Professor Jane Ohlmeyer
Erasmus Smith's Chair of Modern History, History
Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, MRIA, FBA, FTCD, FRHS, is Erasmus Smith's Professor of Modern History (1762) at Trinity College Dublin and Chair of the Irish Research Council.
Between 2015 and 2020 she was Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute and has been a pioneer in advocating for Trinity's Arts and Humanities both nationally and internationally. Between 2015 and 2021, she chaired of the Irish Research Council, a body that funds frontier research across all disciplines. She was a driving force behind the development of the Trinity Long Room Hub and the 1641 Depositions Project.In 2023 she received the Royal Irish Academy Gold Medal in the Humanities, which is awarded to individuals who have made a demonstrable and internationally recognised outstanding scholarly contribution in their fields, and was elected as a Fellow of the British Academy.
Professor Ohlmeyer has led Trinity's bid as part of a consortium of partners for the successful award of 1.5 million for the project 'Shape-ID' (2018-21), 'Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe', funded by European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme. She is also the PI for the Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions Co-fund, Human+ (2.8M), which is in partnership with the Adapt Centre (2020-25). The application was ranked second in Europe and will allow for the appointment of 18 postdoctoral fellows in the area of human-centred data and technology development. Between 2017 and 2020 she led the Mellon Foundation funded Global Humanities Institute on the 'Crises of Democracy', involving a global and interdisciplinary consortium of academics from Trinity, University of Zagreb, Central European University in Budapest, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, São Paulo University, and Columbia University in New York. In 2023 she received an Advanced ERC for VOICES: Life and Death, War and Peace, c.1550-c.1700. Voices of Women in Early Modern Ireland.
Professor Ohlmeyer is the author or editor of numerous articles and 13 books, including being the editor of Volume 2 of The Cambridge History of Ireland, published in 2018, and launched by the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins in Dublin, and by President Elect Joe Biden in the United States. Her most recent book is an edition of Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon's A Short View of the State and Condition of the Kingdom of Ireland (Oxford, 2020). She is currently working on a book on 'Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism and the Early Modern World'which she gave as the 2021 Ford Lectures in Oxford, which will appear with OUP in 2023.
She has served as a Trustee of the National Library of Scotland and the Caledonian Research Foundation, was a member of the Council of the Royal Historical Society, President of the Irish Historical Society, member of the Irish Manuscripts Commission, and was a non-executive director of the Sunday Business Post. She is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and of a number of editorial and international advisory boards and a non-executive director of Key Capital. She has served on the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institute's international advisory board from 2017 to 2021.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Shahmima Akhtar, Erika Hanna, Peter Hession, Mobeen Hussain, Krishan Kumar, Naomi Lloyd-Jones, Jane Ohlmeyer, Paul O"Leary, and Ian Stewart, Roundtable: Four Nations, Modern British History, 2024, p30 - 48, p
Jane Ohlmeyer, Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism and the Early Modern World, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, vi - 336pp
Jane Ohlmeyer, Irishness, Whiteness, Blackness, and Slavery in the Early Modern World, American Journal of Irish Studies, 17, 2022, p5 - 38
Jane Ohlmeyer, Uncovering Widows in the 1641 Depositions, Past & Present, 240, (1), 2021
Shahmima Akhtar, Dónal Hassett, Kevin Kenny, Laura McAtackney, Ian McBride, Timothy McMahon, Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid, and Jane Ohlmeyer, Decolonising Irish History? Possibilities, Challenges, Practices, Irish Historical Studies, 45, (168), 2021, p303 - 332
Jane Ohlmeyer, `Decolonising Irish History? Possibilities, Challenges, Practices", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , (45), 2020, p1 - 30
Jane Ohlmeyer, A Short View of the State and Condition of the Kingdom of Ireland/The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, liii+ 136 pagespp
Ohlmeyer, Jane, 'CHCI-Mellon Crises of Democracy Global Humanities Institute Curriculum', Dubrovnik, Croatia, Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes, 2019, -
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Eastward Enterprises: Colonial Ireland, Colonial India', Past & Present, 240, (1), 2018, p83-118
'"Revising Anew" Early Modern Irish History' in, editor(s)Sarah Covington, Valerie McGowan-Doyle, Vincent Carey , Early Modern Ireland: New Sources, Methods, and Perspectives, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, pp321-30. , [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer, The Cambridge History of Ireland. Vol. 2. Early Modern Ireland, 1550-1730 , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017
''Scottish peers' in seventeenth-century Ireland' in, Scots in early modern Ireland, Manchester, MUP, 2016, pp62 - 94, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Ireland, India and the British Empire', Studies in People's History , 2016, p169 - 188
'Conquest, Civilization, Colonization: Ireland, 1540-1660' in, editor(s)Richard Bourke and Ian MacBride , The Princeton Guide to Modern Irish History , Princeton, (Princeton University Press, 2016, pp21-47 , [Jane Ohlmeyer]
'Aristocratic identity formation in seventeenth-century Ireland' in, editor(s)Liesbeth Geevers and Mirella Marini , Dynastic Identity in Early Modern Europe. Rulers, aristocrats and the formation of identities, Farnham, Ashgate; Farnham, 2015, pp25 - 42, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Ireland, India and the British Empire', Athar Ali Memorial Lecture, Aligarth, India, 13 April, 2015
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Colonial Ireland, Colonial India', , Faculty Research Seminar, JNU, Delhi, March, 2015, JNU History
'Reflections on Making Ireland English' in, editor(s)William Roger Louis , Resplendent Adventures with Britannia, Oxford, OUP, 2015, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Making Ireland English', Franco-British history seminar, Sorbonne, Paris, Paris, May, 2014
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The 1641 depositions: records of massacre, atrocity & ethnic cleansing in seventeenth-century Ireland',, Research Symposium, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lank, Sri Lanka, July, 2014
., Cavan, TCD, MS 832 & MS 833, Fermanagh TCD, MS 835 , Aidan Clarke is the principal editor and I am one of the co-editors, along with Tom Bartlett, John Morrill and Micheál Ó Siochrú, vol 2, (IMC), Dublin:, IMC, 2014, xxxiv - 591
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Colonial Ireland, Colonial India', , Irish Studies Research Seminar, Magdalene College, Cambridge, Cambridge, October, 2014, Magdalene College,
Jane Ohlmeyer, '1641:History and Memory',, Irish Studies Seminar, Leuven, Leuven, August, 2014
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The 1641 depositions: records of massacre, atrocity & ethnic cleansing in seventeenth-century Ireland', Keynote address, Conference on Digital Libraries, London, London, September 2014, 2014
Confederation and Union, 1641-60 in, editor(s)Alvin Jackson , The Oxford Handbook of Irish History , Oxford, 2014, pp315 - 332, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Antrim, TCD, MS 838, Derry, TCD, MS 839, Donegal, TCD, MS 839, Down, TCD, MS 837, Tyrone, TCD, MS 839 , Aidan Clarke is the principal editor and I am one of the co-editors, along with Tom Bartlett, John Morrill and Micheál Ó Siochrú, vol 3, (IMC), Dublin:, IMC, 2014, xxxvi - 486
Jane Ohlmeyer, The Parnell Lecture, Magdalene College, Cambridge, The Parnell Lecture, Magdalene College, Cambridge, Cambridge, November, 2014, Magdalene College,
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The aristocracy in seventeenth-century Ireland: wider contexts and comparisons', History Compass , 1, 2014, p33 - 42
Armagh, TCD, MS 836, Louth TCD, MS 834, Monaghan TCD, MS 834 , Aidan Clarke is the principal editor and I am one of the co-editors, along with Tom Bartlett, John Morrill and Micheál Ó Siochrú, vol 1, (IMC), Dublin:, IMC, 2014, Xxxv - 355
Jane Ohlmeyer Micheál Ó Siochrú , Ireland 1641: Contexts and Reactions , Manchester, Mancheter University Press, 2013, 1 - 304pp
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The Wars of the Three Kingdoms', History Today symposium, York, York, November , 2013
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Ireland as a laboratory for Empire', , workshop on Empire and Identity, Presidency University, Calcutta, India, Calcutta, August, 2013
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The Boyles and the making of an aristocratic dynasty',, Conference on the Boyles of Cork, University College, Cork, Cork, June 2013, 2013
Jane Ohlmeyer, ''The Word of Shiso': current and future research agendas for early modern Irish history, SHISO, 2012
Jane Ohlmeyer, Making Ireland English: The Irish Aristocracy in the seventeenth century, London and New Haven, Yale University Press, 2012, 1 - 680pp
'Making Ireland English: the seventeenth-century Irish peerage' in, editor(s)Brian MacCuarta , Reshaping Ireland 1590-1700: Colonization and its consequences: Essays presented to Nicholas Canny, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2011, pp131 - 146, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
'Historical Contexts: Ireland' in, editor(s)Joad Raymond , The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture. Cheap Print in Britain and Ireland to 1660, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp39 - 49, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Eleanor O'Neill, Mark Sweetnam, Owen Conlan, Séamus Lawless, Alexander O'Connor, Micheál Ó'Siochrú, Jane Ohlmeyer and Vincent Wade, Towards Multi-Dimensional Adaptation of Digitised Historical Content, Supporting Digital Humanities, Copenhagen, 17-18 November 2011, 2011
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Making Ireland English: the Irish peerage in the seventeenth century', , Newberry Library Fellows Seminar, Chicago, May, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, ''Civilizinge those rude partes': the planter peers in seventeenth-century Ulster', Cavan Historical Society, Virginia, November , 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Dealing with Dirty Data: the Irish case study', , Microsoft Faculty Summit, Redmond, USA, July, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Meditations by Katherine Manners, duchess of Buckingham, 1646', Analecta Hibernica , 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Making Ireland English: the Irish peerage in the seventeenth century', , conference on nobilities in early modern Ireland, NUI Galway, May, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, Digitizing the 1641 Depositions', Irish Society for Archives at the Dublin City Library and Archive , Dublin, February, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Creative Humanities: the university, the city, cultural institutions and industry', , ESF workshop on creative clusters, Rotterdam, May, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Religious Allegiance among the Irish peerage in the Seventeenth Century Nobility and Religious Opposition', Britain and the Habsburg Territories in Comparison, German Historical Institute , London, September, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer , New light on the marquis of Antrim and the 'Wars of the Three Kingdoms'', Analecta Hibernica , 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Ireland's Aristocracy and British Migration to Seventeenth century Ireland', , The 9th Annual Irish Migration Studies Reunion Lecture , Omagh, January, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, Making Ireland English: the Irish peerage in the seventeenth century', Irish Studies Seminar, Cambridge University, January, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Irish digital libraries and Europe' , Joint Conference Library Association of Ireland and CILIP Northern Ireland Belfast, May, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'The 1641 Project', a roundtable discussion at the Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, Aberdeen, October, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Snobbery and Scandal in seventeenth century Ireland', , Princess Grace Library , Monacao, January, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, "'Civilizinge those rude partes': the planter peers in seventeenth-century Ulster", , Ireland as a Laboratory of Empire conference, Derry, July, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer and Marie Wallace (IBM), 'Dealing with Dirty Data: theory and practice', , Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts conference on Dynamic Networks Of Knowledge And Practice: Contexts, Crises, Futures, Belfast, September, 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Anatomy of plantation: the 1641 Depositions', History Ireland, 17, (6), 2009
Jane Ohlmeyer, ''For God, King and Country: Wars of religion in seventeenth-century Ireland', , Britain's Wars Revisited Symposium, University of Hull, 2008
The Baronial Context of the Irish Civil Wars in, editor(s)John Adamson , The Civil Wars: Politics and Rebellion in the Kingdoms of Charles I, Palgrave, 2008, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Jane Ohlmeyer, 'Making Ireland English: the Irish peerage in the seventeenth century', Early Modern Seminar, University of Bangor , Bangor, Wales, 2008
Jane Ohlmeyer, Making Ireland English: the Irish peerage in the seventeenth century', Early Modern Seminar, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2008
David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , Ghent, Academia Press, 2007, i - 319pp
Military Migration and the Stuart Kingdoms in, editor(s)Enrique García Hernán, Óscar Recio Morales , Extranjeros en el ejército : militares irlandeses en la sociedad española, 1580-1818, Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 2007, pp81 - 95, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
'Power, politics and parliament in seventeenth-century Ireland' in, editor(s)Maija Jansson , Realities of representation. State building in early modern Europe and European America, London and New York, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007, pp113 - 132, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Ohlmeyer J. H., 'Review: The "Old" British Histories?', Historical Journal, 50, (2), 2007, p499 - 512
'Seventeenth-century Ireland and Scotland and their wider worlds' in, editor(s)Thomas O'Connor and Mary Ann Lyons , Irish Communities in Early Modern Europe, Dublin, Four Courts, 2006, pp457 - 483, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer and Steven Zwicker, John Dryden, the House of Ormond, and the Politics of Anglo-Irish Patronage, Historical Journal, 49, (3), 2006, p677 - 706
Robert Armstrong, Eunan O'Halpin and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.) , Intelligence, statecraft and international power , Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 2006, 1 - 246pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., Brady C. , British Interventions in Early Modern Ireland, Cambridge University Press, 2005, v - 371pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., Ireland and the New British Histories, Symposium sponsored by the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales at University of Paris IV, May 2005, 2005
The Irish peers, political power and parliament 1640-41 in, editor(s)Ciaran Brady and Jane Ohlmeyer , British Interventions in Early Modern Ireland , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp161 - 185, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Making good: New perspectives on the English in early modern Ireland in, editor(s)Ciaran Brady and Jane Ohlmeyer , British Interventions in Early Modern Ireland , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp1 - 27, [Ciaran Brady and Jane Ohlmeyer]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Parliament and representation in early modern Ireland, Conference sponsored by the Yale Centre for Parliamentary History, Yale University, New Haven, April, 2005
The Irish Peers, Political Power and Parliament, 1640-1641 in, editor(s)Ciaran Brady and Jane Ohlmeyer , British Interventions in Early Modern Ireland, Cambridge University Press, 2004, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., English Imperialism and early modern Ireland , Centre for Irish Studies and Department of History, Boston College, Boston, September 2004, 2004
Ohlmeyer J. H., Zwicker S,, Patronage and Restoration Politics: John Dryden and the House of Ormond, Conference on ‘Restoration Ireland’, Trinity College, Dublin, September, 2004
Ohlmeyer J. H., From Bordeaux and Baltimore to Bombay and Bristol: 17th century Ireland in European, Atlantic and New British History perspective, Notre Dame in Dublin Summer School on ‘Boston’ or ‘Berlin’, June 2004, 2004
A Laboratory for Empire?: Early Modern Ireland and English Imperialism' in, editor(s)Kevin Kenny , Ireland and the British Empire, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp26 - 60, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Kingship in the Three Kingdoms in the early seventeenth century, British Political Thought Seminar on Kingship Renewed at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, February 2003, 2003
Ohlmeyer J. H., Aristocratic Marriage in Seventeenth-Century Ireland, Irish Historical Studies Society, University College, Dublin, March 2003, 2003
Ohlmeyer J. H., Men of Virtue and Honour?: The Aristocracy in seventeenth-century Ireland, Communities: Imagined and Actual, University College, Dublin, September, 2003
Ohlmeyer J. H., Lords, Law and Litigation in Seventeenth-Century Ireland, British and Irish Legal History Conference, University College, Dublin, July, 2003
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Scottish and Irish Diasporas in Seventeenth-Century Europe: A Comparative Overview , Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen, October 2002, 2002
Ohlmeyer J. H., Power, Representation and Literary Patronage in seventeenth-century Ireland, Irish Scottish Academic Initiative (ISAI) Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast, September, 2002
Historians respond: literature and the new British and Irish histories in, editor(s)David Barker and Willy Maley , British Identities and English Renaissance Literature, Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp245 - 255, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Lords and Litigation in Early Modern Ireland, Scottish Legal History Society, Advocates Library, Edinburgh, October 2002, 2002
Ohlmeyer J. H., Mixed Marriages in Early Modern Ireland, Irish Studies in Britain Conference, University of Stirling, June, 2002
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Stuart Kingdoms in the Seventeenth Century: Awkward Neighbours editor with Allan Macinnes, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2002, 270pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Geography of Reading: Irish Historical Narratives’, British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Queens College, Cambridge, January, 2002
Irish Recusant Lawyers during the Reign of Charles I in, editor(s)Micheál Ó Siochrú , Kingdoms in Crisis: Ireland in the 1640s, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp63 - 89, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Religion, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, International Conference, University of Glasgow, July, 2001
Records of the Irish Court of Chancery: A Preliminary Report, 1627-1634 in, editor(s)D. Greer and N. Dawson , Mysteries and Solutions in Irish Legal History, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001, pp15 - 50, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Calculating Debt: the Irish Statute Records, Irish Economic and Social History, 27, 2000, p63 - 65
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Aristocracy in Early Stuart Ireland , History Society, Trinity College, Dublin, March 2000, 2000
Ohlmeyer J. H. , Political thought in seventeenth-century Ireland : kingdom or colony, Cambridge University Press, 2000, xvii + 290pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., Power, Politics and the House of Lords, 1640-1641, Conference in Honour of Aidan Clarke, Trinity College, Dublin, March, 2000
Ohlmeyer J. H., Recusant lawyers during the reign of Charles I, Catholics and Confederates, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, March, 1999
Ohlmeyer J. H., Scotland and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms , Royal Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, November 1999, 1999
Ohlmeyer J. H., Driving a wedge within Gaeldom: Ireland and Scotland in the seventeenth century, History Ireland, 7, (3), 1999, p27 - 31
Ohlmeyer J. H., Seventeenth-century Ireland and the New British and Atlantic Histories, American Historical Review, 104, (2), 1999, p446 - 462
Ohlmeyer J. H., County Cork and the Irish statute staple, History Department, University College, Cork, November 1998, 1998
Ohlmeyer J. H., Ó Ciardha É. , The Irish Statute Staple Books, 1596-1687, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1998, xvii + 380pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Statute Staple and Early Modern Ireland' , History Ireland, 6, (4), 1998, p36 - 40
'Civilizinge of those Rude Partes': Colonization within Britain and Ireland, 1580s-1640s in, editor(s)N. Canny , The Oxford History of the British Empire, vol. 1, Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, pp124 - 147, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Kenyon J. , The Civil Wars: A Military History of England, Scotland and Ireland, 1638-1660, Oxford University Press, 1998, xl + 300pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Wars of, for and in the Three Kingdoms, History Today, 48, (11), 1998, p16 - 22
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Wars for, in and of the Three Kingdoms, Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada, October, 1998
Ohlmeyer J. H., Early modern Ireland and the New British and Atlantic Histories, Irish Studies Conference, University of Vorenezh, Russia, May, 1998
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Irish Statute Staple, Irish Historical Studies Society, Trinity College Dublin, October 1997, 1997
Ohlmeyer J. H., Origins of the conflict in Northern Ireland, Forgiveness in Northern Ireland, Woodstock Theological Institute, Georgetown University, Washington DC, June 1997, 1997
Ohlmeyer J. H., Civilization” of Ireland and Scotland, 1580s-1640s, American Historical Association Annual Conference, New York, January, 1997
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Irish Statute Staple, Gaelic Landscape Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, September, 1997
Ohlmeyer J. H., The North Channel World in the seventeenth century, ISAI Conference on Celebrating Columba: Irish-Scottish connections 597-1997, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September, 1997
Ohlmeyer J. H., Mercenaries and the Military State in the early modern period, International Conference, Odense, Denmark, September, 1996
The Wars of Religion, 1603-60 in, editor(s)Thomas Bartlett and Keith Jeffery , Military History of Ireland, Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp160 - 187, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Strafford, the "Londonderry business" and the New British History in, editor(s)J. Merritt , The Political World of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford, 1621-1641, Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp209 - 229, [Ohlmeyer J. H.]
Ohlmeyer J. H., Crisis of the Irish aristocracy in the seventeenth century , Ireland Seminar, Hertford College, Oxford, March 1996, 1996
Ohlmeyer J. H., A Failed Revolution? The Irish Confederate war in its European context, History Ireland, 3, 1995, p24 - 29
Ohlmeyer J. H., Civilizinge of those rude partes: the colonization of Ireland and Scotland, 1580s-1640s, Conference on the History of the British Empire, Oxford, September, 1995
Ohlmeyer J. H., Ireland from Independence to Occupation, 1641-1660, Cambridge University Press, 1995, li + 309pp
Cregan D., The Personnel of the Confederation of Kilkenny, Irish Historical Studies, 29, 1995, p490 - 512
Ohlmeyer J. H., The "Antrim Plot" of 1641: A rejoinder?, The Historical Journal, 27, 1994, p431 - 437
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Marquis of Antrim: A Stuart Turn-Kilt?, History Today, 43, 1993, p13 - 18
Ohlmeyer, J. H., Civil War and Restoration in the Three Stuart Kingdoms: the Political Career of Randal MacDonnell First Marquis of Antrim (1609-83), Cambridge University Press, 1993, xxiii + 357pp
Ohlmeyer J. H., The "Antrim Plot" of 1641 - a myth?, The Historical Journal, 35, 1992, p905 - 919
Ohlmeyer J. H., Irish privateers during the civil war, 1642-50, The Mariner's Mirror, 76, 1990, p119 - 134
Ohlmeyer J. H., The Dunkirk of Ireland: Wexford privateers during the 1640s, Journal of the Wexford Historical Society, 12, 1989, p23 - 49
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Spaapen, Jack; Vienni Baptista, Bianca; Buchner, Anna; Pohl, Christian, Report on Survey among interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researchers and post-survey interviews with policy stakeholders, March, 2020
Jane Ohlmeyer, Giovanna M R Lima, Sarah Bowman, Eve Patten, Micheal O Siochru, (2020), '1641 Depositions: Sharing our history, building a legacy' [pdf]
Vienni Baptista, Bianca; Fletcher, Isabel; Maryl, Maciej; Wciślik, Piotr; Buchner, Anna; Lyall, Catherine; Spaapen, Jack; Pohl, Christian, Final Report on Understandings of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research and Factors of Success and Failure, March, 2020
Vienni Baptista, Bianca; Lyall, Catherine; Ohlmeyer, Jane; Spaapen, Jack; Wallace, Doireann; Pohl, Christian, Improving pathways to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: first lessons from the SHAPE-ID project - Policy Brief, March, 2020
Vienni Baptista, Bianca; Maryl, Maciej; Wciślik, Piotr; Fletcher, Isabel; Buchner, Anna; Wallace, Doireann; Pohl, Christian, Preliminary Report of Literature Review on Understandings of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research, December, 2019
Ireland in the Early Modern World in, editor(s)Jane Ohlmeyer , The Cambridge History of Ireland. Vol. 2. Early Modern Ireland, 1550-1730, Cambridge University Press, 2018, [Jane Ohlmeyer]
Jane Ohlmeyer, The 'Old British History' and the early modern period, Historical Journal, 2007, p499 - 512
Jane Ohlmeyer, Military migration and the three Stuart kingdoms: a comparative survey, 2007
Research Expertise
. Ireland and Empire . Irish History in the 17th Century - social, political . Early modern British history . The "Military Revolution" of early modern EuropeProjects
- Title
- Human Plus
- Summary
- Big data and machine learning are transforming our experience of social interaction, identity, governance, entertainment, journalism, privacy, and, through artificial intelligence (AI), what it means to be human. There are increasing calls for human-centric approaches to critical questions concerning this rapid expansion of adaptive technologies and their impact on the nature and future of humanity. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, will address this need through the EU-funded HUMAN+, a Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions cofunding from 2020-25, which will connect computer science researchers with arts and humanities researchers and enterprise to forge a human-centric approach to technological development. HUMAN+ will recruit 18 experienced researchers over 2 calls, each for a duration of two years. Through multidisciplinary supervision, industry participation by way of workshops and mandatory secondments, HUMAN+fellows will gain inter-sectoral experience contributing to their capacity to tackle societal challenges relating to the areasoutlined above. Non-academic partners involved in the programme include Nokia Bell Labs, Accenture Human Insight Lab,EPIC- the Irish Emigration Museum, Fidelity and The application was ranked second in Europe.
- Funding Agency
- European Comission
- Date From
- 2020
- Title
- Shape-ID
- Summary
- SHAPE-ID is an EU-funded project addressing the challenge of improving inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation between the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) and other Sciences, particularly Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The project will establish a comprehensive knowledge base covering the different understandings of inter- and transdisciplinary research (IDR), the factors that inhibit or support it and a set of success criteria for meaningful AHSS integration within IDR for approaching key societal challenges. Through a literature review, survey and a series of learning case workshops, the project will gather evidence from the experience of IDR stakeholders. SHAPE-ID will ultimately deliver a toolkit and recommendations, including a policy brief, to guide European policy makers, funders, Universities and researchers in achieving successful pathways to interdisciplinary integration between AHSS and other Sciences, as well as within AHSS disciplines.
- Funding Agency
- European Comission
- Date From
- 01/February/2019
- Date To
- 31/July/2021
- Title
- Crises of Democracy Global Humanities Institute (GHI)
- Summary
- In 2018, members of the SPeCTReSS project network secured competitive funding for a $180,000 Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (CHCI) and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant to develop a Global Humanities Institute on the subject of democracy and trauma. The GHI was led by Prof Jane Ohlmeyer and Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute in collaboration with four international partner institutes in Brazil, Croatia, India and USA. The Crises of Democracy GHI brought together a group of 40 interdisciplinary arts and humanities researchers in various career stages to explore crises of democracy through the lens of cultural trauma. The Crises of Democracy GHI designed three immersive research programmes across the 18-month project timeline. On these programmes, researchers from the consortium explored the subject of democracy in the open and reflective environment of the GHI. A significant aspect of the GHI was a mentorship scheme which paired the early career researchers with senior researchers. This scheme allowed the GHI to develop a strong network of scholars working in the area of democracy, covering all career stages. The Crises of Democracy GHI consortium arranged immersive research exchange programmes in Ireland (4 days), Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina (9 days), and Brazil (10 days). Each GHI meeting included site visits to local NGOs , CSOs, and arts organisations. The visits were arranged under the guidance of local and regional experts. These experiential visits allowed participants to go beyond reading and hearing about case studies and initiatives, to see, hear, and interact with landscapes, projects, and populations first-hand. From the GHI programmes over the 18-months, the consortium produced an open curriculum on crises of democracy. With contributions and areas of focus that represent an extensive geographic breadth, the Crises of Democracy Curriculum presents a comparative global perspective of our present democratic conditions. The living curriculum provides rich material which will be of interest to specialists and non-specialists alike. Since December 2019, the curriculum has been downloaded across the world and has been used as a primary resource for a course on 'Transatlantic Crises of Democracies: Cultural Approaches' at the University of São Paulo.
- Funding Agency
- Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes (CHCI) and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Date From
- 2018
- Date To
- 2019
- Title
- Conflict, Welfare and Memory during and after the English Civil Wars, 1642-1710
- Summary
- Building upon the legacy of the the 1641 Depositions at Trinity College Dublin, the 'Conflict Welfare and Memory' project reveals the human costs of the Civil Wars by investigating how wounded soldiers, war widows and other bereaved family members petitioned for financial relief. In the petition documents, we hear the voices of the ordinary men and women who lived and fought during the English Civil Wars. These people tell us how they looked back on their experiences during the Wars and how they coped with its aftermath. We can learn about what sort of medical care was made available to injured soldiers, and the ingenious ways that the wounded and bereaved negotiated with the authorities for financial relief. We can also discover how those who managed welfare systems responded to the enormous strains of supporting thousands of soldiers and civilians, as well as the relationship between the provision of relief, political considerations and the contested memories of conflict. The project website provides free and searchable public access to photographs and transcriptions of petitions and medical certificates seeking military welfare payments as a consequence of suffering, bereavement or loss during the English Civil Wars. It also provides free and searchable public access to lists of payments to pensioners and those in receipt of military welfare payments as a result of suffering, bereavement or loss during the English Civil Wars. I work as a mentor for the Project.
- Funding Agency
- Arts and Humanities Research Council
- Date From
- June 2017
- Date To
- June 2021
- Title
- Summary
- The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Fellowship Programme (TLRH-VRF COFUND) is the first Arts and Humanities MSCA fellowship programme co-funded in an Irish Higher Education Institution. Building on the TLRH expertise of hosting visiting researchers, the programme welcomed 9 fellows between October 2017 and September 2020 for a period of twelve months per cohort. Each year, TLRH received an average of 67 proposals coming from an average of 26 countries for 3 fellow positions. The programme offered excellent experienced researchers an opportunity to acquire skills that enhance their research and employability, deepen competences and widen their networks in a way that has significant long-term impact on their chosen careers, whether they be in academia, industry or the public sector.
- Funding Agency
- European Comission
- Date From
- 01/June/2016
- Date To
- 31/Oct/2020
- Title
- Trinity Long Room Hub
- Summary
- Principal Investigator for Trinity College Dublin element of 'Humanities Serving Irish Society' funded under Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI Cycle 4) - 10.78M for the development of the Trinity Long Room Hub, see]
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- 1641 depositions
- Summary
- The 1641 Depositions Project (2007-2010) aimed to conserve, digitise, transcribe, and make c.8,000 depositions available online in a fully TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) compliant format. Professor Ohlmeyer was the PI in this collaborative project between Trinity, the Universities of Aberdeen and Cambridge working in partnership with IBM LanguageWare and Eneclann. It was a multi-disciplinary project involving historians, geographers, computer scientists, linguists and literary scholars. The project immediately captured the popular imagination. It made headlines around Ireland and the world with features, opinion pieces and articles appearing in the local and national press, including The Irish Times, The Irish Independent, The Irish News, The Newsletter, The Belfast Telegraph, together with international outlets, The Independent, The Guardian and The New York Times. RTE, the BBC, CBS and ABC broadcasted news items and features about the Depositions. By 2018 the 1641 website had over 23,000 registered users from 111 different countries, the majority of whom were based in North America and Europe, especially Ireland and the UK, but also in South America, India and Australia. The 1641 Depositions Project has spawned a number of important related projects, especially 'Language and Linguistic Evidence in the 1641 Depositions' (AHRC-funded, 2010-2011). It also became a flagship technology project and attracted intensely competitive European funding for a project called CULTURA (CULTivating Understanding Through Research and Adaptivity). Today the 1641 Depositions are used in the classroom both in secondary schools in Northern Ireland and in universities especially in Ireland, the UK, and North America where they often form the basis for undergraduate, masters and doctoral theses. Ohlmeyer's current research on war widows and her collaborative research - with Rosemary Byrne and Stephanie McCurry - on women and sexual violence is grounded in the 1641 Depositions. The project started with the IRCHSS Government of Ireland Major Research Project Grant (247,000) for the '1641 Depositions Project' (this helped to leverage an additional 650,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Council), see
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2010
- Title
- Ussher Project
- Summary
- Following a previous IRCHSS-funded conference on 'Ussher and the Republic of Letters', organised by Dr Elizabethanne Boran in November 2004, we were awarded a major grant for the Ussher Project, which produced a scholarly edition of Ussher's correspondence.
- Funding Agency
- IRCHSS Government of Ireland Major Research Project Grant
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Pilot study of early modern Irish mercantile networks (with Professor David Dickson)
- Summary
- In a series of works in collaboration with Professor David Dickson and Dr Jan Parmentier of Ghent University, we organised Workshops on Mercantile Networks which proceedings were subsequently published. David Dickson, Jan Parmentier and Jane Ohlmeyer (eds.), Irish and Scottish Mercantile Networks in Europe and Overseas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Ghent University Press, 2007), vii + 319 pages.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2005
- Title
- Pilot study of Irish Chancery records, 1627-1634
- Funding Agency
- Irish Legal History Society
- Date To
- 1999
- Summary
- Small grants award to fund a conference on 'Ussher and the Republic of Letters' (organised by Dr Elizabethanne Boran, November 2004).
- Funding Agency
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- VOICES: Life and Death, War and Peace, c.1550-c.1700. Voices of Women in Early Modern Ireland
- Summary
- VOICES aims to recover the voices and interrogate lived experiences of women in early modern Ireland. Ireland formed part of the British, European and Atlantic world and women there responded to similar sets of transformative processes as other early modern women - proto-globalisation, state formation, confessionalisation, warfare, commercialisation, environmental change, and so on " which facilitates interrogation that is comparative, connected, and entangled. Two ambitious research questions underpin this pioneering project which focuses on Ireland as a case study. 1. What role did women play in a society undergoing profound economic, political, and cultural transformation? 2. What were their experiences of recurring social upheaval, bloody civil war and extreme trauma, especially sexual violence, and how have these been politicised? Our novel approach derives in large part from the interrogation of previously inaccessible historical data, now available digitally. This windfall is exceptional, but the resulting data is unstructured. Innovative technologies transform this unstructured data into knowledge that can be interrogated and visualised. VOICES will then transform the field of history by allowing us to: " recover the marginalised voices, lifecycles, and identities of women in Ireland and assess their contribution to the household, regional and national economies; and relationship to the land (WPs1, 2); > situate the experiences of women in the broader analytical framework of Europe, Britain, and the Atlantic world (WPs1-4); > lay the foundations for further future scholarship on the family, gender, identity, memory, emotion, and trauma in the early modern period (WPs1-4); > produce ontologies that outline key concepts and entities that relate to women and violence that can be reproduced across time and place, which makes VOICES the exemplar of the new and longstanding research questions now answerable by digitisation and associated methodologies (WP0).
- Funding Agency
- European Research Council
- Date From
- 2023
- Date To
- 2028
Chair, Irish Research Council
International advisory board of the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes
Scientific Advisory Board, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
Co-chair of the Royal Irish Academy's Brexit Taskforce for the Republic of Ireland, where I assessed the impact that Brexit could have on research and education on the island, and outlined the risks and how these might be mitigated, and advised on potential opportunities.
Parnell Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge
Visiting Professor in History, Ashoka University, New Delhi
Council Member of the Irish Legal History Society and member of the Editorial Board
Scientific Board of DARIAH.EU. DARIAH is a pan European research infrastructure that aims to enhance and support digitally enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities (
W. B. Yeats Visiting Professor, São Paulo University, Brazil
A member of the EHRI advisory board (
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society; 20047, Member of the Council
Trustee and Guardian of Marsh's Library, Dublin
Visting Professor, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU, Delhi
Trustee of the National Library of Scotland
International assessor for the Academy of Finland, Helsinki
International assessor for the Arts and Humanities Research Council
Chair, Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences [IRCHSS]-Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities [DARIAH] digitization committee. Irish Member, DARIAH
Member of the Board of Governors for the Caledonian Research Foundation
External assessor for the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Irish Member for the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism, Member States Expert Group on Digitization
Irish Member, European Strategic Research Infrastructures (Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group)
National Archives Advisory Committee
International advisory board of the Consortium of Humanities Centres and Institutes
Awards and Honours
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
2023 Royal Irish Academy Gold Medal in the Humanities, which is awarded to individuals who have made a demonstrable and internationally recognised outstanding scholarly contribution in their fields.
Advanced ERC for VOICES: Life and Death, War and Peace, c.1550-c.1700. Voices of Women in Early Modern Ireland
Ford Lectures, Oxford
'Stand up for Research', Trinity Research Excellence Awards 2020
Societal Impact - Innovation Award, Trinity College Dublin
A 'Choice Outstanding Academic Title' for Making Ireland English.
W. B. Yeats Visiting Professor, São Paulo University, Brazil
Visting Professor, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU, Delhi
Parnell Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge
Member, Royal Irish Academy
Dept. of Education for Northern Ireland postgraduate award for study at Trinity College, Dublin
Keck Foundation Fellowship for study at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) summer stipend for research in London and Dublin
British Academy Travel Award.
British Academy Small Grants Award
Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow
International assessor for the Academy of Finland, Helsinki
American Historical Association
British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Irish Gaelic Landscape Group
Irish Economic and Social History Group
Irish Legal History Society
American Conference of Irish Studies
President of the Irish Historical Society
Member of the Royal Historical Society, working with professional historians and advancing the scholarly study of the past.