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Dr. Richard Millwood
Research Fellow, Computer Science


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Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Family learning in the context of computer science education in, editor(s)Leask, M., & Younie, S , Teaching and Learning with Technologies in the Primary School, London, Routledge, 2024, pp299 - 317, [Bresnihan, N., Millwood, R., Strong, G., & Caldwell, L] Book Chapter, 2024 DOI

N Bresnihan, A Bray, L Fisher, G Strong, R Millwood, B Tangney, Parental involvement in computer science education and computing attitudes and behaviours in the home: Model and scale development, ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE) 2022, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, March 2-7, 2022, ACM SIGSCE Invited Talk, 2022 URL

Prior Programming Experience of Undergraduate Computing and Engineering Students in Ireland in, editor(s)Tatnall A. , Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, Cham, Springer, 2020, [Strong G., Higgins C., Bresnihan N., Millwood R.] Book Chapter, 2020 DOI

Richard Millwood and Elizabeth Oldham, Preparing for Computing in Irish Schools by Developing a Community of Practice, 23rd Conference on Education, Technology and Society, Taquara, Brazil , 6-16 November 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Strong, G., Higgins, C., Bresnihan, N., Millwood, R., A Survey of the Prior Programming Experience of Undergraduate Computing and Engineering Students in Ireland, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE), Dublin, 3-6 July 2017, edited by Tatnall A., Webb M. , 515, Springer, 2018, pp473 - 483 Conference Paper, 2018 DOI URL

R. Millwood, A. Webb, J. Hegarty, M. Amond & E. Oldham, Computing in Irish schools: Developing a Community of Practice for teachers across all levels of the Irish school system, ATEE Annual Conference 2018: 'A future for all: teaching for a sustainable society', Gavle, Sweden, 20-22 August 2018, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Oldham, Elizabeth; Cowan, Pamela; Millwood, Richard; Strong, Glenn; Bresnihan, Nina; Amond, Mags; Hegarty, Lisa, Developing Confident Computational Thinking through Teacher Twinning Online, International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society (IJSEUS) , 9, (1), 2018, p61 - 75 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Richard Millwood, Elizabeth Oldham, Pamela Cowan, Glenn Strong, Nina Bresnihan, Mags Amond, and Lisa Hegarty, Art and Programming in Pairs to Develop Computational Thinking, 2017 ATEE Annual Conference - Changing Perspectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-25 October 2017, 2017 Oral Presentation, 2017

Elizabeth Oldham, Pamela Cowan, Richard Millwood, Glenn Strong, Nina Bresnihan, Mags Amond, and Lisa Hegarty, Developing confident computational thinking through teacher twinning online, 2017 ATEE Spring Conference - Innovation, Technologies and Research in Education, Riga, Latvia, 12-13th May 2017, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Elizabeth Oldham, Pamela Cowan, Richard Millwood, Glenn Strong, Nina Bresnihan, Mags Amond, and Lisa Hegarty, CTwins: Does Computational Thinking win when Coding Twins are born?, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 20-22 April 2017, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Richard Millwood and Elizabeth Oldham, Computer Science in Schools in England and Ireland - context and current developments in 2017, Redin - Revista Educacional Interdisciplinar, 6, (1), 2017, p1-14 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Lorraine Fisher, Elizabeth Oldham, Richard Millwood, Ann FitzGibbon and Pamela Cowan, Recognising and addressing inertia affecting teacher education: a case study considering Computer Science in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, 1, (3a), 2016, p81 - 102 Journal Article, 2016

Lorraine Fisher, Elizabeth Oldham, Richard Millwood and Ann FitzGibbon, Recognising and addressing inertia affecting teacher education: a case study considering computer science in the Republic of Ireland , World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education Fourth Biennial Conference, Barcelona, 21-24 April 2016, 2016 Oral Presentation, 2016

Nina Bresnihan, Richard Millwood, Elizabeth Oldham, Glenn Strong and Diana Wilson, A critique of the current trend to implement computing in schools, Pedagogika, 65, (3), 2015, p292 - 300 Journal Article, 2015 URL

Richard Millwood, The Design of Learner-centred, Technology-enhanced Education, University of Bolton, 2014 Thesis, 2014 URL

From Mathematics Teacher to Computer Assisted Learning Researcher in, editor(s)Tatnall, Arthur Davey, Bill , Reflections on the History of Computers in Education, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 2014, pp302 - 309, [Millwood, Richard] Book Chapter, 2014 URL

Nili Naveh, Developing Algorithmic Thinking in Middle School Pupils in Israel, Anglia Ruskin University, 2006 Thesis, 2006

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Richard Millwood and Elizabeth Oldham, Shaping tomorrow today ... starting with yesterday, Computers in Education Society of Ireland Annual Conference 2018 (CESIcon 2018), Dublin City University, Dublin, 10th March 2018, 2018, Computers in Education Society of Ireland Invited Talk, 2018

Richard Millwood and Elizabeth Oldham, Computer Science in Schools in England and Ireland - context and current developments in 2017, 22º Seminário de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade (22nd Conference on Education, Technology and Society), Facultades Integradas de Taquara, Taquara, Brazil, 10-16 October 2017, 2017 Conference Paper, 2017

Research Expertise


I am currently particularly interested in the development of computational thinking across the lifecourse and in collaboration in software development as a model for learning. This is enacted by development work in the SFI funded project OurKidsCode which aims to change the attitude of parents to STEM when advising their children about subject choices, courses and employment. I am also building the UK National Archive of Educational Computing.


computational thinking; Computer based training; Computer Education/Literacy; Computer Modeling; COMPUTER MODELING AND SIMULATION; COMPUTER SIMULATION; Computer Simulation/Modeling; COMPUTER SIMULATIONS; Computer-Aided Instruction; COMPUTER-SIMULATION; Cybernetics; Distance Learning; E-Learning; Education and Work; Education/Instructional Programs; Educational Modes/Psychology/Theory; Educational/Instructional Technology; Human computer interactions; Information technology in education; Innovation in learning; Instructional Materials and Practices; Instructional Television; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Representation; Mathematics Education; Multimedia; Programming, Information systems; School Organization; Systems control, Modelling, Neural networks; Teacher Education; University/Industrial Partnership; Virtual learning environments; work-focussed learning



Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce FRSA 2007

Fellow of the British Computer Society, Chartered Information Technology Professional FBCS CITP 2007