Professor Andrew Davies is Professor of Palliative Medicine at Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and Our Lady's Hospice in Dublin. His undergraduate training was at St. George's Hospital Medical School (University of London), and postgraduate (specialty) training in Palliative Medicine was undertaken in London and Surrey. His clinical / research interests encompass supportive care (in cancer), palliative care, and end-of-life care. Current research projects involve cancer-related anorexia, opioid-induced constipation, symptom assessment, deprescribing, circadian rhythm disorders, remote patient monitoring (photoplethysmography), and clinically-assisted hydration. He is Immediate Past President of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, and Past-President of the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hayes J, Bruera E, Crawford G, Fleury M, Santos M, Thompson J, Davies A, Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) expert opinion / guidance on the use of clinically-assisted hydration in patients with advanced cancer, Supportive Care in Cancer, 32, (4), 2024, p228
Mulcahy Symmons S, Ryan K, Aoun SM, Selman LE, Davies AN, Cornally C, Lombard J, McQuillan R, Guerin S, O'Leary N, Connolly M, Rabbitte M, Mockler D, Foley G., Decision-making in palliative care - patient and family caregiver concordance and discordance: systematic review and narrative synthesis, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 13, (4), 2023, p374 - 385
Webber K, Davies AN, Leach C, Waghorn M, Symptom prevalence and severity in palliative cancer medicine, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 13, 2023, pe270-2
Gouldthorpe C, Ancoli-Israel S, Cash E, Innominato P, Jakobsen G, Lévi F, Miaskowski C, Parganiha A, Pati AK, Pereira DB, Revell V, Zeitzer JM, Davies A, International e-Delphi consensus recommendations for the assessment and diagnosis of circadian rest-activity rhythm disorders (CARDs) in patients with cancer, Cancers, 15, 2023, p3784
Perceau-Chambard E, Roche S, Tricou C, Mercier C, Barbaret C, Davies A, Webber K, Filbet M, Economos G, Validation of a French version of the Breakthrough Pain Assessment Tool in cancer patients: factorial structure, reliability and responsiveness, PLoS ONE, 18, 2023, pe0286947
Gouldthorpe C, Power J, Davies A, Circadian rhythm disorders in patients with advanced cancer: a scoping review, Frontiers Oncology, 13, 2023, p1240284
Walsh M, Fagan N, Davies A, Xerostomia in patients with advanced cancer: a scoping review of clinical features and complications, BMC Palliative Care, 22, 2023, p178
Gouldthorpe C, Power J, Taylor A, Davies A, Specialist palliative for patients with cancer: more than end-of-life care, Cancers, 15, 2023, p3551
Scotte F, Taylor A, Davies A, Supportive care: the "keystone" of modern oncology practice, Cancers, 15, 2023, p3860
Cleary N, Guerin S, Fagan N, Davies A, The Oral Symptom Assessment Scale (OSAS): criterion validation with the EORTC QLQ-OH15 and reliability testing, Supportive Care in Cancer, 31, 2023, p647
Davies A, Leach C, Butler C, Patel SD, Shorthose K, Batsari KM, Opioid-induced constipation: a stepwise treatment algorithm feasibility study, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 13, 2023, pE446-53
Power J, Gouldthorpe C, Davies A, Vital signs in palliative care: a scoping review, Cancers, 15, 2023, p4651
Hannon M, Shaw A, Connolly M, Davies A, Taste disturbance in patients with advanced cancer: a scoping review of clinical features and complications, Supportive Care in Cancer, 31, 2023, p562
Webber K, Davies A, Waghorn M, Do physical symptoms predict psychological issues in patients with cancer?: the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale-Short Form, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2023
Davies A, Barry C, Barclay S, Uncertainties: What is the role of clinically-assisted hydration in the last days of life?, British Medical Journal, 380, 2023, pe072116
Patel SD, Davies A, Laing E, Wu H, Mendis J, Dijk D-J, Prognostication in advanced cancer by combining actigraphy-derived rest-activity and sleep parameters with routine clinical data: an exploratory machine learning study, Cancers, 15, 2023, p503
Barry C, Paes P, Noble S, Davies A, Challenges to delivering evidence-based palliative medicine, Clinical Medicine, 23, 2023, p182-4
Davies A, Cleary N, Hannon M, Webber K, Taste disturbance in patients with advanced cancer: who gets it?, Supportive Care in Cancer, 32, (1), 2023, p17
Davies A, Waghorn M, Roberts M, Gage H, Skene S, Clinically-assisted hydration in patients in the last days of life ("CHELSEA II" trial): a cluster randomised trial, BMJ Open , (12), 2022, pe068846
Cleary N, Gouldthorpe C, Power J, Davies A., Correspondence re MASCC evidence-based recommendations for the management of malignant bowel obstruction., Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, (10), 2022, p7823 - 7824
Power J, Gouldthorpe C, Davies A, Palliative care in the era of novel oncological interventions: needs some "tweaking", Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, (7), 2022, p5569 - 5570
Alderman B, Allan L, Amano K, Bouleuc C, Davis M, Lister-Flynn S, Mukhopadhyay S, Davies A, Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) expert opinion/guidance on the use of clinically assisted nutrition in patients with advanced cancer, Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022, p2983 - 2992
Davies A, Cinieri S, Dupoiron D, España Fernandez S, Leclerc J, Montesarchio V, Mystakidou K, Serna J, Tack J, A prospective, real-world, multinational study of naloxegol for patients with cancer pain diagnosed with opioid-induced constipation - the NACASY Study, Cancers (Basel) , 14, (5), 2022, p1128
Cleary N, Munnelly Mulkerrin O, Davies A, Oral symptom assessment tools in patients with advanced cancer: a scoping review, Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, (9), 2022, p7481 - 7490
Jones JA, Chavarri-Guerra Y, Corrêa LBC, Dean DR, Epstein JB, Fregnani ER, Lee J, Matsuda Y, Mercadante V, Monsen RE, Rajimakers NJH, Saunders D, Soto-Perez-de-Celis E, Sousa MS, Tonkaboni A, Vissink A, Yeoh KS, Davies AN., MASCC/ISOO expert opinion on the management of oral problems in patients with advanced cancer., Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, (11), 2022, p8761 - 8773
Oral care in, editor(s)Cherny NI, Fallon MT, Kaasa S, Portenoy RK, Currow DC , Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp656 - 669, [Andrew N Davies]
Davis M, Hui D, Davies A, Ripamonti C, Capela A, DeFeo G, Del Fabbro E, Bruera E, Medical management of malignant bowel obstruction in patients with advanced cancer: 2021 MASCC guideline update, Supportive Care in Cancer, 29, 2021, p8089 - 8096
Román Romero-Ortuño, Nicolás Martínez-Velilla, Richard Sutton, Andrea Ungar, Artur Fedorowski, Rose Galvin, Olga Theou, Andrew Davies, Richard B Reilly, Jurgen Claassen, Áine M Kelly, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Network Physiology in Aging and Frailty: The Grand Challenge of Physiological Reserve in Older Adults, Frontiers in Network Physiology: Networks in Aging and Frailty, 2021
Webber K, Davies AN, Leach C, Waghorn M, Symptom prevalence and severity in palliative cancer medicine, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2021
Davies A, Buchanan A, Todd J, Gregory A, Batsari KM, Oral symptoms in patients with advanced cancer: an observational study using a novel oral symptom assessment scale, Supportive Care in Cancer, 29, 2021, p4349 - 4356
Davies A, Leach C, Butler C, Gregory A, Henshaw S, Minton O, Shorthose K, Batsari KM, Opioid-induced constipation in patients with cancer: a "real-world," multicentre, observational study of diagnostic criteria and clinical features., Pain, (162), 2021, p309 - 318
Romero Ortuño R, Martínez Velilla N, Sutton R, Ungar A, Fedorowski A, Galvin R, Theou O, Davies A, Reilly RB, Kelly AM, Ivanov PC, The grand challenge of physiological reserve in older adults, Frontiers in Network Physiology, 1, 2021
Davis M, Hui D, Davies A, Ripamonti C, Capela A, DeFeo G, Del Fabbro E, Bruera E, MASCC antiemetics in advanced cancer updated guideline, Supportive Care in Cancer, 29, 2021, p8097 - 8107
Webber K, Davies AN, Leach C, Bradley A, Alcohol and drug use disorders in patients with cancer and caregivers: effects on caregiver burden, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 10, (2), 2020, p242--247
Berman R, Davies A, Cooksley T, Gralla R, Carter L, Darlington E, Scotté F, Higham C, Supportive Care: An Indispensable Component of Modern Oncology., Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)), 2020
Hall S, Thompson J, Phair T, Davies AN, Clinical nurse specialist prescribing in a cancer centre supportive and palliative care team, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 10, (1), 2020, p111--113
Davies A, Leach C, Caponero R, Dickman A, Fuchs D, Paice J, Emmanuel A, MASCC recommendations on the management of constipation in patients with advanced cancer, Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, (1), 2020, p23--33
Bryony Alderman, Katherine Webber, Andrew Davies, An audit of end-of-life symptom control in patients with corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) dying in a hospital in the United Kingdom, Palliative Medicine, 34, (9), 2020, p1249--1255
Davies A, Hayes J, Palliative care in the context of a pandemic: similar but different., Clinical medicine (London, England), 2020
Andrew Neil Davies, Melanie Waghorn, Response to `Does place of death vary by deprivation for patients known to specialist palliative care services?" by Macfarlane and Carduff, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 9, (3), 2019, p358--358
Davies A, Todd J, Bailey F, Gregory A, Waghorn M, Good concordance between patients and their non-professional carers about factors associated with a 'good death' and other important end-of-life decisions, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 9, (3), 2019, p340-345
Davies A, Cancer-related Breakthrough Pain, 3rd edition, Third, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, 1-100pp
Multidisciplinary team working in, editor(s)Watkinson JC, Clarke RW , Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 8th edition, Boca Rato, CRC Press, 2019, pp509-515 , [Davies A, Beasley N, Hamilton D]
Andrew Neil Davies, Frank Elsner, Marilène Jeanne Filbet, Josep Porta-Sales, Carla Ripamonti, Daniele Santini, Kath Webber, Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) management: a review of international and national guidelines, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 8, (3), 2018, p241--249
Andrew N Davies, Melanie Waghorn, Katherine Webber, Sigurd Johnsen, Jeewaka Mendis, Julia Boyle, A cluster randomised feasibility trial of clinically assisted hydration in cancer patients in the last days of life, Palliative Medicine, 32, (4), 2018, p733--743
Andrew Neil Davies, Shuchita D Patel, Amanda Gregory, Bernadette Lee, Observational study of sleep disturbances in advanced cancer, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 2017, pbmjspcare--2017--001363
Andrew N. Davies, Andrew Dickman, Paul Farquhar-Smith, Katherine Webber, John Zeppetella, Incorrect Use of the English Language Term "Episodic", Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 52, (5), 2016, pe1
Davies A, Buchanan A, Zeppetella G, Porta-Sales J, Likar R, Weismayr W, Slama O, Korhonen T, Filbet M, Poulain P, Mystakidou K, Ardavanis A, O'Brien T, Wilkinson P, Caraceni A, Zucco F, Zuurmond W, Andersen S, Damkier A, Vejlgaard T, Nauck F, Radbruch L, Sjolund KF, Stenberg M, Breakthrough cancer pain: an observational study of 1000 European oncology patients, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46, (5), 2013, p619 - 628
Davies A, Cancer-related Breakthrough Pain, 2nd edition, Second, Oxford, Oxford University Press; 2012., 2012, 1-113pp
Davies AN, Epstein JB, Oral Complications of Cancer and its Management., First, Oxford, Oxford University Press , 2010, 1-312pp
Davies A, Cancer-related Bone Pain, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press , 2007, 1-118pp
Booth S, Davies A, Palliative Care Consultations in Head and Neck Cancer, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, 1-195pp
Davies A, Cancer-related Breakthrough Pain, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006, 1-114pp
Davies A, Finlay I, Oral Care in Advanced Disease, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, 1-221pp
Research Expertise
Research interests: 1) Supportive care in cancer; 2) Palliative care; 3) End-of-life care; 4) Cancer survivorship; 5) Cancer pain; 6) Cancer symptoms; 7) Adverse effects cancer treatment; 8) Clinically-assisted hydration; 9) Opioid-induced constipation; 10) Cancer-related anorexia / cachexia; 11) Circadian rhythm disorders; 12) Remote patient monitoring; 13) Symptom assessment; 14) DeprescribingProjects
- Title
- A cluster randomised trial of clinically-assisted hydration in patients in the last days of life (CHELsea II trial)
- Summary
- The CHELsea II trial is a multicentre, cluster randomised trial of clinically-assisted hydration in patients in the last days of life. The study is being undertaken in 80 sites (hospices, hospitals) in the United Kingdom. The study is the successor to the CHELsea I trial (feasibility study).
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 01/10/2021
- Date To
- 30/04/2025
- Title
- An observational study of diagnostic criteria, clinical features and management of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in European patients with cancer pain
- Summary
- This multicentre, European observational study will investigate opioid-induced constipation in patients with cancer, and will assess management of this condition, and particularly patient use of non prescribed interventions, and adherence with prescribed interventions. The study will also assess diagnosis, clinical features, and impact (on quality of life).
- Funding Agency
- Kyowa Kirin International
- Date From
- 31/07/2021
- Date To
- 28/02/2023
- Title
- EU-Navigate
- Summary
- EU-Navigate is a European, multicentre, randomised controlled trial that will evaluate the European adaptation of the Canadian NavCare intervention (volunteer navigators) with regard to its effects on older cancer patients", and their family caregivers", quality of life and well-being.
- Funding Agency
- European Health and Digital Executive Agency
- Date From
- 01/09/2022
- Date To
- 31/08/2027
Awards and Honours
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians (London)
Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer