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Professor David Singleton
Fellow Emeritus, C.L.C.S.


I was born in Poole (Dorset) in 1948. I was educated at the local Catholic primary school and state grammar school. I took my primary degree (Moderatorship in Modern Languages - French and German -, Class I) at Trinity College Dublin and my doctorate (in French Linguistics) at the University of Cambridge. My first lecturing position was in the French Department of St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, but since 1980 I have been a member of staff of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin. I have been deeply involved in various professional organizations - including the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (President 1982-85), the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (Secretary General 1993-96) and the European Second Language Association (President 1999-2003).

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Mapping Research on Translanguaging in Language Assessment in, editor(s)David Coulson & Christopher Denman , Translation, Translanguaging and Machine Translation in Foreign Language Education, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, pp211 - 233, [Liubov Darzhnova, David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2025

Second language learning in multilingual education: a means to an end? in, editor(s)P. Romanowski , The Cambridge Handbook of Multilingual Education,, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2025, pp135 - 149, [Colin Flynn & David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2025

Primary school learning: The general empirical picture and specific policy issues in the Irish context in, editor(s)Marianne Nikolov, Stela Letica Krevelj , Early Foreign Learning and Teaching: Evidence versus Wishful Thinking, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2025, pp292 - 307, [Colin Flynn, David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2025

Learning multiple languages in an instructional setting: insights from the study of affordances and from the conceptualization(s) of translanguaging in, editor(s)D. Gabrys-Barker & E. Vetter , Modern Approaches to Researching Multilingualism, Berlin, Springer, 2024, pp147 - 159, [Singleton, D. & Flynn, C. J.] Book Chapter, 2024 URL DOI

David Singleton, Justyna Lesniewska, The role of age in second language development, Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 39, (1), 2024, p359 - 371 Journal Article, 2024

Listening development and learner age in, editor(s)Wagner, E., Batty, A.O. & Galaczi E. , The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening, New York & London, Routledge, 2024, pp83 - 98, [Lesniewska, J. & Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2024

Pfenninger, S.E., Festman, J. & Singleton, D., Second Language Acquisition and Lifelong Learning, First, New York & London, Routledge, 2023, 1 - 242pp Book, 2023

Bilingualism and age in, editor(s)Carole A. Chapelle , The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, New York, Wiley, 2023, [David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2023

David Singleton, Dorota Zaborska, Migrant and third-age language learners telling stories, Strani Jezici, 52, (1), 2023, p37 - 48 Journal Article, 2023

Age in, editor(s)S. Li, P. Hiver & M. Papi , The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences, London & New York, Routledge, 2022, pp251 - 265, [D. Singleton & S.E. Pfenninger] Book Chapter, 2022

Singleton, D. & Flynn C.J., Translanguaging: A pedagogical concept that went wandering, International Multilingual Research Journal, 16, (2), 2022, p136 - 147 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Singleton, D. & Flynn C.J., Language aptitude, language interaction and age of language learning: one reseacher's recent perspective, Language, Interaction, Acquisition, 12, (2), 2021, p284 - 304 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

"Phrasicon, phrase, phraseology" in, editor(s)S. Granger , Perspectives on the L2 Phrasicon: The View from Learner Corpora, Bristol, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2021, pp235 - 244, [David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2021

Is there a best age for second language learning? Evidence from across the lifespan? in, editor(s)R. Woore & E. Macaro , Debates in modern language education,, London, Routledge, 2021, pp50 - 63, [Pfenninger, S.E., Singleton, D. ] Book Chapter, 2021

Singleton, D. & Leśniewska, J., The Critical Period Hypothesis: An unfalsifiable embarrassment?, Languages, 6, (3), 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Grammatical questions: phraseological answers in, editor(s)A. Uberman M. Trinder , Text-sentence-word: Studies in English linguistics, Volume IV, Rzesow:, Wydawnicwo Universytetu Reszow, 2021, pp109 - 119, [David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2021

Singleton, D. & Leśniewska, J., Phraseology: where lexicon and syntax conjoin, Language and Education: An International Journal., 1, (1), 2021, p46 - 58 Journal Article, 2021

Singleton, D., The random and the non-random in intra-individual L2 variation, Linguistics Vanguard, 7, (s2), 2021 Journal Article, 2021 URL

The translanguaging conundrum in, editor(s)S. Bátyi, M. Gósy, P. Heltai,, Z. Lengyel, S. Szentgyörgy , Bilingualism: Hungarian and non-Hungarian contexts, Pannon Egyetem, 2020, pp175 - 184, [David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2020

Singleton, D., Zaborska, D., Adults learning additional languages in their later years: the pain, the profit and the pleasure, Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices , 1, (1), 2020, p112 - 124 Journal Article, 2020

Pfenninger, S.E. & Singleton, D., Starting age overshadowed: The primacy of differential environmental and family support effects on L2 attainment in an instructional context, Language Learning, 69, (S1), 2019, p207 - 234 Journal Article, 2019

Pfenninger, S.E. & Singleton, D., Making the most of an early start to L2 instruction, Language Teaching for Young Learners, 1, (2), 2019, p111 - 138 Journal Article, 2019

Pfenninger, S.E. & Singleton, D., A critical review of research relating to the learning, use and effects of additional and multiple languages in later life, Language Teaching, 52, (4), 2019, p419 - 449 Journal Article, 2019

Singleton, D., Discussion, European Journal of Higher Education, 9, (3), 2019, p343 - 350 Journal Article, 2019

Singleton, D., Bi-/multilingual communication, identity and the posited intermingling of language systems in the mind, Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, 5, (2), 2019, p25 - 38 Journal Article, 2019

Singleton, D., Pfenninger, S.E., Exploring a poorly understood variable: An agenda for classroom research on the age factor, Language Teaching, 52, (1), 2019, p111 - 127 Journal Article, 2019

Ageing and multilingualism in, editor(s)Singleton, D., Aronin, L. , Twelve chapters on multilingalism, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2019, pp213 - 230, [Munoz, C., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2019

Really late learners: Some research contexts and some practical hints in, editor(s)Gabryś-Barker, D., , Third age learners of foreign languages, Bristol, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2018, pp19 - 30, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2018

Singleton, D., Pfenninger, S.E., L2 acquisition in childhood, adulthood and old age: Misreported and under-researched dimensions of the age factor, Journal of Second Language Studies , 1, (2), 2018, p254 - 275 Journal Article, 2018

The 'earlier=better' assumption through the ages: On the origin and history of a myth in SLA and its pedagogical consequences in, editor(s)Ubermann, A. Dick-Bursztyn, M. , Language in the new millenium: applied-linguistic and cognitive considerations, Bern, Peter Lang, 2018, pp41 - 61, [Pfenninger, S. E. & Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2018

Children's second language acquisition with a focus on the age debate in, editor(s)Garton, S Copland, F., , The Routledge handbook of teachng English to young learners, London, Routledge, 2018, pp30 - 43, [Singleton, D. & Pfenninger, S.E.] Book Chapter, 2018

Singleton, D., Pfenninger, S.E., L2 Proficiency as a function of cultural identity in interlingual couples, Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, 4, (1), 2018, p7 - 22 Journal Article, 2018

Simone Pfenninger David Singleton, Beyond age effects in instructional L2 learning: Revisiting the age factor,, First, Bristol, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2017, 1 - 271pp Book, 2017

Reporting on politically sensitive issues: The case of telling the truth about early L2 instruction in, editor(s)Rose H., McKinley, J. , Doing Real Research in Applied Linguistics, London, Routledge, 2017, pp214 - 224, [Singleton, D., Pfenninger, S.E.] Book Chapter, 2017

Recent advances in quantitative methods in age related research in, editor(s)Pfenninger , S.E., Navracsics, J. , Future research directions for applied linguistics, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2017, pp101 - 119, [Pfenninger, S. E., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2017

Singleton, D., Language aptitude: desirable trait or acquirable attribute?, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 7, (1), 2017, p89 - 103 Journal Article, 2017

Second language acquisition and age effects: The research conundrum in, editor(s)Cergol Kovačević, K. Udier, S. L., , Applied linguistic research and methodology, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2017, pp15 - 36, [Pfenninger, S. E. & Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2017

CPH theory, early classroom instruction and age-related issues that are separable from age in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , Classroom-oriented research: reconciling theory and practice, Berlin, Springer, 2016, pp231 - 242, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2016

Pfenninger, S.E., Singleton, D., Age of onset, socio-affect and cross-linguistic influence: a long-term classroom study, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13, 2016, p147 - 180 Journal Article, 2016

Age and identity in, editor(s)Regan, V., Diskin, C. Martyn, J., , Language, identity and migration: voices from transnational speakers and communities, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2016, pp83 - 87, [Skrzypek, A., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2016

Pfenninger, S. E., Singleton, D.], Affect trumps age: a person-in-context relational view of age and motivation in SLA, Second Language Research, 32, (3), 2016, p311 - 345 Journal Article, 2016

Pfenninger, S. E., Singleton, D., Affect trumps age: a person-in-context relational view of age and motivation in SLA, Second Language Research, 32, (3), 2016, p311 - 345 Journal Article, 2016

A critical reaction from second language acquisition research in, editor(s)Cook, V. Wei, L. , The Cambridge handbook of linguistic multicompetence, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp502 - 520, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2016

Pfenninger, S E., Singleton D., The age factor in the foreign language class: What do learners think?, Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition , 3, (1), 2016, p7 - 23 Journal Article, 2016

Reading for remembering: on the long-term impact of starting age on retention and recall of target-language input in, Galajda, D., Zakrajewski, P., Pawlak, M. , Researching second language learning and teaching from a psycholinguistic perspective, Berlin, Springer, 2016, pp71 - 86, [Pfenninger, S E., Singleton D.] Book Chapter, 2016

Language awarenessand language aptitude - kissing cousins in, editor(s)Bátyi, S. Vígh-Szabó, M., , Studies in Psycholinguistics 5, Budapest, Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2015, pp267 - 276, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2015

Insights from a mixed methods approach with respect to age and lonrg-term instructed language learning in, editor(s)Navracsics, J. Bátyi, S. , Studies in Psycholinguistics 6, Budapest, Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2015, pp11 - 21, [Pfenniger, S.E., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2015

Cross-lexical interaction and the structure if the mental lexicon in, editor(s)Yu L. Odlin, T., , New perspectives on transfer in second language learning, Bristol, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2015, pp51 - 62, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2015

Attitudes towards and perceptions of English L2 acquisition among Polish migrants in Ireland in, editor(s)Geraghty, B. & Conacher, J.E., , Intercultural contact, language learning and migration, London, Bloomsbury, 2014, pp112 - 130, [Skrzypek, A., Kopečková, R., Bidzińska, B.& Singletton, D.] Book Chapter, 2014

Alternative perspectives on ultimate attainment in, editor(s)Bátyi, S., Navracsics, J. & Vígh-Szabó, M., , Papers in language acquisition, language learning and speech research 4, Budapest & Veszprém, Gondolat Kiadó/Pannon Egyetem MFTK,, 2014, pp130 - 136, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2014

Phonological short-term memory and the operation of cross-linguistic factors in elementary and pre-intermediate L2 adult learners' collocational usage in, editor(s)Szubko, W., Salski L. & Stalmaszczyk, P. , Language learning, discourse and communication: studies in honour of Jan Mayer, Berlin, Springer, 2014, pp183 - 192, [Skrzypek, A.& Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2014

Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 3, (2014), 403 - 578p, Singleton, D., [ed], Autumn 2014 Journal, 2014

Singleton, D., Apt to change: The problematic of language awareness and language aptitude in age-related research, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4, (3), 2014, p557 - 571 Journal Article, 2014

Kinsella, C. & Singleton, D., Much more than age, Applied Linguistics, 35, (4), 2014, p441 - 462 Journal Article, 2014

Cook, V. & Singleton, D., Key Topics in Second Language Acquisition, Bristol, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2014, 1 - 149pp Book, 2014

Minority Language Use in Ireland: The Time Feature in, Singleton, David, Joshua Fishman, Larissa Aronin and Muiris O Laoire , Current Multilingualism: A New Linguistic Dispensation , Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2013, pp121 - 138, [Singleton, David, Larissa Aronin and Lorna Carson] Book Chapter, 2013 URL

Multilingualism and philosophy, Chapelle, C. A. (General Editor), Cenoz J., Gorter, D. (Area Editors), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp3951 - 3954, [Aronin, L., Singleton, D.] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013

Singleton, D., Fishman, J., Aronin, L., O Laoire, M. (eds.), Current Multilingualism: A New Linguistic Dispensation , Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2013, 1 - 377pp Book, 2013

Affective dimensions of second language ultimate attainment in, editor(s)Gabryś-Barker, D., Bielska, J. , The affective dimension in second language acquisition , Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2013, pp29 - 34, [Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 2013

Singleton, D., Regan, V., Debaene, E., Linguistic and Cultural Acquisition in a Migrant Community, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2013, 1 - 182pp Book, 2013

Age and the classroom learning of additional languages in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , Classroom-oriented research , Berlin, Springer, 2013, pp3 - 13, [Singleton, D. & Skrzypek, A] Book Chapter, 2013

Skrzypek,A. & Singleton. D., Cont olled versus free production of English collocations by adult Polish learners: the role of short-term memory, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10, (1), 2013, p105 - 129 Journal Article, 2013

Variation in English lexical acquisition among Polish migrant children in Ireland in, editor(s)Singleton, D., Regan, V., Debaene, E. , Linguistic and Cultural Acquisition in a Migrant Community, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2013, pp152 - 182, [Walsh, P. & Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2013

Second language phonology: a critical perspective on critical period perspectives in, editor(s)Berndt, A. , Fremdsprachen in der Perspektive lebenslangen Lernens, Frankfurt an Main, Peter Lang, 2013, pp119 - 128, [Singleton, D., Kopeckova, R.] Book Chapter, 2013

Bilingualism and age, Chapelle, C. A. (General Editor), Cenoz J., Gorter, D. (Area Editors), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp443 - 447, [Singleton, D] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013

Bilingualism and Age in, editor(s)Carol A. Chapelle , The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, New York, 2013, [David Singleton] Book Chapter, 2013

Aronin, L.., Singleton, D., Affordances theory in multilingualism studies, Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2, (3), 2013, p311 - 332 Journal Article, 2013

Phonological short-term memory and knowledge of L2 collocations: The direction of causality in, editor(s)Mańczak-Wohlfeld, E., Jodłowiec,M. , Exploring the Microcosm and Macrocosm of Language Teaching and Learning. A Festschrift on the Occasion of 70th Birthday of Professor Anna Niżegorodcew, Cracow, Jagiellonian University Press, 2013, pp115 - 132, [Skrzypek, A., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2013

Skrzypek, A., Singleton, D., Productive knowledge of English collocations in adult Polish learners: The role of short-term memory, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics , 10, 2013, p105 - 129 Journal Article, 2013

Age factors, Byram, M. Hu, A.,, Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, 2nd edition, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013, pp23 - 26, [Singleton. D] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013

Aronin, L., Singleton, D., Multilingualism, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2012, 1-230pp Book, 2012

Age and SLA: Research Highways and Bye-Ways in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , New Perspectives on Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teaching, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp97 - 111, [Singleton, D, Lesniewska, J] Book Chapter, 2012

JACET(ed.), JACET 51st International Convention, A critical exploration of the role of the age factor in the promotion of early instruction in additional languages, International Convention Proceedings of the JACET 51st International Convention, Nagoya, 31Aug-2 Sept 2012, The Japan Association of College English Teachers, 2012, 7-13 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Ultimate attainment and the Critical Period Hypothesis: Some thorny issues in, editor(s)Watorek, M., Benazzo, S., Hickmann. M. , Comparative perspectives on language acquisition, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2012, pp188 - 203, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2012

Multilingual lexical operations: keeping it all together ... and apart in, editor(s)Cabrelli Amaro, J. Flynn, S. Rothman, J. , Third language acquisition in adulthood, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2012, pp95 - 113, [Singleton, D,] Book Chapter, 2012

Poles Experiencing English (and much more!) in Ireland in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , Extending the Boundaries of Research on Second Language Learning and Teaching, Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2011, pp103 - 110, [Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 2011

International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 49, 2, (2011), 1 - 194p, Howard, M., O Laoire, M., Singleton, D., [eds.], one year Journal, 2011

Unsayable things in the context of age-related SLA research in, editor(s)Panajoti, A , The said and the unsaid: Papers on language, literature and cultural studies, Vlora, University of Vlora, 2011, pp131 - 138, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2011

Aronin, L. , O Laoire, M., Singleton, D., The multiple faces of multilingualism: Language nominations, Applied Linguisics Review, 2, 2011, p169 - 190 Journal Article, 2011

Munoz, C., Singleton, D., A critical review of age-related research on L2 ultimate attainment, Language Teaching, 44, (1), 2011, p1 - 35 Journal Article, 2011

Around and beyond the Critical Period Hypothesis in, editor(s)Hinkel, E. , Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning. Volume 2, London, Routledge, 2011, pp407 - 425, [Singleton, D, Munoz, C] Book Chapter, 2011

Singleton, D, Review of Processes in Third Language Acquisition, by B. Hammarberg , Applied Linguistics, 32, (1), 2011, p116-118 Review, 2011

Singleton, D., Context matters: A brief commentary on the paper by Trofimovich, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 49, 2011, p191 - 192 Journal Article, 2011

Singleton, D., Integrating neurolinguistics into second language acquisition research, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies, 12, 2011, p24 - 31 Journal Article, 2011

The language educational experience of Polish migrants in France and Ireland in, editor(s)O'Rourke, B Carson, L. , Language learner autonomy: policy, curriculum, classroom, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2010, pp171 - 188, [Debaene, E., Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 2010

Cross-lexical interplay and the organization of the mental lexicon in, editor(s)Kurczynski, M. , Language, thought and education. Volume 2, Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Góra Press, 2010, pp33 - 44, [Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 2010

The polyvalence of taboo language in, editor(s)Jodlowiec, M Lesniewska, J. , Ambiguity and the Search for Meaning: English and American Studies at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Volume 2: Language and Culture., Krakow, Jagiellonian University Press, 2010, pp53 - 62, [Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 2010

International Journal of the Sociology of Language , 2010, 205, (2010), 1 - 192p, Aronin, L, Singleton, D, [eds.], One issue Journal, 2010

EUROSLA Yearbook, 10, (2010), 1 - 281p, Roberts, L., Howard, M., O Laoire, M., Singleton, D., [eds.], one year Journal, 2010

Aronin, L., Singleton, D, , Affordances and the diversity of multilingualism , International Journal of the Sociology of Language , 2010, (205), 2010, p105 - 129 Journal Article, 2010

Multilingual language learners' use of affordances: theoretical perspectives and some evidence in, editor(s)Arabski, J, Wojtaszek, A. , Multidisciplinary perspectives on second language acquisition and foreign language learning, Katowice, University of Silesia Press, 2009, pp170 - 182, [Singleton, D., Aronin, L.] Book Chapter, 2009

Salience or context in the processing of L1 and L2 multi-word units? in, editor(s)Wysocka, M. , On language structure, acquisition and teaching, Katowice, University of Silesia Press, 2009, pp293 - 304, [Cie licka, A, O'Rourke, B., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2009

'Second Language Acquisition and Native Language Maintenance in the Polish Diaspora in Ireland and France' and 'Our Languages: Who in Ireland Speaks and Understands Russian?' [The rationale, structure and aims of two Dublin-based research projects] in, editor(s)Maciej Duszczyk, Magdalena Lesinska (red.) , Wspolczesne migracje: dylematy Europy i Polski; Contemporary Migrations: Dilemmas of Europe and of Poland, Warsaw, Centre of Migration Research, 2009, pp196 - 220, [Singleton, D., Smyth, S. & Debaene, E.] Book Chapter, 2009

Unspeakable words: the taboo fringe of the lexicon in, editor(s)Dynel, M. , Advances in Discourse Approaches, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2009, pp130 - 146, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2009

Age and SLA: research highways and byeways in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , New perspectives on individual differences in language learning and teaching , Poznan - Kalisz, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2009, pp109 - 124, [Singleton, D., Lesniewska, J.] Book Chapter, 2009

Child language development in a multilingual environment in, editor(s)Lengyel, Z., Navracsics, J. , Tanulmányok a mentális lexikonról. Studies on the mental lexicon., Budapest, Tinta Kiadó, 2009, pp83 - 96, [Singleton, D., Ryan, L.] Book Chapter, 2009

The role of prior knowledge in L3 learning and use: further evidence of psychotypological dimensions in, editor(s)Aronin, L., Hufeisen, B. , The Exploration of Multilingualism: Development of Research on L3, Multilingualism and Multiple Language Acquisition, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2009, pp79 - 102, [Ó Laoire, M., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2009

The place of English in a multilingual world in, editor(s)Arabski, J., Gabrys-Barker, D., Lyda, A. , PASE Papers 2007: Studies in Language and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. Volume 1, Katowice, University of Silesia/PARA, 2008, pp11 - 21, [Singleton, D., Aronin, L.] Book Chapter, 2008

Aronin, L., Singleton, D., Multilingualism as a new linguistic dispensation, International Journal of Multilingualism, 5, (1), 2008, p1 - 16 Journal Article, 2008

Singleton, D., Language and the lexicon: an introduction, Korean translation, Seoul, Sam Yung Publishers, 2008, 1 - 324pp Book, 2008

The processing of multi-word units: Evidence from readers' eye movements in, editor(s)Myczko, K., Skowronek, B., Zabrocki, W. , Perspektywy glottodydaktyki i językoznawstwa. Tom jubileuszowy z okazji 70. urodzin Profesora Waldemara Pfeiffera, Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2008, pp39 - 55, [Cieślicka A, O'Rourke B, Singleton D.] Book Chapter, 2008

The philosophy of multilingualism in, editor(s)Martí Arnándiz, O. Safont Jordà, M.P. , Achieving Multilingualism: Wills and Ways, Castelló de la Plana, Universitat Jaume I, 2008, pp20 - 33, [Aronin, L, Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2008

The complexity of multilingual contact and language use in times of globalization in, editor(s)Vergaro, C. , Dynamics of language contact in the twenty-first century, Perugia, Guerra Edizioni, 2008, pp33 - 47, [Aronin, L., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2008

Singleton, D., Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon, Chinese Edition, Beijing, Cambridge University Press/Beijing World Publishing, 2007, 1 - 341pp Book, 2007

Singleton, David, Aronin, Larissa, & Carson, Lorna, Minority Language Use in Ireland: The Time Feature, Paper delivered at the 11th International Conference on Minority Languages, 2007, Pécs, Hungary, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Activation of literal and idiomatic meanings during on-line processing of L1 and L2 idioms in, editor(s)Arabski, J. , Challenging tasks for psycholinguistics in the new century, Katowice, Oficyna Wydawnicza Waclaw Walasek, University of Silesia, 2007, pp267 - 282, [Cieslicka, A., O'Rourke, B., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2007

Open choice versus the Idiom Principle in L2 lexical usage in, editor(s)Pawlak, M. , Exploring focus on form in language teaching, Poznan, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, 2007, pp207 - 222, [Singleton, D., Lesniewska, J., Witalisz, E.] Book Chapter, 2007

How integrated is the integrated mental lexicon? in, editor(s)Lengyel, Z., Navracsics, J. , Second language lexical processes, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2007, pp10 - 29, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2007

Conceptions of the lexicon: approaches to second language vocabulary teaching: a historical perspective in, editor(s)Arabski, J. , On foreign language acquisition and effective learning, Katowice, University of Silesia Press, 2007, pp73 - 88, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2007

Singleton, D, The Critical Period Hypothesis: some problems, Interlingüística, 17, 2007, p48 - 56 Journal Article, 2007

Muñoz, C., Singleton, D., Foreign accent in advanced learners: two successful profiles., The EUROSLA Yearbook, 7, 2007, p171 - 190 Journal Article, 2007

Singleton D., Aronin, L., Multiple language learning in the light of the theory of affordances, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1, (1), 2007, p83 - 96 Journal Article, 2007

Singleton, D., Review of Age in L2 Acquisition and Teaching, by Christián Abello-Contesse, Rubén Chacón-Beltrán, M. Dolores López-Jiménez, M. Mar Torreblanca- López (eds.) , Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 28, (4), 2007, p346-347 Review, 2007

Singleton, D., O Laoire, M., Psychotypologie et facteur L2 dans l'influence translexicale. Une analyse de l'influence de l'anglais et de l'irlandais sur le français L3 de l'apprenant, Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère, 24, 2006, p101 - 117 Journal Article, 2006

Identity and the second language learner in, editor(s)Lesniewska, J., Witalisz, E. , Language and identity. English and American studies in the age of globalization. Volume 2: Language and Culture, Krakow, Jagiellonian University Press, 2006, pp13 - 28, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2006

Lexical transfer: interlexical or intralexical? in, editor(s)J. Arabski , Cross-linguistic influences in the second language lexicon, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2006, pp130 - 143, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2006

Psychotypology and the "L2 factor" in cross-lexical interaction: an analysis of English and Irish influence in learner French in, editor(s)Bendtsen, M., Björklund, M., Fant, C. & Forsman, L. , Språk, lärande och utbildning i sikte, Vasa, Faculty of Education, Åbo Akademi., 2006, pp191 - 205, [Singleton, D. , Ó Laoire, M. ] Book Chapter, 2006

Lexical acquisition: a meaningful experience in, editor(s)Granić, J. , Semantika prirodnog jezika i metajezik semantike (Natural language semantics and the metalanguage of semantics), Zagreb/Split, Hvratsko Dru tvo za Primijenjenu Lingvistiku , 2005, pp665 - 680, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2005

Singleton, D., The Critical Period Hypothesis: A coat of many colours, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 43, (4), 2005, p269 - 285 Journal Article, 2005

Lexicon/Lexikon in, editor(s)Ammon, U. Dittmar, N. Mattheier, K.J. Trudgill, P , Sociolinguistics / Soziolinguistik: An International handbook of the science of language and society / Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2005, pp530 - 539, [Singleton, D., Kallen, J.] Book Chapter, 2005

A first encounter with Dutch: perceived language distance and transfer as factors in comprehension in, editor(s)Hufeisen, B. Fouser, R.J. , Introductory readings in L3, Tübingen, Stauffenberg Verlag, 2005, pp101 - 109, [Singleton, D., Little, D.] Book Chapter, 2005

Cieslicka, A., Singleton, D., Metaphorical competence and the L2 learner, Angles on the English-Speaking World , 4, 2004, p69 - 84 Journal Article, 2004

Criticizing the Critical Period Hypothesis in, editor(s)Arabski, J. , Pragmatics and language learning , Kraków, Universitas, 2004, pp219 - 229, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2004

Singleton, D, Ryan, L., Language acquisition: the age factor, Second Edition, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2004, 1 - 289pp Book, 2004

Singleton, D., Le facteur de l'âge dans l'acquisition d'une L2: remarques préliminaires, Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 18, 2003, p1 - 15 Journal Article, 2003

Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 18, (2003), 1 - 127p, Singleton, D., [eds.], 1 year Journal, 2003

Perspectives on the multilingual lexicon: a critical synthesis in, editor(s)Cenoz, J. Jessner, U. Hufeisen, B , The multilingual lexicon, Dordrecht, Kluewer Academic, 2003, pp167 - 176, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2003

Critical period or general age factor(s)? in, editor(s)García Mayo, M.P. García Lecumberri, M.L. , Age and the acquisition of English as a foreign language, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 2003, pp3 - 22, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2003

The C-test and L2 acquisition/processing research in, editor(s)Coleman, J.A. Grotjahn, R. Raatz, U. , University language testing and the C-test, Bochum, AKS-Verlag, 2002, pp143 - 168, [Singleton, D., Singleton, E.] Book Chapter, 2002

Atomistic and incidental approaches to vocabulary learning in, editor(s)Arabski, J. , Time for words: studies in foreign language vocabulary acquisition, Frankfurt-am-Main, Peter Lang, 2002, pp191 - 199, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2002

Cross-linguistic operations in the mental lexicon and lexical change in, editor(s)Sampson, R. Ayres-Bennett, W. , Interpreting the history of French, Amsterdam/New York, Rodopi, 2002, pp243 - 258, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2002

Singleton, D., Age and second language acquisition, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics , 21, 2001, p77 - 89 Journal Article, 2001

Singleton, D., A második nyelv a 'mentális lexikon' kontextusában (The second language mental lexicon in context), Modern Nyelvoktatás (Modern Languages), 6, (2-3), 2000, p3 - 23 Journal Article, 2000

Singleton, D., Language and the lexicon: an introduction, London, Edward Arnold, 2000, 1 - 244pp Book, 2000

Singleton, D., Connectivité interlinguistique dans l'acquisition et l'exploitation du lexique de la langue seconde, Le Français dans le Monde, Special issue, (Didactique), 2000, p56 - 69 Journal Article, 2000

Age factors in, editor(s)Byram, M. , Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning, London, Routledge, 2000, pp21 - 24, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 2000

Singleton, D., Review of French second language education in Canada: empirical studies, by Lapkin, S. , System, 28, 2000, p626-628 Review, 2000

Singleton, D., Learning and not learning L2 lexis: a case study, Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, Special issue, 2, 1999, p37 - 47 Journal Article, 1999

Singleton, D., Review of Foreign language education: the easy way, by Krashen, S. , System, 27, 1999, p283-285 Review, 1999

Singleton, D., Exploring the second language mental lexicon, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 1 - 341pp Book, 1999

L'approche communicative et « l'éveil au langage »: des frères ennemis? Quelques aperçus apportés par une expérience de l'enseignement précoce du français langue étrangère in, editor(s)Billiez, J. , De la didactique des langues à la didactique du plurilinguisme, Grenoble, CDL-LIDILEM, 1998, pp285 - 290, [Singleton, D., Furlong, A.] Book Chapter, 1998

Singleton, D., Age and the second language lexicon, Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 23, 1998, p365 - 376 Journal Article, 1998

Singleton, D., Review of Second language acquisition, by Ellis, R. , System, 26, 1998, p143-145 Review, 1998

Singleton, D., Learning and processing L2 vocabulary, Language Teaching, 30, 1997, p213 - 225 Journal Article, 1997

Singleton, D., Form and meaning in the L2 mental lexicon: a review of some relevant evidence, Linguistic Studies in Central Europe , 1, 1997, p155 - 169 Journal Article, 1997

Age and second language learning in, editor(s)Tucker, G.R. Corson, D. , Encyclopedia of language and education. Volume 4: second language education, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1997, pp43 - 50, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1997

Crosslinguistic aspects of the mental lexicon in, editor(s)Hickey, R. Puppel, S. , Language history and language modelling, Berlin, Mouton, 1997, pp1641 - 1652., [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1997

Formal aspects of the L2 mental lexicon: some evidence from university-level learners of French in, editor(s)Sajavaara, K., Fairfeather, C. , Approaches to second language acquisition, Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä , 1996, pp79 - 85, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1996

Crosslinguistic lexical operations and the L2 mental lexicon in, editor(s)Hickey, T., Williams, J. , Language, education and society in a changing world, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1996, pp246 - 252, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1996

Authentic texts, social reality and vocabulary learning in, editor(s)Tsopanoglou, A., Tryfona-Antonopoulou, N. , The sociolinguistic dimension in the teaching and learning of modern languages, Thessaloniki, Greek Applied Linguistics Association, 1996, pp298 - 309, [Singelton, D.] Book Chapter, 1996

Early second language instruction: evaluating the age factor dimension in, Abdrija evic, M. Zergollern-Miletic, L. , Jezik i komunikacij a (Language and communication), Zagreb, Croatian Applied Linguistics Association, 1996, pp458 - 462, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1996

Singleton, D., Cross-lexical consultation: out of the horse's mouth, Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses , 32-33 , 1996, p9 - 18 Journal Article, 1996

Introduction: a critical look at the Critical Period Hypothesis in second language acquisition research in, editor(s)Singleton, D., Lengyel, Z. , The age factor in second language acquisition: a critical look at the Critical Period Hypothesis, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1995, pp1 - 29, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1995

Singleton, D., Review of The bilingual lexicon, by Schreuder, R., Weltens, B. , Applied Linguistics , 16, (1), 1995, p125-127 Review, 1995

Singleton, D., Lengyel, Z. , The age factor in second language acquisition: a critical look at the Critical Period Hypothesis, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd, 1995, 1 - 160pp Book, 1995 URL

Singleton, D., Second languages in the primary school: the age factor dimension, Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 15, 1995, p155 - 166 Journal Article, 1995

Ridley, J., Singleton, D., Strategic L2 lexical innovation: case study of a university-level ab initio learner of German, Second Language Research , 11, (2), 1995, p137 - 148 Journal Article, 1995

Ridley, J., Singleton, D., Contrastivity and individual learner contrasts, Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen , 24, 1995, p123 - 137 Journal Article, 1995

Singleton, D., Le rôle de la forme et du sens dans le lexique mental en L2, Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 3, 1994, p3 - 27 Journal Article, 1994

Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère, 3, (1994), Singleton, D., [ed.], 1 year Journal, 1994

Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère, 3, (1994), Singleton, D., [eds.], 1 year Journal, 1994

Defending notional-functional syllabuses in, editor(s)Brumfit, C. , The work of the Council of Europe and second language teaching, London, Macmillan, 1994, pp75 - 80, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1994

Learning L2 lexis: a matter of form? in, editor(s)Bartelt, G. , The dynamics of language processes: essays in honor of Hans Dechert, Tübingen, Narr, 1994, pp45 - 58, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1994

Activités métalinguistiques et apprentissage des langues étrangères: la dimension lexicale in, editor(s)Bourgignon, C., Foerster, C. , La grammaire: à quoi ça sert? , Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1993, pp161 - 173, [Singleton,D.] Book Chapter, 1993

Modularity and lexical processing: an L2 perpective in, editor(s)Kettemann, B., Wieden, W. , Current issues in European second language acquisition research, Tübingen, Narr, 1993, pp253 - 262, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1993

Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère, 3, (1993), Singleton, D., [ed.], 1 year Journal, 1993

National identity and international needs: the case of language teaching in Ireland in, editor(s)Gnutzman, C., Königs, F., Pfeiffer, W. , Fremdsprachenunterricht im internationalen Vergleich - Perspecktive 2000, Frankfurt, Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1992, pp77 - 89, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1992

Le lexique mental de l'apprenant d'une langue étrangère: quelques aperçus apportés par le TCD Modern Languages Research Project in, editor(s)Bouchard, R., Billiez, J., Colletta, J.-M. , de Nuchèze, V., Millet, A., , Acquisition et enseignement/apprentissage des langues, Grenoble, LIDILEM, 1992, pp395 - 402, [Singleton, D., Little, D.] Book Chapter, 1992

Singleton, D., Languages in the schools: the limits of iconoclasm, Oideas, 38, 1992, p62 - 75 Journal Article, 1992

The C-test as an elicitation instrument in second language research in, editor(s)Grotjahn, R , Der C-Test. Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungen, Bochum, Universitätsverlag Dr N. Brochmeyer, 1992, pp173 - 190, [Little, D. Singleton, D] Book Chapter, 1992

Singleton, D., Review of Language transfer: cross-linguistic influence in language learning, by Odlin, T. , Applied Linguistics , 13, (1), 1992, p120-122 Review, 1992

Singleton, D., Second language instruction: the when and the how, AILA Review, 9, 1992, p46 - 54 Journal Article, 1992

Singleton, D., Education towards language awareness in Ireland, Language Awareness, 1, (1), 1992, p47 - 57 Journal Article, 1992

Singleton, D., Little, D., The second language lexicon: some evidence from university learners of French and German, Second Language Research , 7, (1), 1991, p61 - 82 Journal Article, 1991

Singleton, D., Review of Le Robert méthodique: dictionnaire méthodique du français actuel, by Rey-Debove, J. , Journal of French Language Studies , 1, 1991, p234-235 Review, 1991

Authentic texts: pedagogic grammar and language awareness in foreign language learning in, editor(s)James C., Garrett, P , Language awareness in the classroom, London, Longman, 1991, pp123 - 132, [Little, D., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1991

Singleton, D., Review of Registers of written English: situational factors and linguistic features, by Ghadessy, M. , Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development , 12, (3), 1991, p229-232 Review, 1991

Singleton, D., Review of The role of the mother tongue in foreign language learning, by Ringbom, H. , Studies in Education , 6, (2), 1990, p58-60 Review, 1990

Singleton, D., The Junior Certificate syllabuses for Italian and Spanish, Studies in Education, 7, (1), 1990, p50 - 56 Journal Article, 1990

The cross-linguistic factor in second language learning: a report on some small-scale studies recently conducted in Ireland in, editor(s)Shimapla, T., Yano, Y , Studies in applied linguistics, Tokyo, Liber Press, 1990, pp90 - 95, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1990

Singleton, D., Review of A spectrum of lexicography: papers from AILA Brussels 84, by Ilson, R.S. , Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics , 10, 1990, p133-137 Review, 1990

Cognitive styles and learning approach in, editor(s)Duda, R., Riley, P , Learning styles, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1990, pp11 - 19, [Little, D., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1990

Singleton, D., Support for the self-instructional language learner: the case of the TCD engineers, Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 10, 1990, p39 - 52 Journal Article, 1990

Singleton, D., Review of Language universals and second language acquisition, by Rutherford W.E. (ed.) , Teanga: Journal of the Irish Association of Applied Linguistics, 9, 1989, p102-104 Review, 1989

Singleton, D., Language acquisition: the age factor, First Edition, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1989, 1 - 323pp Book, 1989

Singleton, D., Review of Principles of course design for language teaching, by Yalden, J. , Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 10, (3), 1988, p412-414 Review, 1988

Singleton, D., Pedagogical grammar as 'linguistics applied' , Journal of Applied Linguistics (Thessaloniki), 4, 1988, p81 - 90 Journal Article, 1988

Singleton, D., Review of Age in second language acquisition, by Harley, B. , Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 10, (2), 1988, p272-273 Review, 1988

Singleton, D., Review of Age in second language acquisition, by Birgit Harley , Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 10, (2), 1988, p272-273 Review, 1988

Singleton, D., Review of The use of Welsh, , by Ball, M.J. (ed.) , Language and Education , 2, (4), 1988, p281-283 Review, 1988

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Singleton, D, Globalization, language, and national identity: the case of Ireland. CLCS Occasional Paper No.68, 11 pp., 2007 Working Paper, 2007

Harrington, S., Singleton, D., Henry, A, At the sharp end of language revival: English-speaking parents raising Irish-speaking children. (CLCS Occasional Paper 57), 12 pp. , 2000 Working Paper, 2000

Singleton, D., Lexical processing and the "language module" (CLCS Occasional Paper 53; ERIC Reports ED 421 856), 38 pp., 1998 Working Paper, 1998

Singleton, D., Singleton, E., University-level learners of Spanish in Ireland: a profile based on data from the TCD Modern Languages Research Project (CLCS Occasional Paper 35; ERIC Reports ED 354 781), 12 pp., 1992 Working Paper, 1992

Singleton, D., French: some historical background, Dublin, Authentik, 1992, 1 - 81pp Book, 1992

Singleton, D., What can we do about vocabulary?, FTA Bulletin, Spring/Summer, 1990, p2 - 4 Journal Article, 1990

Singleton, D., The TCD Modern Languages Research Project: objectives, instruments and preliminary results (CLCS Occasional Paper 26; ERIC Reports ED 333 723, 19pp. , 1990 Working Paper, 1990

Little, D., Devitt, S., Singleton, D., Learning foreign languages from authentic texts: theory and practice, Dublin/London, Authentik/Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 1989, 1 - 122pp Book, 1989

Success factors in the language classroom in, editor(s)O'Meadhra, B., Richardson, B., Ó Cuilleanáin, C. , Languages in the 1990s: proceedings of the MTLA's Third National Modern Language Convention, Dublin, Modern Language Teachers' Association/Dublin City University, 1989, pp118 - 123, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1989

Setting the context: language learning, self-instruction and autonomy in, editor(s)Little, D. , Self-access systems for language learning, Dublin/London, Authentik/Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research , 1989, pp1 - 33, [Little, D., Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1989

Report on work of subgroup concerned with the analysis of authentic conversations in French in, editor(s)Palamidesi Cesaretti, F , International workshops for trainers of modern language teachers, 1985. Report on Workshop 13, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1988, pp100 - 101, [Singleton, D.] Book Chapter, 1988

Little, D., Devitt, S., Singleton, D. , Authentic texts in foreign language teaching: theory and practice, Dublin, Authentik, 1988, 1 - 112pp Book, 1988

Mac Mathúna, L., French, N., Murphy, E., Singleton, D. (eds.) , The less widely taught languages of Europe: proceedings of the UNESCO/AILA/IRAAL symposium held at St Patrick's College, Drumcondra,. , Dublin, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1988, 1 - 206pp Book, 1988

Little, D., Singleton, D., Authentic materials and the role of fixed support in language teaching: towards a manual for language learners, Trinity College, Centre for Language and Communication Studies (CLCS Occasional Paper 20), and Alexandria, Virginia: ERIC Reports ED 316 033, 114pp., 1988 Working Paper, 1988

Research Expertise


My research interests have ranged from fairly theoretical areas of linguistics (e.g. lexical semantics and semantic change) to very practical and applied domains (e.g. second language syllabus design). In recent times most of my research activity and publications have been concerned with second language acquisition, and in particular (i) cross-linguistic influence in second language acquisition and processing, (ii) the second language mental lexicon, (iii) multilingualism and (iv) age-related factors in second language acquisition.


Immigration; Language Acquisition (first & second); Multiculturalism


Awards and Honours

Election to Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin 1994

Medal of Honour, University of Silesia 2013


Member of the Philological Society 1976

Member of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 1977

Member of the National Committee of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 1978 – 1988

President of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics 1982 – 1985

Member of the Executive Board of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée 1984 – 1996

Deputy Secretary General of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée 1987 – 1993

Secretary General of the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée 1993 – 1996

Member of the European Second Language Acquisition 1989

Secretary of the European Second Language Acquisition 1989 – 1993

President of the European Second Language Acquisition 1999 – 2003