Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Morgana A. Shirsath , John D. O"Connor , Rory Boyle , Louise Newman , Silvin P. Knight, Belinda Hernandez , Robert Whelan , James F. Meaney, Rose Anne Kenny, Slower speed of blood pressure recovery after standing is associated with accelerated brain aging: Evidence from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 2024, p1-7
Caoilfhionn Ní Leidhin, Jason McMorrow, DanielCarey, LouiseNewman, Wilby Williamson, Andrew J.Fagan, Michael A.Chappell, Rose Anne Kenny, James F. Meaney, Silvin P. Knight, Age-related normative changes in cerebral perfusion: data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), NeuroImage, 229, (117741), 2021
Knight, S.P. and Meaney, J.F. and Fagan, A.J., DCE-MRI protocol for constraining absolute pharmacokinetic modeling errors within specific accuracy limits, Medical Physics, 46, (8), 2019, p3592-3602
Carey, D. and Nolan, H. and Kenny, R.A. and Meaney, J., Dissociable age and memory relationships with hippocampal subfield volumes in vivo:Data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Scientific Reports, 9, (1), 2019
Carey D., Nolan H., Kenny R.A., Meaney J., Cortical covariance networks in ageing: Cross-sectional data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Neuropsychologia, 122, 2019, p51 - 61, p51-61
Donoghue OA, McGarrigle CA, Foley M, Fagan A, Meaney J, Kenny RA., Cohort Profile Update: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)., International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, p1398-1398
Mothersill, D. and Dillon, R. and Hargreaves, A. and Castorina, M. and Furey, E. and Fagan, A.J. and Meaney, J.F. and Fitzmaurice, B. and Hallahan, B. and McDonald, C. and Wykes, T. and Corvin, A. and Robertson, I.H. and Donohoe, G., Computerised working memory-based cognitive remediation therapy does not affect Reading the Mind in The Eyes test performance or neural activity during a Facial Emotion Recognition test in psychosis, European Journal of Neuroscience, 48, (1), 2018, p1691-1705
Murphy, S.F. and Durand, M. and McMorrow, J.P. and Meaney, J.F. and Guiney, M., Portal hypertensive colopathy with pelvic varices presenting as severe lower GI bleed treated with TIPSS, Irish Medical Journal, 111, (2), 2018, p696
Bede P, Finegan E, Chipika RH, Li Hi Shing S, Lambe J, Meaney J, Redmond J., Occulomotor Neural Integrator Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis: Insights From Neuroimaging., Front Neurol., 9, 2018, p691-
Donohoe, G. and Dillon, R. and Hargreaves, A. and Mothersill, O. and Castorina, M. and Furey, E. and Fagan, A.J. and Meaney, J.F. and Fitzmaurice, B. and Hallahan, B. and McDonald, C. and Wykes, T. and Corvin, A. and Robertson, I.H., Effectiveness of a low support, remotely accessible, cognitive remediation training programme for chronic psychosis: cognitive, functional and cortical outcomes from a single blind randomised controlled trial, Psychological Medicine, 48, (5), 2018, p751-764
Knight, S.P. and Browne, J.E. and Meaney, J.F.M. and Fagan, A.J., Quantitative effects of acquisition duration and temporal resolution on the measurement accuracy of prostate dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI data: a phantom study, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 30, (5), 2017, p461-471
McCarty H. Stanley J, Piech R, Skokauskas N, Mulligan A, Donohoe G, Mullins D, Kelly J, Johnson K, Fagan A, Gill M, Meaney J, Frodl T, Childhood-Diagnosed ADHD, Symptom Progression, and Reversal Learning in Adulthood, Journal of Attention Disorders, 2016
Ryan DJ, Kenny RA, Finucane C, Meaney JF, Collins DR, Walsh S, Harbison JA., Abnormal orthostatic blood pressure control among subjects with lacunar infarction. , European Stroke Journal, 1, (3), 2016, p222 - 230
Knight SP, Browne JE, Meaney JF, Smith DS, Fagan AJ, A novel anthropomorphic flow phantom for the quantitative evaluation of prostate DCE-MRI acquisition techniques, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61, 2016, p7468 - 7483
Doherty C.P, O'Keefe E, Wallace E, Loftus T, Keaney J, Kealy J, Humphries M.M, Molloy M.G, Meaney J.F, Farrell M, Campbell M, Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction as a Hallmark Pathology in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 75, (7), 2016, p656 - 662
Iyer P.M, Fagan A.J, Meaney J.F, Colgan N.C, Meredith S.D, Driscoll D.O, Curran K.M, Bradley D, Redmond J, Horizontal nystagmus and multiple sclerosis using 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 185, (4), 2016, p881-886
Tozzi L., Carballedo A., Wetterling F., McCarthy H., O'Keane V., Gill M., Morris D., Fahey C., Meaney J., Frodl T., Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the FKBP5 Gene and Childhood Maltreatment as Predictors of Structural Changes in Brain Areas Involved in Emotional Processing in Depression., Neuropsychopharmacology, 41, 2016, p487-497
Ryan D., Harbison J., Meaney J., Rice C., King-Kallimanis B., Kenny R., Syncope causes transient focal neurological symptoms, QJM, 108, (9), 2015, p711-718
Ryan DJ, Kenny RA, Christensen S, Meaney JF, Fagan AJ, Harbison J, Ischaemic stroke or TIA in older subjects associated with impaired dynamic blood pressure control in the absence of severe large artery stenosis., Age and ageing, 44, (4), 2015, 655-661
Youssofzadeh V, Prasad G, Fagan AJ, Reilly RB, Martens S, Meaney JF, Wong-Lin K, Signal Propagation in the Human Visual Pathways: An Effective Connectivity Analysis., The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 35, (39), 2015, p13501-10
Frodl T, Szyf M, Carballedo A, Ly V, Dymov S, Vaisheva F, Morris D, Fahey C, Meaney J, Gill M, Booij L, DNA methylation of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) is associated with brain function involved in processing emotional stimuli, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 40, (5), 2015, p296 - 305
Whelan C.D, Alhusaini S, O'Hanlon E, Cheung M, Iyer P.M, Meaney J.F, Fagan A.J, Boyle G, Delanty N, Doherty C.P, Cavalleri G.L, White matter alterations in patients with MRI-negative temporal lobe epilepsy and their asymptomatic siblings, Epilepsia, 56, (10), 2015, p1551 - 1561
Booij L, Szyf M, Carballedo A, Frey E.-M, Morris D, Dymov S, Vaisheva F, Ly V, Fahey C, Meaney J, Gill M, Frodl T, DNA methylation of the serotonin transporter gene in peripheral cells and stress-related changes in hippocampal volume: A study in depressed patients and healthy controls, PLoS ONE, 10, (3), 2015, p011906-
Ryan DJ, Kenny RA, Christensen S, Meaney JFM, Fagan AJ, Harbison J, Ischaemic stroke or TIA in older subjects associated with impaired dynamic blood pressure control in the absence of severe large artery stenosis., Age and Ageing, 44, (4), 2015, p655 - 661
Wetterling, F., McCarthy, H., Tozzi, L., Skokauskas, N., O'Doherty J. P., Mulligan, A., Meaney, J., Fagan, A. J., Gill, M., Frodl, T., Impaired Reward Processing in the Human Prefrontal Cortex Distinguishes Between Persistent and Remittent Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING, 36, (1), 2015, p4648-4663
Malik V, Harmon M, Johnston C, Fagan A.J, Claxton Z, Ravi N, O''Toole D, Muldoon C, Keogan M, Reynolds J.V, Meaney J.F.M, Whole Body MRI in the Staging of Esophageal Cancer-A Prospective Comparison with Whole Body <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET-CT, Digestive Surgery, 32, (5), 2015, p397 - 408
Foley, D., Browne, J.E., Zhuang, X., (...), Meaney, J.F., Fagan, A.J. , The utility of deformable image registration for small artery visualisation in contrast-enhanced whole body MR angiography, Physica Medica, 30, (8), 2014, p898-908
Foley D, Browne JE, Zhuang X, Sheane B, O'Driscoll D, Cannon D, Sheehy N, Meaney JF, Fagan AJ, The utility of deformable image registration for small artery visualisation in contrast-enhanced whole body MR angiography., Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB), 30, (8), 2014, p898-908
Chaney, A., Carballedo, A., Amico, F., (...), Meaney, J., Frodl, T. , Effect of childhood maltreatment on brain structure in adult patients with major depressive disorder and healthy participants, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 39, (1), 2014, p50-59
Chaney A, Carballedo A, Amico F, Fagan A, Skokauskas N, Meaney J, Frodl T, Effect of childhood maltreatment on brain structure in adult patients with major depressive disorder and healthy participants., Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN, 39, (1), 2014, p50 - 59
Lisiecka, D.M., Carballedo, A., Fagan, A.J., (...), Meaney, J., Frodl, T. , Recruitment of the left hemispheric emotional attention neural network in risk for and protection from depression, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 38, (2), 2013, p117-128
Authors of Document Mc Cormack, O., Meaney, J.F., Reynolds, J.V. , Resolving sclerosing mesenteritis, Surgery (United States), 153, (6), 2013, p879-880
Alhusaini S, Scanlon C, Ronan L, Maguire S, Meaney JF, Fagan AJ, Boyle G, Borgulya G, Iyer PM, Brennan P, Costello D, Chaila E, Fitzsimons M, Doherty CP, Delanty N, Cavalleri GL, Heritability of subcortical volumetric traits in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy., PloS one, 8, (4), 2013, pe61880
McCarthy, H., Skokauskas, N., Mulligan, A., (...), Meaney, J., Frodl, T. , Attention network hypoconnectivity with default and affective network hyperconnectivity in adults diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in childhood, JAMA Psychiatry, 70, (12), 2013, p1329-1337
Frodl,Thomas S. T.S., Carballedo,Angela A., Fagan,Andrew J. A.J., Lisiecka,Danuta M. D.M., Ferguson,Yolande Y., Meaney,James F M J.F.M., Effects of early-life adversity on white matter diffusivity changes in patients at risk for major depression, Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 37, (1), 2012, p37-45
Bermingham, R., Carballedo, A., Lisiecka, D., (...), Gill, M., Frodl, T. , Effect of genetic variant in BICC1 on functional and structural brain changes in depression, Neuropsychopharmacology, 37, (13), 2012, p2855-2862
Murphy, M.L., Carballedo, A., Fagan, A.J., (...), Meaney, J., Frodl, T. , Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase polymorphism impacts white matter connections in patients with major depressive disorder, Biological Psychiatry, 72, (8), 2012, p663-670
Frodl, T., Carballedo, A., Fagan, A.J., (...), Ferguson, Y., Meaney, J.F. , Altered inhibition of negative emotions in subjects at family risk of major depressive disorder, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, (2), 2012, p181-188
Martin, Z., Dorairaj, J., O'Brien, G.C., (...), Moore, D.J., Madhavan, P. , Hybrid repair of a symptomatic thoracic intra-mural haematoma, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 181, (3), 2012, p381-383
Imaging Blood Circulation Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in, Microcirculation Imaging, 2012, pp349-385 , [Kerskens,Christian M. C.M., Piech,Richard M. R.M., Meaney,James F M J.F.M.]
Carballedo, A., Lisiecka, D., Fagan, A., (...), Meaney, J., Frodl, T. , Early life adversity is associated with brain changes in subjects at family risk for depression, World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 13, (8), 2012, p569-578
Wong, L.F.A., Mullers, S., McGuinness, E., (...), O'Connell, M.P., Fitzpatrick, C. , Piriformis pyomyositis, an unusual presentation of leg pain post partum - Case report and review of literature, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 25, (8), 2012, p1505-1507
Carballedo, A., Amico, F., Ugwu, I., (...), Leemans, A., Frodl, T. , Reduced fractional anisotropy in the uncinate fasciculus in patients with major depression carrying the met-allele of the Val66Met brain-derived neurotrophic factor genotype, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 159 B, (5), 2012, p537-548
Frodl, T., Carballedo, A., Hughes, M.M., (...), O'Keane, V., Connor, T.J. , Reduced expression of glucocorticoid-inducible genes GILZ and SGK-1: High IL-6 levels are associated with reduced hippocampal volumes in major depressive disorder, Translational Psychiatry, 2, 2012, pe88-
Stone, A.J., Browne, J.E., Lennon, B., Meaney, J.F., Fagan, A.J. , Effect of motion on the ADC quantification accuracy of whole-body DWIBS, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 25, (4), 2012, p263-266
Joshua H. Balsters, Redmond G. O'Connell, Mary P. Martin, Alessandra Galli, Sarah M. Cassidy, Sophia M. Kilcullen, Sonja Delmonte, Sabina Brennan, Jim F. Meaney, Andrew J. Fagan, Arun L. W. Bokde, Neil Upton, Robert Lai, Marc Laruelle, Brian Lawlor, Ian H. Robertson, Donepezil Impairs Memory in Healthy Older Subjects: Behavioural, EEG and Simultaneous EEG/fMRI Biomarkers, PLoS ONE, 6, (9), 2011, pe24126
Kane, B.T., Meaney, J.F., Luz, S.F. , Sharing patient radiological imaging studies and pathological samples: Standards, protocols and practices, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2011, pp71-74
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Thomas Frodl, Yolande Ferguson, Andrew Fagan, Danusia Lisiecka, Angela Carballedo, Ian Daly, James Meaney & Dermot Kelleher, Microstructural Correlates of Resilience against Major Depressive Disorder: Epigenetic Mechanisms?, 2010