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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Duana Quigley
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Clin Speech & Language Studies


I am a Speech and Language Therapist and most of my clinical work focuses on assessing, diagnosing, and providing intervention for children with a range of communication disorders. I am also the Practice Education Coordinator for the undergraduate programme of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, supporting all aspects of the practice education curriculum. I have experience working across health, education, community, and family systems through the programme management of a large scale change initiative to improve the learning and well-being outcomes of a community of Irish children growing up in area of low socio-economic status.

My main research interests are in the areas of language enrichment, both preventative and targeted, especially supporting the language development of children growing up in areas of low socio-economic status. I am particularly interested in exploring the benefits of, and overcoming the potential challenges of, inter-professional practice between speech and language therapists and teachers. I was awarded a B.Sc (Clinical Speech & Language Studies), M.Sc (Health Informatics) and PhD from Trinity College. My PhD research was an action research inquiry into inter-professional practice to support effective language enrichment in mainstream primary school classrooms.

In addition, I am a passionate and committed educator who has introduced and evaluated numerous research-based, student-centred pedagogical approaches and assessment activities. I am particularly interested in the researching the area of feedback literacy and the potential of quality and effective feedback to support the achievement of an individual's personal and professional learning objectives. I was honoured to be awarded a Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award in 2020 which rewards educators who have made an outstanding contribution in the pursuit of teaching excellence.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Quigley, Duana; Poole, Claire; Whiting, Sinead; O'Connor, Erna; Gleeson, Claire; Alpine, Lucy, University student experiences of work-based placements during COVID-19 pandemic: An inter-disciplinary survey of allied health and social work students., Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 13, (1), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Quigley, D., Smith, M., Hayes, N., 'What's the magic word?': mapping oral language interventions implemented in prevention and early intervention programmes, Irish Educational Studies, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Quigley, D., Smith, M., Hayes, N., What's the magic word? Mapping oral language interventions implemented in prevention and early intervention programmes, Irish Educational Studies, 2022, p1-24 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Quigley, D., When I literacy, Medical Education, (April), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Orla Gilheaney & Duana Quigley, The enablers and barriers to facilitating the development of reflective practice skills withinof third level healthcare students through technology: A scoping review., INHED Annual Conference 2021, Online, March 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Quigley, D. & Smith, M., Achieving effective inter-professional practice between speech and language therapists and teachers: an epistemological perspective, Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Gilheaney, O. & Quigley, D. , The enablers and barriers to facilitating the development of reflective practice skills of third level allied health professional students through technology: A scoping review, Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Farren, E., Quigley, D., & Lynch, Y. , Telepractice in service delivery: A survey of perspectives and practices of speech and language therapists in Ireland during COVID-19, Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Quigley, D., Gilheaney, O., O'Neill, & Davis, S, Speech and language therapists' perspectives of an e-learning course on providing feedback in the clinical learning environment, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

O'Grady, K., Loftus, L., Kiely, F., & Quigley, D. , Reflections on a collaborative, cross-university national call for speech and language therapy placements during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care., 9, (2), 2021, p78 - 81 Journal Article, 2021

Duana Quigley & Julie Regan, Administering OSCEs online in an undergraduate speech and language therapy programme, INHED Annual Conference 2021, Online, March 2021, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Quigley, D., Gardiner-Hyland, F., Murphy, D., O'Toole, C., Best Practice Guidelines for Multilingual Children: A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison, The Journal of Learning Support Association, 42, 2020, p18 - 34 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Quigley, D., Regan, J., Introduction of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Speech and Language Therapy Education: Student Perspectives, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Quigley, D., Loftus, L, McGuire, A & O'Grady, K., An optimal environment for placement learning: Listening to the voices of speech and language therapy students, INHED Conference 2020, Trinity College Dublin, 13/2/2020, 2020 Published Abstract, 2020

Quigley, D., Loftus, L., McGuire, A. & O'Grady, K., An optimal environment for placement learning: listening to the voices of speech and language therapy students, International Journal of Language and Communication, 55, (4), 2020, p506 - 519 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Hills, C., McMahon, S., Quigley, D., Bennet, A., & Hunter, A., The road so far: Developing a national interprofessional practice education quality framework for health and social care professions, INHED Conference 2020, Trinity College Dublin, 13/2/2020, 2020 Published Abstract, 2020

Quigley, D, Hunting for Treasure: How to evaluate research studies to ensure we choose and deliver quality language enrichment interventions for children, Speech Language Pathology International Network Summer School, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science, August 2019, edited by Steering Commitee , 2019 Published Abstract, 2019

Quigley, D., Smith, M., McTiernan, K., Evaluating the impact of a universal language enrichment programme in an area of low SES, IASLT Biennial Conference, Dublin, 16 May, 2019 Poster, 2019

Quigley, D.; Mhic Mhatúna, A; Scott, S.; Brennan, S.; O'Loughlin, N.; Molloy, J.; Cox, M.; Foley, E.; Neary, J.; Dunne, C., "Running with the Fox and Hunting with the Hounds": A Practice Education Team's Design & Evaluation of an OSCE for Student Speech & Language Therapists Prior to their First Placement, HSE HSCP Practice Education Conference, Dublin, 12/09/2019, 2019 Poster, 2019

Hill, C; Quigley, D.; Bennett, A.; Haughey, F; McMahon, %, Core indicators of quality in practice education placement, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17, (0), 2019, p1 - 11 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Quigley, D., 'Talk Time': Developing Language Enrichment Support Material for the Toolkit of the new Primary Language Curriculum, IASLT Biennial Conference, Dublin, 16/05/2019, 2019 Published Abstract, 2019

Quigley, D.; Loftus, L.; McGuire, A.; O'Grady, K., A National Survey on Optimal Learning from a Practice Educator on Placement: Voices of Speech and Language Therapy Students, HSE HSCP Practice Education Conference, Dublin, 12/09/2019, 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Quigley, D, Are SLTs from Mars and teachers from Venus? How can we bring IPP back to Earth to ensure client-centred care for children with communication disorders?, Speech Language Pathology International Network Summer School, Hanze University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands, August 2018, edited by Steering Commitee , 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Quigley, D. & Smith, M., Systematic review of language enrichment interventions for school-aged children. Determining established and promising evidence-based practices., Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Conference 2017, Dublin, 2017, 2017 Published Abstract, 2017

Quigley, D., Talk Time, 2016, - Miscellaneous, 2016 URL

Quigley, D. & Smith, M., Exploring the Third Leg of the Evidence-Based Practice Stool: Clinical Expertise, 30th World Congress of the International Association for Logopedics & Phoniatrics, Dublin, 2016, 2016 Published Abstract, 2016

Quigley, D. & Smith, M., Exploring the Observational Rating Scale (ORS) as a language screening tool for primary school teachers. , Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Conference 2011, Dublin, 2011, 2011 Published Abstract, 2011

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Quigley, D., Lynch, Y., Jagoe, C & Gilheaney, O., Co-designing a technology-enabled model of practice education for undergraduate health and social care professional education, PECNet Conference, online, 16th June 2022, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Quigley, D., Loftus, L, McGuire, A & O'Grady, K. & IADT, 'Voices of Student SLTs', 2020, - Visual art production, 2020 URL

Quigley, D., Action Research and SLT, Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Conference 2013, Dublin, 2013, 2013 Invited Talk, 2013

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Co-designing a blended model of practice education
  • Summary
    • This funding will enable us to explore student experiences of clinical learning via technology during Covid-19. We will identify how to integrate new clinical learning experiences, such as telehealth and simulation, with traditional face-to-face placements.
  • Funding Agency
    • National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2022
  • Title
    • Implementation of web-based simulation to develop professional and clinical competencies of student speech and language therapists: Evaluating the student experience
  • Summary
    • Practice education is recognised as a core component of allied health university programmes, including speech and language therapy. It aims to develop students' standards of proficiency in their chosen discipline. Standards of proficiency are a triad of: (i) knowledge, such as practical principles; (ii) skills, such as problem-solving skills; and (iii) other intangible elements, including attitudes and values Simulation-based learning imitates the decision-making reality of clinical practice but in a safe learning environment that facilitates students' learning without risk to themselves or patients . This is especially relevant in the context of Covid-19 which has resulted in reduced face to face placement opportunities for some students and has created an urgent need for other ways of clinical competency development. When simulation-based learning is used as a complementary model to real life clinical placement, it has been shown to be equally effective in developing students' standards of proficiency While over half of international SLT university programmes report the use of simulation-based learning , its implementation in the Irish context has not yet been evaluated. Students' perspectives can contribute towards quality assurance and enhancement of evidence-based curriculums. This project aims to explore the student experience of simulation-based learning, answering the research question 'How is simulation-based learning perceived by student SLTs?'
  • Funding Agency
    • Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Title
    • Third level student experiences of work-based placements during the COVID-19 pandemic: An inter-professional study
  • Summary
    • This inter-professional study aims to capture how the changes and new ways of working imposed by Covid-19 impacted on allied health students' experiences of placements. In particular, it aims to explore the effect of new health and safety measures, the impact on students' ability to learn and develop the required professional competencies, and the students' perceptions of supports they received to address any concerns that arose.
  • Funding Agency
    • n/a
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Title
    • Practice Education Placements: Hearing the Voices of the Next Generation of Speech and Language Therapists
  • Summary
    • The study is designed to investigate the perspectives of student speech and language therapists in Ireland in relation to placements, determining their views on what would support their learning and competency development before, during, and after placement
  • Funding Agency
    • n/a
  • Date From
    • 2018
  • Date To
    • 2020
  • Title
    • Schools Excellence Fund
  • Summary
    • The School Excellence Fund is an innovation of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) which enables schools to apply for funding to implement innovative programmes which are context-specific and aimed at improving learning outcomes. In the north inner city of Dublin, a cluster of seven education settings (3 preschools and 4 primary schools) chose to focus on developing children's oral language skills as the objective of their school excellence funding. In partnership with the DES and the HSE Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Department Dublin North City, I have been involved in establishing a baseline of the oral language abilities of a sample of children across the seven settings.
  • Funding Agency
    • Dept of Education and Skills
  • Date From
    • 2018
  • Date To
    • 2019
  • Title
    • To develop a national quality framework for practice education systems for health and social care professions.
  • Summary
    • There is growing acknowledgement in health and social care professions that quality needs to be addressed in practice education. This project aims to develop a national inter-professional framework to include structures, processes, and outcome measurement for practice education. These new structures will aim to provide consensus on what is a quality placement and develop processes to enable sites, managers, or practice educators to set up and deliver quality placements. An evaluation tool (or tools) for quality improvement will be part of the framework to ensure governance and continuous quality improvement.
  • Funding Agency
    • National HSE Health and Social Care Professionals Office
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • Date
  • Title
    • Irish Research Network in Childhood Bilingualism and Multilingualism
  • Summary
    • The Irish Research Network in Childhood Bilingualism and Multilingualism is a network of researchers from a wide range of disciplines, policy makers, teachers, early childhood educators, educational psychologists and speech and language therapists who have an interest in advancing knowledge and improving practices in the area of childhood bilingualism.
  • Funding Agency
    • The Teaching Council and Long Room Hub
  • Date From
    • 2017
  • Date To
    • 2019


ACTION RESEARCH; At-Risk Children/Youth; Child language acquisition; Classroom Instruction; Educational disadvantage in children; Educational Improvement; Language acquisition; Language Acquisition and Development; LANGUAGE DISORDER; Minorities and Disadvantaged; Speech Pathology; Speech/Communication Education



Member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Education Board. 2020-date

Reviewer, Advances in Communication and Swallowing (official journal of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists) 2021

Board member of Speech Language Pathology International Summer School Committee 2019

Chairperson of Oral Language Forum: Connecting Words and Worlds, youngballymun. 2020 - 2020

Coordinator of Oral Language Forum: Connecting Words and Worlds, youngballymun. 2009-2016

Member of Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support regional network (Dublin North). 2014-2016

Member of Tolka Area Partnership Educational Network. 2014-2016

Member of the Organising Committee, International Fluency Association World Congress, Dublin. 2007

Board member of youngballymun 2018

Awards and Honours

Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award 2020

People's Choice Best Oral Presentation, IASLT Conference May 2019

Best Oral Presentation, HSE HSCP Practice Education Conference September 2019

Entrance Exhibitioner 1996


Registered with CORU (Registration body for Health and Social Care Professionals in Ireland). 2015 – Date

Member of the HSCP/HSE/HEI Research Subgroup. 2017-2019 2017 – 2019

Member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT)