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Dr. Kathleen Mc Tiernan
Assistant Professor, Clin Speech & Language Studies


Kathleen McTiernan is a Chartered Psychologist and an Assistant Professor in Psychology in the School of Linguistic Speech and Communication Sciences. She holds a BA from Georgetown University, MSc from Case Western Reserve University, MPhil and MA (jo) and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin.

She has held several leadership positions at Trinity. In the School, she has served as the Director of Equality and Diversity (2018-2021), and the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning (2020-2024) and she is currently serving as the Director of Global Relations. From 2018-2022, she was a member of the Board of Directors of Trinity College Dublin.

Her research focus is on the psychology of language, communication and swallowing. She has over 70 peer reviewed publications, including an edited book.

Her teaching includes the module coordination of and lecturing on the following modules: Social and Developmental Psychology, Cognitive and Neuropsychology, Counselling, Research Methods and Statistics, Research Design, Capstone Project Supervision. She received a Trinity Accessibility and Inclusion Award for her teaching in 2023.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Gilheaney, O. Hussey, J. & McTiernan, K., The Lived Experiences of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in Adults Living with Fibromyalgia, Health expectations, 27, (1), 2024, p1 - 10 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gilheaney, Orla & Rogers, Naomi & McTiernan, Kathleen, Exploring the lived experiences and perspectives of individuals with communication and swallowing difficulties associated with Long-COVID., Advances in Communication and Swallowing., 27, (1), 2024, p1-16 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gilheaney, Ó, Costello, C. & McTiernan, K., Surveying the international prevalence and nature of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties in adults presenting with Fibromyalgia., Dysphagia, 2024, p1-10 Journal Article, 2024 TARA - Full Text DOI

Physical signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia-associated dysphagia in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, pp7 - 11, [Gilheaney, Órla, Costello, Catherine. & McTiernan, Kathleen] Book Chapter, 2023

Exploring the lived experience of fibromyalgia and eating, drinking, and swallowing problems in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, J & R Press, 2023, pp13 - 21, [McTiernan, Kathleen, Hussey, Joeann, Gavigan, Rhianne & Gilheaney, Órla ] Book Chapter, 2023

Strategies for living well with fibromyalgia associated dysphagia in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, pp23 - 33, [McTiernan, Kathleen, McNamara, Mathilde & Gilheaney, Órla] Book Chapter, 2023

Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen, The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in adults with Fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, 1 - 69pp Book, 2023

McTiernan, K., Making lectures more accessible and inclusive., Trinity INC. Inclusive Trinity Symposium., Dublin, Ireland, 1 September, 2023 Oral Presentation, 2023

Eating, drinking and swallowing problems experienced by people with fibromyalgia in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, pp1 - 5, [McTiernan, Kathleen & Gilheaney, Órla] Book Chapter, 2023

Gilheaney, Ó. McIntyre, A. & McTiernan, K., The prevalence and nature of communication and swallowing difficulties among adults with Long-COVID., Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 TARA - Full Text

How can healthcare professionals support people with fibromyalgia associated dysphagia? in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Órla. & McTiernan, Kathleen. , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, pp35 - 42, [Gilheaney, Órla, Carroll, Ellen & McTiernan, Kathleen] Book Chapter, 2023

The future of collaborative care provision and research into fibromyalgia associated dysphagia in, editor(s)Gilheaney, Orla & McTiernan, Kathleen , The handbook of eating, drinking and swallowing problems in Adults with fibromyalgia, Hampshire, UK, J & R Press, 2023, pp43 - 54, [Gilheaney, Órla & McTiernan, Kathleen] Book Chapter, 2023

Conway, A.C., Gilheaney, Ó. McTiernan, K. & Walshe, M. , Validating a Novel Tongue Pressure Measurement Device: Research Challenges. (Session 32 Free papers 'Treatment'), Dysphagia, 30, (2), 2022, p242 - 244 Journal Article, 2022

Carroll, E., McTiernan, K. & Gilheaney, Ó., An international cross-sectional survey of the current practice patterns, attitudes, and beliefs of healthcare professionals regarding eating and drinking problems in people with fibromyalgia., European Society for Swallowing Disorders Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 14-16 September, 2022 Poster, 2022

Carson, L., Saeed, J. & McTiernan, K., Language teaching in multilingual settings, BAQONDE Summer School, Durban, South Africa, 17-21 October, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

McTiernan, K., Patients, clinicians, and academics circulate and share ideas and experiences., The FibroForum Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 30 May, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Costello, C., McTiernan, K. & Gilheaney, Ó, Surveying the international prevalence and nature of eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties in adults presenting with Fibromyalgia., 12th European Society for Swallowing Disorders, Leuven, Belguim, 12-16 September, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

Brunton, J., Boran, L., .....McTiernan, K. et al., Avoiding burnout in 2023, Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Portlaoise, Ireland, 9-11 November, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

McTiernan, K., Languages, identity and wellbeing: Psychological perspectives across the lifespan, BAQONDE Summer School, Cape Town, South Africa, 17-21 October, 2022 Oral Presentation, 2022

McTiernan, K. & Quarry, L., Successful Developmental Transitioning into Secondary School for Adolescents on the Autistic Spectrum: How do communication abilities impact the quality of the progression experience to second level education?, Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, 11-12 November, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

McTiernan, K., Multilingualism and wellbeing in the classroom: New technologies, minority languages and linguistic diversity., Virtulapp Erasmus Multiplier Conference, Dublin, 12 May, 2021 Conference Paper, 2021

Fox, J. & McTiernan, K., Developmental Language Disorder: The impact of training and experience on teachers' ability to recognise and respond to pupils' needs., IASLT Biannual Conference, Dublin, 9-10 September, 2021 Conference Paper, 2021

Multilingual Practices in Primary Education in Europe: A Scoping Review in, editor(s)Carson, Lorna, Chung Kam Kwok and Caroline Smyth , Language and Identity in Europe: The Multilingual City and its Citizens, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2020, pp125 - 144, [McTiernan, Kathleen, Aoife Parkes and Lorna Carson] Book Chapter, 2020

Quigley, D., Smith, M., McTiernan, K., Evaluating the impact of a universal language enrichment programme in an area of low SES, IASLT Biennial Conference, Dublin, 16 May, 2019 Poster, 2019

Quarry, L. & McTiernan, K. , Developmental transitioning in education: Does the communication ability of adolescents on the autistic spectrum impact experience? , IASLT Biennial Conference, Dublin, 17 May, 2019 Conference Paper, 2019

Brunton, J. and McTiernan, K. , Supporting Transitions in Education, 08/11/2018, In:Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference , 2018, Wexford, Ireland Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2018

Quarry, L. & McTiernan, K., Developmental transitioning in education: Does the communication ability of adolescents on the autistic spectrum impact experience?, Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Wexford, Ireland, 08 November, 2018 Poster, 2018

Ceroni, A., McTiernan, K., La Morgia, F. , The vocabulary richness of children's television in Ireland: A cross-generational comparison., The Journal of the Irish Association of Applied Linguistics, 25, 2018, p138 - 153 Journal Article, 2018 URL TARA - Full Text

McTiernan, K., Supporting Transitions in Education: Educational Transitioning into Second Level and Higher Education for Adolescents on the Autistic Spectrum, Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Wexford, Ireland, 08 November, 2018 Conference Paper, 2018

McTiernan, K., Sourcing Coping Mechanisms from the Past: Using the Life Histories Archive as a Resource for Building Resilience in Today's Uncertain World., Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick, 08 November, 2017 Poster, 2017

Sheehy, A., McTiernan, K, Walsh , I.P., Communication and the Adult with ADHD: Duties & Dilemmas in the Workplace, Creating the Future Now: Advancing Research and Clinical Practice, 30th World Congress IALP, Dublin Ireland, August 21-25, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Ni Dhufaigh, N. McTiernan, K. & Leahy, M., Does Students' Knowledge of Acquired Neurological Conditions Influence their Future Careers Preferences: A Survey of Irish SLT Students?, Creating the Future Now: Advancing Research and Clinical Practice. 30th World Congress IALP, Dublin, August 21-25, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Conway A, Gilheaney O, McTiernan K, Walshe M, Validating a Novel Tongue Pressure Measurement Device: Research challenges, Dysphagia, European Society of Swallowing Disorders Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 23-25 October, 30, 2015, pp242- Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text

Storied Lives: Connecting Life Course Narrative Identities and Eudaimonic Happiness in Later Life. in, A. Nicolas & I. Flaherty , Growing Up, Growing Old: Trajectories of Times and Lives., Oxford, Oxford Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013, pp151 - 174, [O'Donnell, D. & McTiernan, K.] Book Chapter, 2013

McTiernan, K., Knowing What We Know: Competencies, Careers, Education and Society , 17 April, 2013, In:Knowing What We Know: Competencies, Careers, Education and Society , 2013 Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2013

McTiernan, K. , The role of higher education in developing discipline specific ways of knowing and discipline neutral transferrable competencies, . Knowing What We Know: Competencies, Careers, Education and Society Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 17 April, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013

McTiernan, K., The meaningful life: Constructing eudaimonic happiness in later life through storytelling, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, 20 February, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

McTiernan, K., The importance of reminiscence in the creation of intergenerational knowledge exchange: Recapturing the art of storytelling in Ireland., Life Histories Archive:A digital exhibition of the autobiographical narratives of older women and men, The Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 29 May, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

O'Donnell, D & McTiernan, K. , Connecting narrative complexity, ego integrity and later life eudaimonic well-being through an exploration of personal stories of self. , 7th Biennial International Meaning Conference , Toronto, Canada, July 26-29 , 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Quinn, A. Leahy, M. & McTiernan, K. (2012), Evaluating language assessments with members of the travelling community. , Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 18, 2012, p1 - 16 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text

McTiernan, K., The Life Histories Digital Archive: Narratives facilitating intergenerational knowledge exchange, Center for Social Concerns, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

McTiernan, K. & O'Donnell, D., Reflections in Context: The Creation of Life Meaning and Wellbeing through Reminiscence and Generativity, 7th Biennial International Meaning Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 26-29, 2012 Poster, 2012

McTiernan, K. , Life Histories Archive: A digital exhibition of the autobiographical narratives of older women and men, 29 May , 2012 Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2012

McTiernan, K. , 'Life Histories Archive', 2012, - Digital research resource production, 2012 URL

O'Donnell, D. & McTiernan, K., Local stories in global contexts: An exploration of the construction of eudaimonic happiness in later life through the scaffolding of life stories onto wider social and cultural narrative frames, Ageing Globally, Ageing Locally, Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI), Dublin Ireland, November, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Molloy, J., Flynn, E., McTiernan, K. & O'Leary, D. , Influence of television viewing on vocabulary development in children under five years of age, IASLT Biennial Conference, Dublin Ireland, 24-25 November , 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

McTiernan, K. & O'Donnell, D., The Life Histories Archive: Exchanging knowledge of the lived life, Ageing Globally, Ageing Locally, Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI), Dublin Ireland, November, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Storied Lives: An Exploration of Life Course Narrative Identities and the Factors Linked to Happiness in Later Life. in, editor(s)Blatterer, H. & Glahn, J. , Times of Our Lives: Making Sense of Growing Up & Growing Old , Interdisciplinary Press, 2010, pp145 - 159, [O'Donnell, D. & McTiernan, K. ] Book Chapter, 2010 URL

Li-Rong Lilly Cheng, Fernanda Dreux M Fernandes, Claudia RF de Andrade, Debora M Befi-Lopes, Haydée F Wertzner, Suelly CO Limongi, Kyoko Iitaka, Kiyoshi Otomo, Helen Grech, MM Leahy, K McTiernan, MM Smith, Dobrinka Georgieva, Hilde Chantrain, P Sloane, IP Walsh, M Walshe, C Ni Cholmain, Revised IALP Education Guidelines (September 1, 2009): IALP Guidelines for Initial Education in Speech-Language Pathology, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 62, 2010, p210 - 216 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text

Leahy,M., McTiernan, K., Smith, MM,, Sloane, P,. Walsh, I,, Walshe, M,, Ni Cholmain, C. , Foundation studies in education for therapy practice: curriculum updating, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopedica: Special Education Issue., 62, (2), 2010, p255 - 259 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

McTiernan, K. & Garry, J, What Makes People Happy? An Exploration of the Links between Happiness and Lifestyle Factors across the Lifespan, International Positive Psychology Association First World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

O'Donnell, D. & McTiernan, K., Narrative biography and the construction of happiness in later life. , International Positive Psychology Association First World Congress on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , May, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Sloane, P. & McTiernan, K., Vocal symptoms and stress in student teachers. , Choice for Voice 2008: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Performance, Health and Research in Voice. The British Voice Association, London, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Examining students' clinical skills: Assessment of the 'unseen' client in a speech and language therapy clinic in, editor(s)G. O'Neill, S. Huntley-Moore, and P. Race , Case Studies of Good Practices in Assessment of Student Learning in Higher Education, Dublin, AISHE, 2007, pp16 - 20, [I.P. Walsh, K. McTiernan, and M. Leahy] Book Chapter, 2007 TARA - Full Text URL

The 'triple jump' assessment in problem based learning: An evaluative method used in the appraisal of both knowledge acquisition and problem solving skills in, editor(s)G. O'Neill, S. Huntley-Moore, and P. Race , Case Studies of Good Practice in Assessment of Student earning in Higher Education, Dublin, AISHE, 2007, pp116 - 119, [K. McTiernan, M. Leahy, I.P. Walsh, P. Sloane, M. Smith] Book Chapter, 2007 TARA - Full Text URL

McTiernan, K., The use of the "one minute paper" in the evaluation of a problem based learning psychology course: Can outcomes be measured using this evaluation method? , 114th American Psychological Association Convention, New Orleans, August, 2006 Poster, 2006

Leahy, M.M., Dodd, B.J., Walsh, I.P. and Murphy (McTiernan) K., "Education for practice in the UK and Ireland: Implementing problem based learning", Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 58, 2006, p48 - 54 Journal Article, 2006 DOI

McTiernan, K., Leahy, M., Walsh, I.P. , Evaluation of problem based learning through the use of intermittent, semi-structured feedback surveys: Are course learning outcomes being met?, Linkopings Universitet, Lonkoping, Sweden, May, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Sloane, P., Murphy, K., Stress and vocal attrition in student teachers, The Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology Conference, Psychology, Health and Medicine, Galway, April, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Leahy, M.M., Delaney, C.M, Murphy, K., Student clinicians' preferences for (not) working with stuttering, Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of Fluency Disorders, 4th World Congress of the International Fluency Association, Montreal, Canada, July, Nijmegen University Press, 2004, pp539-545 Conference Paper, 2004

Murphy, K., Psychology and problem based learning: First, second and third year student perceptions of this innovative education method compared, 26th Annual National Institute on the teaching of psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA,, January, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Murphy, K., Psychology and Problem Based Learning: Do student's Perceptions of the Advantages and Disadvantages of PBL Change?, Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, April, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Murphy K., Student perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of problem based learning., Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 14, 2004, p64 - 76 Journal Article, 2004 TARA - Full Text

Murphy, K.(ed.), 4th Anual International Research Conference of the School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies (TCD) Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education and Technology, Education decisions at third level: a study of the factors which influence choices, Dublin, Ireland, 2003 Proceedings of a Conference, 2003

Gerry Shiel, Ursula Ni Dhalaigh (ed.), Psychological profiles of mature third level students with dyslexia. Other Ways of Seeing: Diversity in Language and Literacy, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Reading, Dublin City University, 2, July, Reading Association of Ireland , 2003, 32-37 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2003

Murphy, K., Psychology and problem based learning: Advantages and disadvantages of innovation, Teaching Pedagogy. American Psychological Association 111th Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, July, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Murphy, K.(ed.), 3rd Annual International Research Conference Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education and Technology, Nursing as a career choice: A study of the decision making factors which influence the trajectory, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2002 Proceedings of a Conference, 2002

Murphy, K., Level of education and global self worth of women in midlife, The British Psychological Society Northern Ireland Branch Annual Conference, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Murphy, K., Nursing as a career choice: A study of the decision making factors which influence the trajectory, 3rd Annual International Research Conference Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education and Technology, Trinity College Dublin, November, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Murphy, K., Women and education in Ireland: Factors linked to the cessation of formal education in adolescence and re-entry into formal education in midlife, Oideas, 49, 2001, p56 - 65 Journal Article, 2001 TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise


I am a Psychologist who specialises in language, communication and swallowing research. I employ mixed methods to interrogate the features and contexts of language and swallowing to determine how individuals can thrive whether they are in a time of growth, acquiring a new language, or they are in a period of recovery struggling with a language or swallowing disorder. Given the centrality of language and swallowing to human identity, the key to positive outcomes for stakeholders often hinges on the intersection of the psychosocial aspects of their personal challenges. My work seeks to support the enhancement of individual autonomy and wellbeing by embedding psychological education at both the grass roots service user level and at the policy level. I am passionate about the application of research findings, especially among language learners, teachers, patients and policy-makers. I engage with practitioners and service users in ways that enhance psychosocial outcomes for all. Key themes in my research include: - Theoretical explorations of agency, autonomy, identity and wellbeing - Formal language learning provision and the classroom, at primary, post-primary and third levels & informal language learning (home languages, minority, heritage, second/foreign, etc.) throughout the lifespan -Developing research-led tools for successful language learning, including digital applications, toolkits and curriculum content The outcomes of my research have shaped education policy and service provision and have contributed to practical improvements in educational and healthcare settings in Ireland and internationally.


  • Title
  • Summary
    • INCLUDEED ("Social cohesion and INclusion: DEveloping the EDucational possibilities of the European Multilingual Heritage") is a multilingual project whose main objective is the integration of immigrant and refugee groups in Europe through one of Europe's main assets: its languages. It involves the participation of leading universities in Applied Linguistic and language teaching. The consortium has previous joint experience in creating high quality materials for the use with groups at risk of exclusion. This project has the inclusion of disadvantaged groups as a central aim of its actions. With this, it responds directly to the priority "Social inclusion", and does so with an innovative approach in two ways: on the one hand, it addresses the sociolinguistic and cultural integration of groups of immigrants and refugees who already have basic linguistic skills in the host language. It is therefore a further step in their process of adaptation to the new environment, acquiring very important skills in the development of their professional and personal activities.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2024
  • Title
  • Summary
    • BAQONDE (Boosting the Use of African Languages in Education. A Qualified Organized Nationwide DEvelopment Strategy for South Africa) is collaborative project between European and South African Higher Education Institutions to facilitate and promote the use of indigenous African languages as mediums of instruction in tertiary education. Co-funded by the EU's ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education programme, BAQONDE aims to guarantee a more (linguistically) inclusive and legitimate access to Higher Education by means of a coordinated inter-institutional strategy that seeks to train lecturers in the use of innovative multilingual teaching methodologies, develop new materials to both train teachers and teach multilingually, and establish a collaboratory network of African Language Development Units (ALDUs) among SA partners. This network of ALDUs will establish an inter-institutional (nationwide) strategy to: 1.Develop and implement a training program (including SA-EU mobilities) for a core group of lecturers from different disciplines to master context-relevant multilingual pedagogies 2.Lead the production of digital subject-relevant multilingual materials for lecturers and students. These resources will be accessible from the project website to optimize the production/usage of materials in different disciplines/languages and harmonize multilingual teaching standards 3. Guarantee a culture of quality during the project and after its subsequent expansion. By fostering a culture of quality and coordinated cooperation, BAQONDE seeks to generate a major short-term impact in the teaching-learning process that will enable a greater long-term impact with far-reaching implications: the intellectualization of previously marginalized languages. This is in line with both the priorities of the country and the principles of equity, as it entails a better assimilation of contents and a greater development of professional competences by L1 African (Bantu) students.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2021
  • Date To
    • 2024
  • Title
    • VirtuLApp
  • Summary
    • The VirtuLApp project is delivered by an international consortium, comprising the Fryske Akademy/Mercator Research Centre (The Netherlands), ATiT (Belgium), Luca School of Arts (Belgium), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain). Together, we are developing an innovative multididactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom in any multilingual situation. The needs of teachers (more knowledge about and tools for multilingual education, integration of migrant languages and lesser language separation) will be addressed with the development of a multi-player augmented and virtual reality app about multilingual education and the development of a digital handbook and toolkit with video-based documentation of best-practices of schools already using the heteroglossic approach in the classroom.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 01-09-2018
  • Date To
    • 31-08-2021
  • Title
    • Multilingualism and Language Learning: 'Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community'
  • Summary
    • This research project forms part of a large-scale research initiative 'Cross-Language Dynamics: Reshaping Community', an AHRC-Funded OWRI Programme, based at the University of Manchester, and in collaboration with the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Its focus is the intersection between multilingualism, language learning and higher education. The constantly increasing voluntary and forced mobility of people resulting from the forces of globalisation and political instabilities in various regions are having a dramatic impact on the linguistic make up of many nation-states, especially in Europe. New forms of linguistic diversity and multilingualism are emerging, involving different linguistic practices. These developments may result in changing attitudes towards multilingualism and in different views about the learning of other languages (e.g., which and how?). To date these issues received limited attention in the context of higher education. As universities play a key role in the preparation of the next generation of global citizens, it is important to examine students' linguistic profiles, language attitudes and language learning experiences as well as to gauge their language learning needs to operate successfully in the linguistically diverse and complex environments created by globalisation.
  • Funding Agency
    • AHRC
  • Date From
    • 2016
  • Date To
    • 2019
  • Title
    • Life Long Learning in Applied Fields
  • Summary
    • This project is a European Commission funded TEMPUS project. The project is focused on implementations of Lifelong Learning in applied health related fields.
  • Funding Agency
    • European Commission
  • Date From
    • 2013
  • Date To
    • 2016
  • Title
    • Knowing What We Know: Paradigmns of Knowledge Creation and Diversity in Problem Solving Approaches
  • Summary
    • Irish Research Council funded project to investigate how different groups of students from different disciplines at Trinity College Dublin create knowledge and approach problems solving.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • 2012
  • Date To
    • 2013
  • Title
    • The Life Histories Archive: Exchanging Knowledge of the Lived Life
  • Summary
    • The Life Histories Archive is a digital collection of autobiographies written by Irish women and men, over the age of 70, living in Dublin and Belfast.
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Research Council
  • Date From
    • 2010
  • Date To
    • 2012


Multilingualism; Psycholinguistics; Psychological Well-being; Psychology and Communication



Expert, PSI Development of ADHD Best Practice Guidelines Policy working group drafting the best practice guidelines document for the diagnosis of ADHD for policy implementation in Department of Education and the HSE Since 2021

Expert, Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Since 2020

Steering Committee, Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Academics, Teachers, and Researchers in Psychology Since 2017

Expert member of international consortia on multilingual educational needs and practice engaged with several international Departments of Education, teachers and children in primary and secondary school settings Since 2020

Consultant Psychologist for the development of the Speech and Language Therapy Bachelors degree programme NUIG. 2003

Awards and Honours

Trinity Research Doctorate Award 2024

Trinity Accessibility Champion Award 2023

1st Place Prize Digital Product Gold Award for VirtuLApp BabelAR APP February 2022

2nd Place Prize European Language Label Awards for Babblar Game App November 2021

1st Place Prize for Best Presentation, IASLT Biannual Conference 2021 September 2021

Shortlisted for the Provost's Teaching Award (Commendation for excellence in curriculum design and excellence in the scholarship of teaching and learning) 2014

Invited Visiting Fellow University of Notre Dame, South Bend Indiana 2013

Shortlisted for Provost's Teaching Award (commendation for teaching excellence) 2013


Chartered Member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (C.Psychol.,Ps.S.I.) 2010 – Present

Psychological Society of Ireland Division of Academics, Teachers and Researchers 2010 – Present

International Association of Language and Social Psychology 2019 – Present

European Educational Research Association 2018 – Present

American Psychological Association International 2019 – Present