Davide Romelli is an Associate Professor of Economics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is also a Research affiliate of IM-TCD (International Macro-TCD) and SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum and a Fellow of the BAFFI-CAREFIN centre, Bocconi University. His research focuses on international finance and macroeconomics, central banking and financial supervision. Davide holds a PhD in Economics from ESSEC Business School and THEMA-University of Cergy-Pontoise. More information on his research can be found on his personal website
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Caragea, Doina, Cojoianu, Theodor, Dobri, Mihai, Hoepner, Andreas, Peia, Oana, Romelli, Davide, Competition and Innovation in the Financial Sector: Evidence from the Rise of FinTech Start-ups, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2023
Donato Masciandaro; Oana Peia; Davide Romelli, Central bank communication and social media: From silence to Twitter, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2023, p
Peia, O. and Romelli, D., Did financial frictions stifle R&D investment in Europe during the great recession?, Journal of International Money and Finance, 120, (February 2022), 2022
Davide Romelli, The political economy of reforms in central bank design: evidence from a new dataset, Economic Policy, 2022
Ferrara, F., Masciandaro, D., Moschella, M. and Romelli, D., Political voice on monetary policy: Evidence from the parliamentary hearings of the European Central Bank, European Journal of Political Economy, 2021
Donato Masciandaro and Davide Romelli, Twin Peaks and Central Banks, The Cambridge Handbook of Twin Peaks Financial Regulation, 2021, p51--68
Pros and cons of being a euro country in, 2020, pp105 - 119, [Donato Masciandaro, Davide Romelli]
The Economics of European Monetary Integration: The Pros and Cons of EMU Membership in, editor(s)Amtenbrink, F., Herrmann, C. and Repasi, R. , EU Law of Economic & Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2020, [Masciandaro, D. and Romelli, D.]
Masciandaro, D., Peia, O. and Romelli, D., Banking supervision and external auditors: Theory and empirics, Journal of Financial Stability, 2020
Peaks and Troughs: Economics and Political Economy of Central Bank Independence Cycles in, editor(s)Mayes, D.G., Siklos, P.L. and Sturm, J.E. , The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Central Banking, Oxford University Press, 2019, [Masciandaro, D. and Romelli, D.]
Romelli, D., Terra, C. and Vasconcelos, E.X., Current Account and Real Exchange Rate Changes: The Impact of Trade Openness, European Economic Review, 105, 2018, p135 - 158
Masciandaro, D. and Romelli, D., Central Bankers as Supervisors: Do Crises Matter?, European Journal of Political Economy, 52, 2018, p120 - 140
Charléty, P., Romelli, D. and Santacreu-Vasut, E., Appointments to central bank boards: Does gender matter?, Economics Letters, 155, 2017, p59-61
Masciandaro, D. and Romelli, D., Ups and downs of central bank independence from the Great Inflation to the Great Recession: Theory, institutions and empirics, Financial History Review, 22, (3), 2015, p259-289
Arnone, M. and Romelli D., Dynamic central bank independence indices and inflation rate: A new empirical exploration, Journal of Financial Stability, 9, (3), 2013, p385-398
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Honohan, P., Hassan, F. and Romelli, D., Currency Unions, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Oana Peia, Davide Romelli, Did Bank Lending Stifle Innovation in Europe During the Great Recession?, 2019
Oana Peia, Davide Romelli, Central bank reforms and institutions, CESifo DICE Report, 2019
Donato Masciandaro, Paola Profeta, Davide Romelli, Do Women Matter in Monetary Policymaking?, 2018
Donato Masciandaro, Paola Profeta, Davide Romelli, Gender Diversity and Behavioral Monetary Policymaking: Theory, Institutions and Empirics, New challenges in central banking: Monetary policy governance and macroprudential issues, Bocconi University, Italy, 8 June 2017, edited by Ernest Gnan, Donato Masciandaro , Lancier, 2017
Donato Masciandaro, Davide Romelli, From Silence to Voice: Monetary Policy, Central Bank Governance and Communication, Central banking and monetary policy: What will be the post-crisis new normal?, Bocconi University, Italy, 14 April 2016, edited by Ernest Gnan, Donato Masciandaro , Lancier, 2016
Research Expertise
Economic expert of the CESifo World Economic Survey for the Irish economy
Awards and Honours
Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin
Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefaction Fund, Trinity College Dublin
HARMONIA Grant, Polish National Science Center, Poland
Provost's PhD Project Awards, Trinity College Dublin
Teaching and Research Grant (ATER) from the French Ministry of Education
SSE/WAIB Best Paper Award for Increased Gender Awareness in International Business Research sponsored by the Stockholm School of Economics (1000$)
ESSEC Business School Best PhD research poster
ESSEC Business School Centre of Research Grant (4000 euro)
PhD Scholarship from the French Ministry of Education
American Economic Association
BAFFI-CAREFIN, Bocconi University Milan
European Economic Association
IM-TCD (International Macro-TCD)
SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum
Irish Economic Association