Professor Richard Carson
Prof Cognitive Neuroscience of Ageing, Psychology
Prof Cognitive Neuroscience of Ageing, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Carson RG., The physiology of stroke neurorehabilitation., The Journal of physiology, 603, (3), 2025, p611-615
Carson RG, Hayward KS., Using mechanistic knowledge to appraise contemporary approaches to the rehabilitation of upper limb function following stroke., The Journal of physiology, 2024
Carson RG, Berdondini D, Crosbie M, McConville C, Forbes S, Stewart M, Chiu RZX., Deficits in force production during multifinger tasks demarcate cognitive dysfunction., Aging clinical and experimental research, 36, (1), 2024, p87
J M Dick T, Tucker K, Hug F, Besomi M, van Dieën JH, Enoka RM, Besier T, Carson RG, Clancy EA, Disselhorst-Klug C, Falla D, Farina D, Gandevia S, Holobar A, Kiernan MC, Lowery M, McGill K, Merletti R, Perreault E, Rothwell JC, Søgaard K, Wrigley T, Hodges PW., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Application of EMG to estimate muscle force., Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 2024, p102910
Carson RG, Leemans A., Quantitative metrics commonly derived from diffusion tractography covary with streamline length: a characterization and method of adjustment., Brain structure & function, 2024
Roisin McMackin, Yasmine Tadjine, Antonio Fasano, Matthew Mitchell, Mark Heverin, Friedemann Awiszus, Bahman Nasseroleslami, Richard G Carson, Orla Hardiman, Examining short interval intracortical inhibition with different transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced current directions in ALS, Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, 13, (9), 2024, p120 - 129
Besomi M, Devecchi V, Falla D, McGill K, Kiernan MC, Merletti R, van Dieën JH, Tucker K, Clancy EA, Søgaard K, Hug F, Carson RG, Perreault E, Gandevia S, Besier T, Rothwell JC, Enoka RM, Holobar A, Disselhorst-Klug C, Wrigley T, Lowery M, Farina D, Hodges PW., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Checklist for reporting and critically appraising studies using EMG (CEDE-Check)., Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 76, 2024, p102874
Bista S, Coffey A, Mitchell M, Fasano A, Dukic S, Buxo T, Giglia E, Heverin M, Muthuraman M, Carson RG, Lowery M, Manus LM, Hardiman O, Nasseroleslami B., Abnormal EEG spectral power and coherence measures during pre-motor stage in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis., IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, PP, 2024
Williams S., Carson R.G., Toth K., Reply from Sean Williams, Richard G. Carson and Katalin Tóth, Journal of Physiology, 602, (1), 2024, p243 - 244, p243-244
Dukic, S. and Fasano, A. and Coffey, A. and Buxó, T. and McMackin, R. and Chipika, R. and Heverin, M. and Bede, P. and Muthuraman, M. and Lowery, M. and Carson, R.G. and Hardiman, O. and Nasseroleslami, B., Electroencephalographic β-band oscillations in the sensorimotor network reflect motor symptom severity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, European Journal of Neurology, 2024
Carson RG., A cogent technique to circumvent the use of (some) ratio measures in physiology. , The Journal of physiology, 2024
Carson R.G., Morley A., Is a mirror necessary for mirror therapy?, Neural Regeneration Research, 18, (12), 2023, p2703 - 2704, p2703-2704
Williams S., Carson R., Toth K., Moving beyond P values in The Journal of Physiology: A primer on the value of effect sizes and confidence intervals, Journal of Physiology, 601, (23), 2023, p5131 - 5133, p5131-5133
Bista S, Coffey A, Fasano A, Buxo T, Mitchell M, Giglia ER, Dukic S, Heverin M, Muthuraman M, Carson RG, Lowery M, Hardiman O, McManus L, Nasseroleslami B., Cortico-muscular coherence in primary lateral sclerosis reveals abnormal cortical engagement during motor function beyond primary motor areas., Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2023, pbhad152
Andrushko J.W., Carr J.C., Farthing J.P., Lepley L.K., Defreitas J.M., Goodall S., Hendy A.M., Howatson G., Grooms D.R., Zult T., Hortobagyi T., Harput G., Papandreou M., Nosaka K., Carson R.G., Manca A., Deriu F., Behm D.G., Kidgell D.J., Clark N.C., Boyd L.A., Potential role of cross-education in early-stage rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 57, (23), 2023, p1474 - 1475, p1474-1475
Martinez-Valdes E, Enoka RM, Holobar A, McGill K, Farina D, Besomi M, Hug F, Falla D, Carson RG, Clancy EA, Disselhorst-Klug C, van Dieën JH, Tucker K, Gandevia S, Lowery M, Søgaard K, Besier T, Merletti R, Kiernan MC, Rothwell JC, Perreault E, Hodges PW., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Single motor unit matrix., Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 68, 2023, p102726
Carson RG, Holton E., Deficits in rate of force production during multifinger tasks are associated with cognitive status., International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 37, (6), 2022
Gallina A, Disselhorst-Klug C, Farina D, Merletti R, Besomi M, Holobar A, Enoka RM, Hug F, Falla D, Søgaard K, McGill K, Clancy EA, Carson RG, van Dieën JH, Gandevia S, Lowery M, Besier T, Kiernan MC, Rothwell JC, Tucker K, Hodges PW., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: High-density surface electromyography matrix., Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 64, 2022, p102656
Calvert GHM, Carson RG., Neural mechanisms mediating cross education: With additional considerations for the ageing brain., Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 132, 2022, p260-288
Carson RG., The multifinger force deficit: A protocol to detect incipient cognitive decline., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70, (5), 2022, p1605-1608
Clark BC, Carson RG., Sarcopenia and Neuroscience: Learning to Communicate., The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 76, (10), 2021, p1882-1890
Coffey A, Bista S, Fasano A, Buxo T, Mitchell M, Giglia ER, Dukic S, Fenech M, Barry M, Wade A, Heverin M, Muthuraman M, Carson RG, Lowery M, Hardiman O, Nasseroleslami B., Altered supraspinal motor networks in survivors of poliomyelitis: A cortico-muscular coherence study., Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 132, (1), 2021, p106-113
Carson RG, Capozio A, McNickle E, Sack AT., A Bayesian approach to analysing cortico-cortical associative stimulation induced increases in the excitability of corticospinal projections in humans., Experimental brain research, 239, (1), 2021, p21-30
McManus L., Lowery M., Merletti R., Sogaard K., Besomi M., Clancy E.A., van Dieen J.H., Hug F., Wrigley T., Besier T., Carson R.G., Disselhorst-Klug C., Enoka R.M., Falla D., Farina D., Gandevia S., Holobar A., Kiernan M.C., McGill K., Perreault E., Rothwell J.C., Tucker K., Hodges P.W., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Terminology matrix, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 59, 2021
Carson RG., What accounts for the association between grip strength and mental functioning in aging people?, Maturitas, 138, 2020, p80-81
Besomi M, Hodges PW, Clancy EA, Van Dieën J, Hug F, Lowery M, Merletti R, Søgaard K, Wrigley T, Besier T, Carson RG, Disselhorst-Klug C, Enoka RM, Falla D, Farina D, Gandevia S, Holobar A, Kiernan MC, McGill K, Perreault E, Rothwell JC, Tucker K., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Amplitude normalization matrix., Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 53, 2020, p102438
Calvert GHM, McMackin R, Carson RG., Probing interhemispheric dorsal premotor-primary motor cortex interactions with threshold hunting transcranial magnetic stimulation., Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 131, (11), 2020, p2551-2560
Carson RG., Inter-hemispheric inhibition sculpts the output of neural circuits by co-opting the two cerebral hemispheres., The Journal of physiology, 2020
Bolton DAE, Buick AR, Carroll TJ, Carson RG., Interlimb transfer and generalisation of learning in the context of persistent failure to accomplish a visuomotor task., Experimental brain research, 2019
Carson, R.G. and Buick, A.R., Neuromuscular electrical stimulation-promoted plasticity of the human brain, Journal of Physiology, 2019
Besomi, M. and Hodges, P.W. and Van Dieën, J. and Carson, R.G. and Clancy, E.A. and Disselhorst-Klug, C. and Holobar, A. and Hug, F. and Kiernan, M.C. and Lowery, M. and McGill, K. and Merletti, R. and Perreault, E. and SÞgaard, K. and Tucker, K. and Besier, T. and Enoka, R. and Falla, D. and Farina, D. and Gandevia, S. and Rothwell, J.C. and Vicenzino, B. and Wrigley, T., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Electrode selection matrix, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 48, 2019, p128-144
Carson RG, Rankin ML., Shaping the Effects of Associative Brain Stimulation by Contractions of the Opposite Limb. , Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2018, p2249
Chye L, Riek S, de Rugy A, Carson RG, Carroll TJ., Unilateral movement preparation causes task-specific modulation of TMS responses in the passive, opposite limb., The Journal of physiology, 596, (16), 2018, p3725 - 3738
Carson RG., Get a grip: individual variations in grip strength are a marker of brain health., Neurobiology of aging, 71, 2018, p189-222
Hayward KS, Brauer SG, Ruddy KL, Lloyd D, Carson RG., Repetitive reaching training combined with transcranial Random Noise Stimulation in stroke survivors with chronic and severe arm paresis is feasible: a pilot, triple-blind, randomised case series., Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 14, (1), 2017, p46
Cremen IA, Carson RG., Have Standard Tests of Cognitive Function Been Misappropriated in the Study of Cognitive Enhancement?, Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, 2017, p276
Barker RN, Hayward KS, Carson RG, Lloyd D, Brauer SG., SMART Arm Training With Outcome-Triggered Electrical Stimulation in Subacute Stroke Survivors With Severe Arm Disability: A Randomized Controlled Trial., Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 31, (12), 2017, p1005-1016
Seidler RD, Carson RG., Sensorimotor Learning: Neurocognitive Mechanisms and Individual Differences., Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 14, (1), 2017, p74
Ruddy, K.L., Leemans, A., Carson R.G., Transcallosal connectivity of the human cortical motor network., Brain Structure and Function, 222, (3), 2017, p1243 - 1252
Ruddy, K.L., Leemans, A., Woolley, D.G., Wenderoth, N., Carson, R.G., Structural and functional cortical connectivity mediating cross education of motor function., Journal of Neuroscience, 2017
Carson, R.G., Ruddy, K.L., McNickle, E., What Do TMS-Evoked Motor Potentials Tell Us About Motor Learning?, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 957, 2016, p143 - 157
A. R. Buick , J. Kowalczewski , R. G. Carson , A. Prochazka , Tele-Supervised FES-Assisted Exercise for Hemiplegic Upper Limb , IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering , 24 , (1 ), 2016, p79 - 87
Buick AR, Kennedy NC, Carson RG, Characteristics of corticospinal projections to the intrinsic hand muscles in skilled harpists., Neuroscience letters, 612, 2016, p87-91
Ruddy KL, Rudolf AK, Kalkman B, King M, Daffertshofer A, Carroll TJ, Carson RG, Neural Adaptations Associated with Interlimb Transfer in a Ballistic Wrist Flexion Task., Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10, 2016, p204
Carson, R.G., Neural enhancement for independent living, Journal of Motor Behavior, 47, (1), 2015, p3 - 5
Janssen, L. Steenbergen, B. Carson, R.G., Anticipatory planning reveals segmentation of cortical motor output during action observation, Cerebral Cortex, 25, (1), 2015, p192 - 201
Mcnickle, E. Carson, R.G., Paired associative transcranial alternating current stimulation increases the excitability of corticospinal projections in humans, The Journal of Physiology, 593, (7), 2015, p1649 - 1666
Puri R, Hinder M.R, Fujiyama H, Gomez R, Carson R.G, Summers J.J, Duration-dependent effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on anodal tDCS induced motor cortex plasticity in older adults: A group and individual perspective, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, (JUN), 2015, p106-
Hayward KS, Barker RN, Carson RG, Brauer SG, The effect of altering a single component of a rehabilitation programme on the functional recovery of stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Clinical rehabilitation, 28, (2), 2014, p107-17
Carson RG, Kennedy NC, Modulation of human corticospinal excitability by paired associative stimulation., Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 2013, p823
Brauer SG, Hayward KS, Carson RG, Cresswell AG, Barker RN, The efficacy of SMART Arm training early after stroke for stroke survivors with severe upper limb disability: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial., BMC neurology, 13, 2013, p71
Ruddy KL, Carson RG, Neural pathways mediating cross education of motor function., Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 2013, p397
Carson RG, Nelson BD, Buick AR, Carroll TJ, Kennedy NC, Cann RM, Characterizing changes in the excitability of corticospinal projections to proximal muscles of the upper limb., Brain stimulation, 6, (5), 2013, p760 - 768
Hayward KS, Barker RN, Brauer SG, Lloyd D, Horsley SA, Carson RG, SMART Arm with outcome-triggered electrical stimulation: a pilot randomized clinical trial., Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 20, (4), 2013, p289 - 298
Carson RG, Ruddy KL, Vision Modulates Corticospinal Suppression in a Functionally Specific Manner during Movement of the Opposite Limb., The Journal of Neuroscience, 32, (2), 2012, p646 - 652
Byrne, R.M.J.,Carson, R.G., & Hannigan, B., Celebrating fifty years of psychology at Trinity College Dublin, The Irish Journal of Psychology, 33, (2-3), 2012, p63 - 64
Barker RN, Brauer SG, Barry BK, Gill TJ, Carson RG, Training-induced modifications of corticospinal reactivity in severely affected stroke survivors., Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale, 221, (2), 2012, p211 - 221
Riek S, Hinder MR, Carson RG, Primary motor cortex involvement in initial learning during visuomotor adaptation., Neuropsychologia, 50, (10), 2012, p2515 - 2523
Woolley, DG, de Rugy, A, Carson, RG, Riek, S, Visual target separation determines the extent of generalisation between opposing visuomotor rotations, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 212, (2), 2011, p213-224
Carson, RG, Popple, AE, Verschueren, SMP, Riek, S, Superimposed vibration confers no additional benefit compared with resistance training alone, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS, 20, (6), 2010, p827-833
Hinder, M.R., Riek, S., Tresilian, J.R., De Rugy, A., Carson, R.G., Real-time error detection but not error correction drives automatic visuomotor adaptation, Experimental Brain Research, 201, (2), 2010, p191-207
Oytam, Y, Lloyd, D, Reid, CS, de Rugy, A, Carson, RC, A robotic apparatus that dictates torque fields around joints without affecting inherent joint dynamics, HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, 29, (5), 2010, p701-712
Carson, RG, Oytam, Y, Riek, S, Artificial Gravity Reveals that Economy of Action Determines the Stability of Sensorimotor Coordination, PLOS ONE, 4, (4), 2009, p0005248-
Hiraga, CY, Garry, MI, Carson, RG, Summers, JJ, Dual-task interference: Attentional and neurophysiological influences, BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 205, (1), 2009, p10-18
Barker, RN, Brauer, S, Carson, R, Training-induced changes in the pattern of triceps to biceps activation during reaching tasks after chronic and severe stroke, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 196, (4), 2009, p483-496
Barry, BK, Pascoe, MA, Riek, S, Carson, RG, Enoka, RM, Common input to different regions of biceps brachii long head, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 193, (3), 2009, p351-359
de Rugy, A, Hinder, MR, Woolley, DG, Carson, RG, The Synergistic Organization of Muscle Recruitment Constrains Visuomotor Adaptation, JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 101, (5), 2009, p2263-2269
Hinder, MR, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Carson, RG, The contribution of visual feedback to visuomotor adaptation: How much and when?, BRAIN RESEARCH, 1197, 2008, p123-134
Barker, R.N., Brauer, S.G., Carson, R.G., Training of reaching in stroke survivors with severe and chronic upper limb paresis using a novel nonrobotic device: A randomized clinical trial , Stroke, 38, (6), 2008, p1800-1807
De Rugy, A., Riek, S., Oytam, Y., (...), Davoodi, R., Carson, R.G., Neuromuscular and biomechanical factors codetermine the solution to motor redundancy in rhythmic multijoint arm movement, Experimental Brain Research , 189, (4), 2008, p421-434
Carson, RG, Kennedy, NC, Linden, MA, Britton, L, Muscle-specific variations in use-dependent crossed-facilitation of corticospinal pathways mediated by transcranial direct current (DC) stimulation, NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 441, (2), 2008, p153-157
Kennedy, NC, Carson, RG, The effect of simultaneous contractions of ipsilateral muscles on changes in corticospinal excitability induced by paired associative stimulation (PAS), NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 445, (1), 2008, p7-11
Hinder, MR, Woolley, DG, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Carson, RG, The efficacy of colour cues in facilitating adaptation to opposing visuomotor rotations, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 191, (2), 2008, p143-155
Woolley, DG, Carson, RG, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Generalisation between opposing visuomotor rotations when each is associated with visual targets and movements of different amplitude, BRAIN RESEARCH, 1219, 2008, p46-58
Shemmell, J, Riek, S, Tresilian, JR, Carson, RG, The role of the primary motor cortex during skill acquisition on a two-degrees-of-freedom movement task, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 39, (1), 2007, p29-39
Carson, R.G., Smethurst, C.J., Oytam, Y., De Rugy, A, Postural context alters the stability of bimanual coordination by modulating the crossed excitability of corticospinal pathways, Journal of Neurophysiology , 97, (3), 2007, p2016-2023
Woolley, DG, Tresilian, JR, Carson, RG, Riek, S, Dual adaptation to two opposing visuomotor rotations when each is associated with different regions of workspace, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 179, (2), 2007, p155-165
Hinder, MR, Walk, L, Woolley, DG, Riek, S, Carson, RG, The interference effects of non-rotated versus counter-rotated trials in visuomotor adaptation, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 180, (4), 2007, p629-640
Hardiman O, Cronin S, Traynor B.J, Reply from the authors [8], Neurology, 69, (7), 2007, p711 - 712
Carson, RG, Changes in muscle coordination with training, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 101, (5), 2006, p1506-1513
de Rugy, A, Riek, S, Carson, RG, Influence of predominant patterns of coordination on the exploitation of interaction torques in a two-joint rhythmic arm movement, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 175, (3), 2006, p439-452
de Rugy, A, Riek, S, Carson, RG, Neuromuscular-skeletal origins of predominant patterns of coordination in a rhythmic two-joint arm movement, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 38, (1), 2006, p7-14
Shemmell, J, Forner, M, Tathem, B, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Barry, BK, Carson, RG, Neuromuscular-skeletal constraints on the acquisition of skill in a discrete torque production task, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 175, (3), 2006, p400-410
Shemmell, J. , Tresilian, J.R., Riek, S., Barry, B.K., Carson, R.G. , Neuromuscular adaptation during skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom target-acquisition task: Dynamic movement , Journal of Neurophysiology , 94, (5), 2005, p3058-3068
Carson, RG, Welsh, TN, Pamblanco-Valero, MA, Visual feedback alters the variations in corticospinal excitability that arise from rhythmic movements of the opposite limb, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 161, (3), 2005, p325-334
Tresilian, JR, Mon-Williams, M, Coppard, VL, Carson, RG, Developmental changes in the response to obstacles during prehension, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 37, (2), 2005, p103-110
Barry, BK, Riek, S, Carson, RG, Muscle coordination during rapid force production by young and older adults, JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 60, (2), 2005, p232-240
Carson, R.G, Neural pathways mediating bilateral interactions between the upper limbs , Brain Research Reviews , 49, (3), 2005, p641-662
Shemmell, J, Forner, M, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Barry, BK, Carson, RG, Neuromuscular adaptation during skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom target-acquisition task: Isometric torque production, JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 94, (5), 2005, p3046-3057
Mon-Williams, M, The preparation of reach-to-grasp movements in adults, children, and children with movement problems, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY SECTION A-HUMAN EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 58, (7), 2005, p1249-1263
Shemmell, J, Tresilian, JR, Riek, S, Barry, BK, Carson, RG, Neuromuscular adaptation during skill acquisition on a two degree-of-freedom target-acquisition task: Dynamic movement, JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 94, (5), 2005, p3058-3068
Barry, BK, Warman, GG, Carson, RG, Age-related differences in rapid muscle activation after rate of force development training of the elbow flexors, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 162, (1), 2005, p122-132
Li, Y, Levin, O, Carson, RG, Swinnen, SP, Bimanual coordination: constraints imposed by the relative timing of homologous muscle activation, EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 156, (1), 2004, p27-38
Shahbazpour, N, Carroll, TJ, Riek, S, Carson, RG, Early alterations in serum creatine kinase and total cholesterol following high intensity eccentric muscle actions, JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, 44, (2), 2004, p193-199