Dr. Emma Stokes
Vice President for Global Engagement, Trinity Global
Associate Professor, Physiotherapy
Emma Stokes worked as a clinical physiotherapist in St. James's Hospital, Dublin for 6 years, in the area of rehabilitation of older people and in stroke rehabilitation. She was appointed as a lecturer at the School of Physiotherapy in 1996. She is currently a Senior Lecturer and recently completed a 5 year term as Junior Dean and Registrar of Chambers. She is on sabbatical for the coming academic year.
Her research interests are stroke rehabilitation, outcome measurement & more recently professional issues. She supervises 4 graduate students [previous supervision of 4 PhD students].
She recently completed a graduate degree at the School of Business in Trinity with a focus on management science and she will lead the development of a programme on management & leadership in physical therapy for the entry-level PT in 2011. She acts as a professional adviser to the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, with a focus on preparing for the transition to the new regulatory authority in Ireland and she chairs the committee that reviews applications from international graduates who seek recognition of their qualifications prior to being able to work in Ireland, the ISCP being the designated authority for this function until the establishment of the Physiotherapists Registration Board. She is the representative of the European Region of WCPT on its Executive Committee where the focus of her work has been on accreditation, direct access/patient self-referral and patient satisfaction. She will be a candidate for the election of Vice-President of WCPT in 2011.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
McGowan Emer, K. Stokes Emma, Leadership in the profession of physical therapy , Physical Therapy Reviews , 20 , (2 ), 2015, p122 - 131
McGrane Niall, Cusack Tara, O'Donoghue Grainne, Stokes Emma, Motivational strategies for physiotherapists , Physical Therapy Reviews , 19 , (2 ), 2014, p136 - 142
Galvin Rose, Stokes Emma, Cusack Tara, Family-Mediated Exercises (FAME): an exploration of participantâ s involvement in a novel form of exercise delivery after stroke , Topics in stroke rehabilitation , 21 , (1 ), 2014, p63 - 74
Hayes S, Donnellan C, Stokes EK , Associations between executive function and physical function post-stroke: a pilot study, Physiotherapy, 99, (2), 2013, p165 - 171
Bury T, Stokes EK, A global view of direct access and patient self-referral to physical therapy: implications for the profession, Physical Therapy, 93, (4), 2013, p449 - 459
Cooney M, Galvin R, Connolly E, Stokes E, The International Classification of Functioning (ICF) core set for breast cancer from the perspective of women with the condition., Disability and rehabilitation, 35, (9), 2013, p740-8
Cooney MA, Culleton-Quinn E, Stokes E, Current Knowledge of Pain After Breast Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review., Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 14, (2), 2013, p110-123
Bury T, Stokes EK, Direct access and patient/client self-referral to physiotherapy: a review of contemporary practice within the European Union Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, 2013
Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh J, Stokes EK, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E, An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study, Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49, (6), 2012, p949 - 960
Marese A Cooney,R. Galvin, E.K.Stokes, E. Connolly, Impairment , activity and participation after breast cancer: the lived experience, 20, (6 (Suppl 1)), 2012, ppp126 - 126
Landry M, Goldstein M, Stokes EK , Physiotherapy Health Services Research (PHSR): The Road 'That Must Now Be Taken, Physiotherapy Research International , 17, (20), 2012, p63 - 65
Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh J, Stokes EK, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E, An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study, Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49, (6), 2012, p949 - 960
Hayes S, Donnellan C, Stokes EK , Impairment of executive function after stroke and concepts for physiotherapy, Physical Therapy Reviews, 16, (3), 2011, p178 - 190
Galvin R, Cusack T, O'Grady E, Murphy B, Stokes EK, Family mediated exercise intervention [FAME]: evaluation of a novel form of exercise delivery after stroke, Stroke, 42, 2011, p681-686
Galvin R, Cusack T, O'Grady E, Murphy TB, Stokes E, Family-mediated exercise intervention (FAME): evaluation of a novel form of exercise delivery after stroke., Stroke, 42, (3), 2011, p681-6
Cooney M, Culleton-Quinn E, Stokes EK, Current Knowledge of pain post breast cancer treatment: a systematic review, Pain Management Nursing, 2010, p1 - 14
Stokes EK, O'Connell C, Murphy B, An investigation into fatigue post stroke and its multidimensional nature , Advances in Physiotherapy, 2010
Galvin R, Cusack T, Stokes EK, To what extent are family members & friends involved in the rehabilitation of people with stroke?, Disability and Rehabilitation, 31, (11), 2009, p898 - 905
Donoghue D, PROP, Stokes EK, How much change is true change? The MDC of the Berg Balance Scale., Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 41, (5), 2009, p343 - 346
Muras JA, Stokes EK, Cahill C, Assistive technology in everyday living - a user survey of people with parkinson's disease., Technology and Disability, 20, (4), 2008, p271-282
Galvin R, Murphy B, Cusack T, Stokes EK, The impact of increased duration of exercise therapy on functional recovery following stroke - what is the evidence?, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 15, (4), 2008, p365 - 377
Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Use of Outcome Measures in Physiotherapy Practice in Ireland from 1998-2003 and Comparison to Canadian Trends, Physiotherapy Canada, 60, 2008, p109 - 116
Coote S, Murphy B, Stokes EK, The effect of the GENTLE/s robot mediated therapy system on upper extremity dysfunction post stroke, Clinical Rehabilitation, 22, (5), 2008, p395 - 405
Ledger S, Galvin R, Lynch D, Stokes EK., A randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of an individual auditory cueing device on freezing and gait speed in people with Parkinson's disease, BMC Neurology, 8, (46), 2008
Rose Galvin, Tara Cusack and Emma Stokes, A randomised controlled trial evaluating family mediated exercise (FAME) therapy following stroke, BMS Neurology, 8, (22), 2008
Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Towards the development of an outcome measurement for functional mobility of older people - an evaluation of face and content validity of the Trinity Test, Physiotherapy Ireland, 28, (2), 2007, p50 - 70
O'Connell C, Stokes EK, Fatigue - concepts for physiotherapy management & measurement, Physical Therapy, 12, 2007, p314 - 323
Outcome measurement in, editor(s)Stokes MJ, Lennon S , Pocketbook of Neurological Physiotherapy, London, Elsevier, 2007, [Stokes EK]
Kennedy N, Stokes EK, O'Shea E et al., Inpatient & out-patient rehabilitation for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a clinical and economic assessment, Journal of Medical Economics, 10, 2007, p515 - 528
Coote S, Stokes EK, The effect of robot mediated therapy on upper extremity dysfunction post stroke - a single case. , Physiotherapy, 91, (4), 2006, p250 - 256
Fatigue in, editor(s)Kaufmann T , Geriatric Rehabilitation Manual, USA, Elsevier Ltd, 2006, pp131 - 134, [Stokes EK, O'Connell C]
Muras, Joanna Alicja, Cahill, Vinny, Stokes, Emma Katherine, A taxonomy of pervasive healthcare systems, Pervasive Health Conference and Workshops, 2006, 2006, 2006
Muras J, Stokes EK, Cahill V, A taxonomy of pervasive healthcare systems, IEEE, 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare , Innsbruck, Austria, 2006, 2006
O'Connell C, Varghese AC, Stokes EK, Report on research in progress, Physiotherapy Ireland, 27, (1), 2006, p23 - 26
Fox B, Stokes EK, The effect of age, gender and patient behaviour on treatment goal setting among OT and PT students, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 174, (3, Suppl 3), 2005, pp63
Stokes EK, Hip Protectors - a survey of practice in Ireland. , Irish Medical Journal, 98, (1), 2005, p21 - 24
Kennedy N, Stokes EK, O'Shea E, Fitzgerald O, Multidisciplinary team care in arthritis: magnitude of costs in two settings , Arthritis and Rheumatism, 49, (Suppl 9), 2004, pp23
Stokes EK, The end & the means - a pan European review of the roles, processes & experiences of users & providers of assistive technology , International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 27, (Suppl 1), 2004, pp50
Coote S, Stokes EK, The effect of GENTLE/s robot mediated therapy on upper extremity function post stroke. , Proceedings of the 14th World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, June 2003, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003, ppRR-PL-1941
Kennedy N, Fitzgerald O, Stokes EK, O'Shea E, Rehabilitation costs: how does inpatient care compare to outpatient?, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 48, (9), Wiley and sons, 2003, ppS222 - 488
Kennedy N, Murphy B, O'Shea E, Stokes EK, A randomised trial of inpatient versus outpatient care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. , Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, 2003, ppRR-PL-1952
Kennedy N, Fitzgerald O, Stokes EK, O'Shea E, Rehabilitation costs: how does inpatient care compare to outpatient?, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 48, (9), Wiley and sons, 2003, ppS222 - 488
Noel S, Jennings A, Lyons M, Murphy F, O'Hara G, Walsh C, Wright G, Murphy B, Stokes EK, Can we predict discharge destination and ability in older people?, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, June 2003, 2003, pp1953
Kennedy N, Murphy B, Stokes EK, Fitzergerald O, A randomised trial of inpatient versus outpatient care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatology, 2003, 42, (Suppl 1), 2003, pp93
Coote S, Stokes EK, Physiotherapy treatments for the upper extremity: a survey of practice in Ireland., Physiotherapy Ireland, 24, (2), 2003, p11 - 18
Kennedy N, Stokes EK, O'Shea E, Fitzgerald O, Multidisciplinary team care in arthritis: magnitude of costs in two settings, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 50, (9 ), 2003, ppS39
Coote S. Stokes EK, A GENTLE robot - attitudes to the first European prototype of a robot mediated therapy system, 14th World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, June 2003, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003, ppRR-PL-1940
Coote, S, Stokes, E, Murphy, TB, Harwin, W, The effect of GENTLE/s robot-mediated therapy on upper extremity dysfunction post stroke, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2003), 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2003), South Korea, 23-25 April 2003, 2003, pp59 - 61
Stokes EK, Fitzharris L, Fatigue & age, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, 2003, 2003, ppRR-PL-1955
Stokes EK, Langan R, Syed S, Mulcahy R, The agesim survey in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 2003, 172, (3 Suppl 3), 2003, pp4
Coote S, Stokes EK, Physiotherapy treatments for the upper extremity: a survey of practice in Ireland, Physiotherapy Ireland, 24, (2), 2003, p11-18
Noel S, Bourke A, Clogher D, Cronin J, Crowley M, Fitzharris L, Gilhooly L, Jennings A, Lyons M, Monaghan M, O'Hara G, Scully C, Stokes EK, Hip protectors - a national survey of issues surrounding their use., Proceedings of 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2003, ppRR-PL-1953
Coote S, Stokes EK, The effect of robot mediated therapy on upper extremity function post stroke, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, 172, (2 Suppl 2), 2003, pp26
Stokes EK, PROP- Physiotherapy Research & Older People. An innovative model to increase physiotherapy research in practice, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 14th Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Barcelona, 2003, ppRR-PL-1951
Robotics & rehabilitation: the role of robot-mediated therapy post stroke in, editor(s)MacLaghlan M & Gallagher P , Enabling Technologies: Body Image and Function, Edinburgh, Elsevier Science., 2003, pp77 - 98, [Stokes, EK]
Coote S, Murphy B, Stokes EK, Robot mediated therapy for the upper extremity post stroke - a single case study, Synapse, Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Neurology, UK, Spring, 2003, pp42
Coote S, Stokes EK, Robot mediated therapy - attitudes of patients and therapists to the first prototype of the GENTLE/s system. , Technology and Disability, 15, (1), 2003, p7 - 12
Kennedy N, Stokes EK, Why physiotherapy needs economics., Physical Therapy Reviews, 8, 2003, p27 - 30
Kennedy N, Stokes EK, Measuring and evaluating rheumatoid arthritis, British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 9, (9), 2002, p357 - 364
National Council for Ageing & Older People(ed.), Assessment of older people's health and social care needs and preferences, Dublin, 72, 2002, National Council for Ageing & Older People, 2002, 46-48 p
Coote S, Stokes EK, Physical therapy for upper extremity dysfunction following stroke, Physical Therapy Reviews, 6, 2001, p63-69-
Harwin W, Loureiro R, Amirabdohallian F, Taylor M, Johnson G, Stokes EK, Coote S, The GENTLE/s project: a new method of delivering neuro-rehabilitation., Assistive Technology Research Series. IOS Press Amsterdam, 10, 2001, p36 - 41
Kennedy, N, Murphy, B, Fitzgerald, O, Stokes, E, A pilot study of a randomised trial of inpatient versus outpatient care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Physiotherapy Ireland, 22, (1), 2001, pp24 - 25
van de Hel P, Drissen B, Oderwald M, Coote S, Stokes EK, GENTLE/s: robot mediated therapy for stroke patients in a virtual world. , Assistive Technology Research Series. IOS Press Amsterdam, 10, 2001, p256 - 261
Jennings, A, Lyons, M, Murphy, F, Walsh, C, Wright, G, Murphy, B, Stokes, E, Predictive nature of routinely used interdisciplinary assessment tools, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170, (4: Supplement 3), 2001, pp118 - 119
Doyle J, Ruisi J, Stokes EK, The effect of footwear on sway in the elderly, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 2000, 169, (4), 2000, pp20
Stokes EK, O'Neill D, Barriers to achieving functaional independence within the context of physiotherapy, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 2000, 169, (4), 2000, pp117
Kennedy N, Sayers N, Cassidy C, Ward S, Bresnihan B, Fitzgerald O, Stokes EK, The effect of rehabilitation in a rheumatic diseases unit, British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 8, (1), 2000, p29 - 36
Stokes EK, Yung P, O'Neill D, Outcome measurement and physiotherapy for the older patient, 13th World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Yokohama, Japan, June 1999, Science Council of Japan, 1999, pp400
Stokes EK, O'Neill D, The use of standardised assessments by physiotherapists in Ireland, British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 6, (11), 1999, p560 - 565
McNally B, Daly E, Harmon D, O'Neill D, Stokes EK, Functional Independence Measure - pilot study in rehabilitation., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Dublin, 1998, 167, (Suppl 5), 1998, pp17
Stokes EK, Finn AM, Walsh JB, Coakley D, Kirkham D, The 'Balance-Meter': an investigation of an apparatus to measure postural sway., Health Care in Later Life, 3, (3), 1998, p215 - 225
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Stokes EK, Rehabilitation Outcome Measures, London, Churchill Livingston Elsevier, 2010
Stokes EK, Hip protectors - a guide to their use, Dublin, Physiotherapy Research & Older People, 2003
Research Expertise
Stroke rehabilitation - novel technologies, family-mediated exercise intervention, activity & exercise participation Professional issues physiotherapy practice - direct access, regulation, advanced scope Outcome measures in physiotherapy practiceProjects
- Title
- Summary
- Design and evaluation of robot-mediated therapy for people with stroke
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1999
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- I-Match
- Summary
- Deisgn adn evaluation of technology to help match users to appropraie input devices for assistive technology (AT). Pyschosocial impact of AT.
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 2002
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Summary
- Decision support system for neuro-rehabilitation
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2007
- Title
- FAME - Family mediated exercise intervention post stroke
- Summary
- This study investigates the role of family mediated exercise intervention post stroke.
- Funding Agency
- Friends of the Royal Hospital Donnybrook
- Date From
- October 2004
- Date To
- September 2008
Representative of the Irish Society of Chartered Phsyiotherapists at European and International meetings
World Confederation for Physical Therapy- European representative on WCPT Executive Committee
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists