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Professor Breida Boyle
Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Associate Professor, School Office - Medicine


Professor Breida Boyle Consultant Microbiologist,St.James`s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland and Clinical Associate Professor , Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Tel: 00353-1-4162971 Email:,

Profile Summary Consultant Microbiologist, St.James`s Hospital, Dublin, Clinical Associate Professor in Clinical Microbiology, Trinity College Dublin since 2007. Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, London. Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology, Royal College of Physicians Ireland, 2015. Instigator , developer and module convener Masters , MSc In HealthCare Infection (Management) , Trinity College Dublin. Deputy Medical Director of the National Interim Gonoccocal Reference Laboratory.

Main research interests are health-care associated infection including aspects of prevention and economics of healthcare associated infection. As Clinical lead in Infection Prevention and Control , St.James Hospital oversaw the transition of the service to a Quality Managed System , developing e-learning programmes, web-based policies/tools/audits , Multi-drug resistance preparedness, service delivery of educational sessions to almost 2,000 healthcare workers per annum,while supervising Msc theses in this area and publishing research. Invited speaker to the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases , Amstersdam 2019 on research in the area of Diagnostic Stewardship and economic benefit.

Current Committee Membership


Treasurer of European Union Committee of Medical Specialists (UEMS)-Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Infection Control , UEMS-MJC-IC Member,European Union Committee of Medical Specialists ,Subspecialty Medical Microbiology Committee (UEMS-SMM) Member UEMS-SMM examination subgroup Liaision officier UEMS-SMM to European Committee on Infection Control (EUCIC)


Secretary of the ISCM ( Irish Society of Clinical Microbiologists) 2013-2016 Current Executive member of the ISCM Committee

Member of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Specialist Training Committee Medical Microbiology , Faculty of Pathology

The following Committees producing National Guidance : Member of the National Forum on Gonorrhoea AMR Member of the National Cancer Clinical Programme (NCCP) development committee on Guidance for Haematology/Oncology Day ward Facilities

Member of The Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group :consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infection in adult patients in Ireland Member of the National Cancer Clinical Programme (NCCP) National Prostate Biopsy Infection Project Board

Medical education: Curriculum development National Higher Specialist Training programme in Microbiology, medical school curriculum reviewer, author Post CSCST Fellowship in Transplanation Medicine-Haemopoietic Stem cell and National Transplant Coordination Curriculum.

St.James`s Hospital, Dublin.

Clinical Lead Clinical Microbiology, Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee.

Member PCHCAI Committee , previous Hospital Clinical Lead Infection Prevention and Control Committee.

Consultant lead Quality reviewer Clinical Microbiology Department and member of Laboratory Quality Management Committee.

Prof.Boyle is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching to a wide spectrum of healthcare disciplines in relation to HealthCare Infection and Clinical Microbiology; groups included medical students,consultants, post grad. nursing colleagues, pharmacists, scientists, biomedical scientists, molecular scientists, radiographers etc. Prof.Boyle has demonstrated innovation in concept and concept implementation in medical postgraduate curriculum having devised the concept and formulated the original curriculum for the Masters in HealthCare Infection (Management) as well as acting as module convenor and supervisor for Msc theses for a number of years.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Waldron R., Mohamed A., Boyle B., Al-Azawi D., O'Connell B., Successful treatment of granulomatous mastitis associated with corynebacterium kroppenstedtii with prolonged antimicrobial therapy, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 27, (2), 2019, p107 - 109, p107-109 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

National Cancer Clinical Programme, 'NCCP Guidance on the Built Environment of a Haematology/Oncology Day Ward',, HSE, 2019, - Protocol or guideline, 2019

Breida Boyle James Donnelly Arthut Henessey Mary Kelleher Louise Rossney Geraldine McMahon Breida Boyle , culture-change-formation-of-a-multidisciplinary-sepsis-pathway-project-team-sppt-results-in-a-reduction-in-blood-culture-contamination-rates-improves-outcomes-in-sepsis-care-and-leads-to-significant-cost-savings,!resources/culture-change-formation-of-a-multidisciplinary-sepsis-pathway-project-team-sppt-results-in-a-reduction-in-blood-culture-contamination-rates-improves-outcomes-in-sepsis-care-and-leads-to-significant-cost-savings, Amstersdam , The Netherlands , 13th to 16 TH April, edited by ESCMID , 2019, pp01189- Oral Presentation, 2019 URL

Clare O'Donnell 1, Auveen Griffin 1, Antoinette Power 1, Breida Boyle, Preliminary Blood Culture Rapid Identification and Resistance Targets Determination using GenMark Dx® ePlex® Blood Culture Identification System Improves Sepsis Management, Aids Early Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Interventions and Results in Significant Cost Savings, HIS 2018, Liverpool, U.K, 26-28th Nov 2018, edited by HIS , 2018 Poster, 2018 URL

Smith S,Boyle B, Brennan D, Buckley M, Crotty P, Doyle M, Farrell R, Hussey M, Kevans D, Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, Nugent S, O'Connor A, O'Morain C, Weston S, McNamara D, The Irish Helicobacter pylori Working Group consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infection in adult patients in Ireland., European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 27, (5), 2017, p552 - 559 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

RCPI, 'Fellowship Post CSCST Training in CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant & National Transplant Coordination', RCPI, 2017, - Protocol or guideline, 2017 URL


Lazaris A, Coleman DC, Kearns AM, Pichon B, Kinnevey PM, Earls MR, Boyle B, O'Connell B, Brennan GI, Shore AC., Novel multiresistance cfr plasmids in linezolid-resistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) from a hospital outbreak: co-location of cfr and optrA in VRE., The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 72, (12), 2017, p3252-3257 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Ryan L, O'Mahony E, Wrenn C, FitzGerald S, Fox U, Boyle B, Schaffer K, Werner G, Klare I., Epidemiology and molecular typing of VRE bloodstream isolates in an Irish tertiary care hospital., The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, 70, (10), 2015, p2718-2724 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

Micheál Mac Aogáin, Geraldine Moloney, Shauna Kilkenny, Mary Kelleher, May Kelleghan, Brieda Boyle, Thomas Rogers, Whole-genome sequencing improves discrimination of relapse from reinfection and identifies transmission events among patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infections, Journal of Hospital Infection, 2015 Journal Article, 2015


Health Protection Surveillance Centre, 'Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO) excluding MRSA in the healthcare setting', 2014, - Protocol or guideline, 2014 URL

Drew RJ, Boyle B., RUWA scoring system: a novel predictive tool for the identification of patients at high risk for complications from Clostridium difficile infection., The Journal of hospital infection, 71, (1), 2009, p93-4; author reply 94-5 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

White PL, Barton R, Guiver M, Linton CJ, Wilson S, Smith M, Gomez BL, Carr MJ, Kimmitt PT, Seaton S, Rajakumar K, Holyoake T, Kibbler CC, Johnson E, Hobson RP, Jones B, Barnes RA., A consensus on fungal polymerase chain reaction diagnosis?: a United Kingdom-Ireland evaluation of polymerase chain reaction methods for detection of systemic fungal infections., The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD, 8, (3), 2006, p376-384 Journal Article, 2006 DOI

Boyle BM, Sullivan DJ, Forkin C, Mulcahy F, Keane CT, Coleman DC., Candida dubliniensis candidaemia in an HIV-positive patient in Ireland., International journal of STD & AIDS, 13, (1), 2002, p55-57 Journal Article, 2002 DOI

B. M. Boyle and S. R. McCann, The use of itraconazole as prophylaxis against invasive fungal infection in blood and marrow transplant recipients, Transplant infectious disease, 2, (2), 2000, p72-9 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Byrne AH, Boyle B, Herra CM, Hone R, Keane CT., Serratia marcescens causing hospital-acquired lower respiratory tract infection., The Journal of hospital infection, 45, (3), 2000, p242-244 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

Boyle B, Hone R., Q fever endocarditis revisited., Ir J Med Sci, 168, (1), 1999, p53-54 Journal Article, 1999 DOI

Regan MC, Boyle B, Stephens RB., Laparoscopic repair of colonic perforation occurring during colonoscopy., The British journal of surgery, 81, (7), 1994, p1073 Journal Article, 1994 DOI

Gough DB, Boyle B, Joyce WP, Delaney CP, McGeeney KF, Gorey TF, Fitzpatrick JM., Free radical inhibition and serial chemiluminescence in evolving experimental pancreatitis., The British journal of surgery, 77, (11), 1990, p1256-1259 Journal Article, 1990 DOI

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Epidemiology Clostridium difficile
  • Summary
    • To assess by Whole Genome Sequencing the Epidemiology of Clostridiodes difficile in an academic teaching hospital
  • Date From
    • 2014
  • Date To
    • 2015





Member National Forum on Gonorrhoea AMR, Deputy Director of The National Interim Gonococcal Reference laboratory 2018

Treasurer European Union Committee of Medical Specialists (UEMS)-Multidisciplinary Joint Committee in Infection Control , UEMS-MJC-IC, 2018

Elected Liaision officier UEMS-SMM to European Committee on Infection Control (EUCIC) 2017

Secretary Irish Society of Clinical Microbiologists 2013-2016 , now executive committee member 2013 to 2016

Invited to speak at annual symposium , Faculty of Pathology , 2018 : Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms in Neutropenic Sepsis 08-02-2018

Member of Irish Society of Clinical Microbiolgists Executive Committee 2016-present

Invited to participate on Multiple Industry Sponsored Advisory Boards 2017-2019

Journal reviewer, Irish Medical Journal 2017

Awards and Honours

Henderson Prize in Surgery , UCD 1990


Fellow Royal College of Pathologists ,U.K 2002 – Present

Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology, Royal college of Physicians , Kildare street, Dublin, Ireland 2015 – Present

Treasurer of the European Union Society of Medical Specialists Multi-disciplinary Joint Committee in Infection Control (UEMS-MJC-IC) 2018 – Present

Member of the European Union Medical Specialtists subsection Medical Microbiology UEMS-SMM 2015 – Present

Committee member of the European Union Medical Specialists subsection Medical Microbiology,UEMS-SMM Examination Working Group 2017 – Present

Member of Higher Specialist Training Committee Medical Microbiology ( and Trainer), Faculty of Pathology,Royal College of Physicians,Ireland 2013 – Present