok S, Roycroft E, Flanagan PR, Wagener J, Fitzgibbon MM., Investigation of genomic mutations and their association with phenotypic resistance to new and repurposed drugs in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex clinical isolates., The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 2023, pdkad252
Klugherz I, Basch M, Ng N, Zhu Z, Wagener N, Wagener J., Only One of Three Bcs1 Homologs in Aspergillus fumigatus Confers Respiratory Growth., Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland), 9, (11), 2023, p1074
Forster J, Hoenigl M, Suerbaum S, Wagener J, Dichtl K., Serologic biomarkers in Candida and Aspergillus infections of the central nervous system: A comparison of galactomannan, mannan and ß-1,3-D-gucan testing from serum and cerebrospinal fluid., Mycoses, 65, (7), 2022, p709-714
Forster J, Dichtl K, Wagener J., Lower beta-1,3-D-glucan testing cut-offs increase sensitivity for non-albicans Candida species blood stream infections., Mycoses, 2022
Baldin C, Kühbacher A, Merschak P, Wagener J, Gsaller F., Modular Inducible Multigene Expression System for Filamentous Fungi., Microbiology spectrum, 10, (6), 2022, pe0367022
Koc Ö, Kessler HH, Hoenigl M, Wagener J, Suerbaum S, Schubert S, Dichtl K., Performance of Multiplex PCR and ß-1,3-D-Glucan Testing for the Diagnosis of Candidemia., Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland), 8, (9), 2022, p972
Dichtl K, Koc Ö, Forster J, Scharf C, Suerbaum S, Andrassy J, Wagener J, Schroeder I., An invasive infection caused by the thermophilic mold Talaromyces thermophilus., Infection, 49, (6), 2021, p1347-1353
Forster J, Koc Ö, Koeppel MB, Hamprecht A, Kurzai O, Suerbaum S, Wagener J, Dichtl K., ß-1,3-D-glucan and galactomannan as biomarkers for the detection of invasive Geotrichum and Magnusiomyces infections: a retrospective evaluation., Journal of clinical microbiology, 2021, pJCM0160721
Schroeder I, Dichtl K, Liebchen U, Wagener J, Irlbeck M, Zoller M, Scharf C., Digestive enzymes of fungal origin as a relevant cause of false positive Aspergillus antigen testing in intensive care unit patients., Infection, 49, (2), 2021, p241-248
Dunne MR, Wagener J, Loeffler J, Doherty DG, Rogers TR, Unconventional T cells - New players in antifungal immunity, Clinical Immunology, 2021, p108734-
Brantl V, Boysen JM, Yap A, Golubtsov E, Ruf D, Heinekamp T, Straßburger M, Dichtl K, Haas H, Hillmann F, Wagener J., Peroxiredoxin Asp f3 Is Essential for Aspergillus fumigatus To Overcome Iron Limitation during Infection., mBio, 12, (4), 2021, pe0097621
Schub T, Forster J, Suerbaum S, Wagener J, Dichtl K., Comparison of a Lateral Flow Assay and a Latex Agglutination Test for the Diagnosis of Cryptococcus Neoformans Infection., Current microbiology, 78, (11), 2021, p3989-3995
Krone M, Gütling J, Wagener J, Lâm TT, Schoen C, Vogel U, Stich A, Wedekink F, Wischhusen J, Kerkau T, Beyersdorf N, Klingler S, Backes S, Dölken L, Gasteiger G, Kurzai O, Schubert-Unkmeir A., Performance of Three SARS-CoV-2 Immunoassays, Three Rapid Lateral Flow Tests, and a Novel Bead-Based Affinity Surrogate Test for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Human Serum., Journal of clinical microbiology, 59, (8), 2021, pe0031921
Sturm L, Geißel B, Martin R, Wagener J., Differentially Regulated Transcription Factors and ABC Transporters in a Mitochondrial Dynamics Mutant Can Alter Azole Susceptibility of Aspergillus fumigatus., Frontiers in microbiology, 11, 2020, p1017
Basch M, Wagner M, Rolland S, Carbonell A, Zeng R, Khosravi S, Schmidt A, Aftab W, Imhof A, Wagener J, Conradt B, Wagener N., Msp1 cooperates with the proteasome for extraction of arrested mitochondrial import intermediates., Molecular biology of the cell, 31, (8), 2020, p753-767
Dichtl K, Forster J, Ormanns S, Horns H, Suerbaum S, Seybold U, Wagener J., Comparison of ß-D-Glucan and Galactomannan in Serum for Detection of Invasive Aspergillosis: Retrospective Analysis with Focus on Early Diagnosis., Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland), 6, (4), 2020
alpha- and beta-1,3-Glucan Synthesis and Remodeling. in, editor(s)Jean-Paul Latgé , The Fungal Cell Wall: An Armour and a Weapon for Human Fungal Pathogens, Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp53-82 , [Wagener J, Striegler K, Wagener N.]
Götz R, Panzer S, Trinks N, Eilts J, Wagener J, Turrà D, Di Pietro A, Sauer M, Terpitz U., Expansion Microscopy for Cell Biology Analysis in Fungi., Frontiers in microbiology, 11, 2020, p574
Aspergillus in, Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Infektiologie, 2020, [Johannes Wagener, Oliver Kurzai]
Dichtl K, Koeppel MB, Wallner CP, Marx T, Wagener J, Ney L., Food poisoning: an underestimated cause of Boerhaave syndrome., Infection, 48, (1), 2020, p125-128
Wagener J, Striegler K, Wagener N, "- and ß-1,3-Glucan Synthesis and Remodeling., Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 2020
Steger M, Bermejo-Jambrina M, Yordanov T, Wagener J, Brakhage AA, Pittl V, Huber LA, Haas H, Lass-Flörl C, Posch W, Wilflingseder D., ß-1,3-glucan-lacking Aspergillus fumigatus mediates an efficient antifungal immune response by activating complement and dendritic cells., Virulence, 10, (1), 2019, p957-969
Dichtl K, Seybold U, Wagener J., Serological biomarkers of candidemia: a retrospective evaluation of three assays., Infection, 47, (2), 2019, p217-224
Wagener J, Kurzai O, [Candida auris: Steckbrief eines neuen Pilzes], Deutsches Arzteblatt - SUPPLEMENT: Perspektiven der Infektiologie, 116, (4), 2019, p29-30
Dichtl K, Seybold U, Ormanns S, Horns H, Wagener J., Evaluation of a Novel Aspergillus Antigen Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay., Journal of clinical microbiology, 57, (7), 2019
von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Wagener J, Einsele H, Cornely OA, Kurzai O., Invasive Fungal Infection., Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 116, (16), 2019, p271-278
Geißel B, Loiko V, Klugherz I, Zhu Z, Wagener N, Kurzai O, van den Hondel CAMJJ, Wagener J., Azole-induced cell wall carbohydrate patches kill Aspergillus fumigatus., Nature communications, 9, (1), 2018, p3098
Dichtl K, Seybold U, Wagener J., Evaluation of a Turbidimetric ß-d-Glucan Test for Detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia., Journal of clinical microbiology, 56, (7), 2018
Ruf D, Brantl V, Wagener J., Mitochondrial Fragmentation in Aspergillus fumigatus as Early Marker of Granulocyte Killing Activity., Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 8, 2018, p128
Wagener J, Walther G, Kurzai O, [Antimykotikaresistenz bei klinisch relevanten Erregern invasiver Pilzinfektionen in Deutschland.], Der Mikrobiologe, 28, 2018, p13-18
Geißel B, Penka M, Neubauer M, Wagener J., The ER-mitochondria encounter structure contributes to hyphal growth, mitochondrial morphology and virulence of the pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus., International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM, 307, (1), 2017, p37-43
Loiko V, Wagener J., The Paradoxical Effect of Echinocandins in Aspergillus fumigatus Relies on Recovery of the ß-1,3-Glucan Synthase Fks1., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 61, (2), 2017
Wagener J, Loiko V., Recent Insights into the Paradoxical Effect of Echinocandins., Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland), 4, (1), 2017
Leonhardt Y, Kakoschke SC, Wagener J, Ebel F., Lah is a transmembrane protein and requires Spa10 for stable positioning of Woronin bodies at the septal pore of Aspergillus fumigatus., Scientific reports, 7, 2017, p44179
Wagener J., Regulation of mitochondrial inner membrane fusion: divergent evolution with similar solutions?, Current genetics, 62, (2), 2016, p291-294
Dichtl K, Samantaray S, Wagener J., Cell wall integrity signalling in human pathogenic fungi., Cellular microbiology, 18, (9), 2016, p1228-1238
Dichtl K, Wagener J, Tschöp J, Ney L., Analysis of peritoneal galactomannan for the diagnosis of Aspergillus peritonitis., Infection, 44, (5), 2016, p683-686
Seybold U, Wagener J, Jung J, Sammet S., Multidrug-resistant organisms among refugees in Germany: we need evidence-based care, not fear-based screening., The Journal of hospital infection, 92, (3), 2016, p229-231
Dichtl K, Samantaray S, Aimanianda V, Zhu Z, Prévost MC, Latgé JP, Ebel F, Wagener J., Aspergillus fumigatus devoid of cell wall ß-1,3-glucan is viable, massively sheds galactomannan and is killed by septum formation inhibitors., Molecular microbiology, 95, (3), 2015, p458-471
Neubauer M, Zhu Z, Penka M, Helmschrott C, Wagener N, Wagener J., Mitochondrial dynamics in the pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus: therapeutic and evolutionary implications., Molecular microbiology, 98, (5), 2015, p930-945
Wagener J, Seybold U., [MRSA - hygiene management, diagnostics and treatment]., Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946), 139, (13), 2014, p643-51; quiz 652-4
Samantaray S, Neubauer M, Helmschrott C, Wagener J., Role of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Rom2 in cell wall integrity maintenance of Aspergillus fumigatus., Eukaryotic cell, 12, (2), 2013, p288-298
Rueping J, Klingenstein A, Wagener J, Kampik A, Kook D., [Iris tumor of unknown origin]., Der Ophthalmologe : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, 110, (12), 2013, p1185-1187
Helmschrott C, Sasse A, Samantaray S, Krappmann S, Wagener J., Upgrading fungal gene expression on demand: improved systems for doxycycline-dependent silencing in Aspergillus fumigatus., Applied and environmental microbiology, 79, (5), 2013, p1751-1754
The septal cell wall of filamentous fungi in, editor(s)Héctor Manuel Mora-Montes , The Fungal Cell Wall, Nova Science Publishers, 2013, [Beck J, Wagener J, Ebel F]
Dichtl K, Helmschrott C, Dirr F, Wagener J., Deciphering cell wall integrity signalling in Aspergillus fumigatus: identification and functional characterization of cell wall stress sensors and relevant Rho GTPases., Molecular microbiology, 83, (3), 2012, p506-519
Münchhoff M, Strube H, Wagener J, Bogner JR., [Clostridium-difficile-colitis: more frequent and more severe]., MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 154, (17), 2012, p61-63
Kotz A, Wagener J, Engel J, Routier FH, Echtenacher B, Jacobsen I, Heesemann J, Ebel F., Approaching the secrets of N-glycosylation in Aspergillus fumigatus: characterization of the AfOch1 protein., PloS one, 5, (12), 2010, pe15729
Dichtl K, Ebel F, Dirr F, Routier FH, Heesemann J, Wagener J., Farnesol misplaces tip-localized Rho proteins and inhibits cell wall integrity signalling in Aspergillus fumigatus., Molecular microbiology, 76, (5), 2010, p1191-1204
Dirr F, Echtenacher B, Heesemann J, Hoffmann P, Ebel F, Wagener J., AfMkk2 is required for cell wall integrity signaling, adhesion, and full virulence of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus., International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM, 300, (7), 2010, p496-502
McCormick A, Heesemann L, Wagener J, Marcos V, Hartl D, Loeffler J, Heesemann J, Ebel F., NETs formed by human neutrophils inhibit growth of the pathogenic mold Aspergillus fumigatus., Microbes and infection, 12, (12-13), 2010, p928-936
Kotz A, Wagener J, Engel J, Routier F, Echtenacher B, Pich A, Rohde M, Hoffmann P, Heesemann J, Ebel F., The mitA gene of Aspergillus fumigatus is required for mannosylation of inositol-phosphorylceramide, but is dispensable for pathogenicity., Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B, 47, (2), 2010, p169-178
Wagener J, Spjuth O, Willighagen EL, Wikberg JE., XMPP for cloud computing in bioinformatics supporting discovery and invocation of asynchronous web services., BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 2009, p279
Spjuth O, Alvarsson J, Berg A, Eklund M, Kuhn S, Mäsak C, Torrance G, Wagener J, Willighagen EL, Steinbeck C, Wikberg JE., Bioclipse 2: a scriptable integration platform for the life sciences., BMC Bioinformatics, 10, 2009, p397
Wagener J, Echtenacher B, Rohde M, Kotz A, Krappmann S, Heesemann J, Ebel F., The putative alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase AfMnt1 of the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is required for cell wall stability and full virulence., Eukaryotic cell, 7, (10), 2008, p1661-1673
Duvezin-Caubet S, Koppen M, Wagener J, Zick M, Israel L, Bernacchia A, Jagasia R, Rugarli EI, Imhof A, Neupert W, Langer T, Reichert AS., OPA1 processing reconstituted in yeast depends on the subunit composition of the m-AAA protease in mitochondria., Molecular biology of the cell, 18, (9), 2007, p3582-3590
Spjuth O, Helmus T, Willighagen EL, Kuhn S, Eklund M, Wagener J, Murray-Rust P, Steinbeck C, Wikberg JE., Bioclipse: an open source workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics., BMC Bioinformatics, 8, 2007, p59
Duvezin-Caubet S, Jagasia R, Wagener J, Hofmann S, Trifunovic A, Hansson A, Chomyn A, Bauer MF, Attardi G, Larsson NG, Neupert W, Reichert AS., Proteolytic processing of OPA1 links mitochondrial dysfunction to alterations in mitochondrial morphology., The Journal of biological chemistry, 281, (49), 2006, p37972-37979
Research Expertise
- Title
- Investigation of the role of trace elements in standardized antifungal susceptibility testing
- Funding Agency
- Pfizer Healthcare Ireland
- Date From
- 09/2022
- Date To
- 02/2024
- Title
- Resist or die: Identification and functional characterization of cell wall integrity determinants important for the survival of Aspergillus fumigatus challenged by neutrophil granulocytes
- Summary
- Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 430055013,
- Funding Agency
- DFG, German Research Foundation
- Date From
- 06/2020
- Date To
- 12/2023
- Title
- Molecular characterization of mitochondrial fission and fusion mechanisms in Aspergillus fumigatus and their roles in pathogenicity, viability and stress tolerance
- Summary
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 249764016,
- Funding Agency
- DFG, German Research Foundation
- Date From
- 05/2014
- Date To
- 10/2017
- Title
- Cell wall stress response in Aspergillus fumigatus: molecular characterization of the signal transduction pathways
- Summary
- Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 194178034,
- Funding Agency
- DFG, German Research Foundation
- Date From
- 05/2011
- Date To
- 04/2014
President of the Irish Fungal Society (IFS)
Irish Representative on the Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) Subcommittee of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST)
Secretary of the specialized group "Eukaryotic Pathogens" of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)
Co-chairman of the specialized group "Eukaryotic Pathogens" of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)
Awards and Honours
Young talent award of the specialized group "Eukaryotic Pathogens" of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)
Becton Dickinson Research Award "Clinical Microbiology" of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM; )
Clausthal-Zellerfeld Award on proposal of the Robert Koch Foundation ( )
Forschungsförderpreis of the German-speaking Mycological Society (Deutschsprachige Mykologische Gesellschaft, DMykG; )
Fellow of European Confederation of Medical Mycology
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (FFPath) of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI)
Irish Fungal Society (IFS)
Irish Society of Clinical Microbiologists (ISCM)
Medical Council of Ireland
Deutschsprachige Mykologische Gesellschaft (German-speaking Mycological Society; DMykG)
German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM)
Bavarian Medical Association (BLÄK)