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Professor Maeve Lowery
Prof. of Translational Cancer Medicine, Surgery


Professor Maeve Lowery is Professor of Translational Cancer Medicine at Trinity College Dublin and Consultant Medical Oncologist at St James Hospital. Professor Lowery is chairperson of the Cancer Molecular Diagnostics Advisory Group of the National Cancer Control Program (NCCP). Her clinical and translational research involves design and conduction of clinical trials in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, incorporating translational study endpoints to validate predictive and prognostic biomarkers, identify mechanisms of resistance and guide the development of rational therapeutic strategies. Her translational research interests use of real time genomic profiling to identify novel therapeutic strategies for gastrointestinal cancers, identification of non coding alterations as modifiers of the DNA damage response pathway and generation of organoid models of cancer as a tool for precision oncology as a member of the PRECODE consortium. Her work is supported by the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund (, Science Foundation Ireland, through the Precision Oncology Ireland Consortium and the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Programme.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Varghese AM, Singh I, Singh R, Kunte S, Chou JF, Capanu M, Wong W, Lowery MA, Stadler ZK, Salo-Mullen E, Saadat LV, Wei AC, Reyngold M, Basturk O, O'Reilly EM, Early-Onset Pancreas Cancer: Clinical Descriptors, Genomics, and Outcomes., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Donlon NE, Ravi N, King S, Cunninhgam M, Cuffe S, Lowery M, Wall C, Hughes N, Muldoon C, Ryan C, Moore J, O'Farrell C, Gorry C, Duff AM, Enright C, Reynolds JV, Modern oncological and operative outcomes in oesophageal cancer: the St. James's hospital experience., Irish journal of medical science, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Seoighe C, Bracken AP, Buckley P, Doran P, Green R, Healy S, Kavanagh D, Kenny E, Lawler M, Lowery M, Morris D, Morrissey D, O'Byrne JJ, Shields D, Kolch W, The future of genomics in Ireland " focus on genomics for health, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Power R, Lowery MA, Reynolds JV, Dunne MR, The Cancer-Immune Set Point in Oesophageal Cancer., Frontiers in oncology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

O'Reilly EM, Lee JW, Zalupski M, Capanu M, Park J, Golan T, Tahover E, Lowery MA, Chou JF, Sahai V, Brenner R, Kindler HL, Yu KH, Zervoudakis A, Kelsen DP, Randomized, Multicenter, Phase II Trial of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin With or Without Veliparib in Patients With Pancreas Adenocarcinoma and a Germline BRCA/PALB2 Mutation., Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Abou-Alfa GK, Macarulla T, Javle MM, Kelley RK, Lubner SJ, Adeva J, Cleary JM, Catenacci DV, Borad MJ, Bridgewater J, Harris WP, Murphy AG, Oh DY, Zhu AX, Ivosidenib in IDH1-mutant, chemotherapy-refractory cholangiocarcinoma (ClarIDHy): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study., The Lancet. Oncology, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Maynard H, Stadler ZK, Berger MF, Solit DB, Ly M, Lowery MA, Mandelker D, Zhang L, Jordan E, El Dika I, Kemel Y, Ladanyi M, Robson ME, O'Reilly EM, Abou-Alfa GK, Germline alterations in patients with biliary tract cancers: A spectrum of significant and previously underappreciated findings., Cancer, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Power R, Leavy C, Nolan C, White N, Clarke R, Cadoo KA, Gallagher DJ, Lowery MA, Prevalence of pancreaticobiliary cancers in Irish families with pathogenic BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants., Familial cancer, 2020 Journal Article, 2020

Cercek A, Boerner T, Tan BR, Chou JF, Gönen M, Boucher TM, Hauser HF, Do RKG, Lowery MA, Harding JJ, Varghese AM, Reidy-Lagunes D, Saltz L, Jarnagin WR, Assessment of Hepatic Arterial Infusion of Floxuridine in Combination With Systemic Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin in Patients With Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Phase 2 Clinical Trial., JAMA oncology, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Lowery MA, Genotype-phenotype correlation in BRCA1/2 mutation-associated pancreatic cancer., British journal of cancer, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Ben-Aharon I, Elkabets M, Pelossof R, Yu KH, Iacubuzio-Donahue CA, Leach SD, Lowery MA, Goodman KA, O'Reilly EM, Genomic Landscape of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in Younger versus Older Patients: Does Age Matter?, Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Wong W, Lowery MA, Berger MF, Kemel Y, Taylor B, Zehir A, Srinivasan P, Bandlamudi C, Chou J, Capanu M, Varghese A, Yu KH, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, O'Reilly EM, Ampullary cancer: Evaluation of somatic and germline genetic alterations and association with clinical outcomes., Cancer, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Lowery MA, Burris HA, Janku F, Shroff RT, Cleary JM, Azad NS, Goyal L, Maher EA, Gore L, Hollebecque A, Beeram M, Trent JC, Jiang L, Fan B, Abou-Alfa GK, Safety and activity of ivosidenib in patients with IDH1-mutant advanced cholangiocarcinoma: a phase 1 study., The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Noel M, O'Reilly EM, Wolpin BM, Ryan DP, Bullock AJ, Britten CD, Linehan DC, Belt BA, Gamelin EC, Ganguly B, Yin D, Joh T, Jacobs IA, Taylor CT, Lowery MA, Phase 1b study of a small molecule antagonist of human chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2 (PF-04136309) in combination with nab-paclitaxel/gemcitabine in first-line treatment of metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma., Investigational new drugs, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Lowery, M.A., Burris, H.A., Janku, F., Shroff, R.T., Cleary, J.M., Azad, N.S., Goyal, L., Maher, E.A., Gore, L., Hollebecque, A., Beeram, M., Trent, J.C., Jiang, L., Fan, B., Aguado-Fraile, E., Choe, S., Wu, B., Gliser, C., Agresta, S.V., Pandya, S.S., Zhu, A.X., Abou-Alfa, G.K., Safety and activity of ivosidenib in patients with IDH1-mutant advanced cholangiocarcinoma: a phase 1 study, The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4, (9), 2019, p711-720 Journal Article, 2019

Lowery, M.A., Bradley, M., Chou, J.F., Capanu, M., Gerst, S., Harding, J.J., Dika, I.E., Berger, M., Zehir, A., Ptashkin, R., Wong, P., Rasalan-Ho, T., Yu, K.H., Cercek, A., Morgono, E., Salehi, E., Valentino, E., Hollywood, E., O'Reilly, E.M., Abou-Alfa, G.K., Binimetinib plus gemcitabine and cisplatin phase I/II trial in patients with advanced biliary cancers, Clinical Cancer Research, 25, (3), 2019, p937-945 Journal Article, 2019

Lowery MA, Goff LW, Keenan BP, Jordan E, Wang R, Bocobo AG, Chou JF, O'Reilly EM, Harding JJ, Kemeny N, Capanu M, Griffin AC, McGuire J, Venook AP, Kelley RK, Second-line chemotherapy in advanced biliary cancers: A retrospective, multicenter analysis of outcomes., Cancer, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Fan B, Mellinghoff IK, Wen PY, Lowery MA, Goyal L, Tap WD, Pandya SS, Manyak E, Jiang L, Liu G, Nimkar T, Gliser C, Prahl Judge M, Agresta S, Yang H, Dai D, Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ivosidenib, an oral, targeted inhibitor of mutant IDH1, in patients with advanced solid tumors., Investigational new drugs, 2019 Journal Article, 2019

Harding JJ, Abu-Zeinah G, Chou JF, Owen DH, Ly M, Lowery MA, Capanu M, Do R, Kemeny NE, O'Reilly EM, Saltz LB, Abou-Alfa GK, Frequency, Morbidity, and Mortality of Bone Metastases in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma., Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Harding, J.J., Lowery, M.A., Shih, A.H., Schvartzman, J.M., Hou, S., Famulare, C., Patel, M., Roshal, M., Do, R.K., Zehir, A., You, D., Selcuklu, S.D., Viale, A., Tallman, M.S., Hyman, D.M., Reznik, E., Finley, L.W.S., Papaemmanuil, E., Tosolini, A., Frattini, M.G., Macbeth, K.J., Liu, G., Fan, B., Choe, S., Wu, B., Janjigian, Y.Y., Mellinghoff, I.K., Diaz, L.A., Levine, R.L., Abou-Alfa, G.K., Stein, E.M., Intlekofer, A.M., Isoform switching as a mechanism of acquired resistance to mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase inhibition, Cancer Discovery, 8, (12), 2018, p1540-1546 Journal Article, 2018

O'Reilly, E.M., Lee, J.W., Lowery, M.A., Capanu, M., Stadler, Z.K., Moore, M.J., Dhani, N., Kindler, H.L., Estrella, H., Maynard, H., Golan, T., Segal, A., Salo-Mullen, E.E., Yu, K.H., Epstein, A.S., Segal, M., Brenner, R., Do, R.K., Chen, A.P., Tang, L.H., Kelsen, D.P., Phase 1 trial evaluating cisplatin, gemcitabine, and veliparib in 2 patient cohorts: Germline BRCA mutation carriers and wild-type BRCA pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, Cancer, 124, (7), 2018, p1374-1382 Journal Article, 2018

Hu, Z.I., Shia, J., Stadler, Z.K., Varghese, A.M., Capanu, M., Salo-Mullen, E., Lowery, M.A., Diaz, L.A., Mandelker, D., Yu, K.H., Zervoudakis, A., Kelsen, D.P., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C.A., Klimstra, D.S., Saltz, L.B., Sahin, I.H., O'Reilly, E.M., Evaluating mismatch repair deficiency in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Challenges and recommendations, Clinical Cancer Research, 24, (6), 2018, p1326-1336 Journal Article, 2018

Lowery MA, Bradley M, Chou JF, Capanu M, Gerst S, Harding JJ, Dika IE, Berger M, Zehir A, Ptashkin R, Wong P, Rasalan-Ho T, Yu KH, Cercek A, Abou-Alfa GK, Binimetinib plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Phase I/II Trial in Patients with Advanced Biliary Cancers., Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Mier-Hicks, A., Raj, M., Do, R.K., Yu, K.H., Lowery, M.A., Varghese, A., O'Reilly, E.M., Incidence, Management, and Implications of Visceral Thrombosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 17, (2), 2018, p121-128 Journal Article, 2018

Lowery MA, Ptashkin RN, Jordan EJ, Berger MF, Zehir A, Capanu M, Kemeny NE, O'Reilly EM, El Dika I, Jarnagin WR, Harding JJ, D'Angelica MI, Cercek A, Abou-Alfa GK, Comprehensive molecular profiling of intra- and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas: potential targets for intervention., Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Jordan, E.J., Lowery, M.A., Basturk, O., Allen, P.J., Yu, K.H., Tabar, V., Beal, K., Reidy, D.L., Yamada, Y., Janjigian, Y., Abou-Alfa, G.K., O'Reilly, E.M., Brain Metastases in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Assessment of Molecular Genotype"Phenotype Features"An Entity With an Increasing Incidence?, Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 17, (2), 2018, pe315-e321 Journal Article, 2018

Lowery MA, Kelsen DP, Capanu M, Smith SC, Lee JW, Stadler ZK, Moore MJ, Kindler HL, Golan T, Segal A, Maynard H, Hollywood E, Moynahan M, O'Reilly EM, Phase II trial of veliparib in patients with previously treated BRCA-mutated pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma., European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Yu KH, Ricigliano M, McCarthy B, Chou JF, Capanu M, Cooper B, Bartlett A, Covington C, Lowery MA, O'Reilly EM, Circulating Tumor and Invasive Cell Gene Expression Profile Predicts Treatment Response and Survival in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma., Cancers, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Lowery MA, Wong W, Jordan EJ, Lee JW, Kemel Y, Vijai J, Mandelker D, Zehir A, Capanu M, Salo-Mullen E, Arnold AG, Yu KH, Varghese AM, Kelsen DP, O'Reilly EM, Prospective Evaluation of Germline Alterations in Patients With Exocrine Pancreatic Neoplasms., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Harding JJ, Lowery MA, Shih AH, Schvartzman JM, Hou S, Famulare C, Patel M, Roshal M, Do RKG, Zehir A, You D, Selcuklu SD, Viale A, Tallman MS, Intlekofer AM, Isoform switching as a mechanism of acquired resistance to isocitrate dehydrogenase inhibition, 2018 Journal Article, 2018

Jordan EJ, Basturk O, Shia J, Klimstra DS, Alago W, D'Angelica MI, Abou-Alfa GK, O'Reilly EM, Lowery MA, Case report: primary acinar cell carcinoma of the liver treated with multimodality therapy., Journal of gastrointestinal oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Lowery, M.A., Yu, K.H., Kelsen, D.P., Harding, J.J., Bomalaski, J.S., Glassman, D.C., Covington, C.M., Brenner, R., Hollywood, E., Barba, A., Johnston, A., Liu, K.C.-W., Feng, X., Capanu, M., Abou-Alfa, G.K., O'Reilly, E.M., A phase 1/1B trial of ADI-PEG 20 plus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Cancer, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Hicks AM, DeRosa A, Raj M, Do R, Yu KH, Lowery MA, Varghese A, O'Reilly EM, Visceral Thromboses in Pancreas Adenocarcinoma: Systematic Review., Clinical colorectal cancer, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Angel Mier Hicks, Micheal Raj, Richard Kinh Gian Do, Kenneth H. Yu, Maeve Aine Lowery, Anna M. Varghese, Eileen Mary O'Reilly, Clinical impact of visceral thrombosis (VT) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, (4{\_), 2017, p260--260 Journal Article, 2017

, A Combination of Radiation and the Hypoxia-Activated Prodrug Evofosfamide (TH-302) is Efficacious against a Human Orthotopic Pancreatic Tumor Model., Translational oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Erratum: Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients., Nature medicine, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Russell, J., Pillarsetty, N., Kramer, R.M., Romesser, P.B., Desai, P., Haimovitz-Friedman, A., Lowery, M.A., Humm, J.L., In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Gemcitabine and the Gemcitabine Analog 1-(2"-deoxy-2"-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) Cytosine (FAC) in Human Orthotopic and Genetically Modified Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Models, Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2017, p1-8 Journal Article, 2017

, A Combination of Radiation and the Hypoxia-Activated Prodrug Evofosfamide (TH-302) is Efficacious against a Human Orthotopic Pancreatic Tumor Model., Translational oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Russell, J., Pillarsetty, N., Kramer, R.M., Romesser, P.B., Desai, P., Haimovitz-Friedman, A., Lowery, M.A., Humm, J.L., In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Gemcitabine and the Gemcitabine Analog 1-(2"-deoxy-2"-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) Cytosine (FAC) in Human Orthotopic and Genetically Modified Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Models, Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2017, p1-8 Journal Article, 2017

, Stereotactic body radiation vs. intensity-modulated radiation for unresectable pancreatic cancer., Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, A phase 1/1B trial of ADI-PEG 20 plus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma., Cancer, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Systemic Chemotherapy Combined with Resection for Locally Advanced Gallbladder Carcinoma: Surgical and Survival Outcomes., Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Mandelker, D., Zhang, L., Kemel, Y., Stadler, Z.K., Joseph, V., Zehir, A., Pradhan, N., Arnold, A., Walsh, M.F., Li, Y., Balakrishnan, A.R., Syed, A., Prasad, M., Nafa, K., Carlo, M.I., Cadoo, K.A., Sheehan, M., Fleischut, M.H., Salo-Mullen, E., Trottier, M., Lipkin, S.M., Lincoln, A., Mukherjee, S., Ravichandran, V., Cambria, R., Galle, J., Abida, W., Arcila, M.E., Benayed, R., Shah, R., Yu, K., Bajorin, D.F., Coleman, J.A., Leach, S.D., Lowery, M.A., Garcia-Aguilar, J., Kantoff, P., Sawyers, C.L., Dickler, M.N., Saltz, L., Motzer, R.J., O'Reilly, E.M., Scher, H.I., Baselga, J., Klimstra, D.S., Solit, D.B., Hyman, D.M., Berger, M.F., Ladanyi, M., Robson, M.E., Offit, K., Mutation detection in patients with advanced cancer by universal sequencing of cancer-related genes in tumor and normal DNA vs guideline-based germline testing, JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, (9), 2017, p825-835 Journal Article, 2017

Javle M, Lowery M, Shroff RT, Weiss KH, Springfeld C, Borad MJ, Ramanathan RK, Goyal L, Sadeghi S, Macarulla T, El-Khoueiry A, Kelley RK, Borbath I, Bekaii-Saab T, Phase II Study of BGJ398 in Patients With FGFR-Altered Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma., Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Gemcitabine and the Gemcitabine Analog 1-(2'-deoxy-2'-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) Cytosine (FAC) in Human Orthotopic and Genetically Modified Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Models., Molecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Park, J.J., Hajj, C., Reyngold, M., Shi, W., Zhang, Z., Cuaron, J.J., Crane, C.H., O"Reilly, E.M., Lowery, M.A., Yu, K.H., Goodman, K.A., Wu, A.J., Stereotactic body radiation vs. intensity-modulated radiation for unresectable pancreatic cancer, Acta Oncologica, 2017, p1-8 Journal Article, 2017

, Mutation Detection in Patients With Advanced Cancer by Universal Sequencing of Cancer-Related Genes in Tumor and Normal DNA vs Guideline-Based Germline Testing., JAMA, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, A phase 1/1B trial of ADI-PEG 20 plus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma., Cancer, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Chakraborty J, Langdon-Embry L, Cunanan KM, Escalon JG, Allen PJ, Lowery MA, O'Reilly EM, Gönen M, Do RG, Simpson AL, Preliminary study of tumor heterogeneity in imaging predicts two year survival in pancreatic cancer patients., PloS one, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

James J. Harding, Maeve Aine Lowery, Khrystyna Uhlitskykh, Peter Justin Wan, Casey R Hamilton, Adalberto Barba, Kay Chia-Wei Liu, Amanda Johnston, John S. Bomalaski, Eileen Mary O'Reilly, Leonard Saltz, Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, A phase I study of mFOLFOX6 and ADI-PEG-20 in patients (pts) with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and other gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, (4{\_), 2017, p384--384 Journal Article, 2017

, Stereotactic body radiation vs. intensity-modulated radiation for unresectable pancreatic cancer., Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Mutation Detection in Patients With Advanced Cancer by Universal Sequencing of Cancer-Related Genes in Tumor and Normal DNA vs Guideline-Based Germline Testing., JAMA, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients., Nature medicine, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Zehir, A., Benayed, R., Shah, R.H., Syed, A., Middha, S., Kim, H.R., Srinivasan, P., Gao, J., Chakravarty, D., Devlin, S.M., Hellmann, M.D., Barron, D.A., Schram, A.M., Hameed, M., Dogan, S., Ross, D.S., Hechtman, J.F., DeLair, D.F., Yao, J., Mandelker, D.L., Cheng, D.T., Chandramohan, R., Mohanty, A.S., Ptashkin, R.N., Jayakumaran, G., Prasad, M., Syed, M.H., Rema, A.B., Liu, Z.Y., Nafa, K., Borsu, L., Sadowska, J., Casanova, J., Bacares, R., Kiecka, I.J., Razumova, A., Son, J.B., Stewart, L., Baldi, T., Mullaney, K.A., Al-Ahmadie, H., Vakiani, E., Abeshouse, A.A., Penson, A.V., Jonsson, P., Camacho, N., Chang, M.T., Won, H.H., Gross, B.E., Kundra, R., Heins, Z.J., Chen, H.-W., Phillips, S., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Ochoa, A., Wills, J., Eubank, M., Thomas, S.B., Gardos, S.M., Reales, D.N., Galle, J., Durany, R., Cambria, R., Abida, W., Cercek, A., Feldman, D.R., Gounder, M.M., Hakimi, A.A., Harding, J.J., Iyer, G., Janjigian, Y.Y., Jordan, E.J., Kelly, C.M., Lowery, M.A., Morris, L.G.T., Omuro, A.M., Raj, N., Razavi, P., Shoushtari, A.N., Shukla, N., Soumerai, T.E., Varghese, A.M., Yaeger, R., Coleman, J., Bochner, B., Riely, G.J., Saltz, L.B., Scher, H.I., Sabbatini, P.J., Robson, M.E., Klimstra, D.S., Taylor, B.S., Baselga, J., Schultz, N., Hyman, D.M., Arcila, M.E., Solit, D.B., Ladanyi, M., Berger, M.F., Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients, Nature Medicine, 23, (6), 2017, p703-713 Journal Article, 2017

Creasy, J.M., Goldman, D.A., Dudeja, V., Lowery, M.A., Cercek, A., Balachandran, V.P., Allen, P.J., DeMatteo, R.P., Kingham, T.P., D'Angelica, M.I., Jarnagin, W.R., Systemic Chemotherapy Combined with Resection for Locally Advanced Gallbladder Carcinoma: Surgical and Survival Outcomes, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224, (5), 2017, p906-916 Journal Article, 2017

Taryn Mary Boucher, Nancy E. Kemeny, Joanne F. Chou, Marinela Capanu, Maeve Aine Lowery, Andrea Cercek, Analysis of prior malignancies in patients with cholangiocarcinoma., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, (4{\_), 2017, p305--305 Journal Article, 2017

, OncoKB: A Precision Oncology Knowledge Base., JCO precision oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Real-Time Genomic Profiling of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Potential Actionability and Correlation with Clinical Phenotype., Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, In Vitro and In Vivo Comparison of Gemcitabine and the Gemcitabine Analog 1-(2'-deoxy-2'-fluoroarabinofuranosyl) Cytosine (FAC) in Human Orthotopic and Genetically Modified Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Models., Molecular imaging and biology : MIB : the official publication of the Academy of Molecular Imaging, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

, Systemic Chemotherapy Combined with Resection for Locally Advanced Gallbladder Carcinoma: Surgical and Survival Outcomes., Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Maeve Aine Lowery, Eileen Mary O'Reilly, James J. Harding, Kenneth H. Yu, Andrea Cercek, Ellen Hollywood, Erica Salehi, Ezra Margona, Mikaela Bradley, Trevor Witter, Scott R. Gerst, Marinela Capanu, Leonard Saltz, Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, A phase I/II trial of MEK162 in combination with gemcitabine (G) and cisplatin (C) for patients (pts) with untreated advanced biliary cancer (ABC)., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, (4{\_), 2017, p290--290 Journal Article, 2017

, OncoKB: A Precision Oncology Knowledge Base., JCO precision oncology, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Maeve Aine Lowery, James J. Harding, Kenneth H. Yu, David Paul Kelsen, John S. Bomalaski, Danielle C. Glassman, Christina M. Covington, Robin Brenner, Ellen Hollywood, Adalberto Barba, Amanda Johnston, Kay Chia-Wei Liu, Marinela Capanu, Ghassan K. Abou-Alfa, Eileen Mary O'Reilly, Phase IB trial of ADI-PEG 20 (A) plus nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) and gemcitabine (gem) in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (PC)., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, (4{\_), 2017, p295--295 Journal Article, 2017

, Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients., Nature medicine, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Zehir, A., Benayed, R., Shah, R.H., Syed, A., Middha, S., Kim, H.R., Srinivasan, P., Gao, J., Chakravarty, D., Devlin, S.M., Hellmann, M.D., Barron, D.A., Schram, A.M., Hameed, M., Dogan, S., Ross, D.S., Hechtman, J.F., DeLair, D.F., Yao, J., Mandelker, D.L., Cheng, D.T., Chandramohan, R., Mohanty, A.S., Ptashkin, R.N., Jayakumaran, G., Prasad, M., Syed, M.H., Rema, A.B., Liu, Z.Y., Nafa, K., Borsu, L., Sadowska, J., Casanova, J., Bacares, R., Kiecka, I.J., Razumova, A., Son, J.B., Stewart, L., Baldi, T., Mullaney, K.A., Al-Ahmadie, H., Vakiani, E., Abeshouse, A.A., Penson, A.V., Jonsson, P., Camacho, N., Chang, M.T., Won, H.H., Gross, B.E., Kundra, R., Heins, Z.J., Chen, H.-W., Phillips, S., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Ochoa, A., Wills, J., Eubank, M., Thomas, S.B., Gardos, S.M., Reales, D.N., Galle, J., Durany, R., Cambria, R., Abida, W., Cercek, A., Feldman, D.R., Gounder, M.M., Hakimi, A.A., Harding, J.J., Iyer, G., Janjigian, Y.Y., Jordan, E.J., Kelly, C.M., Lowery, M.A., Morris, L.G.T., Omuro, A.M., Raj, N., Razavi, P., Shoushtari, A.N., Shukla, N., Soumerai, T.E., Varghese, A.M., Yaeger, R., Coleman, J., Bochner, B., Riely, G.J., Saltz, L.B., Scher, H.I., Sabbatini, P.J., Robson, M.E., Klimstra, D.S., Taylor, B.S., Baselga, J., Schultz, N., Hyman, D.M., Arcila, M.E., Solit, D.B., Ladanyi, M., Berger, M.F., Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients, Nature Medicine, 23, (6), 2017, p703-713 Journal Article, 2017

, Real-Time Genomic Profiling of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: Potential Actionability and Correlation with Clinical Phenotype., Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Lowery, M.A., Yu, K.H., Kelsen, D.P., Harding, J.J., Bomalaski, J.S., Glassman, D.C., Covington, C.M., Brenner, R., Hollywood, E., Barba, A., Johnston, A., Liu, K.C.-W., Feng, X., Capanu, M., Abou-Alfa, G.K., O'Reilly, E.M., A phase 1/1B trial of ADI-PEG 20 plus nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Cancer, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Creasy, J.M., Goldman, D.A., Dudeja, V., Lowery, M.A., Cercek, A., Balachandran, V.P., Allen, P.J., DeMatteo, R.P., Kingham, T.P., D'Angelica, M.I., Jarnagin, W.R., Systemic Chemotherapy Combined with Resection for Locally Advanced Gallbladder Carcinoma: Surgical and Survival Outcomes, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 224, (5), 2017, p906-916 Journal Article, 2017

, Erratum: Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients., Nature medicine, 2017 Journal Article, 2017

Park, J.J., Hajj, C., Reyngold, M., Shi, W., Zhang, Z., Cuaron, J.J., Crane, C.H., O"Reilly, E.M., Lowery, M.A., Yu, K.H., Goodman, K.A., Wu, A.J., Stereotactic body radiation vs. intensity-modulated radiation for unresectable pancreatic cancer, Acta Oncologica, 2017, p1-8 Journal Article, 2017

Mandelker, D., Zhang, L., Kemel, Y., Stadler, Z.K., Joseph, V., Zehir, A., Pradhan, N., Arnold, A., Walsh, M.F., Li, Y., Balakrishnan, A.R., Syed, A., Prasad, M., Nafa, K., Carlo, M.I., Cadoo, K.A., Sheehan, M., Fleischut, M.H., Salo-Mullen, E., Trottier, M., Lipkin, S.M., Lincoln, A., Mukherjee, S., Ravichandran, V., Cambria, R., Galle, J., Abida, W., Arcila, M.E., Benayed, R., Shah, R., Yu, K., Bajorin, D.F., Coleman, J.A., Leach, S.D., Lowery, M.A., Garcia-Aguilar, J., Kantoff, P., Sawyers, C.L., Dickler, M.N., Saltz, L., Motzer, R.J., O'Reilly, E.M., Scher, H.I., Baselga, J., Klimstra, D.S., Solit, D.B., Hyman, D.M., Berger, M.F., Ladanyi, M., Robson, M.E., Offit, K., Mutation detection in patients with advanced cancer by universal sequencing of cancer-related genes in tumor and normal DNA vs guideline-based germline testing, JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, (9), 2017, p825-835 Journal Article, 2017

, Biliary carcinomas: pathology and the role of DNA mismatch repair deficiency., Chinese clinical oncology, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Abou-Alfa, G. K., Andersen, J. B., Chapman, W., Choti, M., Forbes, S. J., Gores, G. J., Hong, T. S., Harding, J. J., Vander Heiden, M. G., Javle, M., Kelley, R. K., Kwong, L. N., Lowery, M., Merrell, A., Miyabe, K., Rhim, A., Saha, S., Sia, D., Tanasanvimon, S., Venook, A., Valle, J. W., Walesky, C., Whetstine, J., Willenbring, H., Zhu, A. X., Mayer, D., Stanger, B. Z., Advances in cholangiocarcinoma research: Report from the third cholangiocarcinoma foundation annual conference, Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 7, 2016, p819 -- 827 Journal Article, 2016

Jordan, E., Braghiroli, M. I. F., Lowery, M. A., The role of novel biologics in biliary cancers, Minerva Gastroenterologica e Dietologica, 62, 2016, p325 -- 339 Journal Article, 2016

Chakraborty, J., Langdon-Embry, L., Escalon, J. G., Allen, P. J., Lowery, M. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Do, R. K. G., Simpson, A. L., Styner, M. A., Angelini, E. D., Texture analysis for survival prediction of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Proceedings of SPIE, 9784, 2016, p9784 1W -- 9784 1W Journal Article, 2016

Hicks, A. M., O'Reilly, E. M., Capanu, M., Lowery, M. A., Yu, K. H., Presentation, clinical behavior, outcomes and therapies for patients with advanced pancreas adenocarcinoma (PAC) who present with or develop ascites, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Sahin, I.H., Lowery, M.A., Stadler, Z.K., Salo-Mullen, E., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C.A., Kelsen, D.P., O"Reilly, E.M., Genomic instability in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a new step towards precision medicine and novel therapeutic approaches, Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 10, (8), 2016, p893-905 Journal Article, 2016

Silva, V.W.K., Askan, G., Daniel, T.D., Lowery, M., Klimstra, D.S., Abou-Alfa, G.K., Shia, J., Biliary carcinomas: Pathology and the role of DNA mismatch repair deficiency, Chinese Clinical Oncology, 5, (5), 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Smith, J. D., Lowery, M. A., Fell, D., Gallagher, D. J., Nash, G. M., Kemeny, N. E., Young patients with synchronous colorectal liver metastases, Journal of Surgical Oncology, 113, 2016, p473 -- 476 Journal Article, 2016

Javle, M. M., Shroff, R. T., Zhu, A., Sadeghi, S., Choo, S., Borad, M. J., Lowery, M. A., El-Khoueiry, A., Macarulla, T., Philip, P. A., Oh, D. Y., Van Cutsem, E., Yeh, K. H., Isaacs, R., McGarry, C., Sen, S., Bekaii-Saab, T. S., A phase 2 study of BGJ398 in patients (pts) with advanced or metastatic FGFR-altered cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) who failed or are intolerant to platinum-based chemotherapy, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Ben-Aharon, I., Elkabets, M., Pelossof, R., Yu, K. H., Allen, P. J., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C. A., Leach, S. D., Lowery, M. A., Goodman, K. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Genomic landscape of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Does age matter?, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Lowery, M. A., You, D., Samoila, A., Peerschke, E., Viale, A., Patel, R., Selcuklu, D., Rusek, M., Cercek, A., Kemeny, N., Harding, J., Mellinghoff, I., Tap, W., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Moynahan, M., Detection of IDH1 mutations in circulating free DNA in patients with cholangiocarcinoma, European Journal of Cancer, 69, 2016, pS141 -- S142 Journal Article, 2016

Jordan, E., Basturk, O., Leach, S. D., Klimstra, D. S., Allen, P. J., Berger, M. F., Askan, G., Yu, K. H., O'Reilly, E. M., Lowery, M. A., Assessment of genomic alterations in adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas (ASCOP), Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Jordan, E. J., Basturk, O., Leach, S. D., Klimstra, D. S., Allen, P. J., Berger, M. F., Askan, G., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C. A., Yu, K. H., O'Reilly, E. M., Lowery, M. A., Clinical and molecular analysis of adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas, Journal of the Pancreas, 17, 2016, p620 -- 628 Journal Article, 2016

Golan, T., Raitses-Gurevich, M., Kelley, R. K., Bocobo, A. G., Borgida, A., Shroff, R. T., Holter, S., Gallinger, S., Lowery, M. A., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Ahn, D. H., Jain, A., Bekaii-Saab, T. S., Friedman, E., Javle, M. M., Overall survival and clinical characteristics of BRCA germline/somatic cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Hicks, A. M., Chou, J., Capanu, M., Lowery, M. A., Yu, K. H., O'Reilly, E. M., Pancreas adenocarcinoma: Ascites, clinical manifestations, and management implications, Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 15, 2016, p360 -- 368 Journal Article, 2016

Lowery, M. A., Goff, L. W., Jordan, E., Wang, R., Bocobo, A. G., Chou, J. F., O'Reilly, E. M., Harding, J. J., Kemeny, N. E., Capanu, M., Griffin, A., McGuire, J. P., Venook, A. P., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Kelley, R. K., Second-line chemotherapy (CTx) outcomes in advanced biliary cancers (ABC): A retrospective multicenter analysis, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2016 Journal Article, 2016

Varghese, A. M., Lowery, M. A., Yu, K. H., O'Reilly, E. M., Current management and future directions in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Cancer, 122, 2016, p3765 -- 3775 Journal Article, 2016

Sahin, I. H., Lowery, M. A., Stadler, Z. K., Salo-Mullen, E., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C. A., Kelsen, D. P., O'Reilly, E. M., Genomic instability in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A new step towards precision medicine and novel therapeutic approaches, Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 10, 2016, p893 -- 905 Journal Article, 2016

Harding, J. J., Abu Zeinah, G., Chou, J. F., Owen, D. H., Ly, M., Lowery, M. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Capanu, M., Saltz, L., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and bone metastases (Mets), Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Sadot, E., Doussot, A., O'Reilly, E. M., Lowery, M. A., Goodman, K. A., Do, R. K. G., Tang, L. H., Gönen, M., D'Angelica, M. I., DeMatteo, R. P., Kingham, T. P., Jarnagin, W. R., Allen, P. J., FOLFIRINOX induction therapy for stage 3 pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 22, 2015, p3512 -- 3521 Journal Article, 2015

Lowery, M. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Novel therapeutics for pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America, 29, 2015, p777 -- 787 Journal Article, 2015

Thorek, D. L. J., Kramer, R. M., Chen, Q., Jeong, J., Lupu, M. E., Lee, A. M., Moynahan, M. E., Lowery, M., Ulmert, D., Zanzonico, P., Deasy, J. O., Humm, J. L., Russell, J., Reverse-contrast imaging and targeted radiation therapy of advanced pancreatic cancer models, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 93, 2015, p444 -- 453 Journal Article, 2015

Lowery, M. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Harding, J. J., Salehi, E., Hollywood, E., Bradley, M., Sophos, N. A., Ly, M., Capanu, M., Gerst, S. R., Saltz, L., Abou-Alfa, G. K., A phase I trial of binimetinib in combination with gemcitabine (G) and cisplatin (C) patients (pts) with untreated advanced biliary cancer (ABC), Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Li, D., Capanu, M., Yu, K. H., Lowery, M. A., Kelsen, D. P., O'Reilly, E. M., Treatment, outcomes, and clinical trial participation in elderly patients with metastatic pancreas adenocarcinoma, Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 14, 2015, p269 -- 276 Journal Article, 2015

Picozzi, V. J., Ramanathan, R. K., Lowery, M. A., Ocean, A. J., Mitchell, E. P., O'Neil, B. H., Guarino, M. J., Conkling, P. R., Cohen, S. J., Bahary, N., Frank, R. C., Dragovich, T., Bridges, B. B., Lee, M., Korn, R. L., Pandit-Taskar, N., Goldsmith, S. J., Intenzo, C. M., Sheikh, A., Manzone, T. C., Miller, M. L., Yu, M., Joyce, J. M., Strauss, E. B., Passalaqua, S., Dorn, R. V., Anderson, M. J., Holt, M., Braiteh, F. S., Lee, F. C., Gribbin, T. E., Richards, D. A., Starodub, A. N., William, W. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Von Hoff, D. D., Goldenberg, D. M., Final results of a randomized phase 1b study of fractionated 90Y-clivatuzumab tetraxetan in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer having at least two prior therapies, Cancer Research, 75, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Picozzi, V. J., Ramanathan, R. K., Lowery, M. A., Ocean, A. J., Mitchel, E. P., O'Neil, B. H., Guarino, M. J., Conkling, P. R., Cohen, S. J., Bahary, N., Frank, R. C., Dragovich, T., Bridges, B. B., Braiteh, F. S., Starodub, A. N., Lee, F. C., Gribbin, T. E., Richards, D. A., Lee, M., Korn, R. L., Pandit-Taskar, N., Goldsmith, S. J., Intenzo, C. M., Sheikh, A., Manzone, T. C., Horne, H., Sharkey, R. M., Wegener, W. A., O'Reilly, E. M., Goldenberg, D. M., Von Hoff, D. D., 90Y-clivatuzumab tetraxetan with or without low-dose gemcitabine: A phase Ib study in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer after two or more prior therapies, European Journal of Cancer, 51, 2015, p1857 -- 1864 Journal Article, 2015

Salo-Mullen, E. E., O'Reilly, E. M., Kelsen, D. P., Ashraf, A. M., Lowery, M. A., Yu, K. H., Reidy, D. L., Epstein, A. S., Lincoln, A., Saldia, A., Jacobs, L. M., Rau-Murthy, R., Zhang, L., Kurtz, R. C., Saltz, L., Offit, K., Robson, M. E., Stadler, Z. K., Identification of germline genetic mutations in patients with pancreatic cancer, Cancer, 121, 2015, p4382 -- 4388 Journal Article, 2015

Connell, L. C., Harding, J. J., Lowery, M. A., Kemeny, N. E., Cercek, A., Abdelgawad, M. I., O'Reilly, E. M., Saltz, L., Abou-Alfa, G. K., Platinum-based combination therapy (PCT) and outcomes for patients (pts) with mixed hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (mHCC/ICC), Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, 2015 Journal Article, 2015

Kennedy MJ, Systemic therapy of breast cancer, Current Opinion in Oncology, 9, 1997, p532 - 539 Journal Article, 1997

Research Expertise


ADVANCED GASTRIC-CANCER; ANTI-CANCER DRUG DESIGN; ANTICANCER DRUGS; CANCER; Cancer Biology; CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY; Cancer drug discovery; Cancer Genetics; Cancer Molecular Diagnostics; CANCER PATIENTS; CANCER TREATMENT; COLORECTAL CANCER; DNA-REPAIR; hereditary cancer; Immunotherapies for Cancer; Liver Cancer; ONCOGENES; PANCREATIC CANCER; TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES; tumour micro-enviroment