Professor Margaret O'Mahony
Chair of Civil Engineering, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kuteesa, Ferdinand T. and O'Mahony, M., Road Design Optimisation for Autonomous Vehicles, 104th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington D.C., Jan 2025, 2025, pp1 - 21
Gardiner, D. and O'Mahony, M., Are Broadband, Computer and Transport Access Inequity Interrelated?, 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington D.C., Jan 2025, 2025, pp1 - 18
Richards, A., Convery, S., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Pre and post Covid preferences for working from home, Travel Behaviour and Society, 34, (100679), 2024, p1 - 8
Smith, H., Akhtar, S., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Validity of GPS data in driving cycles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2024, p1 - 7
Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Transport Sector by Electrifying Car-sharing Fleet in Ireland, 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2024, pp1 - 5
Priyan, S., Guo, Y., McNabola, A., Broderick, B., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Gallagher, J, Detecting and quantifying PM2.5 and NO2 contributions from train and road traffic in the vicinity of a major railway terminal in Dublin, Ireland, Environmental Pollution, 361, 2024, p124903
Illahi, U., Choudhari, T., Charly, A., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Driving Green Change: Commercial Sector Adopting Electric Vehicles in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 135, 2024, p104398
Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Shared Mobility: The Potential of Shared Electric Vehicles, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104313
Illahi, U., Egan, R., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Self-reported public fast charging infrastructure demand: what do existing and potential electric vehicle adopters want and where?, Sustainable Cities and Society, 116, (105935), 2024, p1 - 15
Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A , O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, E-bike to the future: Scalability, emission-saving, and eco-efficiency assessment of shared electric mobility hubs, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104275
Ó Domhnaill, A. O'Mahony, M., Broderick, B., Hennessy, M., Donnelly, A., Naughton, O., Hurley, E., Carthy, P., Nolan, A., Moriarty, F. and Lyons, S., Impact of Nitrogen Dioxide on Health with Particular Emphasis on Vulnerable Groups, Environmental Protection Agency, 2023, p1 - 48
Ó Domhnaill, A., Broderick, B., O'Mahony, M., Integrated transportation and land use regression modelling for nitrogen dioxide mitigation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment , 115, (103572), 2023
Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Optimising shared electric mobility hubs: Insights from performance analysis and factors influencing riding demand, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 13, 2023, p101052
Walsh, Gearoid and O'Mahony, Margaret, Analyzing the Effects of Weather on Light Rail Transit Performance in Dublin, Ireland, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan 2022, 2022, pp1 - 8
French, Claire and O'Mahony, Margaret, Using Automatic Vehicle Location System Data to Assess Impacts of Weather on Bus Journey Times for Different Bus Route Types, 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Indiana, USA, Sept 2021, 2021, pp2137 - 2144
Byrne, C.P., Bennett, K.E., Hickey A., Kavanagh, P., Broderick, B., O'Mahony, M., Williams D.J., Short-Term Air Pollution as a Risk for Stroke Admission: A Time-Series Analysis, Cerebrovascular Diseases, Clinical Research in Stroke, 49, 2020, p404 - 411
Laoide-Kemp, David and O'Mahony, Margaret, Dealing with latency effects in travel time prediction on motorways, Transportation Engineering, 2, 2020, p100009 1 - 100009 8
Philip Carthy, Aonghus Ó Domhnaill, Margaret O'Mahony, Anne Nolan, Frank Moriarty, Brian Broderick, Martina Hennessy, Aoife Donnelly, Owen Naughton, Sean Lyons, Local NO2 concentrations and asthma among over-50s in Ireland: A microdata analysis, International Journal of Epidemiology, 49, (6), 2020, p1899 - 1908
Weldon, P., Morrissey, P.& O'Mahony, M., Micro-Analysis of the Fueling Costs of Electric Vehicles in Consideration of the Range of Options Available to Electric Vehicle Users, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Jan, 2019, pp12
Colm Byrne, Kathleen Bennett, Anne Hickey, Paul Kavanagh, Brian Broderick, Margaret O'Mahony, David Williams, ACUTIncidence of Disease at Elevated Levels of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2. 5) in Dublin, Ireland, Age and Ageing, 67th Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Innovation, Advances and Excellence in Ageing, Sept 2019, 48, (Issue Suppl.3), 2019, pp17 - 65
Morchid, K. and O'Mahony, M., Transport Sector Impacts of a Border between Ireland and Northern Ireland after a Hard Brexit, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, ( 9029852), 2019, p1 - 15
Brown, P, Margaret O'Mahony (member of Relish consortium), Zhou, Y., Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search , Database, The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2019, baz085, 2019, p1 - 66
O'Mahony, M., Broderick, B., Hennessy, M. & Gallagher, J., Awareness of health impacts of NO2 and, potential responses to diesel vehicle bans and proposals to cease their production, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., Jan, 2019, pp12
O'Mahony, M., The Relative Influence of Proximity to Fast Road Infrastructure, Accessibility and Deprivation on Crime, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, (Article ID 6107498), 2018, p1 - 9
Weldon, P., Morrissey, P. and O'Mahony, M., Long-Term Cost of Ownership Comparative Analysis between Electric Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles, Sustainable Cities and Society, 39, 2018, p578 - 591
Oisin Devilly and Margaret O'Mahony, Assessing the Benefits of Installing V2I Communications on an Urban Orbital Motorway in a Medium-Sized European City, 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2018, 2018
Burrows, E., O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D., How Urban Parks Offer Opportunities for Physical Activity in Dublin, Ireland, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, (4: 815), 2018, p1 - 11
O'Mahony, M. , Are motorcycle commuters different to those who use car or public transport?, Procs of the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences,, Washington D.C., January, 2017
Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Brazil, W., Weldon, P. , Examining usage patterns of a bike-sharing scheme in a medium sized city, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100, 2017, p152 - 161
Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., Investigating the temporal variability of noise in an urban environment, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 5, (1), 2016, p34 - 45
Morrissey, P., Weldon, P. and O'Mahony, M., Future standard and fast charging infrastructure planning: An analysis of electric vehicle charging behaviour, Energy Policy, 89, 2016, p257 - 270
Weldon, P., Morrissey, P., Brady, J., and O'Mahony, M., An investigation into usage patterns of electric vehicles in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment, 43, 2016, p207 - 225
McCarthy, O.T., Caulfield, B., and O'Mahony, M., How transport users perceive personal safety apps, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 43, 2016, p166 - 182
Brady, J. and O'Mahony, M. , Modelling charging profiles of electric vehicles based on real-world electric vehicle charging data, Sustainable Cities and Society, 26, 2016, p203 - 216
Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., Urban noise analysis using multinomial logistic regression, Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016, p04016020-1 - 11
McCarthy, O.T., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Technology engagement and privacy: A cluster analysis of reported social network use among transport survey respondents, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, 2016, p195 - 206
Weldon, P. Morrissey, P., and O'Mahony, M., Environmental impacts of varying electric vehicle user behaviours and comparisons to internal combustion engine vehicle usage - An Irish case study, Journal of Power Sources, 319, 2016, p27-38
Brady, J. and O'Mahony, M, Development of a Driving Cycle to Evaluate the Energy Economy of Electric Vehicles in Urban Areas, Applied Energy, 177, 2016, p165 - 178
McCarthy, O.T. and O'Mahony, M., End User Response to an Event Detection and Route Reconstruction Security System Prototype for use in Airports and Public Transport Hubs , Procs of the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Resarch Board, National Academy of Sciences,, Washington D.C., 2016
Morrissey, P, Weldon, P. and O'Mahony, M., Informing the Strategic Rollout of Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Networks with User Charging Behaviour Data Analysis , Procs of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., January, 2016
Morrissey, P., Weldon, P. and O'Mahony, M., The strategic rollout of fast electric vehicle charging networks with user charging behaviour data analysis, Transportation Research Record, 2572, 2016, p9 - 19
Dermot Geraghty, Paul McDonald, Ivor humphreys and Margaret O'Mahony, Analysis Of Urban Noise In Dublin Using Long-term Data From A Publically Accessible Permanent Monitoring Network, Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, January 11-15, 2015
Humphreys, I, McDonald, P, O'Mahony, M. and Geraghty, D., Monitoring the Static Vehicle Load on a Heavy Goods Vehicle, Procs of IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept 2015, 2015, pp1424 - 1429
Morrissey, P., Weldon, P. and O'Mahony, M., Electric Vehicle Household Charging Behaviour in Ireland and Aims for a Carbon Neutral Electric Fleet by 2020, World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 5, (4), 2015, p336 - 352
Geraghty, D., McDonald, P., Humphreys, I. and O'Mahony, M., Dublin City Noise: Monitoring the sound of a city, 40th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Acoustics 2014 , Birmingham, 36, 3,, Institute of Acoustics, 2014, pp162 - 172
McCarthy, O., O'Mahony, M., Neyland, D. , Report assessing the likely impact of this system on end user organisations, ADDPRIV Project, Automatic Data Relevancy Discrimination for a Privacy-Sensitive Video Surveillance, Deliverable 6.2, , Brussels, European Union, February, 2014, p1 - 82
Browne, D., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Assessing the barriers to greener fiscal measures and ecological tax reform in the transport sector, Sustainable practices, concepts, methodologies, tools and applications, 3, 2013, p1246 - 1264
Weldon, P., McDonald, P., Brady, J., O'Mahony, M., Sanmarti, M., Daly, M., McGrath, S. and Vierheilig,N. , Data Collection and Analysis in a Pan-European Electric Vehicle Fleet, 92nd Annual Conference of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, 2013
Szeto, W.Y., Jaber, X.Q.and O'Mahony, M., On the existence of the simultaneous occurrence of Braess and emission paradoxes, Procs of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan, 2013
Browne, D., O'Mahony, M. and Caulfield, B., How should barriers to alternative fuels and vehicles be classified and potential policies to promote innovative technologies be evaluated, Journal of Cleaner Production, 35, 2012, p140 - 151
O'Mahony, M., Rice, H., Broderick, B., Caulfield, B., O'Donoghue, R., Murphy, E., King, E., Ganguly, R., Delaney, K. & Ghosh, B., Environment Transport Interface, Dublin, Environmental Protection Agency, 2012, p1 - 285
T. Tchrakian, B. Basu, M. O'Mahony, Real-time traffic flow forecasting using spectral analysis, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13 (2), 2012, p519 - 526
Brady, John and O'Mahony, Margaret, Travel to work in Dublin. The potential impacts of electric vehicles on climate change and urban air quality, Transportation Research Part D, 16, (2), 2011, p188 - 193
Assessing the Barriers to Greener Fiscal Measures and Ecological Tax Reform in the Transport Sector in, editor(s)Marco Tortora , Sustainable Systems and Energy Management at the Regional Level: Comparative Approaches, Hershey, PA 17033, USA, IGI Global, 2011, [Browne, D., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M]
Browne, D., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Evaluation of Local Authority Perceptions of Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland, Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington D.C., Jan, 2011
Browne, D, Caulfield, B, O'Mahony, M., Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland, CCRP Report, Environmental Protection Agency, 2011
Assessing the Potential of Liquid Biofuels from Waste Oils, Fats and Greases in, editor(s)Charlene J. Nielsen , Processes, Costs and Benefits, Nova Publishers, 2011, pp167 - 184, [Browne, D., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M]
Brian McCormack, Dermot Geraghty, Margaret O'Mahony, Modelling of Surface Acoustic Wave Strain Sensors using Coupling-of-Modes Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics and Ferroelectrics, 58, 2011, p2461 - 2468
J.Brady and M. O'Mahony, Introduction of electric vehicles to Ireland: Socioeconomic Analysis, Transportation Research Record, 2242, 2011, p64 - 71
Browne, D., Caulfield, B, O'Mahony, M, Evaluation of Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland and Potential Policy Options, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011, ppCD ROM
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M. M. , Random Process Model for Urban Traffic Flow Using a Wavelet-Bayesian Hierarchical Technique, Computer aided civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 25, (8), 2010, p613 - 624
Szeto, W.Y., Jaber, X. and O'Mahony, M., Time-dependent discrete network design frameworks considering land use, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 25, (6), 2010, p411 - 426
Browne, D. Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, Assessing total costs and benefits of sustainable transport policy in ireland, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2010, 2010, ppCD ROM
Shrivastava, P., O'Mahony, M., Integrated approach towards sustainable development, World Review of Intermodal Transport Research, 3, (1/2), 2010, p26 - 45
Connolly, D., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Rail passengers' preferences for onboard Wi-Fi internet access, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2009, 2009, ppCDROM-
Szeto, W.Y., Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M, Multivariate traffic forecasting technique using cell transmission model and SARIMA model, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE,, 135, (9), 2009, p658 - 667
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M., Multivariate Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-Series Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10, (2), 2009, p246 - 254
Shrivastava, P and O'Mahony, M., Modelling an integrated public transportation system - a case study in Dublin, Ireland, European Transport, 41, (April), 2009, p28 - 46
Jaber, X and O'Mahony, M, Mixed stochastic user equilibrium behavior under traveler information provision services with heterogeneous multiclass multicriteria decision making, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems , 13, (4), 2009, p188 - 198
Cantwell, M., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, Examining the Factors that Impact upon Public Transport Commuting Stress , Journal of Public Transportation, 12, (2), 2009, p1 - 21
Szeto, W., O'Brien, L and O'Mahony, M., Measuring network reliability considering paradoxes: multiple network demon approach, Transportation Research Record, Washington D.C., 2009
Szeto, W.Y., O'Brien, L. and O'Mahony, M, Measuring network reliability by considering paradoxes, Transportation Research Record, 2090, (IA Planning & Admin), 2009, p42 - 50
Shrivastava, P and O'Mahony, M., Use of a hybrid algorithm for modeling coordinated feeder bus route network at suburban railway stations, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 135, (1), 2009, p1 - 8
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., A stated preference analysis of real-time public transit stop information, Journal of Public Transportation, 12, (3), 2009, p1 - 20
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M, Wavelet-Bayesian hierarchical stochastic model for short-term traffic flow at noncritical junctions, Procs of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, 2008, ppCDROM
WY Szeto, X Li, M. O'Mahony, Simultaneous occurrence of the Braess and Emission Paradoxes, Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2008, 322, 2008, pp625-634-
Szeto, W.Y., Li, X. and O'Mahony, M, Time-dependent road network design frameworks with land use consideration: policy implications, Procs of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, CDROM, 2008, ppCDROM-
French, C. and O'Mahony, M., Measuring risk of attack on bus networks, Procs of 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, CDROM, 2008, ppCDROM-
Szeto, W.Y., Jaber, X. and O'Mahony, M., Analysing the impacts of the traveler information provision services and the speed limit control on vehicular emissions and congestion, 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and ITS America Annual Meeting 2008, New York, 2008
Szeto, W.Y., Jaber, X.Q. and O'Mahony, M. , Paradoxes with traveler information services, Procs of the 9th Intelligent Transport System Asia-Pacific Forum and Exhibition., Singapore, July, 2008
Li, X.Q., Szeto, W.Y., and O'Mahony, M., Incorporating land use, transport and environmental considerations into time-dependent tolling strategies., Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, 2007, p360 - 375
Shrivastava, P. and O'Mahony, M., Design of feeder route network using combined genetic algorithm and specialised repair heuristic, Journal of Public Transportation, 10, (2), 2007, p99 - 123
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Evaluating the economic cost of air and noise pollution generated by transport, Procs of the European Transport Conference , Leiden, Oct, 2007
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, Factors influencing preferences for real-time public transport information, Procs of the European Transport Conference 2007, Leiden, Netherlands, October, CDROM, 2007
Generalisation of the Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment in, editor(s)Richard E Allsop; Michael G H Bell; Benjamin G Heydecker , Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007: Papers selected for presentation at ISTTT17, a peer reviewed series since 1959, Amsterdam; Boston , Elsevier, 2007, pp127 - 153, [O'Brien, L., Szeto, W.Y., O'Mahony, M.]
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, An examination of the public transport information requirements of users, Intelligent Transport Systems; a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, 8, (1), 2007, p21 - 30
Watters, P. and O'Mahony, M, The relationship between geometric design consistency and safety on rural single carriageways , Procs of the European Transport Conference 2007, Leiden, Netherlands, October , CDROM, 2007
O'Brien, L., Szeto, W.Y., O'Mahony, M., Time-Dependent Discrete Network Design Problem, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society of Transport Studies (EASTS), 7, 2007, p2230-2245
B.Ghosh, B. Basu. M. O'Mahony, Bayesian Time-Series Model for Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 133, (3), 2007, p180 - 189
Rogers, P. and O'Mahony, M., Evaluation of Light Rail (Luas) system using transit capacity and quality of service manual, Procs. of 85th Conference of the Transportation Research Board, US Academies, Washington D.C., January 2006, 2006, ppCDROM
P. Shrivastava and M. O'Mahony, A model for development of optimised feeder routes and coordinated schedules - a genetic algorithms approach, Transport Policy, 13, (5), 2006, p413 - 425
B. Ghosh, B.Basu and M. O' Mahony , Analysis of trend in vehicular traffic flow data in Dublin, Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Dublin, 2006, 118, 2006, ppCD ROM
L. O'Brien, Szeto, W.Y., and M. O'Mahony, Transport Network Design Under Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment: A Game Theory Approach, The Extra Euro Conference Handling Uncertainty in Transportation: Analyses, New Paradigms, Applications and Comparisons, Bari, Italy, 27-29 September 2006, 2006, pp494 - 502
Szeto, W.Y., O'Brien, L., O'Mahony, M, Risk-Averse Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demands: NCP Formulation and Solution Method for Assessing Performance Reliability, Networks and Spatial Economics, 6, (3-4), 2006, p313 - 332
Tseytin, G., Hofmann, M., O'Mahony, M., Lyons, D., Tracing individual public transport customers from an anonymous transaction database, Journal of Public Transportation, 9, (4), 2006, p47 - 60
X. Q. Li, W.Y. Szeto and M. O'Mahony, Modeling Time-Dependent Tolls under Transport, Land Use, and Environment Considerations, Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, The 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation (AATT'2006) , Chicago, Illinois, USA, 13-16, August 2006, 2006, pp852 - 857
P. Watters, M. O'Mahony, B.Caulfield, Response to cash outs for work place parking and work place parking charges, Transport Policy, 13, (6), 2006, p503 - 510
Farrell, S., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, B., Attitudes and behavioural responses to measures to deal with workplace parking: a case study of Dublin, Ireland, Transportation Research Record, 1932, 2006, p178 - 187
S. Farrell, M. O'Mahony and B. Caulfield, Attitudes and behavioural responses to measures to deal with workplace parking, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
Ghosh, B., Basu, B. and O'Mahony, M., Cell-based short-term traffic flow forecasting using time series modelling, Procs. of the 10th Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 2005, 2005, pp317 - 326
Caulfield, B., and O'Mahony, M.M. , Passenger Requirements of a Public Transport Ticketing System, IEEE ITSC 2005 IEEE, Vienna, Austria , 2005
B. Ghosh, B. Basu and M. O'Mahony, Time-series modelling for forecasting vehicular traffic flow in Dublin, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
O'Mahony, M., Finlay, H., Finnegan, C., Sustainable freight distribution in an historic urban centre, Department of Transport, 2005
B. Caulfield and M. O'Mahony, The application of the transit capacity and quality of service manual on a bus corridor in Dublin, Transportation Research Record, 1887, 2005, p195-204-
Finnegan, C., Finlay, H., O'Mahony, M. and O'Sullivan, D., Urban freight in Dublin city centre: Survey analysis and strategy evaluation, Transportation Research Record, 1906, 2005, p33 - 41
McCormack, B., Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., Design and manufacture of surface acoustic wave sensors for real-time weigh-in-motion., Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2005. IMTC 2005. , Procs of the IEEE Instrumentation and measurement technology conference, Ottawa, 16-19 May 2005 , 2, IEEE, 2005, pp1360-1364
McCormack, B., Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., System level modelling of surface acoustic wave strain sensors, IET Conference Publications, Procs of the IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Dublin, 1-2 Sept. 2005 , IET, 2005, pp284 -288
McCormack, B., Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., Modelling of surface acoustic wave strain sensors using coupling-of-modes analysis, Procs. of Eurosensors XIX Conference, Barcelona, September 2005, 2005, ppCDROM
M. Hofmann and M. O'Mahony, Analysis of route symmetry in an urban bus public transport network using electronic fare collection data, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
Hoffman, M. and O'Mahony, M., The impact of adverse weather conditions on urban bus performance measures, ITSC IEEE, 2005
C. Finnegan, H. Finlay and M. O'Mahony, Urban freight in Dublin City Centre, 37th Annual Conference of the University of Transport Study Group, Bristol, Jan, 2005
C. Finnegan, M. O'Mahony and H. Finlay, Urban freight in Dublin City Centre: survey analysis and strategy evaluation, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
M. Hofmann and M. O'Mahony, Hybrid rule based architecture for origin/destination extraction from electronic fare collection data, 37th Annual Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Bristol, Jan, 2005
M. O'Mahony, H. Link, L. Stewart-Ladewig and P. Bickel, Environmental and social transport costs: case study of Ireland, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
B. Caulfield and M. O'Mahony, Stated preference evaluation of passenger information in Dublin, 37th Annual Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Bristol, Jan, 2005
O'Neill, Y. and O'Mahony, M., Travel behaviour and transportation needs of the disabled: case study of some categories of disability in Dublin, Ireland, Transportation Research Record, 1924, 2005, p1 - 8
O'Cearbhaill and O'Mahony, M, Parallel implementation of a transport network model, Journal of parallel and distributed computing, 65, (1), 2005, p1 - 14
C. Clements and M. O'Mahony, Traditional or public-private partnerships for procurement of light rail transit, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROM
McCormack, B., Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M, Design and manufacture of surface acoustic wave strain sensors, Procs of the 34th Wilhelm and Else Hereause Seminar, Bad Hannaf, Germany, April 2005, 2005
Hoffman, M. and O'Mahony, M., Transfer journey identification and analyses from electronic fare collection data, IEEE ITSC Intelligent Transport Systems Conference, Sept 2005, 2005, pp34 - 39
Basu, M. and O'Mahony, M., A global overview of commercial and research programmes on EV/HEV in recent years, International Conference on Vehicles, Alternative Fuel Systems and Environmental Protection, Dublin City University (DCU), July, 2004
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., 'The use of quality of service measurements as a means to evaluate the performance of public transport operators, a case study of Dublin' , Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group,, 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, CD-ROM, 2004
Finnegan, C. and M. O'Mahony, An analysis of goods deliveries in Dublin city centre, 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, Jan, 2004
M. Hofmann and M. O'Mahony, Development of an iterative classification algorithm to facilitate transfer journey analyses, 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, Jan, 2004
M. O'Mahony and H. Finlay, Impact of traffic congestion on trade and strategies for mitigation, Transportation Research Record, 1872, 2004, p25 - 34
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., The application of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual on a Bus Corridor in Dublin, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, CD-ROM, National Academy of Sciences, 2004
O'Mahony, M. and Finlay H., 'Impact of Traffic Congestion on Trade & Strategies for Mitigation',, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, National Academy of Sciences, 2004
Hofmann, M. and O'Mahony, M., Development of an iterative classification algorithm to facilitate transfer journey analyses, Procs of the 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, January 2004, 2004
Finnegan, C. and M. O'Mahony, An analysis of goods deliveries in Dublin city centre, 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, Jan, 2004
O'Cearbhaill, E. and O'Mahony, M., 'Congestion pricing model tests in Dublin', Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, CD ROM, National Academy of Sciences, 2004
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., The provision of on street passenger information via real time passenger information; a case study of Dublin, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 12th International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, London, CD-ROM, IEE,, 2004
Whitney, W. and O'Mahony, M., 'The potential of buoyant aircraft for passenger transport', of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, CD ROM , National Academy of Sciences,, 2004
Finnegan C., Finlay, H., O'Mahony, M and O'Sullivan, D., 'An Initial assessment of the Potential for Urban Distribution Centres in Dublin', Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, CD-ROM, National Academy of Sciences, 2004
B. Caulfield and M. O'Mahony, The use of quality of service measurements as a means to evaluate the performance of public transport operators, 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, Jan, 2004
O'Mahony, M., 'Light Rail Transit in Dublin', Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, CD ROM , National Academy of Sciences, 2004
Keegan, O. and O'Mahony, M., 'Modifying pedestrian behaviour',, Transportation Research Part A, 37, (10), 2003, p889 - 901
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., 'Real-time passenger information: costs and benefits', Proceedings of the Association of European Transport Congress, Association of European Transport Congress, Strasbourg , CD-ROM, 2003
C. Finnegan and M. O'Mahony, Patterns of freight distribution within a historic urban centre, European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, Sept, 2003
Finlay H. and O'Mahony M., 'Freight Distribution in a Congested Urban Centre', Proceedings of STELLA (Sustainable Transport in Europe & Links & Liaisons with America) International Workshop on Globalisation, E-Commerce & Trade, STELLA (Sustainable Transport in Europe & Links & Liaisons with America) International Workshop on Globalisation, E-Commerce & Trade, Brussels, 2003
Finlay, H. O'Mahony, M. and O'Sullivan, D., Long Transport Chains: Exporting from a 'Peripheral Island' , Proceedings of the 82nd Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, 82nd Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington D.C., January, 2003
H. Finlay, C. Finnegan, M. O'Mahony and D. O'Sullivan, Sustainable freight distribution in an urban centre, EPTR/BESTUFS European Workshop, Dublin, 2003
Finlay, H. and O'Mahony, M., 'Long transport chains: exporting from a peripheral island',, Transportation Research Record, 1854 , 2003, p144 - 151
Hofmann, B. and O'Mahony, M. M., A framework to utilise urban bus data for advanced data analysis', Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Madrid, CD-ROM, 2003
Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., The role of market regulation in ensuring an Integrated Intelligent Transport System', Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Madrid, CD-ROM, 2003
B. Caulfield and M. O'Mahony, Real-time passenger information: costs and benefits, European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, Sept, 2003
Proost, S., Van Dender, K., Courcelle, C., De Borger, B., Peirson, J., Sharp, D., Vickerman, R., Gibbons, E., O'Mahony, M., Heaney, Q., Van den Bergh, J., Verhoef, E., How large is the gap between present and efficient transport prices in Europe?, Transport Policy, 9, (1), 2002, p41 - 57
Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M. , Distance and time based road use pricing', Proceedings of Conference on ITS, Realising the Potential, Conference on ITS, Realising the Potential, Dublin, November, 2002
Finlay H, O'Mahony M. and O'Sullivan, D., 'SMEs in Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Exporting form a Peripheral Island', Proceedings of Surface Transport Technologies for Sustainable Development Conference, Surface Transport Technologies for Sustainable Development Conference, Valencia, 2002
O'Cearbhaill, E. and O'Mahony, M., Road use pricing for Dublin? , Proceedings of the 81st Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, 81st Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington D.C, January, 2002
The delivery and consequences of transport solutions in, editor(s)F. Convery and J. Feehan , Achievement and Challenge: Rio +10 and Ireland, Dublin, 2002, [Margaret O'Mahony]
Geraghty, D. and O'Mahony, M., A platform for automotive transportation studies' , Proceedings of Conference on Electronics and Communications in Traffic Systems, Conference on Electronics and Communications in Traffic Systems, Augsburg, June, 2002
O'Mahony, M., Quality Bus Corridors in Dublin., Proceedings of the 81st Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, 81st Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, Washington D.C, January, 2002
O'Mahony, M., Quality Bus Corridors in Dublin, Transportation Research Record, 1791, 2002, p121 - 126
E. Gibbons and M. O'Mahony, External cost internalisation of urban transport: a case study of Dublin , Journal of Environmental Management, 64, (4), 2002, p333 - 435
Improved transport pricing in Dublin in, editor(s)Edward Elgar , Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union ' a Modelling Approach, 2001, pp276 - 295, [Gibbons, E. and O'Mahony, M.M.]
E. O'Cearbhaill and M. O'Mahony, Road use pricing for Dublin., European Transport Conference, Cambridge, Sept, 2001
Reform of interregional transport pricing polices in Ireland in, editor(s)Edward Elgar , Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union ' a Modelling Approach, 2001, pp372 - 388, [Heaney, Q., O'Mahony, M.M. and Gibbons, E.]
Flow Relations and Technological Feasibility of Road Pricing. in, editor(s)Edward Elgar , Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union ' a Modelling Approach, 2001, pp191 - 207, [O'Mahony, M.M. and Kirwan, K.]
Murphy, M., O'Mahony, M., Lycett, C and Jamieson, I., Recycled polymers for use as bitumen modifiers, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE, 13, (4), 2001, p306 - 317
Chapter 17 in, editor(s)Edward Elgar , Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union ' a Modelling Approach., 2001, pp389 - 412, [Proost, S., Van Dender, K., Courcelle, C., De Borger, B., Peirson, J., Sharp, D., Vickerman, R., Gibbons, E., O'Mahony, M., Heaney, Q., Van den Bergh, J., and Verhoef, E.]
O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D., and Humphreys, I., Potential user response to road user charging in Dublin, Ireland, 79th International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C, 2001
Optimal Urban Transport Pricing and Sustainability in, editor(s)K. Rennings, O. Hohmeyer and R. L Ottinger , Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility Strategies and Experiences in Europe and the United State, Centre for European Economic Research., Physica Verlag, 2001, pp71 - 88, [O'Mahony, M., Proost, S. and Van Dender, K.]
W. Whitney and M. O'Mahony, Transport planning in Dublin and Edinburgh, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport, 135, 2000, p163 - 170
Murphy, M., O'Mahony, M.M., Lycett, C. and Jamieson, I., Bitumens modified with recycled polymers, Journal of Materials and Structures, 33, (231), 2000, p438 - 444
Gibbons, E. and O'Mahony, M., Transport Policy Prioritisation for Dublin , Transportation, 27, (2), 2000, p165 - 178
Whitney, W. and O'Mahony, M., Buoyant aircraft in the Irish access market: potential, roles and alternatives, 3rd International Airship Convention and Exhibition , 2000
O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D., and Humphreys, I., Distance and time based pricing in Dublin, Traffic Engineering and Control, International Journal of Traffic Management and Transportation Planning, 41, (1), 2000, p17 - 19
O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D., and Humphreys, I., Potential user response to road user charging in Dublin, Transportation Research Record, 1732, 2000, p50 - 54
O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D, and Humphreys, I., Impact on travel decision making of road user charging in Dublin trial, 2nd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering, Lyon, November, 2000
O'Mahony, M., Geraghty, D. and Humphreys, I., Distance and time based road pricing in Dublin, Transportation, 27, (3), 2000, p269 - 283
Geraghty, D., O'Mahony, M. and Humphreys, I., Road use pricing for traffic managment, Telematics Automotive 99, Birmingham, April, 1999
Byrne, I. O'Mahony, M. and Broderick, B., Influencing Travel Decisions using In-car Feedback, Study Proceedings of European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy,, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Lyons, June, 1999
W. Whitney and M. O'Mahony, Developing demand predictions for a study of interregional transport, European Transport Conference, Cambridge, Sept, C, 1999, pp53 - 64
Innovative measures for traffic demand measurement in Dublin in, editor(s)Geographical Society of Ireland , Dublin - contemporary trends and issues for the twenty-first century, 1999, [Margaret O'Mahony]
O'Flannery, L.J. and O'Mahony, M.M, Precise shape grading of coarse aggregate, Magazine of Concrete Research, 51, (5), 1999, p319 - 324
Byrne, I.T., O'Mahony, M., Broderick, B.M. and O'Sullivan, W.D.E., Using in-car feedback to influence travel decisions, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineer, Transport,, 135, 1999, p209 - 216
M. O'Mahony, D. Geraghty and I. Humphreys, Dublin road-use charging pilot-action. , European Transport Conference, Cambridge, D, 1999, pp215 - 221
Heaney, Q., O'Mahony, M., and Gibbons, E., External costs associated with interregional transport, Transportation Research Record, 1659, 1999, p79 - 86
Heaney, Q., O'Mahony, M., and Gibbons, E., External costs associated with interregional transport, International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,, Washington D.C., 1999
O'Mahony, M.M., Pricing for sustainable transport, Proceedings of Energy Efficient Millenium Conference, Energy Efficient Millenium Conference, Graz, 1, (11), 1999, pp9
E. Gibbons, M. O'Mahony, D. O'Sullivan, Evaluation of transport policy options using welfare as an indicator, Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Dublin, Jan, 1998
Proost, S., Van Dender, V., Courcelle, C., DeBorger, B., Peirson, J., Sharp, D., Vickerman, R., Gibbons, E., O'Mahony, M., Heaney, Q., Van der Bergh, J. And Verhoef, E., What do the TRENEN II case studies tell us about reform of European Transport Policy?, 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Antwerp, 1998
Byrne, I., O'Mahony, M.M., Broderick, B. and O'Sullivan, D., Using in-car feedback to influence travel decisions, International Symposium on Travel Demand Management, Newcastle, 1998
O'Mahony, M., Kirwan, K.J. and McGrath, S., Modelling the Internalisation of the External Costs of Transport, 75th International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 1997
O'Mahony, M.M., An analysis of the shear strength of recycled aggregates, Journal of Materials and Structures. RILEM, 30, 1997, p599 - 606
O'Mahony, M.M., Kirwan, K.J. and McGrath, S., Modeling the internalisation of external costs of transport., Transportation Research Record, 1576, 1997, p93 - 98
I. Byrne, M. O'Mahony, B. Broderick and W.D.E. O'Sullivan, Influence of car metering on transport energy savings, Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Bournemouth, Jan, 1997
Walsh, G.,Jamieson, I., Thornton, J. and O'Mahony, M. , A modified SHRP Net Adsorption Test, Eurasphalt Eurobitume Congress, 1996
Geldermann, J., Ruch, M., Rentz, M. and O'Mahony, M.M., Waste management in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of European Environment, 6, (5), 1996, p141 - 149
Clifford, R., Dillon, S., Walsh, G. and Jamieson, L., Design and performance of porous asphalt mixtures in Ireland, 1st Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Strasbourg, 1996
S. H. Perry and M. O'Mahony, Transportation management: the issues, Dublin, DIT, 1995
Walsh, G., O'Mahony, M.M. and Jamieson, I., The net-adsorption test for chip sealing aggregates and binders, 74th Annual International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 1995
Perry, S.H. and O'Mahony, M. M., ransportation Management ' the Issues', Environmental Management, Development and Control., DIT, Dublin, Dublin Built Environment Research Centre., 1995
G.Walsh, M. O'Mahony and I. Jamieson, The net-adsorption test for chip sealing aggregates and binders, Transportation Research Record, 1507, 1995, p1 - 12
K. Kirwan, M. O'Mahony and W.D.E O'Sullivan, Speed-flow relationships for use in an urban transport policy assessment model, Conference of the Universities Transport Study Group, Cranfield, Jan, 1995
Kirwan, K., O'Mahony, M.M., McGrath, S. And Willumsen, L., Optimal transport pricing for Dublin, Proceedings of the 23rd European Transport Forum. Proceedings of Seminar F on Models and Applications, 23rd European Transport Forum. Proceedings of Seminar F on Models and Applications, UK, PTRC, 1995, pp105 - 116
O'Mahony, M, Frost susceptibility of recycled aggregate, Studies in Environmental Science , 60, 1994, p889 - 896
Jamieson, I. O'Mahony, M.M. and Walsh, G., SHRP Net Adsorption Test, 2nd International Symposium on Highway Surfacing, University of Ulster, 1994
Fee, J., Perry, S.H. and O'Mahony, M.M., The effect of Light Rail Transit on Land Use in Dublin, 7th Symposium on Transportation Systems. Theory and Application of Advanced Technology, 7th Symposium on Transportation Systems. Theory and Application of Advanced Technology, China, 1994, pp527 - 531
M. O'Mahony and G.W.E Milligan, Use of recycled materials in subbase layers, Transportation Research Record, National Academies,, 1310, 1991, p73 - 80
O'Mahony, M.M. and Milligan, G.W.E., Reuse of recycled materials, Proceedings of the 70th Annual International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 70th Annual International Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,, Washington D.C, 1991
O'Mahony, M. and Milligan, G.W.E. , Recycling of construction waste, Studies in Environmental Science, 48, 1991, p225 - 231
O'Mahony, M. , Recycling of materials in civil engineering, University of Oxford, 1990
Mulheron, M. and O'Mahony, M.M, Recycled Aggregates: Properties and Performance ' A summary, Journal of Institution of Highway and Transportation, 37, (2), 1990, p35 - 37
Mulheron, M. and O'Mahony, M.M., The durability of recycled aggregates and recycled aggregate concrete, Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM Symposium on Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry, The Netherlands, 1988
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Cromie, S., Conlan, O, Illahi, U., Choudhari, T, Delemere, E., TRACT: TRAnsport Behaviour Change Trials. Literature Review and Scoping, March 2023, 2023, p1 - 50
Whitney, W. and O'Mahony, M., Modelling international freight traffic with a particular focus on access transport to a peripheral island, 2005
Research Expertise
Transport engineering, city networks, energy, highway engineering, transport network modelling, public transport, environmental impacts of transport, external costs of transport, traffic demand management.Recognition
Chartered Engineer, FIEI, CEng, Engineers Ireland
Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering