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Dr. Yvonne Scott
Fellow Emeritus, History Of Art

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Rita Duffy " Persistent Illusion in, editor(s)Mary McCarthy (Director) and Anne Boddaert (Curator) , Rita Duffy, Persistent Illusion, Cork, Crawford Art Gallery, 2023, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2023

Francis Bacon, '... to be an Egyptian' in, editor(s)Martin Harrison , Francis Bacon Review, London, The Estate of Francis Bacon Publishing, 2023, pp12 - 39, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2023

Yvonne Scott, Landscape and Environment in Contemporary Irish Art, Ireland, Churchill House Press and Irish Museum of Modern Art, 2023 Book, 2023

Kathy Prendergast: Transcultural Cartography in, editor(s)Cynthia Fowler and Paula Murphy , Art History at the Crossroads of Ireland and the United States, London, Routledge, 2022, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2022

Here I Am Now: Donald Teskey and the Representation of Landscape in, editor(s)Patrick T. Murphy and Sarah McAuliffe , Donald Teskey, Decade, Dublin, Royal Hibernian Academy, 2022, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2022

Landscape as an Expanded Field in, editor(s)Yvonne Scott and Catherine Marshall , Irish Art 1920-2020, Perspectives on Change, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2022, pp102 - 137, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2022

Yvonne Scott and Catherine Marshall (eds), Irish Art 1920-2020: Perspectives on Change, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2022 Book, 2022

Globalisation and Irish Art: a grand scheme? in, editor(s)Yvonne Scott and Catherine Marshall , Irish Art 1920-2020, Perspectives on Change, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2022, pp342 - 375, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2022

Ruins and Dis(re)membering in, editor(s)Niamh NicGhabhann and Danielle O'Donovoan , Mapping New Territories in Art and Architectural Histories: Essays in Honour of Roger Stalley (Studies in Gothic Art) , Turnhout, Belium, Brepols, 2021, pp527 - 538, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2021

Yvonne Scott, Living Water: Irish Artists and Ecology, Etudes Irlandaises/French Journal for Irish Studies, 2019, p117 - 132 Journal Article, 2019

The (Over)View in, editor(s)Donal Maguire , Shaping Ireland: Intervention and Representation in Irish Landscape Art, Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, 2019, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2019

Anne Madden: Ariadne's Thread in, editor(s)Barbara Dawson , Anne Madden; Colours of the Wind - Ariadne's Thread, Dublin, Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane, 2017, pp42 - 45, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2017

Charles Harper: 'a new precision?' in, Charles Harper, Dublin, Royal Hibernian Academy, 2017, [Royal Hibernian Academy] Book Chapter, 2017

The Landscapes of (Patrick) Ireland: Strolling with the Zeitgeist and 'Asymmetrical Twins' in, editor(s)Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes , Brian O'Doherty / Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique , Amsterdam, Valiz, 2017, pp172 - 191, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2017

Yvonne Scott, Ruins in Ireland, Ireland in Ruins: Symbols and Semiotics in Irish Visual Art, Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Irlandaises. Special Issue, Irish Environmental Humanities,, 40, 2017, p142 - 173 Journal Article, 2017

1995. City Drawings. Kathy Prendergast in, editor(s)Fintan O'Toole, Catherine Marshall and Eibhear Walsh , Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy and Irish Times, 2016, pp238-40 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2016

1958 Girl carrying grasses. Patrick Scott. in, editor(s)Fintan O'Toole, Catherine Marshall and Eibhear Walsh , Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy and Irish Times, 2016, pp127-29 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2016

1920 The lobster fisherman at dusk. Paul Henry in, editor(s)Fintan O'Toole, Catherine Marshall and Eibhear Walsh , Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy and Irish Times, 2016, pp13 - 15, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2016

1997 Teacup. Dorothy Cross. in, editor(s)Fintan O'Toole, Catherine Marshall and Eibhear Walsh , Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy and Irish Times, 2016, pp244-46 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2016

Reconstructing the Raft: Semiotics and Memory in the art of the shipwreck and the raft in, editor(s)Tricia Cusack , Framing the Ocean, 1700 to Present - The Sea as Social Space in Western Art, London, Ashgate, 2016, pp165 - 180, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2016

Oliver Comerford, Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. Twentieth-Century Art and Artists, Dublin, New Haven, London, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, ppp.76 , [Yvonne Scott] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014

Landscape in, editor(s))Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray , Twentieth-Century, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V, New Haven, London, Dublin, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp257 - 264, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

Charles Tyrrell, Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. Twentieth-Century , V, Dublin, New Haven, London, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp480 - 481, [Yvonne Scott] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014

Willie McKeown, Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. Twentieth-Century Art and Artists, Dublin, New Haven, London, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp281 - 282, [Yvonne Scott] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014

Dorothy Cross in, editor(s)Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray (eds), , Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. Twentieth-Century Art and Artists,, New Haven, London,, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp98 - 100, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

Dorothy Cross: Jellyfish Lake in, editor(s)Peter Murray (ed) , Three Centuries of Irish Art in the Crawford Art Gallery Collection, Cork, Crawford Gallery, 2014, pp260 - 261, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

The Tory Island School in, editor(s)Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray (eds) , Twentieth Centiry, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. , New Haven, London, Dublin, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp470 - 472, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

Patrick Scott in, editor(s)Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray (eds), , Twentieth-Century, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V, New Haven, London, Dublin, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp432 - 434, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

Realism in, editor(s)Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray , Twentieth-Century, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V, New Haven, London, Dublin, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp401 - 405, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2014

John Doherty, Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray, Art and Architecture of Ireland (AAI), Vol.V. Twentieth-Century Art and Artists, Dublin, New Haven, London, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, 2014, pp144 , [Yvonne Scott] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014

Yvonne Scott, Patrick Scott - An Appreciation, , RHA Annual, Royal Hibernian Academy, 2014 Journal Article, 2014

Yvonne Scott and Barbara Dawson, 'Francis Bacon's Books', Bacon's Books, TCD and Dublin City Gallery, the Hugh Lane Gallery websites, TCD and Dublin City Gallery, the Hugh Lane Gallery, 2012, - Digital research resource production, 2012

The Renaissance of the Forest in Contemporary Art in Ireland in, editor(s)Marie Mianowski , Irish Contemporary Landscapes in Literature and the Arts, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp235 - 249, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2012

Yvonne Scott and Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, 'Ned Kelly series by Sydney Nolan, at IMMA', Arts Tonight, RTE Radio 1, RTE and IMMA, 2012, - Broadcast, 2012

Yvonne Scott, Reconstructing the Raft; the Semiotics of Raft and Shipwreck in Contemporary Art, Association of Art Historians Annual Conference, University of Warwick, March 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Scott, Yvonne, The Renaissance of the Forest in Irish Contemporary Art, Ireland: Landscapes, University of Nantes, Nantes, 12-13th March 2010, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Marginality as Productive Space in, editor(s)Eimear O'Connor , Irish Women Artists 1800-2009, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, pp11 - 16, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2010

Trinity's Collection in Context: an emerging collection of modern art in Ireland in, editor(s)Catherine Giltrap , George Dawson: An Unbiased Eye, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and Associated Editions, 2010, pp41 - 56, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2010

Living Landscape - An Irish Context in, editor(s)Ann Davoren , Living Landscape, Ireland and Catalunya Spain, Cork, West Cork Arts Centre, 2010, pp10 - 19, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2010

Paisaje Vivo - Un Contexto Irelandés in, editor(s)Ann Davoren , Paisaje Vivo, Irlanda y Cataluña-España, Cork and Barcelona, West Cork Arts Centre and Galeria Safia, 2010, pp8-13 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2010

Moving Pictures: Art, Ireland and Migration in, editor(s)Jaynie Anderson , Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration, Convergence, Melbourne, CIHA and Melbourne University Press, 2009, pp630 - 634, [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2009

Yvonne Scott, Silvestri Hiberni: Re-Presenting Irish Wilderness, Association of Art Historians, Annual Conference, University of Manchester, April , 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Scott, Yvonne, Moving Pictures: Art, Ireland and Migration, Comité Internationale d'Histoire de l'Art, Melbourne, Australia, January 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Twentieth Century, Art and Artists of Ireland, , New Haven, London, Dublin, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy, [Advisory Board], 2008-2014 Editorial Board, 2008

Scott, Yvonne, Jack B. Yeats, Old and New Departures, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2008, 144pp Book, 2008

Michael Kane: the urban in text and image in, editor(s)Iseult Dunne and Josephine Kelleher , Michael Kane, A Monograph, Dublin, Rubicon, 2008, pp8-17 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2008

Chaos Theory in, editor(s)Yvonne Scott , Jack B. Yeats, Old and New Departures, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2008, pp84-99 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2008

Scott, Yvonne, Insularity: images, islandhood and Ireland, College Art Association Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, February 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Patrick Scott HRHA, Jane Eckett, Art on the Move, Dublin, Coras Iompair Eireann, 2007, pp58 - 59, [Yvonne Scott] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2007

Scott, Yvonne, Dancing at the Crossroads: Locating Irish Art History, Contested Evidence, 33rd AAH Annual Conference, Belfast, 12-14 April 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Scott, Yvonne, Contemporary Art in Ireland, NAE, Speciale Irlanda, CUEC Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice Cagliaritana, V, (17), 2007, p129-133, I-XVI Journal Article, 2007

Size Matters: Landscape art in Ireland in an age of globalization in, editor(s)James Elkins and Rachel DeLue , Landscape Theory, The Art Seminar, Vol.6, New York, Routledge, 2007, pp252-59 , [Yvonne Scott] Book Chapter, 2007

Georgia O'Keeffe's Landscapes: Modern and American in, editor(s)Richard D. Marshall , Georgia O'Keeffe, Nature and Abstraction, Dublin and Vancouver, Irish Museum of Modern Art and Vancouver Art Gallery, 2007, pp21 - 26, [Scott, Yvonne] Book Chapter, 2007

Scott, Yvonne, L'arte contemporanea in Irlanda , NAE, Speciale Irlanda, CUEC Cooperativa Universitaria Editrice Cagliaritana, V, (17), 2007, p129--133, I-XVI Journal Article, 2007

Art in State Buildings 1995-2005 in, editor(s)Harris, Penny , Art in State Buildings 1995-2005, Dublin, Office of Public Works, 2006, ppvii - xiv, [Scott, Yvonne] Book Chapter, 2006

Scott, Yvonne, Transformations in the Exotic: from the Picturesque to the Authentic in the imagery of Irish tourist literature, Borders & Crossing VI, University of Palermo, 7-9 September, 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Scott, Yvonne, Of Night and Light, Irish Arts Review, 23, (4), 2006, p92 - 97 Journal Article, 2006

Louis le Brocquy, Allegory and Legend in, editor(s)le Brocquy, Pierre and Virginia Teehan , Louis le Brocquy, Allegory and Legend, Limerick, The Hunt Museum, 2006, pp11 - 25, [Scott, Yvonne] Book Chapter, 2006

Scott, Yvonne, Lost Horizons? The Changing Landscape of Ireland, Changing Ireland, University of Connecticut, 21-22 October, 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Scott, Yvonne, Stephen Loughman, The Lake, Circa, 116, (Summer), 2006, p82-83 Review, 2006

Vision and Exchange in, editor(s)European Central Bank , Contemporary Art from Ireland, Frankfurt am Main, European Central Bank, 2005, pp15 - 18, [Scott, Yvonne] Book Chapter, 2005

Scott, Yvonne, The West as Metaphor, Dublin, Royal Hibernian Academy, 2005, 112pp Book, 2005

Scott, Yvonne, Chaos Theory, Jack Yeats Recent Research Symposium, Dublin, October 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Stephen Loughmann: Through a Glass Darkly in, editor(s)Connor, Valerie , Ireland at the 26th Sao Paulo Bienal, Dublin, Department of Art, Sport and tourism, 2004, pp46 - 51, [Scott, Yvonne] Book Chapter, 2004

Scott, Yvonne, Picturing Clouds, Clouding the Picture, Sites and Territories of Art History, Comité Internationale d'Histoire de l'Art, Montreal, August 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Scott, Yvonne, Refreshing the Landscape, Irish Arts Review, (Spring), 2004, p60 - 61 Journal Article, 2004

Scott, Yvonne, The Dilemma of Modernism in Irish Art, Ireland/Wales Conference, Trinity College Dublin, May 2004, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Scott, Yvonne, The Iconography of Absence, Visual Cultures of Landscape, Association of Art Historians (UK), London, April 2003, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Scott, Yvonne, De-fences: Mapping Boundaries in Irish Contemporary Art, College Art Association Annual Conference, CAA, New York, February 2003, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Scott, Yvonne, Visualising Urban Landscape: The Work of Michael Kane, Tracings, 2, (2), 2003, p145 - 163 Journal Article, 2003

Scott, Yvonne (curator), Patrick Scott: A Retrospective, Dublin, Hugh Lane Gallery Irish Art Series, 2002 Book, 2002

Scott, Yvonne, Landscape Unbound: Science and the Redefinition of Landscape in Art, Association of Art Historians (UK) Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, April 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Scott, Yvonne, Transformations in Irish Landscape Painting, Changing Cultural Contexts, Heritage Conference, GMIT, Galway, October 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Scott, Yvonne, From the Picturesque to the Authentic, Northern Landscapes: The Irish Perspective in Fiction and Art, 1870-1914, Trinity College Dublin, November 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Scott, Yvonne, Leon Golub. 'Echoes of the Real', Review of Leon Golub exhibition, The Burlington Magazine, CXLII, (1171), 2000, p648-649 Review, 2000

Scott, Yvonne, Picasso and Bacon in Dublin: working on paper, The Lancet, 355, (9222), 2000, p2260-1 Review, 2000

Scott, Yvonne, Myth and nature in Paul Klee's 'Metamorphose', The Burlington Magazine, CXLII, (1165), 2000, p226 - 228 Journal Article, 2000

Scott, Yvonne, Rembrandt's 'Bathsheba Reading King David's Letter', Review of Rembrandt's 'Bathsheba Reading King David's Letter', by Ann Jensen Adams , Seventeenth Century, 14, (2), 1999, p167-169 Review, 1999

Scott, Yvonne, Paul Klee's 'Anima errante', The Burlington Magazine, CXL, (1146), 1998, p615 - 618 Journal Article, 1998

Research Expertise


Modern and contemporary art, particularly Irish art. Theories of landscape, space and place and their representation in art and visual culture


  • Title
    • Bacon's Books: Francis Bacon's library and its role in his art
  • Summary
    • Joint project with Barbara Dawson, Director, Dublin City Gallery/The Hugh Lane. The personal library of an artist is widely recognised as an invaluable resource for exploring and understanding their work. This project is devoted to cataloguing and analysing the library of internationally-acclaimed, Dublin-born artist, Francis Bacon (1909-1982), whose estate includes c.1,000 books. Donated to Dublin City Gallery, the Hugh Lane, Ireland's first museum dedicated to Modern art, the Francis Bacon library represents an invaluable, but so far under-exploited resource for illuminating the imagery of this towering figure of twentieth-century visual expression. Artist's libraries provide an invaluable insight into: (i) the latent interests that stimulate the acquisition of selected books in the first place, (ii) book illustrations that inform or influence the artist's approach to imagery, and (iii) potential sources of intellectual inspiration that may emerge in the work. Bacon read voraciously and his range of interests is evident in the numerous books on subjects as diverse as art, photography, history, politics, philosophy, cinema, sport, supernatural phenomena, and medical textbooks. As well as drawing on visual imagery, Bacon explored literary sources for inspiration. His profound interest in poetry and prose of classic authors included T.S. Eliot, Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Federico Garcia Lorca and W.B. Yeats. The significance of certain themes is indicated by the numbers of books in identifiable fields, and many also have glosses and notes, paint accretions, pages removed and maintained, for reference. These books, and relevant aspects of their condition, have never been fully catalogued, and - most significantly - no comprehensive analysis to examine the relationship between text and image in the work of this artist has yet been undertaken. In the year that Dublin has been recognised and honoured as a Unesco City of Literature, this project will facilitate an examination of the dynamic relationship between verbal and visual texts, in the work of this major Irish artist.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRCHSS
  • Date From
    • December 2010
  • Date To
    • October 2015
  • Title
    • Cooke's Exploration of New Zealand
  • Summary
    • Artist Barrie Cooke (1931-2014) travelled to New Zealand annually for more than 25 years from the late 1980s to the mid 2000s.A major artist, he was arguably the first in Ireland to address ecological issues. The project maps his visits to sites primarily on the south island of New Zealand, examines them for their local, topographical, scientific and ecological significance, and compares them with equivalent imagery of locations in Ireland.
  • Funding Agency
    • Various
  • Date From
    • 2015
  • Date To
    • 2017
  • Title
    • The Lived Life and Contemporary Ireland
  • Summary
    • This project is part of the Consortium on Ageing. Six members of staff running M.Phil. programmes are supervising up to 7 student dissertations on the theme of ageing relevant to their disciplines.
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Front Gate Club
  • Date From
    • October 2005
  • Date To
    • October 2006
  • Title
    • Art, Ireland and Migration
  • Summary
    • This project explores the impact of migration within, into, and from Ireland on Irish art in terms of the movement of ideas, and in providing visual themes. The theme encompasses all periods, and facilitiates interdisciplinary and international comparisons.
  • Funding Agency
    • Private Benefaction: White Fellowships
  • Date From
    • October 2007
  • Title
    • Agendas in Landscape, Space and Place in Irish Modern and Contemporary Art
  • Summary
    • This research was supported by a Government of Ireland IRCHSS post-doctoral Fellowship (2001-03). The research has given rise to a range of researcg papers and journal articles. It formed the basis of a major exhibition at the Royal Hibernian Academy in 2005, entitled The West as Metaphor, which was accompanied by an illustrated catalogue. A book is in progress, nearing completion.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRCHSS
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • forthcoming


Image and theory of landscape, space and place; Irish Modern and Contemporary Art; Modern and contemporary art



Chair, Provost's Advisory Committee on Art Purchases 2016

Fellow TCD 2015

Member of Board of Directors, Douglas Hyde Gallery 2015

Identity Initiative Steering Committee 2013-14

Chair, Advisory Board for RIA: Volume 5, Art and Artists in Ireland 20th Century 2009-13

Member of Royal Hibernian Academy Programme Board 2008-

Membre Titulaire representing Ireland, Comite Internationale de l'Histoire d'Art (CIHA) 2008-12

Member of Board of Trustees, The National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland 2010-13

TCD Estates Committee 2009-

Executive Committee, School of Histories and Humanities 2005-07

Research Committee, School of Histories and Humanities 2005-

Post-Graduate Committee, School of Histories and Humanities 2005-

Irish Studies Course Committee 2006-

Board Member, Douglas Hyde Gallery 2004-09

Art Collections Advisory Group, TCD 2004-

External examiner, M.A. (taught) in History of Art and Design, University of Limerick 2003 - 2006

Treasurer, Irish Association of Art Historians 1988-1994

Nominating Committee, O'Malley Art Award, Irish American Cultural Institute. 2006-

External examiner up to and including Ph.D level for various universities.

Research Associate

Awards and Honours

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Award, IRCHSS 2001-2003


College Art Association

Irish Association of Art Historians

Association of Art Historians

Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art

Friends of the National Gallery of Ireland

Friends of the Royal Hibernian Academy

Irish Georgian Society

American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS)

Friends of Irish Museum of Modern Art