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Dr. James Charles Stewart
Adjunct Associate Professor, School Office Trinity Business School

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

The Financial Crisis and pension Funds in Ireland in, editor(s)Waine B , Protecting Pensions Rights in the Economic Crisis, 2010, [Stewart, Jim] Book Chapter, 2010

Jim Stewart, Mutuals and Alternative Banking: A Solution to the Financial and Economic Crisis in Ireland, London, Carnegie Trust, 2010, 23 Report, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

J. Stewart and G. Hughes , Personal Provision of Retirement Income: Meeting the Needs of Older People?, Edward Elgar , 2009, 275 pp Book, 2009

Conflicting Objectives in Personal Pension Provision and Personal Savings in Ireland in, editor(s)Jim Stewart, Gerard Hughes , Personal Provision of Retirement Income Meeting the Needs of Older People?, Cheltenham U.K, Edward Elgar, 2009, [Jim Stewart, Gerard Hughes] Book Chapter, 2009

Jim Stewart, Financial Flows and Treasury Management Firms in Ireland, Accounting Forum, 32, (3), 2008, p199-212 Journal Article, 2008

Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart , Choosing Your Future: How to Reform Ireland's Pension System, Dublin, New Island, 2007, 188pp Book, 2007

The Proposed Special Savings for Retirement Scheme: Some Issues and International Comparisons in, editor(s)Jim Stewart and Gerard Hughes , Choosing Your Future: How to Reform Ireland's Pension System, Dublin, New Island, 2007, [Jim Stewart ] Book Chapter, 2007

Stewart, J., Auditing as a Public Good and the Regulation of Auditing, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 6, (2), 2006 Journal Article, 2006

Stewart, J., For Richer, For Poorer: An Investigation of the Irish pension system, Dublin, New Island, 2005 Book, 2005

Private Sector Pension provision: Funding, Risks and Costs in, For Richer, For Poorer: An Investigation of the Irish pension, Dublin, New Island, 2005, [Stewart, J.] Book Chapter, 2005

Incomes of Retired persons in Ireland in, For Richer, For Poorer: An Investigation of the Irish pension system, Dublin, New Island, 2005, [Stewart, J.] Book Chapter, 2005

Capital in the New Economy: A Schumpeterian Perspective in, editor(s)Cantner U. Dinopoulos, E. and Lanzillotti, R. , Entrepreneurship, the, Berlin, Springer, 2005, [Stewart, J.] Book Chapter, 2005

Stewart, J., Fiscal Incentives, Corporate Structure and Financial Aspects of Treasury Management Operations, Accounting Forum , 29, (3), 2005, p271 - 288 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

G. Hughes and J. Stewart, Reforming Pensions in Europe: Evolution of pension Financing and Sources of Retirement Income, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004 Book, 2004

Income of Retired Persons in Ireland: Some Evidence from Household Budget Surveys in, editor(s)Hughes and Stewart , Reforming pensions in Europe: Evolution of Pension Financing and Sources of, Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, US, Edward Elgar, 2004, pp140 - 156, [J. Stewart, P. Connell] Book Chapter, 2004

J. Stewart, A. Beirne, The Financing of e-business, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 4, 2002, p161 - 181 Journal Article, 2002

Jim Stewart, Financial regulation in Ireland:Should the regulator be the Central Bank?, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 9, (1), 2001 Journal Article, 2001

G. Hughes and J. Stewart (eds.) , Pensions in the European Union: Adapting to Economic and Social Change, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001 Book, 2001

Jim Stewart, The Effects of the BIS Capital Adequacy Ratios on Bank Financing, The Irish Accounting Review, 1, 1996, p1 - 18 Journal Article, 1996

Jim Stewart, The Changing Nature of Financial Regulation in Ireland, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 4, (2), 1996, p157 - 169 Journal Article, 1996

Jim Stewart, le Role d'actionaire des Fonds de pension sur les Marches Financiers, La Revue de L'IRES, 1994, p302-322 Journal Article, 1994

Jim Stewart, The Business Expansion Scheme in Ireland, Irish Business and Administrative Research, 13, 1992, p128-148 Journal Article, 1992

Gerry McHugh, Jim Stewart, Accounting Disclosure in Ireland: Funds Flow Statements Old and New, Irish Banking Review, 1992, p41 - 50 Journal Article, 1992

Jim Stewart, Transfer Pricing: Some Empirical Evidence from Ireland, Journal of Economic Studies, 16, (3), 1989, p40-56 Journal Article, 1989

Jim Stewart, The Sectorial Distribution of Corporate Profits in Ireland 1975-84, Journal of Irish Business and Administrative Research, 9, 1988, p46-58 Journal Article, 1988

J. Stewart, Corporate Finance and Fiscal Policy in Ireland, Aldershot, England, Gower, 1987 Book, 1987

J. Stewart, Fiscal Incentives and Corporate Financing: A Flow of Funds Analysis 1964-1982, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, XXV1, (111), 1986 Journal Article, 1986

J. Stewart, Company Tax- Effective Tax rates on Profits, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, XXIV, (111), 1981 Journal Article, 1981

J. Stewart, Multinational Companies and Transfer Pricing, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 4, 1977 Journal Article, 1977

J. Stewart, Linkages and Foreign Direct Investment, Regional Studies, 10, (2), 1976, p245 - 258 Journal Article, 1976

J. Stewart, Foreign Direct Investment and the Emergence of a Dual Economy, Economic and Social Review, 7, (2), 1976 Journal Article, 1976

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jim Stewart , Shadow regulation and the shadow banking system - The role of the Dublin International Financial Services Centre, Tax Justice Focus, 2008 Report, 2008 URL TARA - Full Text

Capital in the New Economy: A Schumpeterian Perspective in, editor(s)Cantner U. Dinopoulos, E. and Lanzillotti, R. , Entrepreneurship, the New Economy and Public Policy, Berlin, Springer, 2005, [J. Stewart] Book Chapter, 2005

G. Hughes and J. Stewart, Reforming Pensions in Europe: Evolution of pension Financing and Sources of Retirement Income, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2004 Book, 2004

G. Hughes and J. Stewart (eds.), Pensions in the European Union: Adapting to Social and Economic Change, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2000 Book, 2000

G. Hughes and J. Stewart, The Role of the State in Pension Provision: Employer, Regulator Provider, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999 Book, 1999

Demographic Projections and Population Ageing in Ireland in, editor(s)Hughes and Stewart , The Role of the State in Pension Provision: Employer, Regulator Provider, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, [J. Stewart, P. Connell] Book Chapter, 1999

The Role of Law and Trust in the Governance of Financial Institutions in, editor(s)Sabine Urban , Relations of Complex Organizational Systems, Wiesbaden, Gabler Vg, 1999, [Jim Stewart] Book Chapter, 1999

Financial Institutions, Networking and Industrial Development in, editor(s)Sabine Urban , Europe's Challenge, Weisbeaden, Gabler Vg, 1998, [Jim Stewart] Book Chapter, 1998

Pension Funds as Shareholders in Capital Markets in, editor(s)J. Turner and T. Ghilarducci , International Perspectives on Supplementary Pensions, Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996, [J. Stewart] Book Chapter, 1996

Pension Funds as Shareholders in Capital Markets (Ch 18) in, editor(s)J. Turner and T. Ghilarducci , Pension Funds in Europe, Chicago, JAI Press, 1996, [Jim Stewart] Book Chapter, 1996

Core Periphery Interactions in European Stock markets in, editor(s)Sabine Urban , Europe's Challenge, Weisbeaden, Gabler Vg, 1996, [Jim Stewart] Book Chapter, 1996

G. Hughes and J. Stewart, The Role of the State in Pension provision: Employer, Regulator, Provider, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988 Book, 1988

Jim Stewart, Corporate Finance and Fiscal Policy in Ireland, Aldershot, England, Gower, 1987, 166pppp Book, 1987

Aspects of the Financial Behaviour of Multinational Companies in Ireland in, editor(s)Jim Fitzpatrick and John Kelly , Perspectives on Irish Industry, Dublin, Irish Management Institute, 1985, [J. Stewart] Book Chapter, 1985

Research Expertise


Research Interests include: . Corporate Finance and Taxation . Pension Funds and financial products . Financial Systems and Economic Development