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Professor Rachel Moss
Professor In, History Of Art

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Remaking the Gaelic Christian Landscape: Devotion, Iconoclasm and Tourism in Post-Reformation Ireland and Scotland in, editor(s)Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam , Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900-1900: Survivals and Revivals, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp39 - 60, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Rachel Moss, Rome in Stone: Classicism in Medieval Sculpture and Architecture, Classics Ireland, 31, 2024, p50 - 78 Journal Article, 2024

Rachel Moss, Boyle Abbey, from Monastery to Barracks, Heritage Week event, King House and Boyle Abbey, Co. Roscommon, 16 August, 2024, OPW Invited Talk, 2024

Rachel Moss, Cong Abbey: A Palimpsest in Stone, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, Literature, History, 124C, 2024, p1 - 39 Journal Article, 2024 URL

Rachel Moss, `More potent than all its gold': Reliquaries and their textures through time, Texture in the Medieval World, Department of History of Art and Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, June, 2024 Conference Paper, 2024

Rachel Moss, Copying and creativity in the art of late medieval Gaelic manuscripts, DIAS Lecture Series, March, 2024, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies Invited Talk, 2024

Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam, Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900-1900: Survivals and Revivals, Edinbugh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, 1 - 322pp Book, 2024 URL

Postscript: Changing Perceptions and the Future of Insular, Gaelic and Celtic Material Culture in, editor(s)Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam , Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900-1900: Survivals and Revivals, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp289 - 293, [Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

The Inishmurray and Kilmacannon cross-inscribed stones in, editor(s)William Nolan and Kieran O'Conor , Sligo: History and Society, Dublin, Geography Publications, 2024, pp109 - 135, [Rachel Moss and Tamlyn McHugh] Book Chapter, 2024

Introduction: Relics, Revivals and Replicas in the Gaelic World in, editor(s)Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam , Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900-1900: Survivals and Revivals, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp1 - 6, [Rachel Moss and Heather Puliam] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Idolatry, ignominy, and iconoclasm: Irish public monuments 1540-1700 in, editor(s)Paula Murphy and Colleen M. Thomas , Ireland: The Matter of Monuments, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, pp43 - 60, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Art, Belief and Politics in Scotland and Ireland c.500-c.1900 in, editor(s)Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam , Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900-1900: Survivals and Revivals, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp7 - 37, [Rachel Moss and Heather Pulliam] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Rachel Moss, `In the tradition of my race: Evoking the Celtic Past in Later Medieval Gaelic World, Identities, Communities and 'Imagined Communities'', Bristol University Centre for Medieval Studies, April, 2023, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Rachel Moss, Classicism in Medieval Irish Sculpture and Architecture, Graeco-Roman Influences in Irish Visual and Material Culture, Antikmuseet, Aarhaus University, Denmark, 11-13 May, 2023 Conference Paper, 2023

Rachel Moss, 'The Book of Durrow', Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies, New York, Oxford University Press, 2023, - Bibliography, filmography, etc., 2023

Rachel Moss and Colmán Ó Clabaigh, Modest and civil people: religion and society in medieval Galway, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022 Book, 2022

Rachel Moss, Glass in medieval Ireland: A fragmentary overview, Glass in the Ancient World, Irish Institute of Hellenistic Studies, Dublin, 14 May, 2022 Conference Paper, 2022

Rachel Moss, The Building Trade in Ireland, c. 1190-1600, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 149 (2019), 2020, p124 - 145 Journal Article, 2020

Resilience, restoration and revival: Insular art in later medieval Ireland in, editor(s)Cynthia Thickpenny, Katherine Forsyth, Jane Geddes and Kate Mathis , Peopling Insular Art: Practice, Performance, Perception, Oxford, Oxbow, 2020, pp189 - 195, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2020

Rachel Moss, Portraits and Paintings at the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 149, 2019, p104 - 115 Journal Article, 2019

Rachel Moss, The impact of reform on Irish parish churches, Church of Ireland Historical Society Annual Confernece, Archbishop Robinson Library, Armagh, March, 2019, 2019, Church of Ireland Historical Society Invited Talk, 2019

Irish Parish Churches: 1350-1550 in, editor(s)Paul Barnwell , Places of Worship in the British Isles: 1350-1550, Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2019, pp174 - 190, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2019

Rachel Moss, Adam Loftus' houses: Rathfarnham castle and Irish episcopal palaces in the 16th century, Rathfarnham Castle Conference, Rathfarnham Castle, October, 2019, Office of Public Works Invited Talk, 2019

The material culture of the canonical movement in medieval Ireland in, editor(s)Martin Browne and Colman O Clabaigh , Households of God: The Regular Canons and Canonesses of St Augustine and of Premontre in medieval Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2019, pp191 - 206, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2019

Silvia Gallagher and Rachel Moss, Harnessing Massive Online Open Courses for Innovations in Museum Education and Beyond, 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, Ireland, 3-7 November 2019, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

An Art Historical Perspective on the Irish Historic Towns Atlases in, editor(s)Howard B. Clarke and Sarah Geraghty , Maps and texts as sources: evaluating the Irish Historic Towns Atlas, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2018, pp220 - 236, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2018

Material culture: c. 1200-1550 in, editor(s)Brendan Smith , Cambridge History of Ireland. Volume 1, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp532 - 563, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2018

Rachel Moss and Fainche Ryan, 'The Book of Kells: Exploring an Irish Medieval Masterpiece', Dublin and London, Futurelearn, 2018, - Digital research resource production, 2018 URL

Rachel Moss, The Book of Durrow, London, Thames and Hudson, 2018 Book, 2018

Rachel Moss, Early Irish Gospel books project TCD: Much Done, More to Do, Networks of knowledge Then and now: Digital potential conference, NUIG, Ireland, June, 2018, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

Rachel Moss, Felicty O'Mahony and Jane Maxwell (eds), An Insular Odyssey: Manuscript Culture in Early Christian Ireland and Beyond, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2017, 334pp Book, 2017

The Art and the Pigments: A study of four Insular Gospel Books in the Library of Trinity College Dublin in, editor(s)Stella Panayotova and Paola Ricciardi , Manuscripts in the Making: Art and Science, London and Turnhout, Brepols, 2017, pp12-20 , [Susie Bioletti and Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2017

Kells, Book of, Helmer, Christine / McKenzie, Steven Linn / Römer, Thomas Chr. / Schröter, Jens / Walfish, Barry Dov / Ziolkowski, Eric, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, 15, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017, pp104 - 105, [Rachel Moss] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2017

The Garland of Howth in, editor(s)Rachel Moss, Felicity O'Mahony and Jane Maxwell , An Insular Odyssey: Manuscript Culture in Early Christian Ireland and Beyond, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2017, pp260 - 282, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2017

The Sam Maguire Cup in, editor(s)Fintan O'Toole, Catherine Marshall and Eibhear Walshe , Modern Ireland in 100 artworks, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2016, pp37 - 39, [Rachel Moss and Fintan O'Toole] Book Chapter, 2016

Substantiating Sovereignties: 'Regal' Insignias in Ireland, c.1370-1410 in, editor(s)Peter Crooks, David Green and W. Mark Ormond , The Plantagenet Empire, 1259-1453, Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2016, pp216 - 231, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2016

Susie Bioletti and Rachel Moss, Four Insular Gospel Books in Trinity College Dublin, 'Colour', Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, 8-10 December, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Rachel Moss, Review of The Art, Literature and Material Culture of the Medieval World, by Boulton, Meg, Hawkes, Jane and Herman, Melissa , Irish Theological Quarterly, 81, (2), 2016, p199-200 Review, 2016

Collective memory and municipal identity in the early modern Irish town in, editor(s)Dany Sandron , Le Passé dans la Ville, Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne, 2016, pp165 - 182, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2016

Foreword in, editor(s)Howard B. Clarke and Ruth Johnson , The Vikings in Ireland and Beyond, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2015, ppxxvii - xxxiv, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2015

Rachel Moss, New Wine in Old Wineskins: the parochial use of suppressed religious houses, 1540-1740, International Medieval Conference, Leeds, UK, July, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015

Dublin Castle Chapel before 1807 in, editor(s)Myles Campbell and William Derham , The Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle: An Architectural History, Dublin, Office of Public Works, 2015, pp29 - 37, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Rachel Moss, `Celtic Tiger Tales; Recent Developments in Insular Art Research', The Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections, Trinity College Dublin, September, 2015, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015

Rachel Moss, Artists, Audience and Agency in Insular art, Maynooth Early Irish & Celtic Studies Research Seminar, Maynooth University, November, 2015, 2015 Invited Talk, 2015

Rachel Moss, Review of The Jacobean Plantation in Seventeenth-Century Offaly, by James Lyttleton , Irish Arts Review, 31, (1), 2014, p137-38 Review, 2014

Rachel Moss, Art and Architecture of Ireland. Volume 1: The Medieval Period, London and New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014, 600pp Book, 2014 URL

Celtic Crosses; O'Kerin Family; wayside crosses, Paula Murphy, Art and Architecture of Ireland. Vol. 3. Sculpture, 1600-2000, London and New Haven, Yale University Press, 2014, [Rachel Moss] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014

Rachel Moss, Where is Art History Today? The Art and Architecture of Ireland in Context, The Art and Architecture of Ireland, National Gallery of Ireland, November, 2014, Royal Irish Academy Invited Talk, 2014

Rachel Moss, Review of Insular and Anglo-Saxon: Art and Thought in the Early Medieval Period, by Colum Hourihane (ed) , Irish Theological Quarterly, (79), 2014, p294-96 Review, 2014

Rachel Moss, Review of Icons of Irishness from the Middle Ages to the Modern World, by Maggie M. Williams , Eolas:Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies, 7, 2014, p122-24 Review, 2014

Rachel Moss, Survival and Destruction of Urban Medieval buildings in Early Modern Ireland, Le Passé dans la Villes Européenne Conference, Sorbonne IV, Paris, May, 2014, 2014 Invited Talk, 2014

Foreword in, editor(s)Charles Doherty and Mary Kelly , Music and the Stars: Mathematics in Medieval Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2013, ppxii - xiv, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2013

Rachel Moss, `The `afterlives' of medieval monastic buildings', Iona Community and Historic Scotland Conference, Iona, Scotland, April, 2013, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

Unfurling words of indulgence in, editor(s)Brendan Leahey and Salvador Ryan , Treasures of Irish Christianity: A People of the Word, Dublin, Veritas, 2013, pp103 - 107, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2013

Rachel Moss, For the benefit of souls: Chantry and collegiate foundations in Ireland, Space and Settlement in Medieval Ireland, Trinity Long Room Hub, 24-25 May, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

'Planters of great civilitie': female patrons of the arts in late medieval Ireland in, editor(s)Therese Martin , Reassessing the Roles of Women as "Makers" of Medieval Art and Architecture, Leiden, Brill, 2012, pp275 - 308, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2012

Reconstructing Cashel in, editor(s)R. Stalley , Irish Gothic Architecture: Construction, Decay and Reinvention, Bray, Wordwell, 2012, pp99-115 , [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2012

Rachel Moss, Review of The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540, by Colman O Clabaigh , Irish Theological Quarterly, (77:4), 2012, p404-405 Review, 2012

Reduce, Re-use, Re-cycle: Irish Monastic Architecture c. 1540-1640 in, editor(s)R. Stalley , Irish Gothic Architecture: Construction, Decay and Reinvention, Bray, Wordwell, 2012, pp115-160 , [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2012

Rachel Moss, The Old Portal and Cathedral of Kilmore, Breifne, the journal of the Breifne Historical Society, xi, (46), 2011, p58 - 81 Journal Article, 2011

'Continuity and change: the material setting of public worship in the sixteenth-century' in, editor(s)Thomas Herron and Michael Potterton , Dublin and the Pale in the Renaissance, 1494-1660, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2011, pp182 - 206, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2011

'The Architectectural Sculpture' in, editor(s)Charles Doherty, Linda Doran and Mary Kelly , Glendalough: City of God, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2011, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2011

'Piety and Politics: Funerary Sculpture in Cashel c. 1500-1640' in, editor(s)Roger Stalley , Medieval Art and Architecture in Limerick and south-west Ireland, British Archaeological Association Conference transactions for 2008, Leeds, Maney, 2011, pp158 - 175, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2011

Rachel Moss, 'The Staff, the Snake and the Shamrock: St Patrick in Art', Saint Patrick's Confessio Hypertext Stack, Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 2011, - Digital research resource production, 2011 URL

Rachel Moss, Buildings and Objects of Power and Authority, O Cleirigh Institute Lecture Series, O Cleirigh Institute, UCD, October, 2010, O Cleirigh Institute, UCD Invited Talk, 2010

Rachel Moss, Inishmurray: Monks and Pilgrims in an Atlantic Landscape, Review of Inishmurray: Monks and Pilgrims in an Atlantic Landscape, by Jerry O'Sullivan and Tomás Ó Carragáin , Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 138 (2008), 2010, p165-167 Review, 2010 URL

Stone with Diaper Ornament in, editor(s)Ann Lynch , Tintern Abbey, Co. Wexford: Cistercians and Colcloughs. Excavations 1982-2007, Dublin, Dept. of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, 2010, pp127 - 128, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2010

'Romanesque Sculpture in North Roscommon' in, editor(s)Thomas Finan , Medieval Lough Cé: History, Archaeology, and Landscape, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2010, pp119 - 144, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2010

Castle, Richard; Deane and Woodward; Ireland; Lanyon, Sir Charles; Pearce, Sir Edward Lovett; Scott, Michael, P. Goode, Oxford Companion to Architecture, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp154, 238,474-5,535-6,705,821-2 , [R. Moss] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2009

Rachel Moss, Romanesque chevron ornament: the language of British, Norman and Irish Sculpture in the twelfth century, BAR International Series 1908, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2009, 137pp Book, 2009

Rachel Moss, `Reconstructing the Rock of Cashel', International Medieval Conference, Leeds, UK, July, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Rachel Moss, Review of Studies in the Gothic Revival, by Michael McCarthy and Karina O'Neill , Architecture Ireland, 240, 2008, p61 Review, 2008

Rachel Moss, The Parish church in 16th century Ireland, Sixteenth-century Society Annual International Confernece, Hilton Hotel, St Louis, MI, USA, 1-4 October, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Rachel Moss, Unravelling the Work of Angels. Changing perspectives in Irish Art History, Beyond Saints and Scholars: Irish Medieval Studies in the 21st Century, St Louis University, MI, USA, 26-28 October, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Rachel Moss and Avril Behan, Metrology and Proportion in the Ecclesiastical Architecture of Medieval Ireland, Nexus : Architecture and Mathematics, vii, 2008, p171 - 183 Journal Article, 2008 URL

Rachel Moss, Appropriating the past: seventeenth-century preservation of the Romanesque in Ireland, Architectural History, 51, 2008, p63 - 86 Journal Article, 2008

Rachel Moss, Irish Funeral Monuments of the Later Middle Ages: Authors and Audience, Queens University History Seminars, Queens University, Belfast, November, 2008 Invited Talk, 2008

Rachel Moss, Making and Meaning in Insular Art, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, 342pp Book, 2007

Rachel Moss, Mellifont:from monastery to mansion, Irish Arts Review, 24, (3), 2007, p85 - 87 Journal Article, 2007

Revivalist Tendencies in the Irish Late Gothic: Defining a National Identity? in, editor(s)Matthew Reeve , Reading Gothic Architecture, New York, Brepols, 2007, pp123 - 137, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2007

A Twelfth-century Renaissance? Irish Romanesque Sculpture and the Insular Tradition in, editor(s)Rachel Moss , Making and Meaning in Insular Art, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2007, pp126-141 - [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2007

Rachel Moss, The `first' Gaelic Revival; Identity and Differentiation in Irish Gothic Architecture, International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Rachel Moss, Review of Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture Vol.VII: South-west England, by Rosemary Cramp , Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 136, (2006), 2007, p191-192 Review, 2007 URL

Rachel Moss and Margaret Quinlan, Leamonaghan, Co. Offaly Conservation Plan, Kilkenny, The Heritage Council, 2007, pp72 Report, 2007

Rachel Moss, Sculpture in Cyberspace: The Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland, RSAI annual lecture series, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, April, 2007, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Invited Talk, 2007

Rachel Moss, Colman O Clabaigh, and Salvador Ryan, Art and Devotion in Late Medieval Ireland, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2006, 234pp Book, 2006

Permanent expressions of piety: the secular and the sacred in later medieval stone sculpture in, editor(s)Rachel Moss, Colman O Clabaigh and Salvador Ryan , Art and Devotion in Late Medieval Ireland, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp72 - 97, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2006 TARA - Full Text

Rachel Moss, Rolling stones and Moving Arches: the pre-1800 re-use of Irish Romanesque Sculpture, International Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Rachel Moss, Review of The Manor in Medieval and Early Ireland, by James Lyttleton and Tadhg O'Keeffe , Irish Arts Review, 22, (2), 2005, p140-142 Review, 2005

Rachel Moss, Review of Romanesque Ireland, by Tadhg O'Keeffe , Irish Architect, 194, 2004, p63 Review, 2004

Rachel Moss, Review of Treasures of the Boyne Valley, by Peter Harbison , Irish Arts Review, 2004, p125-6 Review, 2004

Abbeyknockmoy; Abbeys; Ardfert; Athassal Priory; Ballintober Abbey; Cashel, Rock of; Christchurch Cathedral; Clonfert Cathedral; Corcomroe Abbey; Holycross Abbey; Inch Abbey; Jerpoint Abbey; Mellifont Abbey; Molana Abbey: Movilla Abbey; Quin Friary; Rahan; Romanesque; Rosserk Friary; Ratass; St Patrick's Cathedral; Timahoe; Tintern Abbey, Brian Lawlor, The Encyclopedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 2003, [Rachel Moss] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2003

Rachel Moss, Review of Towers, Spires and Pinnacles, by Samuel Hutchinson , Irish Architect, 191, 2003, p61 Review, 2003

Rachel Moss, St Doulagh's Church, Balgriffin, The Irish Arts Review, 2003, p122 - 125 Journal Article, 2003

Rachel Moss, Review of Historic Towns Atlas No. 11: Dublin Part 1 to 1610, by H. Clarke , Irish Arts Review, 2002, p138 Review, 2002

Rachel Moss, Inscribed portals, commemoration or authentication?, Medieval Research Symposium, Courtauld Institute of Art, UCL, London, February, 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Tales from the Crypt: The Medieval Stone of Christchurch in, editor(s)Sean Duffy , Medieval Dublin III, Dublin, 2002, pp95 - 114, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2002

Rachel Moss, Review of Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, 4: South East England and Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, 5: Lincolnshire, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 155, 2002, p302-4 Review, 2002

Rachel Moss, The `grammar' of Irish ornament: reading the sources of Hiberno-Romanesque, The Romanesque Achievement Patrons and their Churches in England and Ireland Conference, Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, October, 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Rachel Moss, Chevron as a Chronological Tool; friend or foe?, New Directions in the English Romanesque Conference, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, November, 2001, 2001 Conference Paper, 2001

Gareth Bradshaw and Rachel Moss, Towards a Prototype Model for Medieval Moulding Profile Acquisition, Digital Environments for Design, Heritage and Architecture; Proceedings of the15th annual Computers and the History of Art Conference, Glasgow, 1999, edited by Tanya Szrajber , 2000 Conference Paper, 2000 URL

Rachel Moss, A Medieval Jigsaw Puzzel: the Ancient Stones of Christchurch, Archaeology Ireland, 14, (2), 2000, p20 - 23 Journal Article, 2000

Rachel Moss, Review of Boyle Abbey and the School of the West, by Britta Kalkereuter , Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 59, 2000, p51-2 Review, 2000

Architecture in, editor(s)Neil Buttimer, Helen Guerin and Colin Rynne , The Heritage of Ireland, Cork, The Collins Press, 2000, pp62 - 70, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2000

Jason Ellis and Rachel Moss, The Conservation of the Romanesque Portal at Killaloe: exposing the History of One of Clare's Finest Sculptures, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 129, 1999, p67 - 89 Journal Article, 1999

Town History in, Clonmel Architectural Heritage Study, Dublin, Dept. of Arts, Culture, heritage and the Islands, 1998, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 1998

Architecture; Cashel; Castle, Richard; Castletown House; Christchurch Cathedral; Clonmacnoise; Cormac's Chapel; Custom House; Deane and Woodward; Dublin Castle; Four Courts; Gandon, James; Glendalough; High Crosses; Johnston, Francis; Leinster House; Mellifont; Metalwork; Parliament House; Pearce, Sir Edward Lovett; Plasterwork; Round Towers; Royal Exchange; St. Patrick's Cathedral; Sceilig Mhichil; Trim Castle, Sean Connelly, Oxford Companion to Irish History, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998, [Rachel Moss] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1998

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Rachel Moss, Building Gaelic Ireland in the Late Middle Ages, Clans of Ireland Annual Clan Gathering, Stephen's Green Club, Dublin, April,, 2024 Invited Talk, 2024

Rachel Moss, Portraiture and politics in Irish medieval stone sculpture, Friends of the National Collections Annual Meeting, Royal Irish Academy, April, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Susan Bioletti and Rachel Moss, Early Irish Gospel Books in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2016, 1 - 97pp Book, 2016

Rachel Moss, Medieval Art and Architecture of the mid-West, Medieval Limerick Lectures, Adare, Co. Limerick, November, 2015, Limerick City and County Council Invited Talk, 2015

Rachel Moss, The Art and Architecture of Medieval Ireland, Crawford Lecture Series, Crawford Gallery, Cork, March, 2013, Crawford Gallery Education Department Invited Talk, 2013

Rachel Moss, The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Royal Historical Society Newsletter, 12, (October), 2013, p4 - 5 Journal Article, 2013 URL

Rachel Moss and Yvonne Scott, The Provost's House Stables and Environs, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, TRIARC and Associated Editions, 2008, 1 - 93pp Book, 2008

Rachel Moss, Building for God: Church Architecture in Medieval Ireland, Hunt Museum Lectures, Hunt Museum, Limerick, April, 2008 Invited Talk, 2008

St Patrick's Well in, editor(s)Yvonne Scott and Rachel Moss , The Provost's House Stables and Environs, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, TRIARC and Associated Editions, 2008, pp73 - 83, [Rachel Moss] Book Chapter, 2008 TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Monastic Ireland: Landscape and Settlement
  • Summary
    • Monastic Ireland: landscape and settlement is phase 2 of research initiated by Dr Rachel Moss, (TCD) Dr Edel Bhreathnach( the Discovery Programme) and Dr Malgorzata Krasnodebska-D'Aughton(UCC) in 2010. Phase 1, now nearing completion, has achieved the successful assembly of baseline data (historical synopses, image archives, transcriptions of relevant primary documents and tourism information) relating to monasteries across the island of Ireland. Phase 2 of the programme will seek to clarify the role of monasteries c. 1100-1700 in shaping the distribution and form of Irish urban and rural settlement. The role played by monastic communities in attracting adjacent settlements, and in the process of colonisation and social control of already established populations, will be analysed in the context of broader trends across Europe. The particularly rich survivals of relevant archaeological, architectural and documentary sources in Ireland means that it is ideally placed within the now vibrant arena of European monastic studies to answer key questions relevant to the Continent as a whole. The collaboration between TCD, UCC and the Discovery Programme will enable the project to combine more traditional desk-based study and field observation with cutting-edge technologies not usually harnessed in the disciplines of art history and history. Digital surveying techniques, including Lidar and geophysical survey, have the potential to reveal subtle changes in building fabric, and adjacent, now below ground, evidence of settlement not visible to the naked eye. This will provide new information, which will complement and clarify more traditional sources, research and teaching methods.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRC
  • Date From
    • 2013
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • TCD Irish Gospel Books Project
  • Summary
    • The project entails the treatment, technical examination, digitisation and art historical study of four of TCD Library's most important early medieval gospel books; Codex Usserianius Primus, The Garland of Howth, the Book of Dimma and the Book of Mulling.
  • Funding Agency
    • Bank of America Merrill Lynch
  • Date From
    • 2014
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • Royal Irish Academy Art and Architecture of Ireland project
  • Summary
    • Art and Architecture in Ireland is an ambitious project to be administered by the Royal Irish Academy. The aim of the Project is to produce a definitive five volume academic reference text that covers the history of Irish art and architecture from c. AD400 to c.2000. It is envisaged that the text will also be published in digital form. Involvement includes editing and over two thirds of the written contributions to volume 1, Medieval Art and Architecture, c.400-1600.
  • Funding Agency
    • Naughton Trust and Department of Arts Sports and Tourism
  • Date From
    • 2008
  • Date To
    • 2014
  • Title
    • Reconstructions of the Gothic Past
  • Summary
    • This project aims to transform the study of Gothic architecture in Ireland through the use of modern analytical methods and data resources. The study will focus on the introduction and spread of Gothic forms, especially in the thirteenth century, and it will lay particular emphasis on the perception and exploitation of these buildings in succeeding ages. The intention is to establish a small research team, based on an existing area of strength within the School of Histories and Humanities. It is important to stress that there has been no 'defining' work on Irish Gothic design since the 1950s, and virtually no examination of the ways in which Irish design relates to Gothic found elsewhere in Europe, nor any examination of its relationship with the social and political contexts of the time. A key (and unusual) element in the proposal is the intention to take a 'holistic' view of the Gothic monuments involved, examining building as part of a continuous historical process; in other words the aim is to analyse buildings not just as monuments of one particular period, but as historical 'documents' which have much to tell us about the attitudes and aspirations of subsequent eras. The project will thus examine how the use and treatment of Gothic buildings has been affected by social, economic, religious and cultural change in subsequent ages (including the modern era). With its emphasis on the process of colonisation and post colonisation, combined with the investigation of how the meaning and perception of Gothic monuments have changed and evolved over a period of five hundred years.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRCHSS
  • Date From
    • 2008
  • Date To
    • 2011
  • Title
    • Monastic Ireland
  • Summary
    • The Monastic Ireland project aims to construct a website, database and image sensitive application of Irish monasteries, nunneries, houses of canons and mendicant foundations dating from 1100-1700AD. The website and database will aim to provide easily navigable information about each site (archaeology, architecture, archives, history, source references, access). It will also include photographs and location maps. The database will allow local communities and interested groups to see how challenges facing sites in their own locality are similar to those faced elsewhere. For educational and tourism purposes it will provide an overview of sites in a holistic regional context as opposed to individual sites devoid of a national and international narrative. This project will form the basis of a powerful tool for cultural tourism in Ireland. Project Partner with: Dr Edel Bhreathnach, (Discovery Programme)and Dr Malgorzata Krasnodebska-D'Aughton(UCC)
  • Funding Agency
    • Dept. of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht; Fáilte Ireland (Applied Research Grant)
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • ongoing
  • Title
    • Crookshank Glin Archive
  • Summary
  • Funding Agency
    • Getty Foundation
  • Date From
    • 2005
  • Date To
    • 2008
  • Title
    • Prof. Edwin Rae Image Archive
  • Funding Agency
    • Heritage Council
  • Date From
    • 2007
  • Date To
    • 2008


Architecture History; Insular Art; Medieval Building technologies; Medieval Ireland; Medieval Sculpture; Restoration and Preservation; Romanesque art and architecture



Member, Fabric committee, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 2021-present

External examiner, University of York 2024

President, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 2013-2017

External Examiner National University of Ireland, Galway 2019

External examiner, University College Cork 2015

Architectural Historian. Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Continuous Professional Development 'Conservation induction module' 2000-present

Member, Irish Committee for Historical Sciences 2015-2017

Member of Directorate, Discovery Programme (Heritage Council nominee) 2011-2015

Board member, Irish Architectural Archive (ministerial nominee) 2000-2005

Council member, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 2007 -2011

Steering committee member, Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture 1851-1951 project 2009-2011

Steering committee member, Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland Project 2002-2013

Peer Reviewer for journals: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academey; Journal of Irish Archaeology; Art Bulletin;Irish Historical Studies; Etudes Irlandaises/French Journal of Irish Studies; Downside Review; Ecclesiastical History; Journal of the British Archaeological Association 2010-present

Peer reviewer for academic publishers: Liverpool University Press, Boydell and Brewer; Four Courts Press; Cork University Press 2015- presnet

Peer reviewer for funding bodies: Fondazione Carpilo (Milan) 2022-present; ERC work programme 2021 ; Getty Foundation 2010 2010-present

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Irish Heritage Studies 2023

Awards and Honours

Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2022

Elected President, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 2013

Elected Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (London) 2011


Fellow, Society of Antiquaries (London)

Fellow, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

Member, International Centre for Medieval Art

Member, Irish Association of Art Historians