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Professor Caroline Brophy
Professor in Statistics, Statistics

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Vishwakarma R, L Byrne, J Connolly, RA Moral and C Brophy, Estimation of the non-linear parameter in Generalised Diversity-Interactions models is unaffected by change in structure of the interaction terms, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 30, 2023, p555 - 574 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Argens L, C Brophy, WW Weisser and S Meyer, Functional group richness increases multifunctionality in intensively managed grasslands, Grassland Research, 2, 2023, p225 - 240 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Moral RA, R Vishwakarma, J Connolly, L Byrne, C Hurley, JA Finn and C Brophy, Going beyond richness: Modelling the BEF relationship using species identity, evenness, richness and species interactions via the DImodels R package, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 2023, p2250 - 2258 Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Golinska B, R Vishwakarma, C Brophy and P Golinski, Positive effects of plant diversity on dry matter yield while maintaining a high level of forage digestibility in intensively managed grasslands across two contrasting environments, Grass and Forage Science, 78, 2023, p438 - 461 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

McDonnell J, T McKenna, KA Yurkonis, D Hennessy, R de Andrade Moral and C Brophy, A mixed model for assessing the effect of numerous plant species interactions on grassland biodiversity and ecosystem function relationships, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 28, 2023, p1-19 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Sheill G, L Brady, B Hayes, AM Baird, E Guinan, R Vishwakarma, C Brophy, T Vlajnic, O Casey, V Murphy, J Greene, E Allott, J Hussey, F Cahill, M Van Hemelrijck, N Peat, L Mucci, M Cunningham, L Grogan, T Lynch, RP Manecksha, J McCaffrey, D O'Donnell, O Sheils, J O'Leary, S Rudman, R McDermott, S Finn, ExPeCT: a randomised trial examining the impact of exercise on quality of life in men with metastatic prostate cancer, Supportive Care in Cancer, 31, 2023, p292- Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Kwambai TK, PC Struik, D Griffin, L Stack, S Rono, M Nyongesa, C Brophy and M Gorman, Understanding potato production practices in north-western Kenya through surveys: an important key to improving production, 66, 2023, p751 - 791 Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Jørgensen M, AK Bakken, L Østrem and C Brophy, The effects of functional trait diversity on productivity of grass-legume swards across multiple sites and two levels of nitrogen fertiliser, European Journal of Agronomy, 151, 2023, p126993- Journal Article, 2023 URL

O'Malley J, JA Finn, CS Malisch, PR Adler, M Bezemer, A Black, A Ergon, J Eriksen, S Filley, A Fiorini, P Golinski, G Grange, J Hakl, N Hoekstra, P Högy, O Huguenin-Elie, M Ibanez, R Jiaxin, J Jing, J Jungers, Z Kadžiulien", D Krol, J Lajeunesse, G Louarn, S Meyer, T Moloney, G Peratoner, C Porqueddu, C Reynolds, I Sturite, MN Thivierge, F Zhu, C Brophy, LegacyNet: introducing an international multi-site experiment investigating potential benefits of increasing the species diversity of grassland leys within crop rotations, Grassland Science in Europe, European Grassland Federation Symposium 2023, Lithuania, 28, 2023, pp249 - 251 Conference Paper, 2023 URL

Kwambai, TK, D Griffin, PC Struik, L Stack, S Rono, C Brophy, M Nyongesa and M Gorman, Seed quality and variety preferences amongst potato farmers in North-Western Kenya: Lessons for the adoption of new varieties, Potato Research, 2023 Journal Article, 2023 URL DOI

Grange G, C Brophy and JA Finn, Grassland legacy effects on yield of a follow-on crop in rotation strongly influenced by legume proportion and moderately by drought, European Journal of Agronomy, 138, 2022, p126531 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Grange G, C Brophy, JA Finn, Legacy effects in a grassland-crop rotation enhanced by legume content, Grassland Science in Europe, 27, 2022, pp593-5 Conference Paper, 2022

Grange G, C Brophy, JA Finn , Drought and plant diversity effects on the agronomic multifunctionality of intensively managed grassland, Grassland Science in Europe, 27, 2022, pp403-5 Conference Paper, 2022

Cummins S, JA Finn, KG Richards, GJ Lanigan, G Grange, C Brophy, LM Cardenas, TH Misselbrook, CK Reynolds, and DJ. Krol, Strong beneficial effects of grassland sward diversity on reducing nitrous oxide emissions and emissions intensity, Grassland Science in Europe, 27, 2022, pp364-6 Conference Paper, 2022

Grange G., Finn J.A., Brophy C., Plant diversity enhanced yield and mitigated drought impacts in intensively managed grassland communities, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Cummins S., Finn J.A., Richards K.G., Lanigan G.J., Grange G., Brophy C., Cardenas L.M., Misselbrook T.H., Reynolds C.K., Krol D.J., Beneficial effects of multi-species mixtures on N2O emissions from intensively managed grassland swards, Science of the Total Environment, 792, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Brophy C, G Grange, C Malisch, J Finn, Making the most of multi-species mixtures: the role of species and functional diversity in intensively managed grasslands, Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of the EUCARPIA Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section: Exploiting Genetic Diversity of Forages to Fulfil their Economical and Environmental Roles, Invited speaker, Online, 2021 Conference Paper, 2021

Toleikiene M., Zvirdauskiene R., Suproniene S., Arlauskiene A., Brophy C., Kadziuliene Z., Soil microbial functional diversity responds to plant-based organic fertilisers depending on the group of carbon sources, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30, (3), 2021, p2755 - 2768 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

McKenna T.P., McDonnell J., Yurkonis K.A., Brophy C., Helianthus maximiliani and species fine-scale spatial pattern affect diversity interactions in reconstructed tallgrass prairies, Ecology and Evolution, 9, (21), 2019, p12171 - 12181 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Toleikiene M., Brophy C., Arlauskiene A., Rasmussen J., Gecaite V., Kadziuliene Z., The introduction of soybean in an organic crop rotation in the nemoral zone: The impact on subsequent spring wheat productivity, Zemdirbyste, 106, (4), 2019, p321 - 328 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

McDonnell J., Brophy C., Ruelle E., Shalloo L., Lambkin K., Hennessy D., Weather forecasts to enhance an Irish grass growth model, European Journal of Agronomy, 105, 2019, p168 - 175 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Brophy C, M Jørgensen, E Elverland and AK Bakken, Functional groups drive positive diversity effects on yields across multiple Norwegian sites, Grassland Science in Europe, Joint EGF-EUCARPIA Symposium on "Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management", Zurich, Switzerland, 24, 2019, pp42 - 44 Conference Paper, 2019

Grange G, C Brophy and J Finn, Effects of plant diversity on yield in intensively managed grasslands., Grassland Science in Europe, Joint EGF-EUCARPIA Symposium on "Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management", Zurich, Switzerland, 24, 2019, pp54 - 56 Conference Paper, 2019

McDonnell J., Lambkin K., Fealy R., Hennessy D., Shalloo L., Brophy C., Verification and bias correction of ECMWF forecasts for Irish weather stations to evaluate their potential usefulness in grass growth modelling, Meteorological Applications, 25, (2), 2018, p292 - 301 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Connolly J., Sebastia M.-T., Kirwan L., Finn J.A., Llurba R., Suter M., Collins R.P., Porqueddu C., Helgadottir A., Baadshaug O.H., Belanger G., Black A., Brophy C., Cop J., Dalmannsdottir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A., Fothergill M., Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Ghesquiere A., Golinski P., Grieu P., Gustavsson A.-M., Hoglind M., Huguenin-Elie O., Jorgensen M., Kadziuliene Z., Lunnan T., Nykanen-Kurki P., Ribas A., Taube F., Thumm U., De Vliegher A., Luscher A., Weed suppression greatly increased by plant diversity in intensively managed grasslands: A continental-scale experiment, Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, (2), 2018, p852 - 862, p852-862 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Brophy C, JA Finn, A Lüscher, M Suter, L Kirwan, MT Sebastiá, Á Helgadóttir et al, Identifying the drivers of changes in the relative abundances of species in agroecosystems, Grassland Science in Europe, 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Cork, Ireland, 2018, pp586 - 588 Conference Paper, 2018

McDonnell, J, C Brophy, E Ruelle, K Lambkin, R Fealy, L Shalloo and D Hennessy, D., Evaluation of ECMWF weather forecasts and their inclusion in an Irish grass growth model., Grassland Science in Europe, 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Cork, Ireland, 23, 2018, pp823 - 825 Conference Paper, 2018

Brophy C., Finn J.A., Luscher A., Suter M., Kirwan L., Sebastia M.-T., Helgadottir A., Baadshaug O.H., Belanger G., Black A., Collins R.P., Cop J., Dalmannsdottir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A., Fothergill M., Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Ghesquiere A., Golinska B., Golinski P., Grieu P., Gustavsson A.-M., Hoglind M., Huguenin-Elie O., Jorgensen M., Kadziuliene Z., Kurki P., Llurba R., Lunnan T., Porqueddu C., Thumm U., Connolly J., Major shifts in species' relative abundance in grassland mixtures alongside positive effects of species diversity in yield: a continental-scale experiment, Journal of Ecology, 105, (5), 2017, p1210 - 1222 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Colbert D., Dobutowitsch M., Roche B., Brophy C., The proxy-measurement of intelligence quotients using a relational skills abilities index, Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 2017, p114 - 122, p114-122 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Maher A.M.D., Asaiyah M.A.M., Brophy C., Griffin C.T., An Entomopathogenic Nematode Extends Its Niche by Associating with Different Symbionts, Microbial Ecology, 73, (1), 2017, p211 - 223, p211-223 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Brophy C., Dooley A., Kirwan L., Finn J.A., McDonnell J., Bell T., Cadotte M.W., Connolly J., Biodiversity and ecosystem function: making sense of numerous species interactions in multi-species communities, Ecology, 98, (7), 2017, p1771 - 1778 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Richards K.G., Jahangir M.M.R., Drennan M., Lenehan J.J., Connolly J., Brophy C., Carton O.T., Effect of an agri-environmental measure on nitrate leaching from a beef farming system in Ireland, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 202, 2015, p17 - 24, p17-24 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Dooley A., Isbell F., Kirwan L., Connolly J., Finn J.A., Brophy C., Testing the effects of diversity on ecosystem multifunctionality using a multivariate model, Ecology Letters, 18, (11), 2015, p1242 - 1251 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Kirwan L, J Connolly, C Brophy, O Baadshaug, G Belanger, A Black, T Carnus, R Collins, J Cop, I Delgado, A De Vliegher, A Elgersma, B Frankow-Lindberg, P Golinski, P Grieu, AM Gustavsson, Á Helgadóttir, M Höglind, O Huguenin-Elie, M Jørgensen, Z Kadziuliene, T Lunnan, A Lüscher, P Kurki, C Porqueddu, MT Sebastia, U Thumm, D Walmsley and JA Finn , The Agrodiversity Experiment: three years of data from a multisite study in intensively managed grasslands, Ecology, 2014 Dataset, 2014 DOI

Sturludottir E., Brophy C., Belanger G., Gustavsson A.-M., Jorgensen M., Lunnan T., Helgadottir A., Benefits of mixing grasses and legumes for herbage yield and nutritive value in Northern Europe and Canada, Grass and Forage Science, 69, (2), 2014, p229 - 240, p229-240 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Brophy C., Hahn L., Engaging students in a large lecture: An experiment using Sudoku puzzles, Journal of Statistics Education, 22, (1), 2014 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Connolly J., Bell T., Bolger T., Brophy C., Carnus T., Finn J.A., Kirwan L., Isbell F., Levine J., Luscher A., Picasso V., Roscher C., Sebastia M.T., Suter M., Weigelt A., An improved model to predict the effects of changing biodiversity levels on ecosystem function, Journal of Ecology, 101, (2), 2013, p344 - 355, p344-355 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Finn J.A., Kirwan L., Connolly J., Sebastia M.T., Helgadottir A., Baadshaug O.H., Belanger G., Black A., Brophy C., Collins R.P., Cop J., Dalmannsdottir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A., Fothergill M., Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Ghesquiere A., Golinska B., Golinski P., Grieu P., Gustavsson A..-M., Hoglind M., Huguenin-Elie O., Jorgensen M., Kadziuliene Z., Kurki P., Llurba R., Lunnan T., Porqueddu C., Suter M., Thumm U., Luscher A., Ecosystem function enhanced by combining four functional types of plant species in intensively managed grassland mixtures: A 3-year continental-scale field experiment, Journal of Applied Ecology, 50, (2), 2013, p365 - 375, p365-375 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

O'Connor P.J., Hennessy D., Brophy C., O'Donovan M., Lynch M.B., The effect of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on herbage production when applied at different times and rates in the autumn and winter, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 152, 2012, p79 - 89, p79-89 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Stinson K.A., Brophy C., Connolly J., Catching up on global change: New ragweed genotypes emerge in elevated CO2 conditions, Ecosphere, 2, (4), 2011 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Connolly J., Cadotte M.W., Brophy C., AIne D., Finn J., Kirwan L., Roscher C., Weigelt A., Phylogenetically diverse grasslands are associated with pairwise interspecific processes that increase biomass, Ecology, 92, (7), 2011, p1385 - 1392, p1385-1392 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Brophy C., Connolly J., Fagerli I.L., Duodu S., Svenning M.M., A Baseline Category Logit Model for Assessing Competing Strains of Rhizobium Bacteria, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 16, (3), 2011, p409 - 421 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Connolly J, T Bell, C Brophy, T Carnus, JA Finn, L Kirwan, A Lüscher, MT Sebastia and A Weigelt, Multi-species mixtures - new perspectives on models and mechanisms, Grassland Science in Europe, 23rd European Grassland Federation General Meeting , Germany, 15, 2010, pp782 - 784 Conference Paper, 2010

Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Brophy C., Collins R.P., Connolly J., Biodiversity effects on yield and unsown species invasion in a temperate forage ecosystem, Annals of Botany, 103, (6), 2009, p913 - 921, p913-921 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Kirwan L., Connolly J., Finn J.A., Brophy C., Luscher A., Nyfeler D., Sebastia M.-T., Diversity-interaction modeling: Estimating contributions of species identities and interactions to ecosystem function, Ecology, 90, (8), 2009, p2032 - 2038 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Connolly J, JA Finn, AD Black, L Kirwan, C Brophy and A Lüscher , Effects of multi-species swards on dry matter production and the incidence of unsown species at three Irish sites., Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 48, 2009, p243 - 260 Journal Article, 2009

Duodu S., Brophy C., Connolly J., Svenning M.M., Competitiveness of a native Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain for nodule occupancy is manifested during infection, Plant and Soil, 318, (1-2), 2009, p117 - 126, p117-126 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Collins RP, M Fothergill, E Rees, L Kirwan, C Brophy and J Connolly, Site effects on species productivity and dynamics: results from COST 852 in Wales, Grassland Science in Europe, 22nd European Grassland Federation General Meeting, Sweden, 13, 2008, pp230 - 232 Conference Paper, 2008

Brophy C, DJ Gibson, PM Wayne, & J Connolly , How reproductive allocation and flowering probability of individuals in plant populations are affected by position in stand size hierarchy, plant size and CO2 regime, Journal of Plant Ecology, 1, 2008, p207 - 215 Journal Article, 2008

Luscher A., Finn J.A., Connolly J., Sebastia M.T., Collins R., Fothergill M., Porqueddu C., Brophy C., Huguenin-Elie O., Kirwan L., Nyfeler D., Helgadottir A., Benefits of sward diversity for agricultural grasslands, Biodiversity, 9, (1-2), 2008, p29 - 32, p29-32 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Helgadóttir A, J Connolly, R Collins, M Fothergill, M Kreuzer, A Lüscher, C Porqueddu, MT Sebastià, M Wachendorf, C Brophy, JA Finn, L Kirwan and D Nyfeler, The benefits of sward diversity for cultivated grasslands, Grassland Science in Europe, 22nd European Grassland Federation General Meeting, Sweden, 13, 2008, pp39 - 51 Conference Paper, 2008

Brophy C., Gibson D.J., Wayne P.M., Connolly J., A modelling framework for analysing the reproductive output of individual plants grown in monoculture, Ecological Modelling, 207, (2-4), 2007, p99 - 108 Journal Article, 2007 DOI

Kirwan L., Luscher A., Sebastia M.T., Finn J.A., Collins R.P., Porqueddu C., Helgadottir A., Baadshaug O.H., Brophy C., Coran C., Dalmannsdottir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A., Fothergill M., Frankow-Lindberg B.E., Golinski P., Grieu P., Gustavsson A.M., Hoglind M., Huguenin-Elie O., Iliadis C., Jorgensen M., Kadziuliene Z., Karyotis T., Lunnan T., Malengier M., Maltoni S., Meyer V., Nyfeler D., Nykanen-Kurki P., Parente J., Smit H.J., Thumm U., Connolly J., Evenness drives consistent diversity effects in intensive grassland systems across 28 European sites, Journal of Ecology, 95, (3), 2007, p530 - 539, p530-539 Journal Article, 2007 DOI

Ryan M, C Brophy, J Connolly, K Mc Namara, & OT Carton , Monitoring of nitrogen leaching on a dairy farm during four drainage seasons. , Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 45, 2006, p115 - 134 Journal Article, 2006

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Vishwakarma R, C Brophy, C Hurley , 'PieGlyph: Axis Invariant Scatter Pie Plots. R package version 1.0.', 2023, - Software, 2023 URL

Moral RA, J Connolly, R Vishwakarma and C Brophy, 'DImodels: Diversity-Interactions (DI) Models. R package version 1.2.', 2022, - Software, 2022 URL

Moral RA, J Connolly and C Brophy , 'DImodels: Diversity-Interactions (DI) models. R Package Version 1.1.', 2021, - Software, 2021 URL

Moral, RA, J Connolly and C Brophy, 'DImodels: Diversity-Interactions (DI) Models. R package version 1.0.', 2020, - Software, 2020 URL

A mixture model and bootstrap analysis to assess reproductive allocation in plants in, editor(s)G MacKenzie and D Peng , Statistical Modelling in Biostatistics and Bioinformatic, Springer, 2014, pp213 - 219, [Brophy C, DJ Gibson, PW Wayne and J Connolly ] Book Chapter, 2014



Treasurer of the Irish Statistical Association 2018 - present

Associate Editor for Journal of Ecology 2013 - present

Served on the Irish Statistical Association Executive Committee, included role as Secretary for two years. 2008 - 2014

Awards and Honours

Science Foundation Ireland Frontiers for the Future Project award 2020


Irish Statistical Association 2004 – present