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Professor Gerard Boran
Clinical Professor, Clinical Medicine
Clinical Professor, School Office - Medicine

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Boran G . Keogan M (eds), The National Laboratory Handbook, Volume 2, First edition., Dublin, HSE, 2018 Book, 2018

Seheult J, Fitzpatrick G, Boran G, Lactic Acidosis: - an Update, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 55, (3), 2017, p322 - 333 Review Article, 2017

Widdowson W.M, McGowan A, Phelan J, Boran G, Reynolds J, Gibney J, Vascular disease is associated with the expression of genes for intestinal cholesterol transport and metabolism, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 102, (1), 2017, p326 - 335 Journal Article, 2017 DOI URL

Crowley V, Boran G, Galvin D, Barrett N, Graham H, Blake O, Neville M, Kelly M, Nolan E, 'Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test Harmonisation. Outcomes Agreed at the National Cancer Control Program PSA Harmonisation Board Workshop. Pages 23-24. In: Boran G (editor). The National Laboratory Handbook. Volume 1. National Clinical Programme for Pathology. Health Service Executive Clinical Strategy and Programmes Division and the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. May 2016. ISBN 978-0-9559351-5-2', 2016, - Protocol or guideline, 2016

McGowan, Anne, Widdowson, William M., O'Regan, Anna, Young, Ian S., Boran, Gerard, McEneny, Jane, Gibney, James, Postprandial Studies Uncover Differing Effects on HDL Particles of Overt and Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Thyroid, 26, (3), 2016, p356-364 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Kyaw Tun, Tommy, McGowan, Anne, Phelan, Niamh, Correia, Neuman, Boran, Gerard, O"Connor, Anna-Louise, Roche, Helen M., Gibney, James, Obesity and Insulin Resistance Are the Main Determinants of Postprandial Lipoprotein Dysmetabolism in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, International Journal of Endocrinology, 2016, 2016, p1-11 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Ananey, O.M., McLoughlin, B., Leonard, A., Maher, L., Gaffney, P., Boran, G., Maher, V., Inverse relationship between physical activity, adiposity, and arterial stiffness in healthy middle-aged subjects, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12, (12), 2015, p1576-1581 Journal Article, 2015

Sinnott M, Kinsley B.T, Jackson A.D, Walsh C, O'Grady T, Nolan J.J, Gaffney P, Boran G, Kelleher C, Carr B, Fasting plasma glucose as initial screening for diabetes and prediabetes in irish adults: The diabetes mellitus and vascular health initiative (DMVhi), PLoS ONE, 10, (4), 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Duggan SN, Purcell C, Kilbane, M, O'Keane M, McKenna M, Gaffney P, Ridgway PF, Boran G, Conlon KC, An Association Between Abnormal Bone Turnover, Systemic Infl ammation, and Osteoporosis in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis: A Case-Matched Study, The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 110, 2015, p336 - 345 Journal Article, 2015

Seheult, J. N., Pazderska, A., Gaffney, P., Fogarty, J., Sherlock, M., Gibney, J., Boran, G., Addressing Inpatient Glycaemic Control with an Inpatient Glucometry Alert System, International Journal of Endocrinology, 2015, 2015, p1-8 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

McNamara D, Leen R, Seng-Lee C, Shearer N, Crotty P, Neary P, Walsh P, Boran G, O'Morain C, Sustained participation, colonoscopy uptake and adenoma detection rates over two rounds of the Tallaght-Trinity College Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme with Faecal Immunological Test, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 26, 2014, p1415 - 1421 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Crowley RK, Broderick D, O'Shea T, Boran G, Maher V, Crowther S, Gibney J, Conlon KC, Sherlock M, Spironolactone interference in the immunoassay of androstenedione in a patient with a cortisol secreting adrenal adenoma., Clinical Endocrinology, 81, (4), 2014, p629 - 630 Journal Article, 2014

Leonard, A., Kyaw Tun, T., Gaffney, P., Sharma, J., Gibney, J., Boran, G., Factors Influencing Elevated Serum Apolipoprotein B48 in Diabetic and Control Participants, British Journal of Biomedical Science, 71, (4), 2014, p145-150 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

O"Kelly, R. A., Byrne, E., Mulligan, C., Mulready, K. J., O"Gorman, P., O"Shea, P., Boran, G., Is point of care testing in Irish hospitals ready for the laboratory modernisation process? An audit against the current national Irish guidelines, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (4), 2013, p663-668 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Boran G, Seheult J, Drug effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and thyroid hormone concentration, CPD Bulletin in Clinical Biochemistry, 11, (3), 2013, p87 - 93 Journal Article, 2013

Kozakova, Michaela, Natali, Andrea, Dekker, Jacqueline, Beck-Nielsen, Henning, Laakso, Markku, Nilsson, Peter, Balkau, Beverley, Ferrannini, Ele, Insulin Sensitivity and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 33, (6), 2013, p1409-1417 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Phelan, N., O'Connor, A., Kyaw Tun, T., Correia, N., Boran, G., Roche, H. M., Gibney, J., Leucocytosis in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is incompletely explained by obesity and insulin resistance, Clinical Endocrinology, 78, (1), 2013, p107-113 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Baldi S, Bonnet f, Laville M, morgantini C, Monti L, Hojlund K, Ferrannini E, Natali A; RISC Investigators, Influence of apolipoproteins on the association between lipids and insulin sensitivity: a cross-sectional analysis of the RISC Study, Diabetes Care, 36, 2013, p4125 - 4131 Journal Article, 2013

Kilbride E, Hussey J, Boran C, Greally P, Physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors in urban school children, Irish Medical Journal, 106, 2013, p6 - 9 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Bobbioni-Harsch E, Pataky Z, Makoundou V, Laville M, Disse E, Anderwald C, Konrad T, Golay A, From metabolic normality to cardiometabolic risk factors in subjects with obesity., Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 20, (10), 2012, p2063-9 Journal Article, 2012

Handberg A, Højlund K, Gastaldelli A, Flyvbjerg A, Dekker JM, Petrie J, Piatti P, Beck-Nielsen H, Plasma sCD36 is associated with markers of atherosclerosis, insulin resistance and fatty liver in a nondiabetic healthy population., Journal of internal medicine, 271, (3), 2012, p294-304 Journal Article, 2012

Kozakova, Michaela, Palombo, Carlo, Paterni Eng, Marco, Dekker, Jacqueline, Flyvbjerg, Allan, Mitrakou, Asimina, Gastaldelli, Amalia, Ferrannini, Ele, , , Fatty liver index, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and early carotid plaques, Hepatology, 55, (5), 2012, p1406-1415 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

O"Kelly, R. A., Brady, J. J., Byrne, E., Hooley, K., Mulligan, C., Mulready, K., O"Gorman, P., O"Shea, P., Boran, G., A survey of point of care testing in Irish hospitals: room for improvement, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180, (1), 2011, p237-240 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Lee, C. S., O'Gorman, P., Walsh, P., Qasim, A., McNamara, D., O'Morain, C. A., Boran, G. P., Immunochemical faecal occult blood tests have superior stability and analytical performance characteristics over guaiac-based tests in a controlled in vitro study, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 64, (6), 2011, p524-528 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Bonnet F, Ducluzeau PH, Gastaldelli A, Laville M, Anderwald CH, Konrad T, Mari A, Balkau B, Liver enzymes are associated with hepatic insulin resistance, insulin secretion, and glucagon concentration in healthy men and women., Diabetes, 60, (6), 2011, p1660-7 Journal Article, 2011

Vangipurapu J, Stan"áková A, Kuulasmaa T, Paananen J, Kuusisto J, Ferrannini E, Laakso M, A novel surrogate index for hepatic insulin resistance., Diabetologia, 54, (3), 2011, p540-3 Journal Article, 2011

Shuhaibar M, Walsh C, Lindsay F, Lee N, Walsh P, O'Gorman P, Boran G, McLoughlin R, Qasim A, Breslin N, Ryan B, O'Connor H, O'Morain C, A comparative study of faecal occult blood kits in a colorectal cancer screening program in a cohort of healthy construction workers., Irish journal of medical science, 180, (1), 2011, p103-8 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Phelan N, O'Connor A, Kyaw Tun T, Correia N, Boran G, Roche HM, Gibney J, Hormonal and metabolic effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome: results from a cross-sectional analysis and a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial., The American journal of clinical nutrition, 93, (3), 2011, p652-62 Journal Article, 2011

Phelan N, O'Connor A, Kyaw-Tun T, Correia N, Boran G, Roche HM, Gibney J, Lipoprotein subclass patterns in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) compared with equally insulin-resistant women without PCOS., The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 95, (8), 2010, p3933-9 Journal Article, 2010

Anderwald C, Stadler M, Golay A, Krebs M, Petrie J, Luger A, Impact of family history on relations between insulin resistance, LDL cholesterol and carotid IMT in healthy adults., Heart (British Cardiac Society), 96, (15), 2010, p1191-200 Journal Article, 2010

Kozàkovà M, Palombo C, Morizzo C, Nolan JJ, Konrad T, Balkau B, Effect of sedentary behaviour and vigorous physical activity on segment-specific carotid wall thickness and its progression in a healthy population., European heart journal, 31, (12), 2010, p1511-9 Journal Article, 2010

O'Connor A, Phelan N, Tun TK, Boran G, Gibney J, Roche HM, High-molecular-weight adiponectin is selectively reduced in women with polycystic ovary syndrome independent of body mass index and severity of insulin resistance., The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 95, (3), 2010, p1378-85 Journal Article, 2010

Natali A, Muscelli E, Mari A, Balkau B, Walker M, Tura A, Anderwald C, Golay A, Ferrannini E, Insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function in the offspring of type 2 diabetic patients: impact of line of inheritance., The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 95, (10), 2010, p4703-11 Journal Article, 2010

Correia N, Mullally S, Cooke G, Kyaw Tun T, Phelan NA, Feeney J, Fitzgibbon M, Boran G, O'Mara SM, & Gibney J. , Evidence for a Specific Defect in Hippocampal Memory in Overt and Subclinical Hypothyroidism., Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,, 94, 2009, p3789 - 3797 Journal Article, 2009

Muscelli, E., Kozakova, M., Flyvbjerg, A., Kyriakopoulou, K., Astiarraga, B. D., Glintborg, D., Konrad, T., Favuzzi, A., Petrie, J., The Effect of Menopause on Carotid Artery Remodeling, Insulin Sensitivity, and Plasma Adiponectin in Healthy Women, American Journal of Hypertension, 22, (4), 2009, p364-370 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

de Rooij SR, Dekker JM, Kozakova M, Mitrakou A, Melander O, Gabriel R, Guidone C, Højlund K, Murphy MS, Nijpels G, Fasting insulin has a stronger association with an adverse cardiometabolic risk profile than insulin resistance: the RISC study., European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies, 161, (2), 2009, p223-30 Journal Article, 2009

Adrees, M., Gibney, J., El-Saeity, N., Boran, G., Effects of 18 months of l-T4 replacement in women with subclinical hypothyroidism, Clinical Endocrinology, 71, (2), 2009, p298-303 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Bonnet F, Patel S, Laville M, Balkau B, Favuzzi A, Monti LD, Lalic N, Walker M, Influence of the ACE gene insertion/deletion polymorphism on insulin sensitivity and impaired glucose tolerance in healthy subjects., Diabetes care, 31, (4), 2008, p789-94 Journal Article, 2008

Boran G (Chairman), on behalf of the National Point of Care Testing Consultative Group, Guidelines for Safe and Effective Management and Use of Point of Care Testing, First edition, Dublin, Irish Medicines Board, 2007, 1 - 47pp Book, 2007

O'Callaghan, P. A., Fitzgerald, A., Fogarty, J., Gaffney, P., Hanbidge, M., Boran, G., Enright, H., Murphy, J., McCarthy, B., Graham, I. M., New and old cardiovascular risk factors: C-reactive protein, homocysteine, cysteine and von Willebrand factor increase risk, especially in smokers, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 12, (6), 2005, p542-547 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

Dumitrescu, Alexandra M, Liao, Xiao-Hui, Abdullah, Mohamed S Y, Lado-Abeal, Joaquin, Majed, Fathia Abdul, Moeller, Lars C, Boran, Gerard, Schomburg, Lutz, Weiss, Roy E, Refetoff, Samuel, Mutations in SECISBP2 result in abnormal thyroid hormone metabolism, Nature Genetics, 37, (11), 2005, p1247-1252 Journal Article, 2005 DOI

de Beaufort, C.E., European Union diabetes indicators: Fact or fiction?, The European Journal of Public Health, 13, (Supplement 1), 2003, p51-54 Journal Article, 2003 DOI

O'Moore R, Groth T, Grimson W, Boran G, The OpenLabs Project, Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 50, (2), 1996, p85 - 86 Journal Article, 1996

Boran, Gerard, O'Moore, Rory, Grimson, William, Peters, Margaret, Hasman, Arie, Groth, Torgny, Merode, Frits Van, A new clinical laboratory information system architecture from the OpenLabs project offering advanced services for laboratory staff and users, Clinica Chimica Acta, 248, (1), 1996, p19-30 Journal Article, 1996 DOI

Boran, Gerard, Given, Peter, O'Moore, Rory, Patient result validation services, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 50, (2), 1996, p161-168 Journal Article, 1996 DOI

O'Moore, R and Boran, G, The OpenLabs project. A suggested approach for more effective use of information technology in clinical laboratories, Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, 7, (1), 1995, p6â€"10 Journal Article, 1995

O'Moore, R.R., De Moor, G., Boran, G., Gaffney, P., Grimson, J., McNair, P., Groth, T., Nykänen, P., Hasman, A., Eller, J., Yearworth, M., Willems, J., Brender, J., Scott, P., Schilders, L., Clarke, B., Peters, M., Grimson, W., McAllister, B., OpenLabs: the application of advanced informatics and telematics for optimization of clinical laboratory services, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 45, (1-2), 1994, p137-140 Journal Article, 1994 DOI

Nykänen, Pirkko, Boran, Gerard, Pincé, Hilde, Clarke, Kevin, Yearworth, Michael, Willems, Jos L., O'Moore, Rory, Interpretative reporting and alarming based on laboratory data, Clinica Chimica Acta, 222, (1-2), 1993, p37-48 Journal Article, 1993 DOI

Boran, G., Given, P., Grimson, J. and O'Moore, R., Supporting integration between medical knowledge-based systems: experience from pilot implementations, Clinica Chimica Acta, 222, (1 and 2), 1993, p23 - 36 Journal Article, 1993

Boran, G., Alexander, D., Grimson, J. and O'Moore, R., Interpretation of clinical biochemistry test profiles by a method allowing communication between linked organ-related knowledge bases, Proc. of Medical Informatics Europe MIE 91, Vienna, Austria, (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 45) Springer Verlag, 1991, pp294 - 298 Conference Paper, 1991

Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Grimson, J.B., and O'Moore, R.R., Decision support for thyroid function linked to a thyroid clinical database, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe MIE 87, Rome, Italy, Medical Informatics Europe, 1987, pp1062 - 1068 Conference Paper, 1987

Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Grimson, J.B. and O'Moore, R.R., A decision support system for the assessment of thyroid function, Automedica, 8, 1987, p169 - 178 Journal Article, 1987

Brosnan, P.P., Boran, G., Grimson, J., Cranny, A., McSweeney, J. and O'Moore, R.R., A flexible rule-based system for the interpretation of thyroid function tests, Proc. MIE 85, Helsinki, Finland, edited by P. Gronross, R. Tervo-Pellika and R.R. O'Moore , (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 25) Springer Verlag, 1985, pp123 - 126 Conference Paper, 1985

Research Expertise


GLUCOMETRICS; KETOMETRICS; Paediatric Laboratory Reference Ranges; Pre-analytics in Laboratory Medicine



Co-Founder, National Society for Pre-Analytics in Laboratory Medicine (PALM Society) along with my research fellow (Dr. Ann Leonard) and Dr Paula O'Shea. Patient mis-identification is acknowledged as the most common source of medical error around the world, according to the US Institute of Medicine. Our newly established national PALM society aims to improve awareness of pre-analytical errors such as incorrect patient identification, and erroneous blood sample labelling which can affect up to 15% of all blood samples taken in some situations. The National Society will develop and implement error-reduction strategies in laboratory medicine around Ireland to combat this problem. We have already held an inaugural national launch meeting under the auspices of TCD Clinical Biochemistry Unit at Tallaght University Hospital in September 2018 which was attended by over 150 people. 2018-2019