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Dr. Richard Porter
Professor In, Biochemistry
The Dean of Students, Dean of Students


I completed my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at Trinity College. This was followed by a Ph.D. with Prof. John M. Scott in the area of carbon-one metabolism and a three year postdoctoral position at the Department of Biochemistry University of Cambridge UK with Prof. Martin D. Brand. I was subsequently awarded a Health Research Board (HRB)Fellowship based in Prof. Clive William's laboratory in Trinity. Dr. Porter's research focuses on understanding mammalian energy metabolism. His research achievements are based ideas founded in solid science, a substantial grant base, the quality of the researchers that he recruits, the advanced technology in the laboratory and his collaborations with prominent international laboratories, both academic and industrial.

I have been a lecturer and Principal Investigator in Trinity since 1997, was appointed Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Biochemistry & Immunology (Postgraduate) from 2004-2008 & 2016-2017, was elected for two terms as Head of Biochemistry from 2011-2017, and was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin since 2007. I have over 60 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and currently has over €0.5M in research grants. I am an editor with a leading Elsevier Journal (Biochimica Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics) and am regularly invited to give lectures at Conferences, Universities and Research Institutes. I teach many aspects of biochemistry to scientists, medical students, pharmacists at all levels within the University and has received a Provost Teaching Award commendation. I am on the management committee of several International Scientific Societies, including the European Bioenergetics Conference. I regularly participates in scientific outreach projects such as the "Fat" exhibition in the Science Gallery. My research has resulted in the discovery of the nature of the "speed gene" in Thoroughbred horses [][] and I am an inventor on the World's First Nutrigenomic Product for Thoroughbred Horses, now sold as EnerGene-Q10 by Plusvital[]. Furthermore, in addition to basic research grants from Science Foundation Ireland, The Health Research Board, Teagasc and Trinity, I have an Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme grant in collaboration with Plusvital and Funding from Artelo plc. I also acted a consultant for Price Waterhouse Coopers in the area of R&D Tax Credits.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Lawrence Brody, David J. Bernard, Faith J. Pangilinan, Caitlin Mendina, Tara Desporte Stephen M. Wincovitch, Darren J. Walsh, Richard K. Porter, Anne M. Molloy, Barry Shane, "SLC25A48 IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE INNER MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE CHOLINE TRANSPORTER", , Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 URL

Bernard, D.J. and Pangilinan, F. and Mendina, C. and Desporte, T. and Wincovitch, S.M. and Walsh, D.J. and Porter, R.K. and Molloy, A.M. and Shane, B. and Brody, L.C., SLC25A48 influences plasma levels of choline and localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 143, (1-2), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Kate Keogh, Clare McKenna, Sinead M. Waters, Richard K. Porter, Claire Fitzsimons, Mark McGee & David A. Kenny, Effect of breed and diet on the M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum transcriptome of steers divergent for residual feed intake, Scientific Reports , 13(9034), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

John Noone, Mary F. Rooney, Marilena Karavyraki, Andrew Yates, Saoirse E. O'Sullivan, Richard K. Porter, Cancer-Cachexia-Induced Human Skeletal Muscle Myotube Degeneration Is Prevented via Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Agonism In Vitro, Pharmaceuticals, 16, (11), 2023 Journal Article, 2023

John Noone, Marilena Karavyraki, Mary F. Rooney, Andrew Yates, Saoirse E. O'Sullivan, Richard K. Porter., A Role for Cannabinoids in Preventing Cachexia in an in vitro Human Muscle Cell Model.,, Drug Repurposing II, London, May 2022, edited by UK Biochemical Society , 2022 Conference Paper, 2022

Richard K. Porter, A comparison of bioenergetics in human tongue pre-cancerous dysplastic oral keratinocytes and squamous cancer cells, Bioblast 2022: BEC Inaugural Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, June, 2022, Erich Gnaiger Invited Talk, 2022

Mary Rooney, Nuno Neto, Michael Monaghan, Emmeline Hill, Richard K. Porter, Conditionally immortalised equine skeletal muscle cell lines for in vitro analysis, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 2022 Journal Article, 2022

Richard K. Porter, Is there a role for Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in Cancer Metabolism? - Evidence of a role for Interleukin-6 in anoikis resistance and bioenergetic programming in oral squamous cell carcinoma, European Society of Clinical Investigation (ESCI), Bari, Italy., June, 2022, Piero Portincasa Invited Talk, 2022

Salma Mohammed Ajahdali , Modulation of hepatic autophagy for therapeutic correction of type 2 diabetes, Trinity College Dublin, 2022 Thesis, 2022

Maloney BT, Kubisztal M, Karavyraki M, Rooney MF, Knox A and Porter RK, The Potential of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) as an Anti-Cancer Target in Cultured Human Oral Squamous Cancer Cells (OSCC), Irish Association of Dental Research (IADR) Conference, IADR International Division Meeting Abstract, Irish Association of Dental Research (IADR) Conference, IADR International Division, Chengdu, China, June 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Richard Porter, A Role for Cannabinoids in Preventing Cachexia in an in vitro Human Muscle Cell Model, Drug Repurposing II,, London, Feb 2022, 2022, UK Biochemical Society Invited Talk, 2022

ZQ Ge, RK Porter, MF Rooney , COMPARASION OF PHENOTYPES ASSOCIATED WITH A HIGHLY INVASIVE TRIPLE-NEGATIVE BREAST CANCER (TNBC) CELL LINE AND ITS PARENTAL COUNTERPART , 12th International Cancer Conference 2022 Meeting Abstracts, 12th International Cancer Conference 2022 , TBSI, Oct 2022, 2022 Meeting Abstract, 2022

Marilena Karavyraki, Erich Gnaiger, Richard K. Porter, Bioenergetics in human tongue pre-cancerous dysplastic oral keratinocytes and squamous cancer cells, Bioenergetics Communications (BEC), (2022), 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Marilena Karavyraki, Richard K. Porter, Evidence of a role for interleukin-6 in anoikis resistance in oral squamous cell carcinoma., Medical Oncology, 39, 2022, p60- Journal Article, 2022 DOI

McKenna, C. and Keogh, K. and Porter, R.K. and Waters, S.M. and Cormican, P. and Kenny, D.A., An examination of skeletal muscle and hepatic tissue transcriptomes from beef cattle divergent for residual feed intake, Scientific reports, 11, (1), 2021, p8942 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Saoirse Elizabeth O'Sullivan, Andrew S Yates, Richard Porter, The peripheral cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) as a molecular target for modulating body weight in man, Molecules, 26, (20), 2021, p6178- Review Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text DOI

Maloney BT, Kubisztal M, Karavyraki M, Rooney MF, Knox A and Porter RK, The Potential of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) as an Anti-Cancer Target in Cultured Human Oral Squamous Cancer Cells (OSCC), Royal Academy of Medicine Ireland (RAMI) Meeting Abstracts, Royal Academy of Medicine Ireland (RAMI), Dublin, Dec 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

K.Keogh, C.McKenna, R.K.Porter, S.M.Waters, D.A.Kenny, Effect of dietary restriction and subsequent realimentation on hepatic oxidative phosphorylation in cattle, Animal, 2021, p100009- Journal Article, 2021 URL TARA - Full Text

Maloney BT, Kubisztal M, Karavyraki M, Rooney MF, Knox A and Porter RK, The Potential of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) as an Anti-Cancer Target in Cultured Human Oral Squamous Cancer Cells (OSCC)., Irish Association of Dental Research (IADR) Conference Abstracts, Irish Association of Dental Research (IADR) Conference, Belfast UK, Oct 2021 , 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

The Use of Reactive Oxygen Species Production by Succinate Driven Reverse Electron Flow as an Index of Complex 1 Activity in Isolated Brown Adipose Tissue Mitochondria in, editor(s)Palmeira, Carlos M., Moreno, António J. (Eds.) , Mitochondrial Bioenergetics: Methods & Protocols, Springer, 2021, [Andrea Dlasková, Kieran J. Clarke, Mary F. Rooney and Richard K. Porter] Book Chapter, 2021

Richard Porter, Targeting Bioenergetics in Cancer, Trinity St. James Cancer Institute (TSJCI) Cancer Research Seminarses, online, May 2021, 2021 Invited Talk, 2021

Maloney BT, Kubisztal M, Karavyraki M, Rooney MF, Knox A and Porter RK, The Potential of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT) as an Anti-Cancer Target in Cultured Human Oral Squamous Cancer Cells (OSCC)., European Dental Students Association Meeting Abstracts, European Dental Students Association, online, Sept 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Eóin C. O'Brien, Carla A. White, Jason Wyse, Emma Leacy, Richard K. Porter, Mark A. Little, Fionnuala B. Hickey, Pro-inflammatory Stimulation of Monocytes by ANCA Is Linked to Changes in Cellular Metabolism, Frontiers in Medicine (Rheumatology) , 7, 2020, p553- Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

C. McKenna , R. K. Porter, C. Fitzsimons , S. M. Waters, M. McGee, D. A. Kenny, Mitochondrial abundance and function in skeletal muscle and liver from Simmental beef cattle divergent for residual feed intakee , Animal, 14, (8), 2020, p1710-1717 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Aasander Frostner E, Acuna-Castroviejo D, Ahn B, Alves MG, Amati F, Aral C, Arandarcikaite O, Bailey DM, Bakker BM, Bastos Sant'Anna Silva AC, Battino M, Beard DA, Ben-Shachar D, Bishop D, Borutaite V, Breton S, Brown GC, Brown RA, Buettner GR, Burtscher J, Calabria E, Calbet JA, Calzia E, Cardoso LHD, Carvalho E, Casado Pinna M, Cervinkova Z, Chang SC, Chaurasia B, Chen Q, Chicco AJ, Chinopoulos C, Clementi E, Coen PM, Collin A, Crisostomo L, Das AM, Davis MS, De Palma C, Dias TR, Distefano G, Doerrier C, Drahota Z, Duchen MR, Ehinger J, Elmer E, Endlicher R, Fell DA, Ferko M, Ferreira JCB, Filipovska A, Fisar Z, Fischer M, Fisher JJ, Fornaro M, Galkin A, Garcia-Roves PM, Garcia-Souza LF, Garten A, Genova ML, Giovarelli M, Gonzalez-Armenta JL, Gonzalo H, Goodpaster BH, Gorr TA, Gourlay CW, Granata C, Grefte S, Haas CB, Haavik J, Han J, Harrison DK, Hellgren KT, Hernansanz-Agustin P, Holland OJ, Hoppel CL, Houstek J, Hunger M, Iglesias-Gonzalez J, Irving BA, Iyer S, Jackson CB, Jadiya P, Jang DH, Jansen-Duerr P, Jespersen NR, Jha RK, Kaambre T, Kane DA, Kappler L, Karabatsiakis A, Keijer J, Keppner G, Klingenspor M, Komlodi T, Koopman WJH, Kopitar-Jerala N, Krako Jakovljevic N, Kuang J, Kucera O, Labieniec-Watala M, Lai N, Laner V, Larsen TS, Lee HK, Lemieux H, Leeuwenburgh C, Lerfall J, Liu J, Lucchinetti E, MacMillan-Crow LA, Makrecka-Kuka M, Malik AN, Markova M, Menze MA, Meszaros AT, Michalak S, Moisoi N, Molina AJA, Montaigne D, Moore AL, Mracek T, Muntane J, Muntean DM, Murray AJ, Nemec M, Neuzil J, Newsom S, Nozickova K, O'Gorman D, Oliveira PF, Oliveira MT, Oliveira PJ, Orynbayeva Z, Pak YK, Palmeira CM, Patel HH, Pecina P, Pelnena D, Pereira da Silva Grilo da Silva F, Pesta D, Petit PX, Pichaud N, Piel S, Pirkmajer S, Porter RK, Pranger F, Prochownik EV, Pulinilkunnil T, Puurand M, Radenkovic F, Radi R, Ramzan R, Reboredo P, Renner-Sattler K, Robinson MM, Roesland GV, Rohlena J, Rolo AP, Ropelle ER, Rossiter HB, Rybacka-Mossakowska J, Saada A, Safaei Z, Salin K, Salvadego D, Sandi C, Scatena R, Schartner M, Scheibye-Knudsen M, Schilling JM, Schlattner U, Schoenfeld P, Schwarzer C, Scott GR, Shabalina IG, Sharma P, Sharma V, Shevchuk I, Siewiera K, Silber AM, Singer D, Smenes BT, Soares FAA, Sobotka O, Sokolova I, Spinazzi M, Stankova P, Stier A, Stocker R, Sumbalova Z, Suravajhala P, Swerdlow RH, Swiniuch D, Szabo I, Tanaka M, Tandler B, Tavernarakis N, Tepp K, Thyfault JP, Tomar D, Towheed A, Tretter L, Trifunovic A, Trivigno C, Tronstad KJ, Trougakos IP, Tyrrell DJ, Urban T, Valentine JM, Velika B, Vendelin M, Vercesi AE, Victor VM, Villena JA, Vitorino RMP, Vogt S, Volani C, Votion DM, Vujacic-Mirski K, Wagner BA, Ward ML, Watala C, Wei YH, Wieckowski MR, Williams C, Wohlwend M, Wolff J, Wuest RCI, Zaugg K, Zaugg M, Zischka H, Zorzano A, Supporting:, Bernardi P, Boetker HE, Borsheim E, Bouitbir J, Coker RH, Dubouchaud H, Durham WJ, Dyrstad SE, Engin AB, Gan Z, Garlid KD, Haendeler J, Hand SC, Hepple RT, Hickey AJ, Hoel F, Kainulainen H, Khamoui AV, Kowaltowski AJ, Krajcova A, Lane N, Lenaz G, Liu SS, Mazat JP, Methner A, Nedergaard J, Pallotta ML, Parajuli N, Pettersen IKN, Porter C, Sazanov LA, Skolik R, Sonkar VK, Vieyra A, Mitochondrial physiology. , Bioenergetics Communications, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

C. McKenna , R. K. Porter, C. Fitzsimons, S. M. Waters, M. McGee and D. A. Kenny, "An examination of skeletal muscle and hepatic tissue transcriptomes from beef cattle divergent for residual feed intake", Scientific Reports, submitted, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Emma B. O'Connor, Natalia Muñoz-Wolf, Gemma Leon, Ed C. Lavelle, Kingston H. G. Mills, Patrick T. Walsh and Richard K. Porter, UCP3 reciprocally controls CD4+ Th17 and Treg cell differentiation, PLoS ONE, 15, (11), 2020, pe02- Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

M. F. Rooney and Caitriona E. Curley and J. Sweeney and M. Griffin and R. K. Porter and E. Hill and L. Katz, Prolonged oral coenzyme Q10-β-cyclodextrin supplementation increases skeletal muscle complex I+III activity in young Thoroughbreds, Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 8, (1), 2020, p11 - 20 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Mary F Rooney, Caitriona E Curley, James Sweeney, Michael E Griffin, Richard K Porter, Emmeline W Hill, Lisa M Katz, Prolonged oral coenzyme Q10-β-cyclodextrin supplementation increases skeletal musclecomplex I+III activity in young, untrained healthy Thoroughbreds, Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, 8, (1), 2020, p11 - 20 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Marilena Karavyraki, The role of IL-6 in anoikis resistance and metabolic programming in Oral Squamous Cell Cancer, 2020 Thesis, 2020

Richard K. Porter, Oxygen Consumption as a measure of Cellular Energy Metabolism, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, February, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Richard K. Porter, Cellular Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Metabolic Activity , Clinical Research Development Ireland (CRDI), Trinity College Dublin & live feed to NUI Galway, 2-3 December, 2019, Gael Parent Invited Talk, 2019

O'Neill, S. and Porter, R.K., McNamee, N. and Martinez, V.G. and O'Driscoll, L., 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose inhibits aggressive triple-negative breast cancer cells by targeting glycolysis and the cancer stem cell phenotype, Scientific Reports, 9, (1), 2019, p3788 - 3798 Journal Article, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Richard K. Porter, Oxygen Consumption as a measure of Cellular Energy Metabolism, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi, India, February, 2019 Invited Talk, 2019

Richard K. Porter, The Biochemical and Bioenergetic Consequences of the Myostatin SNP g.66493737C>T and SINE insertion 227 bp polymorphism in Skeletal Muscle of Thoroughbred Horses., MITOEAGLE Meeting, , Coimbra, Portugal. , July, 2019, Carlos Palmiera Invited Talk, 2019

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Vincent Kelly and Richard K Porter, Genotype variation at the MSTN locus is associated with skeletal muscle Coenzyme Q level in untrained Thoroughbred horses., Cell Symposium: Exercise Metabolism, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, May, 2019 Meeting Abstract, 2019 URL TARA - Full Text

Sadhbh O'Neill, Richard K. Porter, Vanesa G. Martinez, Lorraine, O'Driscoll , 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose preferentially inhibits aggressive triple-negative breast cancer cells by targeting glycolysis and the cancer stem cell phenotype , Scientific Reports, 9, (1), 2019, p3788 - 3798 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Vincent Kelly and Richard K Porter, Genotype variation at the MSTN locus is associated with skeletal muscle Coenzyme Q level in untrained Thoroughbred horses., European Bioenergetics Conference, Budapest, P2 b/22, 2018 Meeting Abstract, 2018 URL

The role of calcium ions for determining mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity when measuring uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) function in mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue. in, editor(s)Carlos Palmiera , Methods in Molecular Biology , 2018, pp325-336 , [Kieran J Clarke & Richard K. Porter ] Book Chapter, 2018 URL

Richard K. Porter - RTE, 'Irish scientists uncover what makes a horse run fast or long.', 2018, - Broadcast, 2018 URL

Marilena Karavyraki & Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial function linked to metabolic differences in dysplastic and cancerous oral cells , European Bioenergetics Conference, Budapest, July, 2018 Meeting Abstract, 2018 URL

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Vincent P. Kelly, Richard K. Porter , The "speed gene" effect of myostatin arises in Thoroughbred horses due to a promoter proximal SINE insertion, PLOS ONE, 13, (10), 2018, p1-20 Journal Article, 2018 TARA - Full Text URL

Caitriona E Curley, Mary F Rooney, Michael E Griffin, Lisa M Katz, Richard K Porter and Emmeline W Hill, Supplementation with MicroActive coenzyme Q10 increases plasma and skeletal muscle coenzyme Q10 levels in healthy Thoroughbred horses. , European Bioenergetics Conference, Budapest, July, P1b3, 2018 Meeting Abstract, 2018 URL

Richard K. Porter, Cellular Oxygen Consumption as an index of Metabolic Activity, CRDI Course: Techniques & Strategies in Molecular Medicine 2018, Trinity Biomedical SCience Institute (TBSI), 4-5 December , 2018, Gael Parent Invited Talk, 2018 URL

Rooney M.F., Hill E.W., Kelly V.P., Porter R.K., The "speed gene" effect of myostatin arises in Thoroughbred horses due to a promoter proximal SINE insertion, PLoS ONE, 13, (10), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Clare McKenna, An examination of the molecular control of feed efficiency in beef cattle, 2018 Thesis, 2018

Richard K. Porter - Irish Times, 'Irish scientists pinpoint what makes thoroughbred racehorses go faster.', 2018, - Broadcast, 2018 URL

Clarke, K.J. and Porter, R.K., The importance of calcium ions for determining mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity when measuring uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) function in mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1782, 2018, p325-336 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Emma O'Connor, The Role of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 3 in T Cell Function, TCD, 2018 Thesis, 2018

Clare, M.K. and Richard, P. and Kate, K. and Sinead, W. and Mark, M.G. and David, K., Residual feed intake phenotype and gender affect the expression of key genes of the lipogenesis pathway in subcutaneous adipose tissue of beef cattle, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Petr Je ek, Martin Jabůrek and Richard K. Porter , Uncoupling mechanism and redox regulations of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP1 , Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 2728, (18), 2018, p30170 - 30181 Review Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

Emma O'Connor, Richard K. Porter, Patrick T. Walsh, The Role of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 3 in T Cell Function, European Bioenergetics Conference, Budapest, July, 2018, European Bioenergetics Conference Invited Talk, 2018 URL

McKenna C, Porter RK, Keogh K, Waters SM, McGee M and Kenny DA, Residual feed intake phenotype and gender affect the expression of key genes of the lipogenesis pathway in adipose tissue of beef cattle, Journal of Animal Science Biotechnolology, 9, 2018, p68 - 78 Journal Article, 2018 DOI TARA - Full Text

McKenna, C. and Porter, R.K. and Keogh, K.A. and Waters, S.M. and McGee, M. and Kenny, D.A., Correction: Residual feed intake phenotype and gender affect the expression of key genes of the lipogenesis pathway in subcutaneous adipose tissue of beef cattle [J Anim Sci Biotechnol. (2018), 9 (68)] DOI: 10.1186/s40104-018-0282-9, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 9, (1), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Richard K. Porter, Discovering Bioenergetic Anticancer Targets in vitro , Measuring Metabolic Engines and Fuels-Seahorse Users Meeting 18.5.17, Weizmann Institute, Israel, May 2017, 2017, Agilent & Weizmann Institute Invited Talk, 2017 URL

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Lisa M Katz and Richard K Porter, Genotype variation at the MSTN locus is associated with skeletal muscle mitochondrial abundance and fibre composition in untrained Thoroughbred horses., Gruppo Italiano di Biomembrane e Bioenergetica, Cantania, Italy, June 14-16, 2017, edited by Paolo Bernardi (Padova), Alessandro Giuffrè (Roma), Giovanna Lippe (Udine), Vito De Pinto (Catania), Francesco Francia (Bologna), Cesare Indiveri (Calabria), Luigi Palmieri (Bari), Claudia Piccoli (Foggia). , 2017 Meeting Abstract, 2017 URL

Marilena Karavyraki & Richard K. Porter, A bioenergetic comparison of dysplastic and cancerous oral cells, Irish Division of the International Dental Research Association (IADR) Annual Division Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, November, edited by Irish Division of the International Dental Research Association (IADR , 2017 Meeting Abstract, 2017

Rooney, M.F., Porter, R.K., Katz, L.M. , Hill, E.W., Skeletal muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics and associations with myostatin genotypes in the Thoroughbred horse, PLoS ONE, 12, (11), 2017 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Richard K. Porter, Mary Rooney, Emmeline Hill, Lisa Katz, '"A Genotype Specific Neutraceutical for Horses". ', Murgitroyd, European Patent No. 17190252.1 , 2017 Patent, 2017 Other

Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial function and dysfunction in cancer , MiPs School, , Obergurgl, Austria , July 2017, 2017, Mitochondria in Physiology Society (MiPS) Invited Talk, 2017 URL

Richard K. Porter, Cellular Oxygen Consumption as an index of Metabolic Activity,, Clinical Research Development Ireland Workshop, Trinity Biomedical Research Institute, Dec 2017, 2017, CRDI Invited Talk, 2017 URL

Geoghegan, F. and Buckland, R.J. and Rogers, E.T. and Khalifa, K. and O'Connor, E.B. and Rooney, M.F. and Behnam-Motlagh, P. and Nilsson, T.K. and Grankvist, K. and Porter, R.K., Bioenergetics of acquired cisplatin resistant H1299 non-small cell lung cancer and P31 mesothelioma cells, Oncotarget, 8, (55), 2017, p94711-94725 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text DOI

Martinez VG, Crown J, Porter RK, O'Driscoll L., Neuromedin U alters bioenergetics and expands the cancer stem cell phenotype in HER2-positive breast cancer, International Journal of Cancer, 140, (12), 2017, p2771 - 2784 Journal Article, 2017 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Richard K. Porter, Direct effects of phenformin on metabolism/bioenergetics and viability of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, , 'Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution - Age - Gender - Lifestyle - Environment (MITOEAGLE)',, Barcelona University, Institut D'Estdies Catalan, Spain, Mar 2017, 2017, COST MITOEAGLE Invited Talk, 2017 URL

Emma B. O'Connor, Richard K. Porter and Patrick T. Walsh , A Role for Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) in T-cell function, Keystone Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, Royal Dublin Society, May 29-June 2, 2017, 2017 Meeting Abstract, 2017 URL

Mary F. Rooney, The Biochemical and Bioenergetic Consequences of the Myostatin SNP g.66493737C>T and SINE insertion 227 bp polymorphism in Skeletal Muscle of Thoroughbred Horses, Trinity College Dublin, 2017 Thesis, 2017

Richard K. Porter, Bioenergetics in Cancer , "The role of mitochondria in lifestyle and metabolic syndrome - MITOEAGLE perspectives", Hradec Králové University Czech Republic., Nov 2017, 2017, COST MITOEAGLE Invited Talk, 2017 URL

Geoghegan F, Chadderton N, Farrar GJ, Zisterer DM, Porter RK., Direct effects of phenformin on metabolism/bioenergetics and viability of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells., Oncology letters, 14, (5), 2017, p6298-6306 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Marilena Karavyraki & Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial Function and Morphology Linked to Metabolic Differences in Normal, Dysplastic and Cancerous Oral Cells , Mitochondria in Physiology Workshop (MiPs) , Obergurgl, Austria, June, edited by Erich Gnaiger , 2017 Meeting Abstract, 2017 URL

Richard K. Porter, The Role of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins in Thymus and Immune Cell Function, Visiting Professor, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, , April 2016, 2016 Invited Talk, 2016

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Lisa M Katz and Richard K Porter , MSTN genotype variation affects skeletal muscle mitochondrial abundance and fibre composition in untrained Thoroughbred horses,, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, European Bioenergetics Conference 2016 (EBEC 2016), Riva del garda, July 2-7, 2016, edited by Paolo Bernardi , Volume 1857, 2016, ppp44- Meeting Abstract, 2016 DOI TARA - Full Text

Emma B. O ' Connor , Richard K. Porter , Patrick T. Walsh , A Role for Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) in T-cell function, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, European Bioenergetics Conference 2016 (EBEC 2016), Riva del garda, July 2-7, 2016, edited by Paolo Bernardi , Elsevier, 2016, pppe98- Meeting Abstract, 2016 URL

Martin DS, Leonard S, Devine R, Redondo C, Kinsella GK, Breen CJ, McEneaney V, Rooney MF, Munsey TS, Porter RK, Sivaprasadarao A, Stephens JC, Findlay JB., Novel mitochondrial complex I inhibitors restore glucose-handling abilities of high-fat fed mice., J Mol Endocrinol , 56, (3), 2016, p261 - 271 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

C.McKenna R.K.Porter, S.Waters and D.Kenny, Mitochondrial abundance and respiratory chain activities in muscle of cattle divergent in residual feed intake, European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Belfast UK, 29 Aug - 2 Sept 2016, Wageningen Academic Publisher, 2016 Meeting Abstract, 2016

C.McKenna R.K.Porter, S.Waters and D.Kenny, Mitochondrial abundance and respiratory chain activities in muscle of cattle divergent in residual feed intake, EAAP, Belfast UK, 29 Aug - 2 Sept 2016, Wageningen Academic Publisher, 2016 Meeting Abstract, 2016

Richard K. Porter, The Role of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins (UCP's) in Thymocyte/T-Cell Development and Function, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland , (Oct 2015) , 2015, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland Invited Talk, 2015

Mary F Rooney, Emmeline W Hill, Lisa M Katz and Richard K Porter, MSTN GENOTYPE VARIATION EFFECTS SKELETAL MUSCLE MITOCHONDRIAL ABUNDANCE IN UNTRAINED THOROUGHBRED HORSES., International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference (IBEC), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 07-09 Sep 2015 , 2015 Meeting Abstract, 2015

Fintan Geoghegan, Cancer Cell Bioenergetics in response to Anti-cancer Agents, Trinity College Dublin, 2015 Thesis, 2015

Richard K. Porter, Energy Metabolism in Immune cells , Joint Weizmann-TBSI Immunology Meeting, Weizmann Institute, Israel, (Jun 2015), 2015 Invited Talk, 2015

Richard K. Porter, Thymocyte/T-cell function and mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, Ireland China Partnership, Guangzhou Medical Centre, Mainland China, , (Mar 2015) , 2015 Invited Talk, 2015 URL

Clarke, K.J., Carroll, A.M., O'Brien, G., Porter, R.K. , Detection of UCP1 protein and measurements of dependent GDP-sensitive proton leak in non- phosphorylating thymus mitochondria, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1241, 2015, p123-135 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1 and Immune Cell Function, 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, , Utrecht, The Netherlands,, (May 2014), 2014, European Society for Clinical Investigation, Invited Talk, 2014 URL

Lynam-Lennon N, Connaughton R, Carr E, Mongan AM, O'Farrell NJ, Porter RK, Brennan L, Pidgeon GP, Lysaght J, Reynolds JV, O'Sullivan J, Excess visceral adiposity induces alterations in mitochondrial function and energy metabolism in esophageal adenocarcinoma., BMC cancer, 14, 2014, p907 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

Richard K. Porter, Energy Metabolism in Immune cells , Taichung University Taiwan, , (Oct 2014) , 2014, Lee-Feng Chien Invited Talk, 2014

Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial Efficiency and Basal Metabolic rate in Mammals, University of Warwick, UK, , (Jan 2014) , 2014 Invited Talk, 2014

Orlagh Kelly, Investigations into the physiological function mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3, Trinity College Dublin, 2013 Thesis, 2013

Clarke, KJ, Porter, RK, Uncoupling protein 1 dependent reactive oxygen species production by thymus mitochondria, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, 45, (1), 2013, p81-89 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Richard K. Porter, Efficiency of Mitochondrial Function in Mammals, University of Umeå, Sweden., (Nov 2013) , 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Breen EP, Pilgrim W, Clarke KJ, Yssel C, Farrell M, Zhou J, Murphy PV, Porter RK. , Lack of activation of UCP1 in isolated brown adipose tissue mitochondria by glucose-O-ω-modified saturated fatty acids of various chain lengths., Journal of Chemical Biology, 6, (3), 2013, p121 - 133 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text URL

Orlagh M. Kelly, Yvonne M. McNamara, Lars H. Manzke, Mary J. Meegan, Richard K. Porter, The Preservation of in vivo Phosphorylated and Activated Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria following Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA aka Ecstasy) to Rats/Mice, Mitochondrion, 12, (1), 2012, p110-9 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text URL

L.H. Manzke, K.J. Clarke, R.K. Porter, Upregulation of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase abundance in brown adipose tissue mitochondria from UCP1 knock-out mice, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, European Bioenergetics Conference 2012 (EBEC 2012), Freiburg, Germany, 15-20 September 2012, (1817), 2012, pps43- Meeting Abstract, 2012 DOI

Richard K. Porter, Regulation of metabolism in Cancer and Immune Cells Symposium in Trinity College Dublin, Irish Area Section of the Biochemical Society (IASBS), Trinity College Dublin, (Nov 2012) , 2012, Richard K. Porter Invited Talk, 2012

Kelly, O.M. and McNamara, Y.M. and Manzke, L.H. and Meegan, M.J. and Porter, R.K., The preservation of in vivo phosphorylated and activated uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) in isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria following administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA aka ecstasy) to rats/mice, Mitochondrion, 12, (1), 2012, p110-119 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Clarke, KJ, Adams, AE, Manzke, LH, Pearson, TW, Borchers, CH, Porter, RK, A role for ubiquitinylation and the cytosolic proteasome in turnover of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS, 1817, (10), 2012, p1759-1767 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Richard K. Porter, Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) turnover and function, European Bioenergetics Conference 2012 (EBEC 2012), Freiburg, Germany, , (Sep 2012) , 2012, EBEC Invited Talk, 2012

Porter, R.K., Studies on the function and regulation of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 748, 2012, p171 - 184 Journal Article, 2012 URL

Lars Manzke, An Investigation of the Physiological and pathological Role of Uncoupling Proteins, Trinity College Dublin, 2012 Thesis, 2012

Richard K. Porter, "The Preservation of in vivo Phosphorylated and Activated Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria following Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA aka Ecstasy) to Mice" , COST meeting Wageningen University, The Netherlands, April 2011, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, April 2011, 2011, COST Mitofood Invited Talk, 2011 URL

Kieran J. Clarke, An investigation into the role and regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP 1), Trinity College Dublin, 2011 Thesis, 2011

Alison E. Adams, Investigation into the physiological expression and function of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in the thymus., 2011 Thesis, 2011

Pazderska, A, Wanic, K, O'Hanlon, D, Cooper, D, Collura, N,Clarke, KJ, O'Gorman, DJ, Porter, RK, Zorzano, A,Nolan, JJ , Increased skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration in patients with type 2 diabetes following dietary and exercise interventions, DIABETOLOGIA, 47th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD), 54, 2011, ppS248- - S248 Meeting Abstract, 2011 URL

Orlagh M. Kelly, Richard K. Porter, Absence of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3: Effect on thymus and spleen in the fed and fasted mice, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1807, (9), 2011, p1064-1074 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text URL

Richard K. Porter, The Preservation of in vivo Phosphorylated and Activated Uncoupling Protein 3 (UCP3) in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria following Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA aka Ecstasy) to Mice , Mitochondria in Physiology Society (MiPS) meeting,, University of Bordeaux, France, (Sep 2011) , 2011, MiPS Invited Talk, 2011 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein Regulation" , European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) , Warsaw, Poland, July 2010, 2010, European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) Invited Talk, 2010

Richard K. Porter, "Investigation into the role of uncoupling protein 3 in the thymus and spleen", COST meeting Coimbra University, Portugal, September 2010, Universiy of Coimbra, Portugal, September 2010, 2010, COST Mitofood Invited Talk, 2010

AndreaDlasková, Kieran J.Clarke, Richard K.Porter, UCP1 ablation increases the production of reactive oxygen species by mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue, BBA Bioenergetics, European Bioenergetics Conference 2010, Warsaw, Poland, 1797, 2010, pp85 - 85 Meeting Abstract, 2010 URL

Alison E. Adams, Orlagh M. Kelly, Richard K.Porter, R. K., Absence of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1 Affects Apoptosis in Thymocytes, Thymocyte/T-Cell profile and Peripheral T-Cell Number, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 16th European Bioenergetics Conference, Warsaw, 17-22 July, edited by L. Wojtczak and K. Zabłocki , 1797, (6-7), Elsevier, 2010, pp807-816 Conference Paper, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

Richard K. Porter & Kieran J. Clarke, Regulation of H2O2 generation by uncoupling protein 1 in thymus mitochondria, European Bioenergetics Conference 2010, Warsaw, Poland, 1797 Supplement, 2010, pp86 - 86 Meeting Abstract, 2010 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein Regulation", International Congress on Obesity, Sockholm, Sweden, July, 2010, International Congress on Obesity Invited Talk, 2010

Alison E. Adams, Absence of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 affects apoptosis and T-cell profile in mice, BBA Bioenergetics, European Bioenergetics Conference 2010, Warsaw, Poland, 1797, 2010, pp85 - 85 Meeting Abstract, 2010 URL

Andrea Dlaskovà, Kieran J. Clarke, Richard K. Porter, R.K. , The role of UCP 1 in the production of reactive oxygen species by mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1797, (8), 2010, p1470 - 1476 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

Richard K. Porter, "Efficiency of Energy Transduction in Mammals" , Invitation to Nencki Institute Warsaw, Poland., Nencki Institute Warsaw, Poland., July, 2009, Adam Szewczyk Invited Talk, 2009

Richard K. Porter, "Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1 and Immune Function" , COST meeting , Balearic Islands University, Palma, Mallorca, Spain., March, 2009, COST Mitofood Invited Talk, 2009

Murphy, J.E.J. and Porter, R.K., The control of oxidative phosphorylation in the adrenal gland (Y1) cell line, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 645, 2009, p35-41 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Murphy, James E.J. and Porter, Richard K. , The Control of Oxidative Phosphorylation in the Adrenal Gland Cell Line (Y1), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 645, 2009, p35 - 41 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Niaobh O'Donoghue, Trevor Sweeney, Robin Donagh, Kieran Clarke and Richard K. Porter , Control of Choline Oxidation in Rat Kidney Mitochondria, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1787, 2009, p1135 - 1139 Journal Article, 2009 TARA - Full Text URL

Porter R.K. & Fallon P.G., mitochondrial UCP 1 and thymus function, EBEC 2008 Short Reports, EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24 July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, 2008, ppS34- Meeting Abstract, 2008 URL

Richard K. Porter, Preface: From the Organizers, European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) 2008, Trinity College Dublin, July, edited by Richard K. Porter , 2008 Meeting Abstract, 2008 URL

Porter, R.K., Uncoupling protein 1: A short-circuit in the chemiosmotic process, Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 40, (5), 2008, p457-461 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), Netherlands, Elsevier, [eds.], 2008-2022 Editorial Board, 2008 URL

Davey G. & Porter Richard K., Bioenergetics: Going from Strength to strength, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24 July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, (7-8), Elsevier, 2008, pp549 - 549 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Alison E. Adams, Orla Hanrahan, Derek N. Nolan, H. Paul Voorheis, Padraic Fallon and Richard K. Porter, Images of mitochondrial UCP 1 in mouse thymocytes using confocal microscopy , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1777, (2), 2008, p115 - 117 Journal Article, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

Adams A.E. Porter R.K. , Apoptosis in thymocytes from UCP 1 wild-type and UCP 1 knock-out mice, EBEC 2008 Short reports, EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, 2008, ppS44- Meeting Abstract, 2008 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Choline Oxidation in Kidney Mitochondria" , COST meeting, University of Stockholm, Sweden., May , 2008, COST Mitofood Invited Talk, 2008

Porter Richard K., uncoupling protein 1: A short-circuit in the Chemiosmotic process, the Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 40, 2008, p457 - 461 Journal Article, 2008 URL

Porter Richard K., Preface, EBEC Short reports, EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24 July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, Elsevier, 2008, ppS1- Meeting Abstract, 2008

Adams AE, Carroll AM, Fallon PG, Porter RK., Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 expression in thymocytes., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics , 1777, (7-8), 2008, p772 - 776 Journal Article, 2008 TARA - Full Text DOI

Dlaskova, A. & Porter R.K., regulation of H2O2 generation by uncoupling protein UCP 1 in BAT and thymus mitochondria, EBEC 2008 Short reports, EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24 July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, Elsevier, 2008, ppS65- Meeting Abstract, 2008 URL

Porter, R.K., From the organizers, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1777, (SUPPL.), 2008 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Carroll, Audrey M., Porter, Richard K. & Morrice, Nicolas A., Identification of serine phosphorylation in mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1777, (7-8), 2008, p1060 - 1065 Journal Article, 2008 URL

Adams, Alison E., Carroll, Audrey M., Fallon, Padraic G. & Porter, Richard K., Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 expression in thymocytes, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1777, (7-8), 2008, p772 - 775 Journal Article, 2008 URL

Richard K. Porter, "The Role Uncoupling Proteins in Immune Function" , European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) July 2008 Dublin. , Dublin, Ireland, July, 2008, European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) Invited Talk, 2008

Clarke K.J. & Porter R.K. , The effect of preserving covalent modification of mitochondria by phosphorylation on oxygen consumption by mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue and thymus, EBEC 2008 Short Reports, EBEC 2008, Trinity College Dublin, 19-24 July 2008, edited by Richard K. Porter & Gavin Davey , 1777, Elsevier, 2008, ppS54- Meeting Abstract, 2008 URL

Richard K. Porter, "A Role for Uncoupling Proteins in Thymus Function" , International Society for Oxygen Transport in Tissues" (ISOTT) , Uppsala University, Sweden, September , 2007, ISOTT co-chaired with Britten Chance Invited Talk, 2007

Beck V, Jabùrek M, Demina T, Rupprecht A, Porter RK, Jezek P, Pohl EE., Polyunsaturated fatty acids activate human uncoupling proteins 1 and 2 in planar lipid bilayers., FASEB J, 21, (4), 2007, p1137-1144 Journal Article, 2007 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Regulation of UCP function" , Harden Conference, , Ambelside UK , September , 2007, Guy Brown & Michael Murphy Invited Talk, 2007

Adams, A.E., Hanrahan, O., Nolan, D.N., Voorheis, H.P. Fallon, P. and Porter, R.K., Images of Mitochondrial UCP 1 in Mouse Thymocytes using Confocal Microscopy, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1777, 2007, p115 - 117 Journal Article, 2007 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Molecular mechanisms in metabolic and oxidative stress - role of mitochondria" , NutriGenomic Organization" (NuGO) Conference, Cork, May, 2007, Michael Gibney Invited Talk, 2007

Brennan, C.M., Breen, E.P. and Porter, R.K., Cold acclimation and oxygen consumption in the thymus, Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1757, (11), 2006, p1463-1468 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Beck, V., Jabùrek, M., Breen, E.P., Porter, R.K., Je ek, P. and Pohl, E.E. , A new automated technique for the reconstitution of hydrophobic proteins into planar bilayer membranes. Studies of human recombinant uncoupling protein 1., Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 1757, 2006, p474 - 479 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Brennan, C.M. & Porter R.K., The effects of acute and endurance exercise on UCP 3 protein expression in mouse gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus and EDL muscles, EBEC Short Reports, EBEC 2006, Moscow, July, edited by V. Borisov , 14, Elsevier/Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics), 2006, pp363- Meeting Abstract, 2006 URL

Porter, R.K., A New Look at Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 1757, 2006, p446 - 448 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Breen, E.P., Gouin, S., Brennan, C.M., Murphy, A.F., Haines, L.R., Pearson, T.W., Murphy, P.V. and Porter, R.K., On the mechanism of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 function, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281, 2006, p2114 - 2119 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Richard K. Porter, "A New Look at Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 1" , European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC) , Moscow State University, Russia, July, 2006, Vladimir Schulachev Invited Talk, 2006 URL

Carroll, A.M., Haines, L.R., Pearson, T.W., Fallon, P., Walsh, C., Brennan, C., Breen, E.P. & Porter, R.K., Detection of a functioning UCP 1in Thymus, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, 2005, p15534 - 15543 Journal Article, 2005 URL

Richard K. Porter, "Mitochondrial Coupling" , Mitochondria in Physiology Conference, , Schröcken, Austria, July, 2005, Erich Gnaiger Invited Talk, 2005 URL

Gouin, S.G., Breen, E.P., Pilgrim, W., Murphy, P.V., Porter R.K., Elucidation of the mechanism of mitochondrial uncoupling protein function using a synthetic glycolipid, Mitochondria in Physiology, MiP2005, 2005 Journal Article, 2005 URL

Carroll, A.M., Haines, L.R., Pearson, T.W., Fallon, P.G., Walsh, C.M., Brennan, C., Breen, E. & Porter, R.K., Identification of a functioning mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 in thymus, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, 2005, p155534 - 155543 Journal Article, 2005 TARA - Full Text DOI

Gouin, S.G, Pilgrim, W., Porter, R.K. and Murphy, P.V., Synthesis of a glycolipid for studying mechanisms of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, Carbohydrate Research, 340, 2005, p1547 - 1552 Journal Article, 2005 URL URL

Clare M. Brennan, Investigations into the Physiological Expression of UCP1 and UCP3, Trinity College Dublin, 2005 Thesis, 2005

Eamon P. Breen, Detection, Expression and Elucidation of the Mechanism of Action of Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein 1, Trinity College Dublin, 2005 Thesis, 2005

Gouin, S.G., Breen, E.P., Pilgrim, W., Murphy, P.V. & Porter R.K., Elucidation of the mechanism of mitochondrial uncoupling protein using a synthetic glycolipid, Bioscience 2005, Glasgow, Scotland. UK, 2005 Meeting Abstract, 2005 URL

Carroll, A.M., Haines, L.R., Pearson, T.W., Brennan, C., Breen, E.P. & Porter R.K., Immunodetection of UCP 1 in Rat Thymus, Biochemical Society Transactions, 32, (6), 2004, p1066 - 1067 Journal Article, 2004 URL

Audrey M. Carroll, An Investigation into the Expression and Physiological Function of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins, Trinity College Dublin, 2004 Thesis, 2004

Richard K. Porter, "Detection of a functioning UCP 1 in Thymus" , Bioscience 2004 Conference, , Glasgow, Scotland., 2004, The UK Biochemical Society Invited Talk, 2004

Carroll, A.M., Haines, L.R., Pearson, T.W., Brennan, C., Breen, E. & Porter, R.K., Identification of a functioning uncoupling protein 1 in rat thymus, EBEC Short Report, 13, 2004, pp203 Conference Paper, 2004

Carroll, A.M. and Porter, R.K., Starvation-sensitive UCP 3 protein expression in thymus and spleen mitochondria, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics, 1700, (2), 2004, p145-150 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

Carroll, A.M. & Porter, R.K., Starvation sensitive UCP 3 expression in rat thymus and spleen, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1700, 2004, p145 - 150 Journal Article, 2004 URL

Cunningham, O., McElligott, A.M., Carroll, A.M., Breen, E., Reguenga, C., Oliveira, M.E.M, Azevedo, J.E. & Porter, R.K., Selective Detection of UCP 3 Expression in Skeletal Muscle: Effect of Thyroid Status and Temperature Acclimation, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1604, 2003, p170 - 179 Journal Article, 2003 URL

Cadenas, S., Jekabsons, M.B., Carroll, A.M., Porter, R.K. & Brand, M.D., Rat muscle mitochondria treated with Dowex are GDP insensitive, 674th Biochemical Society Meeting, 29, 2003, pp123 Meeting Abstract, 2003 URL

Brennan, C.M., McElligott, A.M., Warmington, S.A. and Porter, R.K., Skeletal muscle uncoupling protein 3 expression following endurance swimming training in mice, Proceedings of the 674th Biochemical Society Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, July, 2003 Meeting Abstract, 2003 URL

Brennan, C.M., McElligott, A.M., Warmington, S.A. & Porter, R.K., Skeletal muscle uncoupling protein 3 expression following endurance swimming training in mice, 674th Biochemical Society Meeting, 29, 2003, pp120 Meeting Abstract, 2003 URL

Oliver J. P. Joyce, Factors Effecting Mitochondrial Efficiency, Trinity College Dublin, 2003 Thesis, 2003

Joyce, O.J.P., Farmer, M.K. Tipton, K.F. & Porter, R.K., Oxidative Phosphorylation by in situ Synaptosomal Mitochondria from Whole Brain of Young and Old Rats, J. Neurochem., 86, 2003, p1032 - 1041 Journal Article, 2003 URL

Brennan, C.M, McElligott, A.M. Warmington, S.A. & Porter, R.K., Skeletal muscle uncoupling protein-3 expression following endurance swimming training in mice, Proceedings of the Journal of Physiology, 543, 2002, pp119 Conference Paper, 2002 URL

Brennan, C.M. McElligott, A.M., Warmington, S.A. and Porter, R.K., Skeletal muscle uncoupling protein-3 expression following endurance swimming training in mice, Proceedings of the Physiological Society, The Journal of Physiology, University of Liverpool, July, 543, (P), 2002, pp119p Meeting Abstract, 2002 URL

Maguire, D.J., Joyce, O. & Porter, R.K., Mitoprotein separation on 2-D Native Blue Gels; Miniaturization and resolution of extraction artefacts, Human Genetics Society of Australasia Meeting, 2001 Meeting Abstract, 2001

Breen, E.P. & Porter, R.K., Discriminatory antibody raised to UCP-3 used to detect protein in a number of systems, 674th Biochemical Society Meeting, 29, 2001, pp120 Meeting Abstract, 2001 DOI

Cunningham, O, Carroll, A.M. & Porter R.K., RT-PCR evidence for the expression of UCP-2 in spleen and murine macrophage cell line (J774), 674th Biochemical Society Meeting, 29, 2001, pp119 Meeting Abstract, 2001 URL

Porter, R.K., Mitochondrial Proton Leak: A Role for Uncoupling Proteins 2 & 3 ?, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1504, (1), 2001, p120 - 127 Journal Article, 2001 URL

Porter, R.K., Allometry of mammalian cellular oxygen consumption, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 58, 2001, p815 - 822 Journal Article, 2001 URL

Porter, R.K., Mammalian mitochondria; inner membrane cationic and neutral amino acid carriers, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1459, 2000, p356 - 362 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Richard K. Porter, Leptin and Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation,, European Congress on Obesity, Trinity College Dublin, 1999, Fred Andrews Invited Talk, 1999

Hazel P. Melia, Investigations into the Efficiency of Mitochondrial Unction, Trinity College Dublin, 1999 Thesis, 1999

Richard K. Porter, Indirect measurement of mitochondrial proton leak and its application,, International Congress on Obesity, Quebec, Canada, 1999, Claude Bouchard Invited Talk, 1999

Melia, H.P. and Andrews, J.F. and McBennett, S.M. and Porter, R.K., Effects of acute leptin administration on the differences in proton leak rate in liver mitochondria from ob/ob mice compared to lean controls, FEBS Letters, 458, (2), 1999, p261-264 Journal Article, 1999 DOI

Porter, R.K., Joyce, O.J.P., Farmer, M.K., Heneghan, R., Tipton, K.F, Andrews, J. F., McBennett, S.M., Lund, M.D., Jensen, C.H. & Melia, H.P, Indirect measurement of mitochondrial proton leak and its application, International Journal of Obesity, 23, 1999, pS12 - S18 Journal Article, 1999 URL

Melia, H.P. Andrews, J.F., McBennett, S.M. & Porter, R.K., Leptin and Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation, FEBS Letts., 458, 1999, p261 - 264 Journal Article, 1999 URL

Porter, R.K. & Andrews, J.F., Effects of leptin on mitochondrial 'proton leak' and uncoupling proteins: implications for mammalian energy metabolism, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 57, 1998, p455 - 460 Journal Article, 1998 URL

Porter, R.K., Hulbert, A.J. and Brand, M.D., Allometry of Mitochondrial Proton Leak: Influence of Membrane Surface Area and Fatty Acid Composition, The American Journal of Physiology, 271, 1996, pR1550 - R1560 Journal Article, 1996 URL

Porter, R.K. and Brand, M.D., Causes of the Differences in Respiration Rate of Hepatocytes from Mammals of Different Body Mass, The American Journal of Physiology, 269, 1995, pR1213 - R1224 Journal Article, 1995 URL

Porter, R.K. and Brand, M.D., Mitochondrial Proton Conductance and H+/O Ratio are Independent of Electron Transport Rate in Isolated Hepatocytes, Biochemical Journal, 310, 1995, p379 - 382 Journal Article, 1995 URL

Porter, R.K. & Brand M.D., Cellular oxygen consumption depends on body mass, American Journal of Physiology, 269, (1 part 2), 1995, pR226 - R228 Journal Article, 1995 URL

Brand, M.D., Chien, L.-F., Ainscow, E.K., Rolfe, D.F.S. & Porter, R.K., Causes and Functions of Mitochondrial Proton Leak, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 1187, 1994, p132 - 139 Journal Article, 1994 URL

Kaplan, C.P., Porter, R.K. and Brand, M.D., The Choline Transporter is the Major Site of Control of Choline Oxidation in Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria, FEBS Letters, 321, 1993, p24 - 26 Journal Article, 1993 URL

Porter, R.K. and Brand, M.D., Mitochondrial Properties Affecting Proton Leak Kinetics in Mammals of Different Body Mass, 646th Biochemical Society Meeting, 1993 Meeting Abstract, 1993

R. K. Porter, J. M. Scott and M. D. Brand, Characterization of betaine efflux from rat liver mitochondria, Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1141, (02-Mar), 1993, p269-74 Journal Article, 1993 URL

Porter, R.K. and Brand, M.D., Body Mass Dependence of Proton Leak in Mitochondria and its Relevance to Metabolic Rate, Nature, 362, 1993, p628 - 630 Journal Article, 1993 URL

R. K. Porter, J. M. Scott and M. D. Brand, Choline transport into rat liver mitochondria. Characterization and kinetics of a specific transporter, The Journal of biological chemistry, 267, (21), 1992, p14637-46 Journal Article, 1992 URL

R. K. Porter, J. M. Scott and M. D. Brand, The nature of betaine efflux from rat liver mitochondria, Biochemical Society transactions, 20, (3), 1992, p247S Journal Article, 1992 URL

R. K. Porter, J. M. Scott and M. D. Brand, Choline transport into rat liver mitochondria, Biochemical Society transactions, 20, (3), 1992, p248S Journal Article, 1992 URL

Richard K. Porter, Choline and Betaine Transport in Rat Liver Mitochondria, Trinity College Dublin, 1991 Thesis, 1991

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

David Tombs, A new covenant?, Sunday Sequence, 30 September 2012, BBC Radio Ulster, 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Research Expertise


1. Over the last two years we have established an in vitro model of human skeletal muscle cachexia (muscle wastage due to cancer). In collaboration with Artelo plc, a NASDAQ quoted company, we have identified a synthetic cannabinoid analogue that can prevent cachexia in human muscle. This drug is now in human Phase 1b/2a clinical trials (Cancer Appetite Recovery Study (CAReS)). Manuscripts are in preparation, with UK Biochemical Society meeting abstract and press report already released (April 2022). 2. We elucidated the biochemical basis of the crucial performance defining myostatin polymorphism in Thoroughbred Horses. Essentially, we discovered why certain Thoroughbred horses are born to be sprinters. In addition, we uncovered a metabolic difference between endurance and sprint Thoroughbred Horses which resulted in us patenting the discovery through TCD & UCD, and us getting a licence to use that IP to grant the company PlusVital to produce the product [World's First Nutrigenomic Product for Thoroughbred Horses, now sold as EnerGene-Q10 by Plusvital]. 3. The majority of my research career has focused on the molecular basis of metabolic rate, a research area that has direct implications for understanding physiology and for developing anti-obesity strategies. I have demonstrated that mitochondrial inefficiency accounts for one fifth our resting metabolic rate and factors, such as body size, that determine metabolic rate also effect mitochondrial efficiency. 3. Cancer Metabolism: We have recently identified, for the first time, IL-6 as a protagonist in metastasis/anoikis resistance and metabolic/mitochondrial programming in oral cancer, while demonstrating the IL-6 receptor is a potential target for therapy. We have also elucidated anti-cancer target data for (a) neuroblastoma cancers (b) mesothelioma and non-small lung cancer cells (c) breast cancer cells. Another, project is looking at the role of intracellular Fatty Acid Binding Proteins (FABPs) on cancer cell phenotype in brain cancer.


  • Title
    • Cellular Biology of Fatty Acid Binding Proteins (FABPs) Inhibition In Cancer
  • Summary
    • Investigating the role of intracellular fatty acid binding proteins in cancer phenotype
  • Funding Agency
    • Artelo BioSciences Inc. award No. 17323
  • Date From
    • 01 Mar 2022
  • Date To
    • 28 Feb 2023
  • Title
    • Development of an in vitro model of cachexia
  • Summary
    • Culturing human muscle cells in vitro. These cells will exposed to conditions that create cachexia and parameters of that cachexia will be measured.
  • Funding Agency
    • Artelo BioSciences Inc. award No. 166771
  • Date From
    • 01 Feb 2021
  • Date To
    • 31 Mar 2022
  • Title
    • Exploitation of a Novel in vitro Skeletal Muscle Cell System to Develop New Nutritional Products for the Thoroughbred Horse
  • Summary
    • We will exploit our unique genotype-specific Thoroughbred horse in vitro skeletal muscle cell platform, with an accompanying established battery of tests, with the objective of testing the metabolic potential of supplements for immediate development of new products for Plusvital. In addition, the effect of myostatin (MSTN) genotypic differences on a selection of new supplements will be evaluated, with the aim to develop genotype specific supplements ("nutrigenomic supplements"). Furthermore, during this time, we will investigate the potential of developing our novel equine in vitro skeletal muscle cell platform in to a commercial product/service.
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2019
  • Date To
    • 2021
  • Title
    • Assessment of the Energetic Benefits of Plusvital Supplements/Nutrients on Thoroughbred Horses
  • Funding Agency
    • Enterprise Ireland & Plusvital Grant No. 20160503
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • 2019
  • Title
    • Energy Metabolism in Oral Cancers
  • Funding Agency
    • Marie Skłodowska-Curie
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • 2020
  • Title
    • An examination of the biochemical control of cellular energetic efficiency in muscle of beef cattle divergently selected for residual feed intake (RFI)
  • Summary
    • (i) To establish and physiologically characterise two populations of cattle, genetically and phenotypically divergent in energetic efficiency (based on residual feed intake - RFI) (ii) To examine changes in temporal gene expression in muscle tissue of cattle divergent in energetic efficiency (iii) To examine the premise that efficiency of energy transduction in cattle is a function of mitochondrial abundance and mitochondrial functional efficiency. (iv) To examine the expression of cellular proteins differentially expressed between energetically efficient and inefficient animals will be examined using targeted and global approaches. (v) To: i) conduct a bioinformatical analysis of the mitochondrial data (Task 2) transcription profiles (Task 3) and proteomic data (Task 4); ii) integrate physiological, mitochondrial, transcriptional and proteomic data important to the regulation of energetic efficiency and iii) identify potential biomarkers for selection of cattle which have a superior ability for muscle energetic efficiency.
  • Funding Agency
    • Teagasc
  • Date From
    • 2014
  • Date To
    • 2018
  • Title
    • Tryptophan metabolites affecting platelet function
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin - Dean of Medicine Research Initiative
  • Date From
    • 2016
  • Date To
    • 2018
  • Title
    • Mitochondrial Proteome
  • Summary
    • Investigation and identification of novel mitochondrial transporters/ transporter regulators. [Euros 1.2M] Collaborators: Keith Tipton, Gavin Davey and Caroline Jefferies
  • Funding Agency
    • Marie Curie
  • Date From
    • January 2007
  • Date To
    • January 2009
  • Title
    • The Role of UCP3 in Immune Cell function
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity College Dublin- Scott Fellowship
  • Date From
    • 2014
  • Date To
    • 2018
  • Title
    • Metabolic Efficiency in Thoroughbred Horses in collaboration
  • Funding Agency
    • Science Foundation Ireland
  • Date From
    • 2012
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • The mechanism of function mitochondriual uncoupling proteins
  • Funding Agency
    • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Date From
    • January 2007
  • Date To
    • September 2010
  • Title
    • The role of Mitochondrial Efficiency in Thymus Function
  • Funding Agency
    • The Health Research Board of Ireland
  • Date From
    • 1 October 2008
  • Date To
    • 30 september 2011
  • Title
    • Cancer and Inflammation: Metabolic evaluation and intervention in cancer cells,
  • Funding Agency
    • PRTLI5
  • Date From
    • 2012
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • Alpha Melanocyte Stimulatory Hormone and Improvements in Glucose Tolerance in Humans: Role of Enhanced Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake and Utilisation
  • Funding Agency
    • Health Research Board
  • Date From
    • 2018


(HUMAN); (RAT LIVER); (SKELETAL MUSCLE); Ageing, memory and other cognitive processes; Analytical Techniques; Basic Skills Education; Biochemistry, Carbohydrates; Biochemistry, Lipids; Biochemistry, metabolism; Biochemistry, Proteins; BODY-MASS; BOVINE; BRAIN; BROWN-ADIPOSE-TISSUE; Diabetes & Obesity; Diabetes and diabetic complications; Drug discovery; Energy Chemical Sciences; EQUINE; Immune system; Innate immunology; Life Sciences; Lipids, steroids, membranes; Membrane Transport; Membrane transport, structure and dynamics; Metabolic Biology; Metabolism and metabolic diseases; Mitochondria; Neuroscience; ORAL-CANCER; OXYGEN CONSUMPTION; Photosynthesis; Proteins, enzymology and protein engineering; Thermal Effects



Representative for Ireland on the European Bioenergetics Conference Committee 2004-present

Representative for Ireland on the International Union of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (IUBMB) Nominating Committee 2012-2014

Representative for Ireland on the MITOEAGLE COST Action 2016 -2020

Representative for Ireland on the MITOFOOD COST Action 2005-2009

Chairman of European Bioenergetics Conference 2008 (EBEC 2008)[][] 2008

Ireland Representation on the COST B10 'Brain Damage and Repair' group. 2000-2004

External examiner in Biochemistry to medical students in University College Cork 2015-2020

On the Editorial Board of Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) Elsevier 2008-present

External examiner in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Cathal Brugha street 2009-2013

External examiner in Biochemistry to medical students Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (RCSI). 2006

External examiner in Biochemistry to medical students University College Dublin (UCD) 2006

External examiner in Biochemistry to medical students Queens University belfast (QUB) 2006

Member of the Peter Mitchell Medal Awarding Committee 2008-2012

Awards and Honours

Shortlisted for Knowledge Ireland (KTI) Award. 2018

Awarded commendation for Teaching by Trinity College Dublin (Provosts' Teaching Award) July 2014

Lucker-Cobbe Award

Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2007


Appointed to the Bioenergetics and Metabolism Theme Panel III of the Biochemical Society. 2022 – 2026

Member of the British Immunology Society 2021 – present

Editor of Elsevier's Biochimica Biophysica Acta (Bioenergetics) 2008 – present

Member of The European Bioenergetics Conference Committee 2004 – present

Member of the Irish Area Section of the Biochemical Society 2006 – present

Member of the The UK Biochemical Society 1986 – present

Treasurer of the Irish Area Section of the Biochemical Society (IASBS) 2009 – 2012

Member of the International Society for Oxygen Transport in Tissues (ISOTT) 2007 – 2008

Appointed to the Bioenergetics and Metabolism Theme Panel III of the Biochemical Society. 2004 – 2007

The British Society of Immunology 2021 – present