Professor Aine Kelly
Professor In, Physiology
Professor In, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Aine Kelly graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1995 with a first class honours degree and gold medal in Science, specialising in Physiology. She was awarded her PhD in Neuroscience in 1998, and conducted postdoctoral research in Trinity College Dublin and Université Paris-Sud (Paris Saclay) between 1998 and 2002. She was appointed to a lectureship in the Department of Physiology in 2002, where she is currently Professor in Physiology. She was Head of Physiology in Trinity College from 2010-2016 and served as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Science Education from 2018-2022. She has served as President of Neuroscience Ireland (2019-2021) and is a Trustee and Board member of The Physiological Society (2020-2025). She was a member of the Committe for Higher Education and Training of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (2020-2024) and sits on the Pan-European Regional Committee of the International Brain Research Association.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kelly ÁM, McHugh C, Hale J, Cunningham J, Boyle N, Joyce O, O'Connell B, Farrell G, Wilson F., A cross-season analysis of S100B as a potential marker of concussion in professional rugby players., Brain injury, 2024, p1-8
McAteer, L., Roche, J., & Kelly, A. M., Renewing an undergraduate science curriculum for the 21st century, Frontiers in Education, 8, 2023
Barad Z, Augusto J, Kelly ÁM., Exercise-induced modulation of neuroinflammation in ageing., The Journal of physiology, 601, (11), 2023, p2069-2083
Clíodhna McHugh , Karen Hind , Aine Kelly, Ursula Fearon, Meagan Wasfy,Achilleas Floudas, Zsuzsanna Barad, Kathryn Dane ,Gareth Farrell, Fiona Wilson, Cardiovascular risk and systemic inflammation in male professional rugby: a cross-sectional study, BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, 2023
Joyce, Oisín Cormac, McHugh, Clíodhna, Mockler, David, Wilson, Fiona, Kelly, Áine M., Midlife hypertension is a risk factor for some, but not all, domains of cognitive decline in later life: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Hypertension, 2023
Cunningham J, O'Dowd A, Broglio S, Newell FN, Kelly A, Joyce O, Januszewski J, Wilson F, Multisensory perception is not influenced by previous concussion history in retired rugby union players, Brain Injury, 2022
Mota BC, Kelly ÁM., Exercise alters LPS-induced glial activation in the mouse brain., Neuronal Signal, 4, (4), 2020, pNS20200003
Joyce O, Hopkins D, McCollum A, Newell F, Wilson F, Kelly A, Sports concussion and brain health. The need for objective tests of pathological brain indices, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppAO3-08
Fortune JM, Kelly ÁM, Robertson IH, Hussey J., An Investigation into the Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cognition and BDNF in Young Healthy Males., Neuroscience letters, 2019
Kelly A, Hale J, Boyle N, Denvir K, Farrell G, Ryan J, O'Connell B, Cunningham J, Wilson F, Utility of blood biomarkers S100B and BDNF as a measure of brain injury in professional rugby players, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppAO3-09
Devenney KE, Guinan EM, Kelly ÁM, Mota BC, Walsh C, Rikkert MO, Scneider S, Lalor B., Acute high-intensity aerobic exercise affects brain-derived neurotrophic factor in mild cognitive impairment: a randomised controlled study, BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 5, 2019
O'Connell B, Kelly AM, Mockler D, Oresic M, Denvir K, Farrell G, Janigro D Wilson F, Use of blood biomarkers in assessment of sports related concussion- a systematic review in the context of their biological significance, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 28, (6), 2018, p561 - 571
O'connell B, Wilson F, Boyle N, O'Dwyer TK, Denvir K, Farrell G, Kelly AM, Effects of match play on circulating S100B concentration in professional rugby players, Brain Injury, 32, ((13-14)), 2018, p1811 - 1816
O Connell B, O Shea N, O Dwyer T, Denvir K. Farrell G. Wilson, F. Kelly ÁM , 'Effects of match play and training on circulating S100B concentration in professional rugby players, Brain Injury, 2018
Kelly ÁM, Exercise-induced modulation of neuroinflammation in models of Alzheimer's disease , Brain Plasticity, 2018
The roles of neurotrophins in novel object recognition in, editor(s)A. Ennaceur & M de Silva Souza , Handbook of Object Novelty Recognition, Elsevier, 2018, [Kelly ÁM]
Birch AM, Kelly ÁM., Lifelong environmental enrichment in the absence of exercise protects the brain from age-related cognitive decline., Neuropharmacology, 2018
O'Connell B, Kelly ÁM, Mockler D, Oresic M, Denvir K, Farrell G, Janigro D, Wilson F., Use of Blood Biomarkers in the Assessment of Sports-Related Concussion-A Systematic Review in the Context of Their Biological Significance , Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine , 2017
Ryan SM, Kelly ÁM, Exercise as a pro-cognitive, pro-neurogenic and anti-inflammatory intervention in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease., Ageing research reviews, 27, 2016, p77-92
Non-pharmacological Approaches to Cognitive Enhancement in, editor(s)Kantak, K.M.; Wettstein, J.G. , Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology: Cognitive Enhancement, Springer Biomedicine, 2015, pp417 - 439, [Kelly ÁM.]
Prenderville JA, Kelly ÁM, Downer EJ, The role of cannabinoids in adult neurogenesis., British Journal of Pharmacology, 2015
Bechara RG, Lyne R, Kelly AM, BDNF-stimulated intracellular signalling mechanisms underlie exercise-induced improvement in spatial memory in the male Wistar rat., Behavioural Brain Research, 2014
Birch AM, McGarry NB, Kelly ÁM., Short-term environmental enrichment, in the absence of exercise, improves memory, and increases NGF concentration, early neuronal survival and synaptogenesis in the dentate gyrus in a time-dependent manner, Hippocampus, (75), 2013, p255 - 261
Bechara RG, Kelly ÁM, Exercise improves object recognition memory and induces BDNF expression and cell proliferation in cognitively enriched rats., Behavioural brain research, 245, 2013, p96-100
Birch AM, Kelly ÁM, Chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of nerve growth factor improves recognition memory in the rat., Neuropharmacology, 75, 2013, p255-61
Callaghan CK, Kelly ÁM., Neurotrophins play differential roles in short and long-term recognition memory, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2013
Blau CW, Cowley TR, O'Sullivan J, Grehan B, Browne TC, Kelly L, Birch A, Murphy N, Kelly ÁM, Kerskens CM, Lynch MA, The age-related deficit in LTP is associated with changes in perfusion and blood-brain barrier permeability., Neurobiology of aging, 33, (5), 2012, p1005.e23-35
Callaghan CK, Kelly ÁM, Differential BDNF signaling in dentate gyrus and perirhinal cortex during consolidation of recognition memory in the rat., Hippocampus, 22, (11), 2012, p2127 - 2135
Griffin EW, Mulally S, Foley C. Warmington SA. O'Mara SM Kelly ÁM, Aerobic exercise improves hippocampal function and increases BDNF in the serum of young adult males, Physiology & Behavior, 104, (5), 2011, p934-941
O'Callaghan RM, Griffin EW. Kelly ÁM., Long-term treadmill exposure protects against age-related neurodegenerative change in the rat hippocampus, Hippocampus, 19, (10), 2009, p1019 - 1029
Hennigan A, Callaghan CK, Kealy J, Rouine J, Kelly ÁM., Deficits in LTP and recognition memory in the genetically hypertensive rat are associated with decreased expression of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in the dentate gyrus, Behavioural Brain Research, 197, (2), 2009, p371 - 377
Griffin EW, Bechara R, Birch A, Kelly ÁM., Exercise enhances hippocampal-dependent learning in the rat: evidence for a BDNF-related mechanism, Hippocampus, 19, (10), 2009, p973 - 980
Larkin AE, Fahey B, Gobbo O, Callaghan CK, Cahill E, O'Mara SM, Kelly ÁM., Blockade of NMDA receptors pre-training, but not post-training, impairs object displacement learning in the rat, Brain Research, 1199, 2008, p126 - 132
O'Callaghan RM, Ohle R, Kelly ÁM., The effects of forced exercise on hippocampal plasticity in the rat: a comparison of LTP, spatial- and non-spatial learning, Behavioral Brain Research, 176, (2), 2007, p362 - 366
Hennigan A, O'Callaghan RM, Kelly ÁM. , Neurotrophins and their receptors: roles in plasticity, neurodegeneration and neuroprotection, Biochemical Society Transactions , 35, (2), 2007, p424 - 427
Hennigan A,Trotter C Kelly ÁM. , Lipopolysaccharide impairs long-term potentiation and recognition memory and increases p75NTR expression in the rat dentate gyrus, Brain Research , 1130, 2007, p158 - 166
Maher FO, Clarke RM, Kelly Á, Nally RE, Lynch MA, Interaction between interferon gamma and insulin-like growth factor-1 in hippocampus impacts on the ability of rats to sustain long-term potentiation, JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, 96, (6), 2006, p1560 - 1571
MAPK, CREB and zif268 are all required for the consolidation of recognition memory in, editor(s)T.V.P. Bliss G.L. Collingridge R.G.M. Morris , Long-Term Potentiation: Enhancing Neuroscience for 30 Years , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp327 - 346, [Bozon B, Kelly Á, Josselyn SA, Silva AS, Davis S, Laroche S.]
Dhanrajan TM, Lynch MA, Kelly Á, Popov VI, Rusakov DA , Stewart MG., Expression of long-term potentiation in aged rats involves perforated synapses but dendritic spine branching results from high frequency stimulation alone, Hippocampus, 14, (2), 2004, p255 - 264
Bozon B, Kelly Á, Josselyn SA, Silva AJ, Davis S, Laroche S., MAPK, CREB and zif268 are all required for the consolidation of recognition memory, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, London, 358, (1432), 2003, p805 - 814
Kelly Á, Laroche S, Davis S.Kelly A, Laroche S, Davis S., Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase in hippocampal circuitry is required for consolidation and reconsolidation of recognition memory., Journal of Neuroscience, 23, (15), 2003, p5354 - 5360
Kelly Á, Vereker E, Brady M. Barry C, Loscher C, Mills KHG, Lynch MA., Activation of p38 plays a pivotal role in the inhibitory effect of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-1beta-induced inhibition of long-term potentiation in rat dentate gyrus, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 2003, p19453 - 19462
Davies HA, Kelly Á, Dhanrajan TM, Lynch MA, Rodriguez JJ, Stewart MG., Synaptophysin immunogold labelling of synapses decreases in dentate gyrus of the hippocampus of aged rats, Brain Res., 986, ((1-2):), 2003, p191 - 195
Casey M, Maguire C, Kelly Á, Gooney MA, Lynch MA., Analysis of the presynaptic signaling mechanisms underlying the inhibition of LTP in rat dentate gyrus by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein., Hippocampus, 12, (3), 2002, p377 - 385
Gooney M, Shaw K, Kelly Á, O'Mara SM, Lynch MA. Gooney M, Shaw K, Kelly A, O'Mara SM, Lynch MA. Gooney M, Shaw K, Kelly A, O'Mara SM, Lynch MA., Long-term potentiation and spatial learning are associated with increased phosphorylation of TrkB and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in the dentate gyrus: evidence for a role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor., Behavioural Neuroscience, 116, (3), 2002, p455 - 463
Vereker E, O'Donnell E, Lynch Á, Kelly A, Nolan Y, Lynch MA., Evidence that interleukin-1beta and reactive oxygen species production play a pivotal role in stress-induced impairment of LTP in the rat dentate gyrus., European Journal of Neuroscience, 14, (11), 2001, p1809 - 1819
Kelly Á, Lynch A. Vereker E, Nolan Y, Queenan P, Whittaker E, O' Neill LAJ, Lynch MA. , The anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin (IL)-10, blocks the inhibatory effect of IL-1 beta on long term potentiation - a role for JNK, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, (49), 2001, p45564 - 45572
Kelly Á, Mullany PM, Lynch MA., Protein synthesis in entorhinal cortex and long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus., Hippocampus, 10, (49), 2000, p431 - 437
Kelly Á, Lynch MA., Long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus of the rat is inhibited by the phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitor, wortmannin, Neuropharmacology, 39, (49), 2000, p643 - 651
Kelly Á, Maguire C, Lynch MA., Deficits in nerve growth factor release and tyrosine receptor kinase phosphorylation are associated with age-related impairment in long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus, Neuroscience, 95, (2), 2000, p359 - 365
Maguire C, Casey M, Kelly Á, Mullany PM. Lynch MA. , Activation of tyrosine receptor kinase plays a role in expression of long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus, Hippocampus, 9, (5), 1999, p519 - 526
McGahon B, Maguire C, Kelly Á, Lynch MA., Activation of p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase by arachidonic acid and trans-1-amino-cyclopentyl-1,3- dicarboxylate impacts on long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus in the rat: analysis of age-related changes., NEUROSCIENCE, 90, (4), 1999, p1167 - 1175
Kelly Á, Conroy S, Lynch MA., Evidence that nerve growth factor plays a role in long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus., Neuropharmacology, 37, (4-5), 1998, p561 - 570
Kelly Á, Lynch MA., LTP occludes the interaction between arachidonic acid and ACPD and NGF and ACPD, Neuroreport, 9, (18), 1998, p4087 - 4091
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kelly ÁM, Hannan A.J., Therapeutic impacts of environmental enrichment: Neurobiological mechanisms informing molecular targets for enviromimetics, 2019
Research Expertise
The impact of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on cognitive function and neuroinflammation throughout the lifespanRecognition
Trustee and Board Member, The Physiological Society
Member of the Pan-European Representative Committee (PERC) of the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO)
Governing Council Member, FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies)
Member of Committee of Higher Education and Training (CHET) of Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
Council member, Neuroscience Ireland
President, Neuroscience Ireland
External Examiner in Physiology for NUI Schools of Medicine and RCSI, Dr HH Stewart Medical Scholarship and Prize
External Examiner B.Sc. in Physiology, NUI Galway
External Examiner, Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI
Editorial Board member, Neuropharmacology
Awards and Honours
Provost's Teaching Award
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
Visiting Professorship, Université Paris Sud
Trinity Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship
Physiological Society Undergraduate Prize
Trinity College Dublin Gold Medal
Watts Medal, Health Research Board
Member, Physiological Society
Fellow, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Council Member, Neuroscience Ireland
Member, European College of Sports Sciences