Suzanne Cahill is an Adjunct Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at Trinity College. She also holds an Honorary Professorship in Dementia Care from the University of Galway and is an affiliated Professor in Health and Welfare at the University of Jönköping in Sweden. She has a Bachelors Degree and Masters in Social Science from University College Dublin, a Diploma in Social Studies from the University of Stockholm and a PhD from the University of Queensland, Australia. She has over 35 years experience working in the field of Social Work and Social Policy where she has been employed as practitioner, lecturer and researcher. Her PhD written in Australia was on dementia, social policy and the interface between formal and informal caregiving. On returning to Ireland in 1999, Suzanne set up The Dementia Services Information and Development Centre - a Centre of Excellence at St James Hospital Dublin and for close to 20 years as National Director, she developed its educational, research and information services. During this period she also taught courses on Ageing and Dementia to Social Work and Social Policy undergraduates. More recently she was awarded a large grant from the Atlantic Philanthropies to establish a programme of post-graduate research in dementia care and psycho-social interventions. This programme based in Trinity College was the first of its kind in Ireland, to train post-graduate students with the skills required to undertake research into psychosocial aspects of dementia care. Through the programme Suzanne has graduated a large number of Masters and PhD students and has supervised Post-Docs. During her career in Australia and Ireland, Suzanne has campaigned tirelessly for the rights of people living with dementia. She was the lead author of the research report commissioned by the government to underpin Ireland's first National Dementia Strategy and the subsequent report that followed designed to raise awareness. She was co-founder of Ireland's first Alzheimer Cafe and has written and produced several educational videos and other toolkits for health service professionals. She is the sole author of two books recently published (2018 and 2020). The first concerns Dementia and Human Rights and the second addresses the topic of Family Caregiving and Dementia in Ireland. Her new book - a Practice Guide for Health Service Professionals, commissioned by Jessica Kingsley and co-authored with colleagues Dr Helen Rochford Brennan and Professor Fiona Kelly is due for publication later this year. Suzanne's research interests straddle four inter-related areas namely: (i) young-onset dementia; (ii) quality of life and residential care, (iii) chronic disease management, GPs and dementia and (iv) autonomy, capacity, personhood and human rights. Her work has been published in a wide range of medical and social science journals including: the Australian Journal of Social Issues, the Australian-Asian Journal on Ageing, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Ageing and Mental Health, Age and Ageing, Ageing in Society, the Australian Journal of Family Studies, Technology and Disability, Alzheimer's disease and Associated Disorders, Research on Ageing, Australian Social Work and the Scandinavian Journal for Social Medicine. In recent years Suzanne has been a regular contributor to the Irish Times opinion pieces on dementia and ageing related topics.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Cahill, S., Bielsten, T. and Zarit, S.H., (2023). experiences from Research on Aging, 45(3-4), pp.385-395., Developing a Framework for the support of informal caregivers: Experiences from Sweden Ireland and the United States of America, Research on Aging, 45, (4), 2023, p385 - 395
Cahill,S., Personhood dementia literacy and the causes and consequences of Alzheimer's disease fear , International Psychogeriatrics , 2021
Cahill, S , New analytical tools and frameworks to understand dementia: What can a human-rights lens offer? , Ageing and Society , 2021
Cahill, S., Perspectives on the Person with Dementia and Family Caregiving in Ireland, Manchester, Peter Lang, 2021, 1 - 147pp
Fox, Siobhán ; McGowan, Rachel ; Kilty, Caroline, Young Onset Dementia: A Review of Diagnostic and Post-diagnostic Processes and Pathways, Tullamore, National Dementia Office, 2020
Cahill, WHO's Global Action Plan on the Public Health Response to Dementia (2017-2025): Some opportunities and challenges , Ageing and Mental Health , 2019, p197 - 199
Cahill, Suzanne, Peer Review on"Improving reconciliation of work and long-term care", 2018, 1-9
Cahill , Dementia and Human Rights , First , United Kingdom, Policy Press , 2018, 1 - 238pp
Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, Care Planning Meetings for Older People: Issues for Policy, Multidisciplinary Practice and Patient Participation, Practice, 30, (1), 2018, p53 - 71
Cahill Suzanne, Diaz-Ponce Ana , Quality of Life of Members of a Religious Community living in Long Term Care , Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith , 69, (4), 2017, p206 - 216
Timely Diagnosis of Dementia in Ireland: Some recent Policy Developments in, editor(s)C.A. Chew-Graham and M. G. Ray , Mental Health and Older People: A Guide for Primary Care Practitioners , USA , Springer, 2016, pp211 - 217, [Suzanne Cahill ]
Timmons S, Manning E, Barrett A, Brady NM, Browne V, O'Shea E, Molloy DW, O'Regan NA, Trawley S, Cahill S, O'Sullivan K, Woods N, Meagher D, Ni Chorcorain AM, Linehan JG, Dementia in older people admitted to hospital: a regional multi-hospital observational study of prevalence, associations and case recognition., Age and ageing, 44, (6), 2015, p993-9
Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, 'There's No Point In Bringing The Patient Along For Lip Service': Multidisciplinary Care Planning Meetings With Older People, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp159
Pierce, M., Cahill, S., Grey, T & Dyer, M, Research for Dementia and Home Design in Ireland: Looking at New Build and Retro-Fit Homes from a Universal Design Approach The Key Findings , 2015
Reframing Dementia Policy in, editor(s)O'Shea (Ed) , Ageing and Austerity , Policy Press , 2015, pp99 - 114, [O'Shea, E., Cahill, S., & Pierce, M]
Cahill, S, Pierce, M., Werner, P., Darley, A & Bobersky, A. , A Systematic Review of the Public's Knowledge and Understanding of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease and Associated Disorders , 29, (3), 2015, p255 - 275
Cahill S, Pierce M, Moore V, A National Survey of Memory Clinics in the Republic of Ireland., Journal of International Psychogeriatrics / IPA, 2014, p1-9
Connolly, S, Gillespie, P, O;Shea, , & Pierce, . , Estimating the Economic and Social Costs of Dementia in Ireland , Dementa: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice , 13, (1), 2014, p5 - 22
Suzanne Cahill, Book Review , Review of Achieving Impact in Research , by Pam Denicola , Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice , 13, (6), 2014, p855-856
Donnelly SM, Carter-Anand J, Cahill S, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, O'Neill D, Multiprofessional Views on Older Patients' Participation in Care Planning Meetings in a Hospital Context, Practice: Social Work in Action, 25, 2013
Dementia and Integrated Care: A Dream or the Reality in, editor(s)Tom O'Connor , Integrated Care for Ireland: Challenges for Policy Institutions and Specific Service User Needs , Milton Keynes , Oak Tree Press , 2012, pp236 - 255, [Suzanne Cahill ]
Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, Collins DR, Care Planning Meetings: Participation for Whom?, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS219-20
Connolly S, Gillespie P, O'Shea E, Cahill S, and Pierce M., Estimating the economic and social costs of dementia in Ireland. , Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 2012, p1 - 18
Pierce, M., Cahill, S. & O'Shea, E., Planning dementia services: New estimates of current and future prevalence rates of dementia for Ireland, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2012
Moore, V. & Cahill, S., Diagnosis and Disclosure of Dementia - A Comparative Qualitative Study of Irish and Swedish General Practitioners, Ageing and Mental Health, 17, (1), 2012, p84 - 77-84
Cahill S, Doran D & Watson M, Guidelines for Nursing Homes delivering End-of-Life Care to Residents with Dementia across the island of Ireland, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 13, (1), 2012, p60-71
Pierce M., & Cahill, S, Informal Care in Europe: A Review of the Evidence on Policies and Best Practice , Network on Health and Living Conditions , 2012
Cahill, S., O'Shea, E., & Pierce, M. , Dementia Services in Ireland: A National Report for the London School of Economics , DG Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission , 2012
Cahill S & Diaz-Ponce A, "I hate having nobody here, I'd like to know where they all are": Can qualitative research detect differences in Quality of Life among Nursing Home Residents with different levels of Cognitive Impairment? , Ageing and Mental Health, 15, (5), 2011, p562-572
Cahill S., Doran, D., & Watson, M. , Report on End of Life Care Standards for People with Dementia , CARDI Belfast Irealnd , 2011
Cahill, S., Developing a National Dementia Strategy for Ireland, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 2010, p912 - 916
Time and Dementia in, editor(s)Jane Gilliard, Mary Marshall and James Mc Killop , Time and Dementia: A Collection of Writing on the Meanings of Time and Dementia, London, Hawker, 2010, [Cahill, S.]
Cahill, S., Alzheimer's Disease in Ireland, Modern Medicine, 40, 2010, p40-41-
Cahill, S, Diaz-Ponce,A, Coen, R, & Walsh, C. , The Underdetection of Cognitive Impairment in Nursing Homes in the Dublin area: The Need for on-going Cognitive Assessment , Age and Ageing , 39, (1), 2010, p128 - 130
Health Technologies for People with Early Dementia: The Enable Project in, editor(s)Esme Moniz-Cook and Jill Manthorpe , Early Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care Evidence Based Practice , London , Jessica Kingsley , 2009, pp115 - 131, [Cahill, S., Begley, E., and Hagen, I. ]
Cahill, S., Behaviours that Challenge: Some Suggestions for Family Caregivers., Clinical Focus, 8, (2), 2008, p4 - 6
Cahill, S., Dementia and Community Care, The Irish Medical Times, 2008
Cahill,S., Clark, M., O'Connell, H., Lawlor, B., R.F. Coen, and Walsh, C. , The attitudes and practices of general practitioners regarding dementia diagnosis in Ireland , International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry , 23, (7), 2008, p663 - 669
Cahill, S., Gibb, M., Bruce, I., Headon, M. and Drury, M. , The Subjective Experiences of New Patients and their Primary Caregivers attending a National Memory Clinic, Dementia: The international Journal of Social Research and Practice , 7, (2), 2008, p175 - 189
Cahill, S., Macijauskiene, J., Nygard, A., Faulkner, J., Hagen, I. , Technology in Dementia Care, Technology & Disability, 19, (2), 2007, p55 - 60
Cahill, S., Thinking about dementia and rehabilitation: A historical perspective, Les Cahiers de la Fondation Mederic Alzheimer, 3, 2007, p20 - 25
Rural practice, dementia and Community Mental Health Nurse activity. in, editor(s)J. Keady, C. Clarke & S. Page , Partnerships in Community Mental Health Nursing and Dementia Care, Berkshire, Open University Press , 2007, pp142 - 151, [Farrell, A., Cahill, S., Burke S. ]
S. Cahill, E. Begley, J.P. Faulkner, I. Hagen, "It gives me a sense of independence" - Findings from Ireland on the use and usefulness of assistive technology for people with dementia, Technology & Disability, 19, 2007, p133-142
Topo, P., Saarikalle, K., Holthe, T., Cahill, S., Begley, E., & Macijauskiene, J., What day is it today?: Evaluation of a time aid for people with dementia, Technology & Disability, 2007
Cahill, S., Macijauskiene, J., Nygard, A-M. Faulkner, J-P. & Hagen, I, Technology in dementia care, Technology & Disability, 19, (2), 2007, p55 - 60
Cahill, S., Begley, E., Faulkner, & Hagen, I., It gives me a sense of independence. Findings from Ireland on the use and usefulness of assistive technology for people with dementia, Technology & Disability, 19, (2), 2007, p133 - 142
Cahill, S., & Linehan, J. , Report of the Working Group on Residential Services for the Person with Dementia: Advancing the National Agenda , HSE, 2007
Cahill S, Clark M, Walsh C, O'Connell H, & Lawlor B. , Dementia in primary care: the first survey of Irish general practitioners , International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21, 2006, p319-324
Cahill, S., Educational workshops and decision support software increase detection of dementia in the elderly in primary care settings, Evid Based Ment Health, 9, (4), 2006, p102 - 102
Timonen, V., J. Convery and S. Cahill, Care revolutions in the making? A comparison of cash-for-care programmes in four European countries., Ageing and Society, 26, (3), 2006, p455 - 474
Bjorneby, S., Topo, P., Cahill, S., Begley, E., Jones, K., Hagen, I., Macijauskiene, J. Holthe, T., Ethical considerations in the ENABLE project, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 3, (3), 2004, p297 - 312
Hagen, I., Gilliard, G., Topo, P., Cahill, S., Begley, E., Jones, K., Duff, P., Macijanskiene, J., Skauronaite, A., Bjoerneby, S. & Engedal, K., Development of a Protocol for the Assessment of Assistive Aids for People with Dementia, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 3, (3), 2004, p281 - 296
Topo, T, Maki, O, Saarikalle, K, Clarke, N, Begley, E, Cahill, S., Arenlind, J., Holthe, T, Morby, M, Hayes, K, Gilliard, J, Assessment of a music-based multimedia program for people with dementia, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 3, (3), 2004, p331 - 350
Cahill, S., Begley, E., Topo, P., Saarikalle, K., Macijauskiene, J., Skauronaite, A., Hagen, I. & Holthe T, "I Know Where this is Going and I Know it Won't Go Back": Hearing the Individual's Voice in Dementia Quality of Life Assessments, Dementia:The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 3, (3), 2004, p313 - 313
Cahill, S., Technologies may be enabling, British Medical Journal, 326, 2003, p281 - 281
Cahill, S., Drury, M., Lawlor, B., O'Connor, D. & O'Connell, M., "They have started to call it their club": A survey of staff views of dementia-specific day care centres in Ireland, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 2, (1), 2003, p85 - 103
Cahill, S. , Elderly Husbands Caring at Home for Wives diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Australian Journal of Social Issues , 35, (1), 2000, p53 - 72
Cahill, S., Caring in families: What motivates wives, daughters and daughter-in-laws to provide dementia care?, The Australian Journal of Family Studies, 5, (2), 1999, p235 - 247
Cahill, S. & Shapiro, M., The only one you neglect is yourself, The Australian Journal of Family Studies, 4, (1), 1998, p87 - 101
Cahill, S. & Shapiro, M., "At first I thought it was age", Family Carers Detection of and General Practitioner's Diagnosis of Early Stage Dementia, New Doctor, (67), 1997
Cahill, S., "I often think I wish he were here": Dementia and the Need for Long Term care, Australian Social Work, 50, (3), 1997, p13 - 19
Cahill, S. & Shapiro, M., "I Think He Might Have Hit Me Once": Aggression Towards Caregivers In Dementia Care, Australian Journal on Ageing, 12, (4), 1993, p10 - 15
Conroy, R, Mulcahy, R, Graham, I, Rreid, V & Cahill S (1986). , Predictors of Patient Response to Risk Factor Modification Advice after Admission for Unstable Angina or Myocardial Infarction , Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation , 6, (9), 1986, p334 - 338
Conroy, R; Cahill, S., Reid, V., & Mulcahy, R, The Relation of Social Class to Risk Factors, Rehabilitation, Compliance and Mortality in Survivors of Acute Coronary Heart Disease, Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 14, 1986, p51 - 56
Dementia: a disability and a human rights concern in, editor(s)S. Torres and S, Donnelly , Critical Gerontology for Social Workers, Bristol, Policy Press, 2023, [Suzanne Cahill]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Aida Suárez-González, Gill Livingston, Lee-Fay-Low, Suzanne Cahill, Niamh Hennelly, Walter D. Dawson, Wendy Weidner, Martina Bocchetta, Cleusa P. Ferri, Jordi A Matias-Guiu, Suvarna Alladi, Christine Wayua Musyimi, Adelina Comas-Herrera, Impact and mortality of COVID-19 on people living with dementia: cross-country report, International Long-Term Care Policy Network, 2020
Hennelly, N., Cahill, S., The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on people living with dementia in Ireland, International Long Term Care Policy Network, 2020
Eamon O'Shea, Suzanne Cahill and Maria Pierce , Developing and Implementing Dementia Policy in Ireland , Ireland , December , 2017, p1 - 144
Cahill, S., O'Nolan, C., O'Caheny, D., & Boberksy, A., An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long Stay Residential Care , DSIDC , DSIDC , January , 2015, p1 - 53
Pierce, M., Cahill, S., & O'Shea, E., Prevalence and Projections of Dementia in Ireland, 2011 Report prepared for Genio Ltd , November , 2014, p1 - 27
Cahill, S., Pierce, M., & Bobersky, A. , An Evaluation of Flexible Respite Options of the Living Wel with Dementia Project in Stillorgan Blackrock , Genio LtD Mullingar , December , 2014, p1 - 41
Cahill, S., Pierce, M., & Bobersky, A, An Evaluation Report on the Dementia Support Worker Initiative of the Five Steps to Living Well with Dementia in South Tipperary , Genio LtD , December , 2014, p1 - 51
Dementia and Quality of Life Issues in Older People in, editor(s)Phellas, Constantinos , Aging in European Societies, 2013, [Ponce-Diaz, A. & Cahill, S.]
Cahill, S., O'Shea, E & Pierce, M. , Future Dementia Care in Ireland: Sharing the Evidence to Mobilise Action , Trinity College Dublin , June , 2012, p1 - 36
Cahill, S., O'Shea, E., & Pierce, M., Creating Excellence in Dementia Care, Dublin, Ireland, January, 2012, 1-168
The Historical Context of Rehabilitation and its Application to Dementia Car in, editor(s)M. Marshall , Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2005, pp30 - 38, [Cahill, S.]
Cahill, S., Review of A Handbook of Dementia Care, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 17, (1), 2003, p119-120
Begley, E,. & Cahill, S., Carers why women?, Studies, 92, (366), 2003, p162 - 171
Food and dementia: What are some of the Myths? in, editor(s)M. Marshall , Food, Glorious Food: Perspectives on Food and Dementia, London, Hawker Publication, 2003, pp31 - 33, [Cahill, S.]
Cahill, S., Review of Working with Older People and their Families: Key issues in Policy and Practice, Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 1, (1), 2002
Cahill, S., & Headon, M., Dementia and Personhood: Can social work help to re-discover the person?, Irish Social Worker, 20, 2002, p13 - 16
Caregiver considerations in institutionalising dementia patients in, editor(s)D. O'Neill , Carers Professionals and Alzheimer's Disease, London, Libbey & Co., 1991, pp37 - 42, [Cahill, S., & Rosenman, L.]
Rosenman, L. & Cahill, S., Economic and Social Costs of Alzheimers Disease, Balance, Journal For The Queensland Association Mental Health, 1, (2), 1989, p18 - 23
Research Expertise
My research interests are in the area of (i) human rights and dementia, (ii) how social policy interfaces with formal and informal caregiving (iii) GPs, diagnosis and disclosure of dementia and (iv) quality of life and quality of care issues. I have published articles, book chapters and many different reports on these topics. I have a commitment to translational research and to ensuring that research findings are made available to lay people and used to help improve the quality of life for all those affected by dementia.Projects
- Title
- An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long Stay Residential Care
- Summary
- In Ireland we have limited knowledge of the numbers of people with dementia living in dementia specific units. Since 2009 all registered nursing homes in Ireland must undergo regular inspections in accordance with a set of national residential care standards (HIQA,2009). Supplementary criteria for use in dementia specific residential care units have also been developed for use during inspections. These criteria pay particular attention to the physical environment including its design and architectural lay out, the type of meaningful activities and psycho-social interventions available, assessment procedures and staff training. To date no information is available in Ireland on the extent to which these criteria are implemented during inspections or how compliance is monitored. The main purpose of this survey was to collect information on the number and location of specialist care units for people with dementia in the republic of Ireland. The national survey also sought to identify differences and similarities between the different provider types, the HSE or public provider, the voluntary (not for profit providers) and the private sector.
- Funding Agency
- The Dementia Services Information and Development Centre
- Date From
- 2013
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- Evaluation of Genio Dementia Programme
- Summary
- There are two components to this evaluation project. The first consists of updating in accordance with Census 2011 data, dementia prevalence rates in the four geographical areas where the Genio projects are currently taking place. The second component involves an evaluation of the new respite care services being introduced at two of the Genio sites, in Stillorgan/Blackrock and Clonmel. The key objective of the respite evaluation is to examine obstacles and facilitators to the use of respite care services for people living with dementia in the community. Outputs will include a major research report and a seminar or workshop.
- Funding Agency
- Genio
- Date From
- January 2013
- Date To
- January 2015
- Title
- Research Recommendations for Dementia and Home Design for Ireland looking at new build and retrofitting homes from a Universal Design Approach
- Summary
- This study which aims to produce a set of guidelines for architects involved in building or retrofitting homes for people with dementia has been commissioned by the Centre for Universal Design at the National Disability Authority. Whilst a lot of attention has recently been focused on customising nursing homes for people with dementia less is known about adapting and retrofitting domestic dwellings for those living with dementia in the community to help them cope better with their disability. This project addresses this task. The work is being jointly undertaken by staff from the DSIDC's Living with Dementia Programme at Trinity College and TrinityHaus. The project involves a literature review, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders including people with dementia and their caregivers, a review of Case Studies and a number of workshops. It is hoped that the guidelines developed will help people with dementia to remain living at home safely and securely for as long as possible.
- Funding Agency
- Centre for Universal Design (NDA)
- Date From
- December 2012
- Date To
- September 2013
- Title
- Post-Graduate research in dementia care
- Summary
- The primary aim of this programme is to conduct research into optimum care for people diagnosed with dementia. Key activities include the recruitment and supervison of young academics to develop research competencies in areas previously under-investigated in Ireland, the development of collaborative arrangements between care environments such as nursing homes, day care centres and hospitals and research centres and the training of PhD students in the area of dementia care. A seminar series and annual conference with invited national and international speakers is also an integral component of this programme as is the dissemination of research findings. Several of the works published in peer reviewed journals have now been made available to the public in the format of information kits and booklets. These can be downloaded from our website.
- Funding Agency
- The Atlantic Philanthropies
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2013
- Title
- Creating an Evidence Base to Develop a National Dementia Strategy for Ireland
- Summary
- This research review was commissioned by the government, funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies and undertaken to inform the Department of Health and Children in its development of a National Dementia Strategy. The review was undertaken in collaboration with Professor Eamon O'Shea, from the Centre for Gerontology NUI, Galway. It involved identifying, reviewing, interpreting and synthesizing all relevant national and international research data pertinent to the development of an Irish Dementia Strategy. New dementia prevalence rates for Ireland (current and future) have been estimated and new estimates provided for the cost of dementia care in Ireland. A report titled "Creating Excellence in Dementia" : A Research Review for Ireland's National Dementia Strategy was published in January 2012 and launched by the Minister for Health at Trinity College. This was later followed up by the publication of a guide to dementia for lay people titled - " Future Dementia Care in Ireland: Sharing the Evidence to Mobilise Action, which was launched by Minister Kathleen Lynch in Trinity College in June 2012.
- Funding Agency
- The Atlantic Philanthropies
- Date From
- October 10
- Date To
- June 2012
- Title
- The Development of an End of Life Care Standard for People with End Stage Dementia
- Summary
- Although a myriad of disparate standards have been developed for older people in long stay care (i) nursing home, (ii) residential, (iii) death and dying, (iv) palliative care, (v) end of life, and (vi) bereavement, no specific standard has to date been developed for the provision of End of Life care to people with dementia. The aim of this study was to contribute to improving quality of life for people with end stage dementia living in residential care settings across Ireland. This was done by investigating the experiences of elderly spouses whose relatives have recently died with dementia in long stay care and using the data collected to develop an all Ireland standard for quality care in end stage dementia in nursing homes. The project culiminated in a published report and a research article published in an international journal.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- June 2009
- Date To
- Sept 2010
- Title
- Architecture and Dementia: An Exploratory Study of Nursing Homes and their Spatial Environment
- Summary
- This was an exploratory study which used in-depth interviews with Directors of Nursing Homes to examine the extent to which Irish nursing homes offering dementia care complied with an international consensus on best practice, architectural design and dementia. The study also involved conducting Focus Groups with family caregivers to investigate their attitudes to the architectural design and lay out of public and private nursing homes.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board and the Alzheimer Society of Ireland
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- 2002
- Title
- ENABLE: European research on technology and dementia
- Summary
- Enable was a European follow up study on technology and dementia carried out in five countries, Norway, Ireland, the UK, Finland and Lithuania. It was funded by the European Commission under the programme for Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources. The overall aim of ENABLE was to investigate whether it was possible to facilitate more independent living for people with mild to moderate dementia and promote their quality of life by installing in their homes assistive technologies and subsequently by evaluating these interventions over a twelve month period.
- Funding Agency
- EU Award
- Date From
- March 2000
- Date To
- June 2004
- Title
- Male Family Caregivers and Dementia
- Summary
- The study investigated the experiences of 26 elderly husbands caring at home for their wives diagnosed with dementia. In-depth interviews were used to collect qualitative data about mens' caregiving experiences. Findings challenged the literature about the role gender plays in evoking care and service responses. These elderly male caregivers were very committed to their care roles, reluctant to let go and most received very limited community support. The study's findings were published in the Australian Journal of Social Issues
- Funding Agency
- The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
- Date From
- 1998
- Date To
- 1998
- Summary
- Special project award for research into decisions made by aged care assessment teams.
- Funding Agency
- The Alzheimer's Association of Australia
- Date From
- 1998
- Date To
- 1998
Member of Department of Health's National Monitoring and Implementation Committee on Ireland's National Dementia Strategy
Member of Department of Health's Working Group on National Dementia Strategy
Member of HIQA Advisory Group for the revision of the National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland
Co-Founder and Chairperson of Donnybrook (Dublin) Alzheimer's Cafe
Member of EngAge - Trinity Ageing Consortium
Member of the Ageing Well Network
Chair of National Dementia Advisory Committee
Steering Committee Member Trinity Consortium in Ageing
Working Group Member on Restraint in Designated Centres for Older People (Department of Health and Children)
Working Group Member (HIQA) on the National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People
Chairperson and Member of Working Group (HSE) on Residential Services for the Person with Dementia
Steering Committee Member of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, St James Hospital
Advisory Committee Member of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, St James Hospital
Awards and Honours
Affiliated Professor of health and welfare, Institute of Gerontology, Jönköping University
Honorary Award of Professorship in Dementia Care from NUI Galway
Council of Europe Scholarship
PhD Scholarship Award The University of Queensland
Interdem Member
The Gerontological Society of America