Professor Andrew Harkin
Professor in Pharmacology, Pharmacy
Deputy Director of TCIN, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Andrew Harkin is Professor in Pharmacology in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trinity College Dublin. He is a graduate of NUI Galway (B.Sc. 1994; Ph.D. 1998) and prior to joining Trinity College held a lecturing post in the School of Pharmacy, University College Cork. He was elected to Fellowship in Trinity College in 2011. Over the course of his research career he worked in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Safety Pharmacology Laboratories at H. Lunbeck A/S Valby, Copenhagen and has held post-doctoral research fellowships funded by the Higher Education Authority (Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions) and the Health Research Board of Ireland (career development award, 2002). He leads the Neuropsychopharmacology Research Group in Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) funded by the European Commission (Framework 7 - Brain Imaging Return to Health [R'Birth], a Marie Curie international training network for early stage and experienced researchers and MOODINFLAME; a collaborative, large-scale focused research project with a variety of academic and industrial partners focused on early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders targeting the activated inflammatory response system. He has also received project funding from Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council. His group collaborates with a variety of academic and industrial partners on fundamental and clinical projects. Current research interests include bi-directional nervous system immune interactions, the role of stress and inflammation in the pathogenesis of mental illness, potential of anti-inflammatory agents in treating neurological and psychiatric disorders, targeting glutamate neuronal transmission in neuropsychiatric disorders and safety pharmacology of recreational drugs. He has co-authored peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and published abstracts/conference proceedings and delivered invited lectures and oral presentations at international conferences, workshops and various research institutions. He is a member of the International College of Neuropsychopharmacolgy (CINP), the British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP) and the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS) and is a past recipient of the CINP Rafaelsen award in recognition of his commitment to the field of neuropsychopharmacology. He is on the editorial boards of a number of journals including Acta Neuropsychiatrica, Brain Behavior and Immunity, PLOS ONE, and Frontiers in Neuropharmacology and Behavioural Neuroscience. He is a founder member of the Depression Interest Group, currently serves as deputy director of the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and chairs the Animal Welfare Body in TCD. He has a long standing track record in mentoring and training of PhD students, 25 students having completed to date, and has participated in PhD training programmes in TCIN funded under the auspices of the PRTLI. He currently teaches on a number of undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes in TCD including the Pharmacy degree, B.A. Moderatorship in Neuroscience and M.Sc. programmes in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology, Neuroscience, Addiction Recovery and Molecular Medicine and is former Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Ryan KM, Corrigan M, Murphy TM, McLoughlin DM, Harkin A, Gene expression of kynurenine pathway enzymes in depression and following electroconvulsive therapy, Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2024
Gribben, A., Burke, T., Harrington, C., Husein, A., Murnane, K. S., Hendricks, P. S., Tobin, K., Ivers, J. H., Thuery, G., Harkin, A. & Kelly, J. R., Amid magic and menace: psychiatrists' attitudes to psilocybin therapy, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2024
Stojanovic, N.M, Randelovic, P.J., Simonovic,M., Radic, M. Todorovic, S., Corrigan, M., Harkin, A. and Boylan F., Essential Oil Constituents as Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Agents: an Insight through Microglia Modulation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25, (10), 2024, p5166-
Rebecca Maher, Almudena Moreno-Borrallo, Dhruvi Jindal, Binh T Mai, Eduardo Ruiz-Hernandez, Andrew Harkin, Intranasal Polymeric and Lipid-Based Nanocarriers for CNS Drug Delivery, Pharmaceutics, 15, (3), 2023, p746-
Plini ERG, Melnychuk MC, Harkin A, Dahl MJ, McAuslan M, Kühn S, Boyle RT, Whelan R, Andrews R, Düzel S, Drewelies J, Wagner GG, Lindenberger U, Norman K, Robertson IH, Dockree PM., Dietary Tyrosine Intake (FFQ) Is Associated with Locus Coeruleus, Attention and Grey Matter Maintenance: An MRI Structural Study on 398 Healthy Individuals of the Berlin Aging Study-II., J Nutr Health Aging, 27, (12), 2023, p1174 - 1187
Sullivan M, Fernandez-Aranda F, Camacho-Barcia L, Harkin A, Macrì S, Mora-Maltas B, Jiménez-Murcia S, O'Leary A, Ottomana AM, Presta M, Slattery D, Scholtz S, Glennon JC., Insulin and disorders of behavioural flexibility., Neurosci Biobehav Rev., 150, 2023, p105169-
Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Anckaerts C, Angeles-Valdez D, Ayad F, Barrière DA, Blockx I, Bortel A, Broadwater M, Cardoso BM, Célestine M, Hess A, A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain., Nature neuroscience, 2023
John R. Kelly, Gerard Clarke, Andrew Harkin, Sinead C. Corr, Stephen Galvin, Vishnu Pradeep, John F. Cryan, Veronica O'Keane, Timothy G. Dinan, Seeking the Psilocybiome: Psychedelics meet the microbiota-gut-brain axis, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2022
Kelly JR, Gillan CM, Prenderville J, Kelly C, Harkin A, Clarke G, O'Keane V, Psychedelic Therapy's Transdiagnostic Effects: A Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Perspective., Frontiers in psychiatry, 2021
Roddy, D. and Kelly, J.R. and Farrell, C. and Doolin, K. and Roman, E. and Nasa, A. and Frodl, T. and Harkin, A. and O'Mara, S. and O'Hanlon, E. and O'Keane, V., Amygdala substructure volumes in Major Depressive Disorder, NeuroImage: Clinical, 31, (102781), 2021
Ryan KM, Finnegan M, Harkin A, McLoughlin DM., PBMC telomerase activity in depression and the response to electroconvulsive therapy., European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 271, (7), 2021, p1297-1307
O'Neill, E. and Griffin, Ã .W. and O'Sullivan, R. and Murray, C. and Ryan, L. and Yssel, J. and Harkin, A. and Cunningham, C., Acute neuroinflammation, sickness behavior and working memory responses to acute systemic LPS challenge following noradrenergic lesion in mice, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 94, 2021, p357-368
Suessmuth, S.,Niessen, H., Nold, V., Keller, S., Otto, m., Schoenfeldt-Lecuona, C., Al-Shweiki, R., Steinacker, P., Oeckl, P., Harkin, A., Doolin, K., Ryan K.M., McLoughlin, D.M., O'Keane, V., Reif, A., Brum, A., Kittel-Schneider, S., Brunkhorst-Kanaan, N., Pennix, B., Milaneschi, Y., Van Grootheest, G., Michal, M., Schulz, A., Wild, P., Allers, K.A., Assessment of tryptophan catabolism as a biomarker of inflammation related major depressive disorder, Neuropsychopharmacology, 59th Annual Meeting, The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Virtual meeting, December 2020, 2020
Opioid epidemic in, editor(s)B. Gardenour Walter , Wellness around the world: An international encycopedia of health indicators. practices and issues in cultural context., Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2020, [Harkin, A and Van Dyke, MM]
Ryan KM, Allers KA, McLoughlin DM, Harkin A., Tryptophan metabolite concentrations in depressed patients before and after electroconvulsive therapy., Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 83, 2020, p153 - 162
Ryan K.M., Boyle, N.T., Harkin A. Connor, T.J., Dexamethasone attenuates inflammatory-mediated suppression of beta2-adrenoceptor expression in rat primary mixed glia., Journal of Neuroimmunology, 338, 2020, p8
Ryan K.M. and Harkin A., Regulation of beta2-adrenoceptors in brain glia: implications for neuroinflammatory and degenerative disorders., Neural Regeneration Research , 15, (11), 2020, p2035 - 2036
O'Neill E and Yssel JD and McNamara C and Harkin A, Pharmacological targeting of β(2) -adrenoceptors is neuroprotective in the LPS inflammatory rat model of Parkinson's disease., British Journal of Pharmacology, 177, (2), 2020, p282 - 297
Ryan K.M., and Allers K.A. and Harkin A. and McLoughlin D.M. , Blood plasma B vitamins in depression and the therapeutic response to electroconvulsive therapy, Brain, Behavior and Immunity Health, 2020
O'Neill, E. and Goisis, R. Chiara and Haverty, R. and Harkin, A., L-alpha-aminoadipic acid restricts dopaminergic neurodegeneration and motor deficits in an inflammatory model of Parkinsonâ s disease in male rats, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97, (7), 2019, p804-816
Harkin, A., McLoughln DM, Ketamine and depression: A special kase for kynurenic acid?, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 75, 2019, p10 - 11
Dempsey E, Abautret-Daly Á, Docherty NG, Medina C, Harkin A. , Persistent Central Inflammation and Region Specific Cellular Activation Accompany Depression- and Anxiety-like Behaviours During the Resolution Phase of Experimental Colitis, Brain Behav Immun , 80, 2019, p616-632
Ryan, KM, Allers, KA, McLoughlin, DM, Harkin A , Plasma tryptophan metabolite concentrations in depression and the response to electroconvulsive therapy, Conference proceedings, 26th annual meeting Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Berlin, Germany, June 2019, 2019, pp4258
David, J., Gormley, S., McIntosh, A., Kebede, V., Thuery, G., Varidaki, A., Coffey, E.T., Harkin, A., L-alpha-amino adipic acid provokes depression-like behaviour and a stress related increase in dendritic spine density in the pre-limbic cortex and hippocampus in rodents, Behavioural Brain Research, 362, 2019, p90-102
Harkin, A., A gut instinct for kynurenic acid, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 79, 2019, p16-17
O'Reilly, K., David, J., Thuery, G., Kedebe, V., Harkin, A., Alterations in dendritic spines following stress and l-alpha-aminoadipic acid-induced astrocytic impairment are rescued by ZL006 inhibition of PSD95/NOS., European Neuropsychopharmacology, 31st ECNP Congress, Barcelona, 2018, 2019
David, J. and O'Toole, E. and O'Reilly, K. and Thuery, G. and Assmann, N. and Finlay, D. and Harkin, A., Inhibitors of the NMDA-Nitric Oxide Signaling Pathway Protect Against Neuronal Atrophy and Synapse Loss Provoked by L-alpha Aminoadipic Acid-treated Astrocytes, Neuroscience, 392, 2018, p38-56
O'Reilly, K., David, J., Thuery, G., Harkin, A., ZL006 has antidepressant effects and attenuates changes in dendritic spines associated with astrocytic impairment in mice., European Neuropsychopharmacology , ECNP workshop for junior scientists , Nice, France, March, 2018, 28, (S1), 2018, pp43 - 44, P2.032
Griffin, Ã.W. and Yssel, J.D. and O'Neill, E. and Ryan, K.J. and Boyle, N. and Harper, P. and Harkin, A. and Connor, T., The beta-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol reduces the neuroinflammatory response, neutrophil infiltration and apoptosis following intra-striatal IL-1β administration to rats, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 40, (2), 2018, p99-106
Finnegan, M., Galligan, T., Ryan, K., Shanahan, E., Harkin, A., Daly, L., McLoughlin, DM., Ketamine versus midazolam for depression relapse prevention following successful electroconvulsive therapy: a randomized controlled pilot trial., Journal of ECT, 2018
O'Neill E, Harkin A., Targeting the noradrenergic system for anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects: implications for Parkinson's disease., Neural regeneration research, 13, (8), 2018, p1332 - 1337
Yssel, J.D., O'Neill, E., Nolan, Y.M., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Treatment with the noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor atomoxetine alone and in combination with the alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan attenuates loss of dopamine and associated motor deficits in the LPS inflammatory rat model of Parkinson's disease, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 69, 2018, p456-469
Doolin K., Allers, K.A., Pleiner, S., Liesener, A., Farrell, C., Tozzi, L., O'Hanlon, E., Roddy, D., Frodl, T., Harkin, A., O'Keane, V. , Altered tryptophan catabolite concentrations in major depressive disorder and associated changed in hippocampal subfeld volumes., Psychoneuroendocrinology, 95, 2018, pEpub ahead-
Griffin, E.W., Yssel, J.D., O Neill, E., Ryan, K.J., Boyle, N., Harper, P., Harkin, A. and Connor, T., The beta2-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol reduces the neuroinflammatory response, neutrophil infiltration and apoptosis following intra-striatal IL-1β administration to rats, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 2018, p1-8
Farrell, C., Doolin, K., O'Leary, N., Jairaj, C., Roddy, D., Tozzi, L., Morris, D., Harkin, A., Frodl, T., Nemoda, Z., Szyf, M., Booij, L., O'Keane, V. , DNA methylation differences at the glucocorticoid receptor gene in depression are related to functional alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and to early life emotional abuse., Psychiatry Research, (265), 2018, p341 - 348
Bornemann KD, Welland M, Doolin K, O'Keane V, Harkin A, Hengerer B, Allers KA, Modifying the kynurenine pathway as a potential therapy to treat patients with depression, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2017, 2017
Tropea, D. and Harkin, A., Biology of Brain Disorders, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience - e collection, Frontiers Media SA academic publisher, 2017
Doolin, K., Farrell, C., Tozzi, L., Harkin, A., Frodl, T., O Keane, V., Diurnal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis measures and inflammatory marker correlates in major depressive disorder, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, (10), 2017
Abautret-Daly Á, Dempsey E, Riestra S, de Francisco-García R, Parra-Blanco A, Rodrigo L, Medina C, Connor TJ, Harkin A., Association between psychological measures with inflammatory and disease related markers of inflammatory bowel disease, International Journal of Psychiatry & Clinical Practice, 21, (3), 2017, p221 - 230
O'Farrell K, Fagan E, Connor T.J, Harkin A, Inhibition of the kynurenine pathway protects against reactive microglial-associated reductions in the complexity of primary cortical neurons, European Journal of Pharmacology, 810, 2017, p163 - 173
Sherwin, E., Lennon, A., Harkin, A., Regional specific modulation of stress-induced neuronal activation associated with the PSD95/NOS Interaction Inhibitor ZL006 in the Wistar Kyoto rat, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 20, (10), 2017, p833-843
Abautret-Daly, Ã ., Dempsey, E., Parra-Blanco, A., Medina, C., Harkin, A., Gut brain actions underlying comorbid anxiety and depression associated with inflammatory bowel disease, Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2017, p1-22
Sherwin E, Gigliucci V, Harkin A, Regional specific modulation of neuronal activation associated with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in an animal model of antidepressant activity, Behavioural Brain Research, 316, 2017, p18 - 28
McLoughlin, D.; Finnegan, M.; Ryan, K., Harkin, A., The KEEP-WELL trial (NCT02414932) - ketamine for depression relapse prevention following ECT, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 30th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) , Paris, France, September 2017, 27, 2017, ppS542 - 543
O'Farrell, K., Harkin, A., Stress-related regulation of the kynurenine pathway: Relevance to neuropsychiatric and degenerative disorders, Neuropharmacology, (112), 2017, p307 - 323
Abautret-Daly Á, Dempsey E, Riestra S, de Francisco-García R, Parra-Blanco A, Rodrigo L, Medina C, Connor TJ, Harkin A., Gut-brain actions underlying comorbid anxiety and depression associated with inflammatory bowel disease, Acta Neuropsychiatr, 2017, p1 - 22
McIntosh A.L, Gormley S, Tozzi L, Frodl T, Harkin A, Recent advances in translational magnetic resonance imaging in animal models of stress and depression, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 11, 2017, p00150-
McGuiness B, Gibney S.M, Beumer W, Versnel M.A, Sillaber I, Harkin A, Drexhage H.A, Exaggerated increases in microglia proliferation, brain inflammatory response and sickness behaviour upon lipopolysaccharide stimulation in non-obese diabetic mice, NeuroImmunoModulation, 23, (3), 2016, p137 - 150
Maria N.I, van Helden-Meeuwsen C.G, Brkic Z, Paulissen S.M.J, Steenwijk E.C, Dalm V.A, van Daele P.L, Martin van Hagen P, Kroese F.G.M, van Roon J.A.G, Harkin A, Dik W.A, Drexhage H.A, Lubberts E, Versnel M.A, Association of Increased Treg Cell Levels With Elevated Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Activity and an Imbalanced Kynurenine Pathway in Interferon-Positive Primary Sjogren's Syndrome, Arthritis and Rheumatology, 68, (7), 2016, p1688 - 1699
Ryan K.M, Griffin à .W, Ryan K.J, Tanveer R, Vanattou-Saifoudine N, McNamee E.N, Fallon E, Heffernan S, Harkin A, Connor T.J, Clenbuterol activates the central IL-1 system via the β
Yssel, J.D., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Pharmacological enhancement of noradrenaline as a target to limit neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, University College Dublin, June, 2014, 185, 2016, ppS24-
O'Neill E, Kwok B, Day J.S, Connor T.J, Harkin A, Amitriptyline protects against TNF-alpha induced atrophy and reduction in synaptic markers via a Trk-dependent mechanism, Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 4, (2), 2016
David, J., McIntosh, A., Harkin, A., L-alpha aminoadipic acid induced glial ablation in the prelimbic corex induces depressive and anxiety like behaviour in mice, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Annual Meeting, Brighton, UK, 2016, 30, (8), 2016, ppa64--
O'Toole, E.; Doucet, M.; Harkin, A., Astrocytic Ablation by L-Alpha Aminoadipic Acid (L-AAA) Reduces Measures of Neuronal Complexity In Vitro, Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 185, 2016, ppS31-
Doucet, M., Levine, H., Dev, K.K., Harkin, A., Small molecule inhibitors at the PSD95 NOS interface have antidepressant like properties in mice, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, Summer meeting, University College Cork, 2013, 185, 2016, ppS101 - 102
David, J., McIntosh, A., Harkin, A., L-alphaaminoadipic acid provokes a reduction of astrocytes in the pre-limbic cortex and depressive like behaviour in mice, European Neuropsychopharmacology, ECNP Workshop for Junior Scientists, Nice, France, 26, 2016, pps94 - 95
Hughes M.M, Connor T.J, Harkin A, Stress-Related Immune Markers in Depression: Implications for Treatment, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 19, (6), 2016, p1 - 19
Harkin, A.; McIntosh, A.; Sherwin, E.; et al., Evaluation of NMDA signalling modifiers as putative antidepressants in animal models, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology , Vienna, Austria, October 2016, 26, 2016, ppS177 - P.1.a.024
Gormley, S., Rouine, J., McIntosh, A., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity correlates with cortical perfusion parameters determined by bolus tracking arterial spin labelling (bt-ASL) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the Wistar Kyoto rat, Physiology and Behavior, 160, 2016, p66-79
McIntosh, A.; Gormley, S.; Harkin, A., Disrupting astrocyte function in the prelimbic cortex induces a depressive-like phenotype and alters cerebral perfusion, European Neuropsychopharmacology, ECNP Workshop for Junior Scientists in Europe Location, Nice, France, 2016, 26, 2016, ppS101 - 102
Novel Targets in the Glutamate and Nitric Oxide Neurotransmitter Systems for the Treatment of Depression in, Systems Neuroscience in Depression, 2016, pp81-113 , [O'Toole, E., Doucet, M.V., Sherwin, E., Harkin, A.]
Finnegan M, Ryan K, Shanahan E, Harkin A, Daly L, McLoughlin DM, Ketamine for depression relapse prevention following electroconvulsive therapy: protocol for a randomised pilot trial (the KEEP-WELL trial)., Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2016
Yssel, Justin D.; Connor, Thomas; Harkin, Andrew, Targeting the noradrenergic system for anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective actions in an animal model of Parkinson's disease, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section Annual Meeting, May 2016, 185, 2016, ppS181-
Morgese, M.G., Colaianna, M., Mhillaj, E., Zotti, M., Schiavone, S., D'Antonio, P., Harkin, A., Gigliucci, V., Campolongo, P., Trezza, V., De Stradis, A., Tucci, P., Cuomo, V., Trabace, L., Soluble beta amyloid evokes alteration in brain norepinephrine levels: Role of nitric oxide and interleukin-1, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, (NOV), 2015, p2015
Murray, C., Griffin, E.W., O'Loughlin, E., (...), Harkin, A., Cunningham, C., Interdependent and independent roles of type I interferons and IL-6 in innate immune, neuroinflammatory and sickness behaviour responses to systemic poly I: C, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 48, 2015, 274-286
Harkin, A., Anti-inflammatory actions of antidepressants; A new indiction for an old class of drug, 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry (European Psychiatric Association), Vienna, 2015
Harkin, A., Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum, 2015, In:Thematic meeting on stress and depression, 2015, Trinity College Dublin, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Rouine J, Kelly ME, Jennings-Murphy C, Duffy P, Gorman I, Gormley S, Kerskens CM, Harkin A, Investigation of the mechanisms mediating MDMA "Ecstasy"-induced increases in cerebro-cortical perfusion determined by btASL MRI., Psychopharmacology, 232, (9), 2015, p1501-1513
Doucet MV, O'Toole E, Connor T, Harkin A, Small molecule inhibitors at the PSD-95/nNOS interface protect against glutamate-induced neuornal atrophy in primary cortical neurons, Neuroscience, 301, 2015, p421 - 438
Inflammation in the pathogenesis of depression in, editor(s)Nicola Woodroofe, Sandra Amor , Neuroinflammation and CNS Disorders, United Kingdom, Wiley Blackwell, 2015, pp261 - 288, [Thomas J. Connor and Andrew Harkin]
Rodent Models of Stress-Induced Depression: The link between stress and immune system related changes in, editor(s)Norbert Muller, Aye-Mu Myint, Markus J Schwarz , Immunology and Psychiatry; from basic research to therapeutic interventions, Switzerland, Springer, 2015, pp33 - 62, [McGuinness B, Harkin A]
Dempsey, E., Abautret-Daly, A., Medina, C., Docherty, N., Harkin A., Central neuroinflammation in inflammatory bowel disease: evidence for a central increase in iNOS in an animal model of colitis, European Neuropsychopharmacology, ECNP Workshop for Junior Scientists in Europe , Nice, France, 2015, 25, 2015, ppS47-S47
Gibney S, Fagan EM, Waldron AM, O'Byrne J, Connor TJ, Harkin A , Inhibition of stress-induced heaptic tryptophan 2,3 di-oxygenase exhibits antidepressant activity in an animal model of depressive behaviour, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, (6), 2014, p917 - 928
Gigliucci V, Gormley S, Gibney S, Rouine J, Kerskens C, Connor TJ, Harkin A, Characterisation of the antidepressant properties of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in the olfactory bulcectomised rat model of depression, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, (8), 2014, p1349 - 1361
Harkin A, Muscling in on Depression, New England Journal of Medicine, 371, (24), 2014
O'Neill, Eimear; Kwok, Billy; Harkin, Andrew; Connor, Thomas, Amitriptyline acting on neuronal TRK receptors protects against cytokine-induced neuronal atrophy, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 183, 2014, pps80 - 81
O'Neill, E., Kwok, B., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Amitriptyline and nortriptyline have neurotrophic effects on neuornal complexity mediated via a Trk/MAPK/PI3K pathway , Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, Dublin, June, 2014, 2014
Kelly, Mark; Yssel, Justin D.; Connor, Thomas; Harkin, Andrew, Characterisation of a novel rat model of Parkinson's disease, combining intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine and intranigral lipopolysaccharide, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences Section, 183, 2014, ppS82-
Frodl T, Carballedo A, Frey EM, O'Keane V, Skokauskas N, Morris D, Gill M, Hughes MM, Harkin A, Connor T, Expression of glucocorticoid inducible genes is associated with reductions in cornu ammonis and dentate gyrus volumes in patients with major depressive disorder., Development and psychopathology, 26, (4 Pt 2), 2014, p1209-17
O'Donovan S*, Dalton VS*, Harkin A, McLoughlin DM; * joint first author, Effects of brief pulse and ultrabrief pulse electroconvulsive stimulation on rodent brain and behaviour in the corticosterone model of depression. , International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. DOI: 10.1017/S1461145714000500, 17, (9), 2014, p1477 - 1486
Cuartero MI, Ballesteros I, de la Parra J, Harkin A, Abautret-Daly A, Sherwin E, Fernandez-Salguero P, Corbi AL, Lizasoain I, Moro MA, L-kynurenine/aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway mediates brain damage after experimental stroke, Circulation, 130, (23), 2014, p2040 - 2051
Pertl, M.M., Hevey, D., Boyle, N.T., Hughes, M.M., Collier, S., O'Dwyer, A.M., Harkin, A., Kennedy, M.J., & Connor, T.J., C-reactive prtoein predicts fatigue independently of depression in breast cancer patients prior to chemotherapy, Brain Behaviour and Immunity, 34, 2013, p108 - 119
Ryan KJ, Griffin E, Yssel JD, Ryan KM, McNamee EN, Harkin A, Connor TJ, Stimulation of central ß2-adrenoceptors suppresses NFkB activity in rat brain: A role for IkB., Neurochemistry international, 63, (5), 2013, p368-378
Day JS, O'Neill E, Cawley C, Aretz NK, Kilroy D, Gibney SM, Harkin A, Connor TJ, Noradrenaline acting on astrocytic ß2-adrenoceptors induces neurite outgrowth in primary cortical neurons., Neuropharmacology, 77C, 2013, p234-248
Gigliucci V, O'Dowd G, Casey S, Egan D, Gibney S, Harkin A, Ketamine elicits sustained antidepressant-like activity via a serotonin-dependent mechanism., Psychopharmacology, 228, (1), 2013, p157-66
Rouine J, Gobbo OL, Campbell M, Gigliucci V, Ogden I, McHugh Smith K, Duffy P, Behan B, Byrne D, Kelly ME, Blau CW, Kerskens CM, Harkin A, MDMA 'ecstasy' increases cerebral cortical perfusion determined by bolus-tracking arterial spin labelling (btASL) MRI., British journal of pharmacology, 169, (5), 2013, p974-87
Gibney SM, McGuinness B, Prendergast C, Harkin A, Connor TJ, Poly I:C-induced activation of the immune response is accompanied by depression and anxiety-like behaviours, kynurenine pathway activation and reduced BDNF expression., Brain, behavior, and immunity, 28, 2013, p170-81
Doucet MV, Levine H, Dev KK, Harkin A, Small-Molecule Inhibitors at the PSD-95/nNOS Interface have Antidepressant-Like Properties in Mice., Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 38, (8), 2013, p1575-1584
Vanattou-Saifoudine N, McNamara R, Harkin A, Caffeine provokes adverse interactions with MDMA ("Ecstasy") and related psychostimulants: mechanisms and mediators, British Journal of Pharmacology, 2012, pEpub ahead of print
Doucet MV, Harkin A, Dev KK, The PSD-95/nNOS complex: New drugs for depression?, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 133, (2), 2012, p218-29
Doucet MV, Harkin A, Dev KK, The PSD-95/nNOS Complex: New Drugs for Depression?, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 133, 2012, p218 - 229
Vanattou-Saifoudine N, Behan B, Harkin A, Dopamine D1 receptor mediated intracellular responses in the hypothalamus after co-administration of caffeine with MDMA, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 110, 2012, p283 - 289
Hughes MM, Carballedo A, McLoughlin DM, Amico F, Harkin A, Frodl T, Connor TJ, Tryptophan depletion in depressed patients occurs independent of kynurenine pathway activation., Brain, behavior, and immunity, 26, (6), 2012, p979-987
Beumer W, Gibney SM, Drexhage RC, Pont-Lezica L, Doorduin J, Klein HC, Steiner J, Connor TJ, Harkin A, Versnel MA, Drexhage HA, The immune theory of psychiatric diseases: a key role for activated microglia and circulating monocytes., Journal of leukocyte biology, 92, (5), 2012, p959-75
Hughes MM, Carballedo A, McLoughlin DM, Amico F, Harkin A, Frodl T, Connor TJ, Tryptophan depletion in depressed patients occurs independent of kynurenine pathway activation, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 26, 2012, p979 - 987
Harkin, A.; Connor, T. J., The effect of antidepressants on inflammatory markers in animals models of depression, European Psychiatry, European Psychiatric Congress (EPA), 26, 2011, ppS22-
Natacha Vanattou-Saïfoudine, Anna Gossen, Andrew Harkin, A role for adenosine A1 receptor blockade in the ability of caffeine to promote MDMA "Ecstasy"-induced striatal dopamine release , European Journal of Pharmacology , 650, (1), 2011, p220-228
Rouine, J.; Jennings-Murphy, C.; Kerskens, C.; Harkin, A. , Increased cortcal blood flow and volume following administration of serotonin releasing agents: a magnetic resonance imaging study , Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2011, 180, 2011, ppS302-
Vanattou-Saifoudine, N.; McNamara, R.; Harkin, A., Mechanisms underlying the ability of caffeine to exacerbate the acute toxicity of MDMA ("Ecstasy''), Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2010, 179, 2010, ppS294 - 295
E.N. McNamee, K.M. Ryan, E.W. Griffin, R.E. González-Reyes, K.J. Ryan, A. Harkin and T.J. Connor, Noradrenaline acting at central beta-adrenoceptors induces interleukin-10 and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 expression in rat brain: Implications for neurodegeneration, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 24, (4), 2010, p660 - 671
L.C. Gleeson, K.J. Ryan, E.W. Griffin, T.J. Connor and A. Harkin, The beta2-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol elicits neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and neurotrophic actions in the kainic acid model of excitotoxicity , Brain Behavior and Immunity, 24, (8), 2010, p1354 - 1361
Saifoudine, N. Vanattou; Gossen, A.; Harkin, A., Caffeine promotes MDMA "Ecstasy"-induced dopamine release in striatal and hypothalamic tissue slices; a role for adenosone A1 receptors, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2010, 179, 2010, ppS143-
Rouine, J., Behan, B., Blau, C., Gobbo, O., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging using spin labeling of arterial water show increased cortical blood flow following methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; ecstasy) administration to rats, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section Summer meeting, Trinity College Dublin, 2010, 179, (3), 2010, ppS108-
Vanattou-Saifoudine N, McNamara R, Harkin A., Mechanisms mediating the ability of caffeine to influence MDMA ("Ecstasy")-induced hyperthermia in rats. , British Journal of Pharmacology, 160, 2010, p860 - 877
Abautret-Daly, Aine; Medina, Carlos; Connor, Thomas J.;Harkin, Andrew, Behavioural disturbances observed in experimental colitis are associated with activation of the kynurenine pathway and expression of hepatic tryptophan 2,3 dioxygenase, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2010, 179, 2010, ppS109-
Vanattou-Saïfoudine N, McNamara R, Harkin A, Caffeine promotes dopamine D(1) receptor-mediated body temperature, heart rate and behavioural responses to MDMA ('ecstasy')., Psychopharmacology, 211, (1), 2010, p15-25
E.N. McNamee, E.W. Griffin, K.M. Ryan, K.J. Ryan, S. Heffernan, A. Harkin and T.J. Connor, Noradrenaline acting at beta-adrenoceptors induces expression of IL-1beta and its negative regulators IL-1ra and IL-1RII, and drives an overall anti-inflammatory phenotype in rat cortex, Neuropharmacology, 59, (1-2), 2010, p37 - 48
Rouine, J.; Byrne, D.; Behan, B.; Harkin, A., Cerebral blood perfusion alterations following MDMA ("Ecstasy'') administration in rats determined by arterial spin labelling coupled to magnetic resonance imaging, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2010, 179, 2010, ppS294 - 295
Gigliucci V, Buckley KN, Nunan J, O'Shea K, Harkin A, A role for serotonin in the antidepressant activity of N(G)-Nitro-L-arginine, in the rat forced swimming test., Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 94, (4), 2010, p524-533
O'Sullivan JB, Ryan KM, Harkin A, Connor TJ, Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors inhibit expression of chemokines IP-10 and RANTES and cell adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in the CNS following a systemic inflammatory challenge., Journal of neuroimmunology, 220, (1-2), 2010, p34-42
J.B. O'Sullivan, K.M. Ryan, A. Harkin and T.J. Connor, Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors inhibit expression of chemokines IP-10 and RANTES and cell adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in the CNS following a systemic inflammatory challenge, Journal of Neuroimmunology, 220, (1-2), 2010, p34 - 42
Valentina Gigliucci, Kathleen Niamh Buckley, John Nunan, Karen O'Shea and Andrew Harkin, A role for serotonin in the antidepressant activity of NG Nitro-L-arginine in the rat forced swimming test, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2009
J.B. O'Sullivan, K.M. Ryan, N.M. Curtin, A. Harkin and T.J. Connor, Noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors limit neuroinflammation in rat cortex following a systemic inflammatory challenge: implications for depression and neurodegeneration., International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology , 12, (5), 2009, p687 - 699
T.J. Connor, N. Starr, J.B. O'Sullivan and A. Harkin, Induction of indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase and kynurenine 3-monooxygenase in rat brain following a systemic inflammatory challenge: a role for IFN-gamma?, Neuroscience Letters, 441, (1), 2008, p29 - 34
M. Roche, E. Shanahan, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, Trans-species assessment of antidepressant activity in a rodent model of depression, Pharmacological Reports, 60, (3), 2008, p404 - 408
Harkin, A., MDMA (Ecstasy) induced 5-HT loss; implications for depressive and anxiety disorders, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 26th CINP Congress, Munich, Germany, 2008, 11, (S1), 2008
Harkin, A., The predisposing influence of recreational drug use to neuropsychiatric disorders, 2008, In:26th CINP World Congress, 2008, Munich, Germany
S. Durkin, A. Prendergast, A. Harkin, Reduced efficacy of fluoxetine following MDMA ("Ecstasy")-induced serotonin loss in rats, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 32, (8), 2008, p1894 - 1901
M.R. Garland, B. Hallahan, M. McNamara, P.A. Carney, H. Grimes, J.R. Hibbeln, A. Harkin, R.M. Conroy , Lipids and essential fatty acids in patients presenting with self-harm., British Journal of Psychiatry , 190, 2007, p112 - 117
R. McNamara, M. Maginn, A. Harkin, Caffeine induces a profound and persistent tachycardia in response to MDMA ("Ecstasy") administration, European Journal of Pharmacology, 555, (2-3), 2007, p194 - 198
M. Roche, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, Chronic fluoxetine treatment attenuates stressor-induced changes in temperature, heart rate and neuronal activation in the olfactory bulbectomised rat, Neuropsychopharmacology, 32, (6), 2007, p1312-1320
R. McNamara, A. Kerans, B. O'Neill and A. Harkin, Caffeine promotes hyperthermia and serotonergic loss following co-administration of the substituted amphetamines, MDMA ("Ecstasy") and MDA ("Love") , Neuropharmacology, 50, (1), 2006, p69 - 80
T.J. Connor, A. Harkin and J.P. Kelly , Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy") suppresses production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha independent of a beta-adrenoceptor mediated increase in interleukin-10. , Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics , 312, (1), 2005, p134 - 143
Zueger M, Urani A, Chourbaji S, Zacher C, Roche M, Harkin A, Gass P., Olfactory bulbectomy in mice induces alterations in exploratory behavior, Neuroscience letters, 374, (2), 2005, p142 - 146
T.J. Connor, C. Brewer, J.P. Kelly and A. Harkin, Acute stress suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta independent of a catecholamine-driven increase in IL-10 production. , Journal of Neuroimmunology , 159, (1-2), 2005, p119 - 128
Connole L, Harkin A, Maginn M, Adenosine A(1) receptor blockade mimics caffeine's attenuation of ethanol-induced motor incoordination, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 95, (6), 2004, p299 - 304
A. Harkin, T.J. Connor, M.P. Burns and J.P. Kelly, Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors augment the effects of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in the forced swimming test., European Neuropsychopharmacology, 14, (4), 2004, p274 - 281
A. Harkin, E. Shanahan, J.P. Kelly and T.J. Connor , Methylenendioxyamphetamine produces serotonin nerve terminal loss and diminished behavioural and neurochemical responses to the antidepressant fluoxetine., European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, (4), 2003, p1021 - 1027
A. Harkin, J.M. O'Donnell, J.P. Kelly, A combined and comparative study of physiologic and behavioural parameters in a systemic toxicity test, Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science , 42, (2), 2003, p30 - 37
A. Harkin, T.J. Connor, M. Walsh, St. John, N. and J.P. Kelly, Serotonergic mediation of the antidepressant-like effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, Neuropharmacology, 44, (5), 2003, p616 - 623
A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, Leonard B.E. , A review of the relevance and validity of olfactory bulbectomy as a model of depression, Clinical Neurscience Research, 3, (4), 2003, p253 - 262
A. Harkin, M.J. Hynes, E. Masterson, J.P. Kelly, J.M. O' Donnell and T.J. Connor, A toxicokinetic study of nickel-induced immunosuppression in rats. Immunopharmacol, Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 25, (4), 2003, p655 - 670
A. Harkin, J.M. O'Donnell, J.P. Kelly, A study of VitalView for behavioural and physiological monitoring in laboratory rats, Physiology & Behavior, 77, (1), 2002, p65 - 77
A. Harkin, D.D. Houlihan, J.P. Kelly, Reduction in preference for saccharin by repeated unpredictable stress in mice and its prevention by imipramine, Journal of Psychopharmacology, 16, (2), 2002, p115 - 123
A. Harkin, T.J. Connor, J.M. O' Donnell and J.P. Kelly, Physiological and behavioral responses to stress: What does a rat find stressful ? , Lab Animal , 31, (4), 2002, p42 - 50
A. Harkin, K. Morris, J.P. Kelly, J.M. O'Donnell, B.E. Leonard, Modulation of MK-801-induced behaviour by noradrenergic agents in mice, Psychopharmacology, 154, (2), 2001, p177 - 188
A. Harkin, T.J. Connor, J. Mulrooney, J.P. Kelly and B.E. Leonard, Prior exposure to methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) induces serotonergic loss and changes in spontaneous exploratory and amphetamine-induced behaviours in rats, Life Science, 68, (12), 2001, p1367 - 1382
T.J. Connor, M.C. Dennedy, A. Harkin and J.P. Kelly, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced suppression of interleukin-1β and tumour necrosis factor-α is not mediated by serotonin, European Journal of Pharmacology, 418, (1-2), 2001, p147 - 152
A. Harkin, R. Nally, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard , Effects of reboxetine and sertraline treatments alone and in combination on the binding properties of cortical NMDA and beta1-adrenergic receptors in an animal model of depression, Journal of Neural Transmission, 107, (10), 2000, p1213 - 1227
P. Kelliher, T.J. Connor, A. Harkin, C. Sanchez, J.P. Kelly and B.E. Leonard, Varying responses to the rat forced swim test under diurnal and nocturnal conditions, Physiology & Behavior, 69, (4-5), 2000, p531 - 539
T.J. Connor, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly and B.E. Leonard, Olfactory bulbectomy provokes a suppression of interleukin-1beta and tumour necrosis factor-alpha production following an in vivo challenge with lipopolysaccharide: Effect of chronic desipramine treatment, Neuroimmunomodulation, 7, (1), 2000, p27 - 35
A. Harkin, G. Nowak, I.A. Paul, Noradrenergic lesion antagonizes desipramine-induced adaptation of NMDA receptors, European Journal of Pharmacology, 389, (2-3), 2000, p187 - 192
T.J. Connor, P. Kelliher, Y. Shen, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly and B.E. Leonard, Effect of Subchronic Antidepressant Treatments on Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Endocrine Changes in the Forced-Swim Test, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 65, (4), 2000, p591 - 597
A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, J. Frawley, J.M. O'Donnell, B.E. Leonard, Test conditions influence the response to a drug challenge in rodents., Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 65, (3), 2000, p389 - 398
A. Harkin, J.F. Cryan, M. Naughton, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard , Characterization of D-fenfluramine-induced hypothermia: evidence for multiple sites of action, European Journal of Pharmacology, 390, (3), 2000, p275 - 285
A.M. Redmond, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard , Effects of acute and chronic antidepressant administration on phencyclidine induced locomotor hyperactivity, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 9, (1-2), 1999, p165 - 170
D.G. Healy, A. Harkin, J.F. Cryan, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard, Metyrapone displays antidepressant-like properties in preclinical paradigms, Psychopharmacology, 145, (3), 1999, p303 - 308
T.J. Connor, P. Kelliher, A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly and B.E. Leonard, Reboxetine attenuates forced swim test-induced behavioural and neurochemical alterations in the rat, European Journal of Pharmacology, 379, (2-3), 1999, p125 - 133
A. Harkin, K.H. Bruce, B. Craft, I.A. Paul , Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors have antidepressant-like properties in mice. 1. Acute treatments are active in the forced swim test, European Journal of Pharmacology, 372, (2), 1999, p207 - 213
A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, M. McNamara, T.J. Connor, K. Dredge, A. Redmond, B.E. Leonard, Activity and onset of action of reboxetine and effect of combination with sertraline in an animal model of depression, European Journal of Pharmacology, 364, (2-3), 1999, p123 - 132
C.J. Faherty, A. Harkin, B.E. Leonard , The functional sensitisation of sigma receptors following chronic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment, European Journal of Pharmacology, 346, (1), 1998, p15 - 21
I. De Souza, J.P. Kelly, A. Harkin, B.E. Leonard , An appraisal of the pharmacological and toxicological effects of a single oral administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the rat, Pharmacology & Toxicology, 80, (5), 1997, p207 - 210
Harkin, A., Molecules and Mental Illness, Review of Molecules and Mental Illness, by Samuel H. Barondes , Human Psychopharmacology, 11, 1996, p72
A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard , Single or repeated administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors fail to modulate apomorphine-induced responses in the rat., J. Serotonin Res, 3, 1996, p49 - 58
A. Harkin, J.P. Kelly, B.E. Leonard , The comparative effects of long-term administration of sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, fluoxetine and amitryptyline on monoamine content in rat brain, J. Serotonin Res, 2, 1995, p181 - 190
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Corrigan M, O'Rourke AM, Moran B, Fletcher JM, Harkin A., Inflammation in the pathogenesis of depression: a disorder of neuroimmune origin., Neuronal Signal, 7, (2), 2023, pNS20220054-
O'Reilly K, O'Farrell K, Midttun O, Rakovets Y, David-Bercholz J, Harkin A., Kynurenic Acid Protects Against Reactive Glial-associated Reductions in the Complexity of Primary Cortical Neurons., J Neuroimmune Pharmacol., 16, (3), 2021, p679 - 692
Cardoso dos Santos LE, Rakovets, Y, Harkin, A, and Gobbo, OL and Ruiz-Hernandez E , In vivo evaluation of a hydrogel-nanoparticles formulation to treat glioblastoma multiforme, Controlled Research Society , Vitrual Annual Meeting, June 2020, 2020
O'Neill, E., Harkin, A., Beta2-adrenoceptor stimulation restrains microglial activation and attenuates advancements in dopamine cell loss and motor dysfunction following systemic inflammation in an animal model of Parkinson's disease, British Neuroscience Association, Festival of Science, Dublin, April, 2019, 2019
Harkin, A., Inflammation and psychiatric disorders; Is inflammation getting on your nerves?, Invited lecture, United Arab Emirates University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, June , 2019, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Harkin, A., Neuroinflammation in Psychiatric Disorders, Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Innsbruck, 2018
O'Reilly, K., David, J., O'Toole, E., Harkin, A., Astrocytic ablation by L-alpha amino adipic acid (L-AAA) induces neuronal atrophy; rescue by NMDA-R amtagonists and inhibitors of the PSD-95/nNOS interaction., All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, University College Cork, 2017, 2018
Doolin, K., Harkin, A., Frodl, T., O'Keane, V. , Relationship between hippocampal subfield volumes and cortisol awakening response parameters in Major Depressive Disorder, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 30th ECNP Congress , Paris, France, 2017, 27, (4), 2017, ppS521--
Harkin, A., Glial-neuronal interactions and neuronal plasticity - implications for neuropsychiatric disorders, International meeting on neuronal-glial interactions, Trinity College Dublin, 2017
Doolin, K., Frodl, T., Harkin, A., O'Keane, V., Altered circulating kynurenine pathway expression in pregnant women with perinatal depression., World Psychiatric Association, World Congress of Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany, 2017, 2017
Harkin, A., Stress, inflammation and tryptophan metabolism in the pathogenesis of depression, Novel mechanisms of resilience and stress-related disorders, Goethe University Frankfurt, September, 2017
Harkin, A., Glial associated neuronal atrophy in schizophrenia; insights and concepts of therapy., iPsychosis international meeting on basic and clincal aspects of immune function in psychosis, National University of Ireland, Galway, 2017
Harkin, A., Targeting Glial associated neuronal atrophy in stress, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Gmbh +Co. KG, CNS Discovery Research, 2017
Doolin, K., Harkin, A., O'Keane, V., Tryptophan pathway depletion and hyperactivity of the HPA axis in major depressive disorder, Trinity College Health Science Faculty Research Day, Dublin, September, 2016, 2016
Harkin, A., In pursuit of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarkers in animal models of depression, 10th Federation of European Neurosciences Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, 2016, 2016
Dempsey, E., McIntosh, A., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Behavioural alterations associated with a change in brain relaxometry in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, Young Neuroscientists Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 2016, 2016
Doolin, K., Harkin, A., O'Keane, V., Significant relationships between wakening cortisol concentrations, inflammatory cytokines and suicidality in first presentation depressives, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29th ECNP Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2016, 26, (3), 2016, pps109-
Farrell, C.; O'Keane, V.; Harkin, A. et al.,, Association of maternal emotional abuse with decreased serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) methylation, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) , Vienna, Austria, October, 2016, 26, 2016, ppS177-
Sherwin, E., Lennon, A., Harkin, A., Regional specific modulation of neuronal activation associated with the antidepressant like properties of targeting the NMDAR PSD95 NOS pathway in the Wistar Kyoto rat., Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology, Bristol, UK, 2015, 2015
Harkin, A., A role for inflammation in psychiatric disorders, Intensive course for residents and PhD students; Impact of endocrine and immune regulation for neuropsychiatric disorders , University of Tartu, Estonia, February, 2015
Maria, Naomi I.; van Helden-Meeuwsen, C. G.; Brkic, Z, Harkin, A. et al., Fatigue or Tolerance-Induction in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: A Detrimental or Beneficial Role for IDO and the Tryptophan-Kynurenine Pathway?, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY , 13th International Symposium on Sjogren's Syndrome , Bergen, Norway, May, 2015, 81, 2015, ppS206 - 207
Yssel, J., Connor, T., Harkin, A., Anti inflammatory actions of noradrenergic agents as a target to prevent neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, Neurodegenerative Diseases, 12th International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Nice, France, 2015, 15, (1), 2015, pp1286-
Dempsey, E., Downing, J., Abautret-Daly, A., Medina, C., Harkin, A., Evidence for central molecular changes and changes to neuronal activity in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 28th ECNP Congress , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015, 25, (2), 2015, pps233 - 234
David, J., McIntosh, A., Harkin, A., L-alpha amnoadipic acid provokes a reduction in astroglial GFAP expression in the prelimbic cortex and induces anhedonia and depressive-like behaviours in mice, ICVS - Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, Braga, Portugal, 2015, 2015
Dempsey, E., Abautret-Daly, A., Medina, C., Harkin, A., Evidence for behavioural and central molecular changes in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, CINP Thematic Meeting on Stress, Inflammation and Depression, Dublin, 2015
McIntosh, A.; Gormley, S.; Harkin, A., Altered astrocyte function in the pre-limbic cortex and amygdala induces an anxiety and depressive-like phenotype in adult rats, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 28th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology , Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015, 25, 2015, ppS382-
Doolin, K., Harkin, A., O'Keane, V., An investigation of kynurenine pathway activation and inflammatory cytokines in first presentation depression, CINP thematic meeting Stress Inflammation and Depression, Dublin, June, 2015, 2015
O'Farrell, K.; Lim, E.; Guillemin, G. J. Harkin, A. , A role for glial-associated kynurenine pathway activation in modulating neuronal outgrowth and complexity, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 28th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) , Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015, 25, 2015, ppS206 - 207
O'Toole, E., McIntosh, A., Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Small molecule inhibitors at the PSD-95/NOS interface protect against glutamate induced neuronal atrophy in primary cortical neurons, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology, Bristol, UK, July, 2015, 2015
O'Farrell, K.; Harkin, A., Inflammation-induced activation of the kynurenine pathway leads to reductions in neuronal outgrowth and complexity, EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY , ECNP Workshop for Junior Scientists in Europe , Nice, France, 2015, 25, 2015, ppS23 - 24
Yssel, J.D., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., The anti inflammatory actions of noradrenergic agents as a target ot prevent neurodegeneration in Parkinon's disease, 36th All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Conference, Trinity College Dublin, April 2014, 2014
Dempsey, E., Abautret-Daly, A., Medina, C., Docherty, N., Harkin, A. , iNOS as a mediator of central inflammation in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, Gut Brain Axis European Conference on Microbiology and Immunology (EUCMI), Berlin, Germany, 2014, 2014
O'Toole, E., Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Astrocytic ablation by L alpha amino adipic acid (L AAA) reduces measures of neuronal complexity in vitro; rescue by gliotrophins?, Joint Biochemical Society and British Neuroscience Association, Astrocytes in Health and Disease Conference, University College London, April, 2014, 2014
Maria, N. I.; Van Helden-Meeuwsen, C. G.; Brkic, Z., Harkin, A., et al., Elevated indoleamine -2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan catabolism in primary Sjogren's syndrome patients, positive for the interferon type I signature: a possible link to fatigue and depression, Annals of the Rheumatic diseases, 15th Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) , Paris, France, June, 2014, 73, 2014, pp864-
Yssel, J., Connor, T., Harkin, A., The anti inflammatory actions of noradrenergic agents as a target to prevent neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, Journal of Neuroimmunology , 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology, Mainz, Germany, 2014, 275, (1-2), 2014, pp122 - 123
Sherwin, E., Gormley, S., McGuinness, B., Harkin A., Enhnaced glucocorticoid sensitivity coupled with reduced microglial activation in a genetically predisposed animal model of depression, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Annual meeting of the PNIRS, Philadelphia, USA, 2014, 40, (e31), 2014
O'Neill, E., Day, J.S., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Noradrenaline mediated protection against TNF alpha induced neuronal atrophy, Journal of Neuroimmunology, International Society for Neuroimmunology Congress, Mainz, Germany, 2014, 275, (1-2), 2014, pp167-
Maria, Naomi I.; van Helden-Meeuwsen, Cornelia G.; Brkic, Zana; Harkin, A. et al.,, Elevated Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) Activity and Kynurinene-3-Monooxygenase (KMO) Expression in Interferon Positive Primary Sjogrens Syndrome Patients Is Associated with Increased CD25(hi)FoxP3(+) regulatory Tcells: A Skew Towards Neurotoxicity or an Attempt to Rescue?, Arthritis & Rheumatology, 66, (s1), 2014, ppS790-
O'Toole, E., Harkin, A., Astrocytic dysfunction induced by L alpha aminoapidic acid (L AAA) reduces measures of neuronal complexity; resuce by NMDA receptor antagonists, Journal of Neuroimmunology, International Society of Neuroimmunology, Mainz, Germany, November, 2014, 275, 2014, pp127 - 128
Gormley, S., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Strain related differences in behaviour and neuroimaging markers in the Wistar and WIstar Kyoto rat are associated with altered astroglial cell number, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Annual meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2014, 28, (8), 2014, ppTC32-
Sherwin, E., Gormley, S., McGuinness B., Harkin, A. , Enhanced glucocorticoid sensitivity coupled with reduced microglial activation in a genetically predisposed animal model of depression, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Reseach Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2014, 40, 2014, ppe31-
O'Neill, E., Day, J.S., Cunningham K., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Investigating the role of astrocyte adrenoceptors in protection against amyloid beta induced neuronal atrophy, Biochemical Society/British Neuroscience Association; Astrocytes in Health and Neurodegenerative Disease, London, UK, April, 2014, 2014
Gormely, S., Kersken, C., Harkin, A., Reduced cortical astroglial cell numbers coupled to reduced cortical cerebral blood perfusion in a genetically predisposed model of depression as assessed by magnetic resonance bolus tracking arterial spin labelling (MR-btASL)., Brain Behavior and Immunity, Annual meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Philadelphia, USA, 2014, 40, (e31), 2014
Sherwin, E., Gigliucci, V., Harkin, A., Regional specific modulation of neuornal activation associated with the antidepressant-like properties of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Annual Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2014, 2014
O'Toole, E., Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Small molecule inhibitors at the PSD96 NOS interface protect against glutamate induced neuronal atrophy in primary cortical neurons, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, University College Dublin, 2014, 2014
Yssel, J.D., Kelly, M., Connor, T.J., Nolan, Y., Harkin, A., Characterisation of a novel rat model of Parkinson's disease, combining intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine and intranigral lipopolyscaaharide, Neuroscience Ireland, University College Cork, September 2013, 2013
McGuinness, B., Gibney, S., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Stressor-induced IL-6 production and signalling: divergence in responses between the periphery and CNS, 22nd International Behavioural Neuroscience Society, Dublin, June, 2013, 2013
Sherwin, E., Gigliucci, V., Mannion, D., Harkin, A., Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors modulate regional patterns of stress induced neuronal activation assessed by C FOS immunohistochemical analysis, 8th Annual Meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, University College Cork, 2013, 2013
Harkin, A., Neuroimmune interactions: implications for psychiatric disorders, International Conference of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Northern Ireland, Dublin, November , 2013
O'Toole, E., Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Astrocytic ablation by L alpha aminoadipic acid (L AAA) reduces measures of neuronal complexity in vitro, Neuroscience Ireland/Irish Area Section Biochemical Society Joint Meeting, University College Cork, 2013, 2013
McGuinness, B., O'Farrell, K., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Systemic administation of IL-6 induces time dependent IL-6 related signalling in the brain, 8th Annual meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, September 2013, 2013
Fagan, E.M., Gibney, S.M., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , IFN gamma reduces neuronal viability via BV-2 microglia , Brain Behavior and Immunity, 18th Annual meeting of Psychoneuroimmunology Reseach Society, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013, 2013
Sherwin, E., Gormley, S., Connor, T., Harkin, A., An investigation of stress induced glucocorticoid sensitivity and activation of the kynurenine pathway in Wistar Kyoto rats, 8th Annual Meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, University College Cork, 2013, 2013
McGuinness, B., Gibney, S., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Exaggerated behavioural and HPA axis responses to stress in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse, Abstracts of the IBNS , 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, Dublin, June, 2013, 22, 2013
O'Neill, E., Kwok, B., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Amitriptyline acting on Trk receptors protects against cytokine induced neuronal atrophy, Neuroscience Ireland & Irish Area Section Biochemical Society meeting, University College Cork, September, 2013, 2013
Yssel, J.D., Kelly, M., Connor, T.J., Nolan, Y., Harkin, A., Characterisation of a novel rat model of Parkinson's disease, combining intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine and intranigral lipopolysaccharide, Young Life Scientist (Cell Signalling) Symposium, University College Cork, September 2013, 2013
Fagan, E., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., The serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase A as novel pharmacological targets to inhibit microglial activation, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 18th Annual Meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Reseach Society, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013, 2013
Harkin, A., Curtin, N.M., Mills, K.H.G., Boyle, N.T., Connor, T.J., Neuroimmune mechanisms underlying stress-induced immunosuppression, Abstracts of the IBNS, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Dublin, June, 2013, 22, 2013, pp63 - 64
Gormley, S., Mulkerrins, L., Kerskens, C., Harkin A., Reduced hippocampal volume and a region specific decrease in cortical perfusion as determined by high resolution MRI in a putative animal model of depression, 8th annual meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, University College Cork, September 2013, 2013
Hughes, M.; Carballedo, A.; McLoughlin, D, Harkin, A., et al. , Depressed patients with a mild inflammatory phenotype display robust tryptophan depletion in the absence of kynurenine pathway activation, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 15, 2012, pp186-
Abautret Daly, A., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Altered peripheral circualting and central tryptophan concentrations in the dextran sodium sulfate model of colitis in Wistar rats, Neuroscience Ireland Annual meeting, Dublin, 2012, 2012
McGuinness, B., Gibney, S., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Increased anxiety and stress sensitivity and evidence of glucocorticoid resisatnce in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, EURON Workshop - Drugs and the brain: update in psychopharmacology from experiemental to clinic, Braga, Portugal, April 2012, 2012
Abautret Daly, A., Murphy, N., Docherty N., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Behavioural changes in the dextran sodium sulfate model of colitis are associated with long term systemic and central induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase in Wistar rats, Neuroscience Ireland Annual meeting, Dublin, 2012, 2012
Gormley, S., Harkin, A., Animal models of depression: preclinical approaches to develop new and improved antidepressant treatments, Assessment of rodent behaviour; methods and rationale. An international course organsied by FPDP Pharmacy and Biocenter Finland, Helsinki, Finland, August, 2012, 2012
Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Dev, K.K., Regulation of nNOS function using lentiviral-mediated gene delivery, European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON), Braga, Portugal, 2012, 2012
McGuinness, B., Gibney, S.M., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., The effects of stress on IL-6 production and signalling in a mouse model, 7th Annual meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, RCSI Dublin, September 2012, 2012
Gormley, S., GIgliucci, V., Gibney, S., Rouine, J., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., An investigation into volumetric and cerebral perfusion changes in an animal model of depression using high resolution anatomical and perfusion weighted MRI, EURON workshop Drugs and the Brain: an update in psychopharmacology from experimental to clinic, Braga, Portugal, 2012, 2012
O'Neill, E., Day, J.S., Connor, T.J., Noradrenaline acting on glial cells prevents cytokine induced reduction in neuronal complexity, Neuroscience Ireland Annual Meeting, Dublin, September 2012, 2012
Gormley, S., GIgliucci, V., Gibney, S., Rouine, J., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., An investigation into volumetric and cerebral perfusion changes in an animal model of depression using high resolution anatomical and perfusion weighted MRI, EURON workshop Drugs and the Brain: an update in psychopharmacology from experimental to clinic, Braga, Portugal, 2012, 2012
Fagan, E.M., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., The serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase A as novel pharmacological targets to inhibit microglial activation, European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON), Braga, Portugal, 2012, 2012
Gormley, S., Mackay, E., Scott, C., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Glial ablation in the prefrontal cortex is assocaited with depressive and anxiety like behavior and cortical perfusion changes in male Wistar rats, 7th Annual meeting of Neuroscience Ireland, RCSI Dublin, 2012, 2012
Gormley, S., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A. , Reduced hippocampal volume in the Wistar Kyoto rat as determined by high resolution anatomical MRI is assocaited with depressive and anxiety related behaviours, 22nd Annual meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, Dublin, 2012, 2012
Gigliucci, V., Gibney, S., Casey, S., Egan, D., Harkin, A., An assessment of the antidpressant like activity of ketamine in a rodent model of depression related behaviour unresponsive to conventional antidepressants, Anxiety and Depression , Washington DC, USA, 2011, 2011
Fagan, E.M., Gibney, S., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., IFN gamma reduces neuronal viability via kynurenine pathway activation in BV-2 microglia, 6th Annual Neuroscience Ireland meeting, NUI Maynooth, 2011, 2011
Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Dev, K.K. , Regulating nNOS function using lentiviral mediated gene delivery, 8th International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) World Congress of Neuroscience, Florence, Italy, 2011, 2011
Rouine, J., Jennings Murphy, C., Kerskens, C., Harkin A. , Serotonin related changes to cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume determined by bolus tracking arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2011, 25, (8), 2011, ppS3, A58-
Gigliucci, V., Gibney S., Casey, S., Harkin, A., Combination of stress and central 5-HT depletion promotes a depression lreated phenotype in a putative model of treatment resistant depression, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology, Harrogate, UK, 2011, 25, (8), 2011, ppA23-
Ryan, K. J.; Griffin, E. W.; Yssel, J. D.; Harkin, A.; Connor, T.J., Stimulation of central beta(2)-adrenoceptors suppresses activation of NF kappa B in rat brain, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2011, 180, 2011, ppS290 - 291
Doucet, M., Harkin, A., Dev, K.K., The PSD95 nNOS interface as a new therapeutic target for treating depression, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, Summer meeting, Dublin, 2011, 180, 2011, ppS302-
Doucet, Marika; Muirhead, Gillian; Harkin, Andrew; Dev, Kumlesh, Regulating nNOS and SNX8 in neuronal function using lentiviral mediated gene delivery, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2011, 180, 2011, pp18-
Rouine, J., Byrne, D., Behan, B., Kelly, M, Blau, C., Gobbo, O., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Cortical blood perfusion following MDMA (Ecstasy) administration in rats determined by spin labelling of arterial water coupled to magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2010, 24, (8), 2010, ppS3, A37-
Beumer, W., Abautret Daly, A., van Helden Meeuwsen, C.G., Harkin, A., Drexhage, H., Versnel, M.A., The NOD mouse model for immune induced depressive like behavior, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Dublin, 2010, 24, (1), 2010, ppS50-51-
Abautret, A., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Evidence of depression and anxiety related behavioural disturbances in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, 6th Euron Workshop, Drugs and the Brain; Update in Psychopharmacology, Braga, Portugal, 2010, 2010
Abautret Daly, A., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Behavioural disturbances observed in experimental colitis are associated with activation of the kynurenine pathway and expression of hepatic tryptophan 2,3 dioxygenase, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Dublin, 2010, 24, (1), 2010, ppS50-
Abautret Daly, A., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Evidence of depression and anxiety related behavioural disturbances associated with activation of the kynurenine pathway and expression of hepatic tryptophan 2,3 dioxyenase in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease, FENS Abstracts, 7th Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010, 5, 2010, pp050.1-
Rouine, J., Byrne, D., Behan, B., Kelly, M., Blau, C., Gobbo, O., Kerskens, C., Harkin, A., Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) induced alterations in cerebral blood perfusion determined by arterial spin labelling coupled to magnetic resonance imaging, FENS abstracts, 7th Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010, 5, 2010, pp0.59.29-
Abautret Daly, A., Medina, C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Anxiety related behaviour in an animal model of experimental colitis is associated with a long term systemic and central inflammatory response, Brain Behaviour and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Dublin, 2010, 24, (S1), 2010, ppS55-
Ryan, K. M.; Mahfoud, O. K.; Jones, R. S.; Harkin, A. et al., The beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol activates astrocytes and reduces amyloid beta concentrations and rage expression in rat cortex and hippocampus, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section, 2010, 179, 2010, ppS138-
Gigliucci, G., Buckley, K.N., Nunan, J., O'Shea, K., Harkin, A., A role for serotonin in the antidepressant activity of NG Nitro L Arginine in the rat forced swimming test, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology, Harrogate, UK, 2010, 24, (3), 2010, ppA39-
Gleeson, L.C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Noradrenaline reuptake inhibition influences neuroinflammatory and degenerative changes associated with the excitotoxin kainic acid, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Colorado, USA, 2009, 23, (2), 2009, ppS38-
Vannatou Saifoudine, A., Gossen, A., McNamara, R., Harkin, A. , Caffeine exacerbates the acute toxivity of MDMA (Ecstasy): A role for dopamine, BNA meeting abstracts, British Neuroscience Association Annual meeting, Liverpool, UK, 2009, 2009
Gleeson, L.C., Harkin, A., Inhibitors of noradrenaline transport exacerbate excitotoxin-induced hippocampal apoptosis., BNA abstracts, British Neuroscience Association Annual meeting, Liverpool, UK, 2009, 2009
Harkin, A., Mechanisms mediating the psychotropic properties of NO synthase inhibitors, Amino Acids, 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Vienna, Austria, 37, (1), 2009, pp32-
Ryan, K.M., Mahfoud, O.K., Jones, R.S., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., The beta2 adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol activates astrocytes and reduces amyloid beta concentrations and RAGE expression in rat cortex and hippocampus, Glia, 9th European Meeting on Glia in Health and Disease, Paris, France, 2009, 57, 2009, ppS106-
Harkin A., Tryptophan and the kynurenine pathway in mood disorders, Ludwig Maximillian University, January, 2009, World Psychiatric Association Section on Immunology and Psychiatry
McNamee, E.N., Tanveer, R., Ryan, K.M., Griffin, E., O'Sullivan, J.B., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., The beta2 adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol induces IL-1 receptor antagonist and IL-1 type II receptor expression in rat brain in vivo: Imlications ofr CNS inflammation, European Journal of Neurology, 13th Congress of European Federation of Neurological Societies, Florence, Italy, 2009, 16, (3), 2009, pp573-
Ryan, K.M., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , A systemic LPS challenge does not alter central beta2 adrenoceptor expression or responsiveness, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Colorado, USA, 2009, 23, (2), 2009, pp54 - 55
Vanattou Saifoudine N., Gossen, A., Harkin, A., Effect of caffeine on MDMA (Ecstasy) induced dopamine release from superfused striatal and hypothalamic tissue slices; a role for adenosine A1 receptors, Meeting abstracts, Neuroscience Ireland, Dublin, 2009, 2009
Vanattou Saifoudine, N., Harkin, A., Caffeine exacerbates the hyperthermic response to MDMA (Ecstasy): Role of dopamine, European Neuropsychopharmacology, ECNP Workshop for Young Scientists, Nice, France, 2008, 2008
Harkin, A., The inflammatory response system as an antidepressant target in animal models of depression, MOODINFLAME EU 6th framework consortium meeting, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November, 2008, 2008
Harkin, A., The role of glutamate in depression and antidepressant action, Invited lecture series, St. Ita's Psychiatric Hospital Portrane , 2008
McNamee, E.N., Gonzalez-Reyes, R.E., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , Enhancing central noradrenergic tone induces IL-10 production and signalling in rat brain: A role for beta adrenoceptor activation, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Madison, Winconsin, USA, 2008, 21, (S1), 2008, pp40-
McNamee, E.N., Gonzalez, R., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Enhancing central noradrenergic tone promotes IL-10 production and signalling in the CNS via beta adrenoceptor activation, Journal of Neuroimmunology, International Neuroimmunology Symposium, Dublin, 2008, 197, 2008, pp163-
Vanattou-Saifoudine, N., Harkin, A., A lethal combination of caffeine and MDMA (Ecstasy) is reproduced with D-amphetamine and D-fenfluramine, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2008, 22, (5), 2008, ppA65, TF05-
Harkin, A., Testing drug effects on depression and aggression: preclinical approaches to develop new and improved antidepressant treatments, Training programme on behavioural assessment of rodent disease models , University of Kuopio, Finland, 2008, Finnish Graduate School of Neuroscience
Gleeson, L., Harkin, A., Dexamethasone suppresses inflammatory and apoptotic response but not seizures or neuronal cell loss in response to kainic acid, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2008, 22, (5), 2008, ppA57, TC09-
Vanattou Saifoudine N., Harkin, A., A lethal combination of caffine and MDMA (Ecstasy) is reproduced with D-amphetamine and D-fenfluramine, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences Section Summer meeting, Dundalk, 2008, 2008
Harkin, A., Role of glutamate neuronal transmission in depression and antidepressant action, Danish Society for Biological Psychiatry Annual meeting, University of Aarhus, Denmark, September, 2008, 2008
Ryan, K.M., Guaghran, J., McNamee, E.N., O'Sullivan, J.B., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , The beta2 adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol elicits antiinflammatory actions in rat brain, Journal of Neuroimmunology, International Neuroimmunology Symposium, Dublin, 2008, 197, 2008, pp175-
McNamee, E.N., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , Beta2 adrenoceptor activation induces expression of IL-1ra and the IL1R(II) in vivo; implications for CNS inflammation, European Neuropsychopharmacology, ECNP workshop of Neuropscyhopharmacology, Nice, France, 2007, 17, (S1), 2007, ppS35-36-
Harkin, A., Experimenting with Ecstasy - cautionary lessons from laboratory studies, TCIN focused meeting on drug abuse in Ireland, Dublin, 2007
Connor, T.J., Starr, N.J., Harkin, A. , Systemic inflammation alters expression of the kynurenine pathway enzymes indolamine 2,3 dioxygenase and kynurenine 3-monooxygenase in rat brain, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting,, Arcachon, France, 2007, 21, 2007, ppe8-
O'Sullivan, JB, Ryan, K.M., Gaughran, J., McNamee, E.N., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J. , Noradrenergic enhancers inhibit expression of the inflammatory chemokines RANTES and IL-10 in the CNS, Brain Behaviour and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Arcachon, France, 2007, 21, 2007, ppe29-
Harkin, A., Improving translational animal models of depression, SMi conference on Depression and Anxiety, London, 2007
Durkin, S., Ryan, R., Harkin, A., Prior exposure to MDMA (ecstasy) induces serotonergic loss and a reduced neurochemical response to the antidepressant fluoxetine, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 25th CINP Congress, Chicago, USA, 2006, 9, (S211), 2006, ppP.02.175-
Diamond, M., Kelly, J.P., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Immunomodulatory properties of haemodialysis membranes, polarization of a Th2 T cell cytokine response, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences Section, NUI Galway, 2005, 174, (2), 2005, ppes4; 25-
Roche, M., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Altered physiological responses to stress in the olfactory bulbecomised rat; normalisation by chronic fluoxetine treatment, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 18th ECNP Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005, 15, (S3), 2005, ppS326-
McNamara, R., Harkin, A., Physiological response to 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA;Ecstasy) is profoundly altered by caffeine , Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Irish Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences section, Winter meeting, RCSI Dublin, 2005, 174, (1), 2005, ppp20-
McNamara, R., Kerans, A., Cooney, E., Harkin, A., Caffeine exacerbates 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetmiane (MDMA) induced toxicity; a role for phosphodiesterase inhibition, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2005, 19, (4), 2005, ppMD24-
Roche, M., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Fluoxetine attenuates open field induced neuronal cFOS expression in a regionally dependent manner in the olfactory bulbectomised rat , FENS abstracts, 4th Forum of European Neuroscience, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, 2, 2004, ppA234.8-
Roche, M., Shanahan, E., Harkin, A., Kellu, J.P., Chronic imipramine treatment reverses olfactory bulbectomy induced hyperactivity in three rodent species, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 17th ECNP Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004, 14, (S3), 2004, ppS207-
McNamara, R., Harkin, A., Caffeine alters the body temperature response and long-term serotonin loss induced by MDMA (Ecstasy) and it's metabolite MDA in the rat, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology , 4th Federation of European Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR) Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2004, 18, (S1), 2004, pp115-
Harkin, A., Connor, T., Abuse of MDMA (Ecstasy): a predisposing factor to depression?, The Irish Scientist, 12, 2004, p93-
Harkin, A., Prendergast, A., Connor, T.J., Prior exposure to methylenedioxymethamphetamine results in reduced responsiveness to the serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine: Behavioural and neurochemcial evidence, FENS Abstracts, 4th Forum of European Neuroscience, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, 2, 2004, ppA230.8-
Harkin, A., Prendergast, A., Connor, T.J., Methylenedioxymethamphetamine produces serotonn nerve terminal loss and diminsihed behavioural and neurochemical responses to th antidepressant fluoxetine, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 24th CINP Congress, Paris, France, 2004, 7, (S1), 2004, ppP.02.031-
McNamara, R., Harkin, A., Dopamine mediates the exacerbation by caffeine of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) induced hyperthermia in the rat., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Irish Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences section, Summer meeting, University of Ulster Jordanstown, 2004, 172, (2), 2004, pp11-
Connor, T.J., Brewer, C., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Acute stress suppresses TNFalpha independent of increase IL10 production, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Florida, USA, 2003, 27, 2003, pp168-
Harkin, A., Shanahan, E., Kelly, J.P., Connor, T.J, Diminished behavioural and neurochemcial responses to fluoxetine following prior treatment with methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for psychopharmacology, Cambridge, UK, 2003, 17, (A34), 2003, ppC14-
Harkin, A., Hynes, M.J., Masterson, E., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Connor, T.J., A toxicokinetic study of nickel induced immunosuppression, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences section, Winter meeting, University College Dublin, 2003, 172, (2), 2003, pp23-
Connor, T.J., Brewer, C., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Acute stress promotes an immunosuppressive/anti inflammatory cytokine phenotype in rats, European Cytokine Network, International Cytokine Society meeting , Dublin, 2003, 14, 2003, pp86-
Connor, T.J., O'Mahony, S., Kelly, J.P., Harkin, A. , Elevation of synaptic serotonin suppresses proinflammatory cytokine production in response to an in vivo immune challenge, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Biomedical Sciences section, Winter meeting, University College Dublin, 2003, 172, (S2), 2003, pp23-
Connor, T.J., Brewer, C., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Acute stress promotes an immunosuppressive cytokine phenotype: a role for catecholamines, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunolgy Research Society meeting, Florida, USA, 2003, 17, 2003, pp168-
Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Methylenediocymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) increases LPS induced IL10 production via beta adrenoceptor activation, European Cytokine Network, International Cytokine Society meeting, Dublin, (14), 2003, pp47-
Harkin, A., Walsh, M., Connor, T.J., Kelly, J.P , Serotonergic mediation of the antidepressant like effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors in the rat forced swimming test, FENS abstracts, 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, Paris, France, 2002, 1, 2002, ppA175.14-
Harkin, A., O'Donnell. J.M., Kelly, J.P., Physiological and behavoural monitoring in rats in response to pharmacological agents and laboratory stressors with battery free telemetry, British Journal of Pharmacology, British Pharmacological Society Winter meeting, Imperial College London, 2002, 135, (S), 2002, pp214P-
Harkin, A., Stress; a precipitating factor in animal models of depression, EURON workshop on Psychopharmacology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2002, European Graduate School of Neuroscience
Kelly, J.P., Harkin, A., Moore, N.A., Leonard, B.E., Effect of olanzapine in the olfactory bulbectomized rat model of depression, World Jounral of Biological Psychiatry, 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany, 2001, 2, (1S), 2001, pp35-
Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., St. John, N., Walsh, M., O'Donnell, J.M., Kelly, J.P., Nitric oxide synthase inhbitors produce antidepressant like activity in the rat forced swim test, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 31st Society for Neuroscience meeting, San Diego, 2001, 27, 2001, pp502-
Harkin, A., Bioradiotelemetry; measurement of physiology with behaviour in small laboratory animals, International Bioradiotelemetry meeting, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2001
Connor, T.J., Dennedy, M.C., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Serotonin release does not mediate the immunosuppressive effects of methylenedioxymethamphetmaine (MDMA; Ecstasy), Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2001, 15, 2001, pp143-
Harkin, A., Lawlor, A., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Investigation of a new method for physiological and behavioural monitoring of laboratory animals by telemetry, Conference proceedings , 3rd International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioural Research, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2000, 2001, pp124 - 125
Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P. , An assessment of dexamethasone sensitivity in the olfactory bulbectomized rat model of depression, World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 7th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Berlin, Germany, 2001, 2, (1S), 2001, pp48-
Harkin, A., Houlihan, D., O'Connor, R., O'Donnell, J.M., Kelly, J.P., Reduction in preference for saccharin by repeated unpredictable mild stress in mice and its prevention but not restoration by impramine, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Harrogate, UK, 2001, S15, (3), 2001, ppD5-
Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Reilly, H., Mulrooney, J., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Long term behavioural and neurochemical changes following methylendioxyamphetamine administration to rats, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 22nd CINP Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2000, 3, 2000, ppS201-
Harkin, A., Burns, M., Connor, T.J., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Nitro-l-arginine attenuate forced swim test induced behavioural and neurochemical changes in the rat, Society for Neuroscience abstracts, 20th Society for Neuroscience meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2000, 26, 2000, pp1272-
Harkin, A., Morris, K., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Leonard, B.E., Modulation of MK-801 response by noradrenergic agents in mice, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2nd Forum of European Neuroscience, Brighton, UK, 2000, 12, (s11), 2000, pp396-
Dennedy, M.C., Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Does serotonin mediate the immnosuppressive effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine and fenfluramine in rats?, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences Section Summer meeting, NUI Galway, 2000, 169, 2000, pp360-
Harkin, A., Keenan, M., Leonard, B.E., Kelly, J.P., Desipramine attenuates olfactory bulbectomy induced hyperactivity in rats assessed by video image analysis, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2000, S14, 2000, pp14-
Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Fenfluramine induced immunosuppression is not dependent on its serotonin releasing properties, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society meeting, North Carolina, USA, 2000, 14, 2000, pp86 - 87
Nally, R., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Chronic desipramine treatment alters the behavioural effects of the strychnine insensitive glycine site agonist 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid in mice, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2000, S14, (3), 2000, pp9-
Brennan, R., Harkin, A., Molloy, P., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Development of an automated monitoring system for evaluating behaivour in laboratory rodents, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Summer meeting, NUI Galway, 2000, 169, (4), 2000, pp362-
Raducan, I., Harkin, A., Corcoran, P., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Portable telemetric data logging for collection and management of observational data, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, NUI Galway, 2000, 169, (4), 2000, pp362-
Houlihan, D., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., Behavioural effects of chronic mild stress in mice, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Irish Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences Section Summer meeting, NUI Galway, 2000, 169, 2000, pp361-
Connor, T.J., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Olfactory bulbectomy suppresses IL1beta and TNFalpha production in response to an in vivo challnege with lipopolysaccharide: effect of chronic desipramine treatment, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 22nd CINP Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2000, 3, 2000, pps306-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., O'Donnell, J.M., New method for physiological and behavioural monitoring of laboratory animals by telemetry, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, NUI Galway, 2000, 164, (4), 2000, pp362-
Harkin, A., Burns, M., Connor, T.J., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Nitro-l-arginine attenuates forced swim test induced behavioural and neurochemical changes in the rat, Society for Neuroscience abstracts, 20th Society for Neuroscience meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2000, 26, 2000, pp1272-
Harkin, A., Naughton, M., Cryan, J., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Differential modification of fenfluramine-induced serotonergic responses by acute and chronic sertraline and fluoxetine adminsitration to rats. , European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11th ECNP congress, London, UK, 1999, 9, 1999, pp242-
McNamara, M., Kelly, J.P., Harkin, A., Dredge, K., Redmond, A., Connor, T., Leonard, B.E., Activity and onset of action of reboxetine alone and in combination with sertraline in an animal model of depression, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21st CINP congress (The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology), Glasgow, Scotland, 1998, 2, (S1), 1999, pp149-
Harkin, A., Burns, M., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Nitro-l-arginine, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, potentiates the action of imipramine in an acute stress paradigm in mice, Behavioural Pharmacology, First joint meeting of the Behavioural Pharmacology Society and European Behavioural Pharmacology Society, Boston, USA, 1999, 10, 1999, pp43-
Connor, T.J., Kelliher, P., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Reboxetine attenuates forced swim test induced behavioural and neurochemical alterations in the rat., European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11th ECNP Congress, London, UK, 1999, 9, (5), 1999, pp242-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Frawley, J., Morris, K., Burns, M., Leonard, B.E., Test conditions influence response to drug challenge in rodents, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 2nd European Congress of Pharmacology, Budapest, Hungary, 1999, 13, 1999, pp273-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Nsimba, S., Leonard, B.E., Lessons from an apomorphine challenge test in rats, Behavioural Pharmacology, EBPS meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998, 9, 1998, pp42-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Redmond, A.M., Leonard, B.E. , Behavioural interactions of antiderpessant with the non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists MK-801 and phencyclidine, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21st CINP meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 1998, 2, (1), 1998, pp182 - 183
Kelleher, P., Harkin, A., Connor, T.J., Sanchez, C., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E. , Circadian alterations in the rat forced swim test, Behavioural Pharmacology, European Behavioural Pharmacology Society (EBPS) meeting, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998, 9, (1), 1998, pp49-
Connor, T.J., Kelliher, P., Shen, Y., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Effect of chronic antidepressant treatment on behavioural, neurochemical and endocrine changes following forced swim test exposure, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 10th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, Paris, France, 1998, 8, (s2), 1998, pp194-
Connor, T.J., Kelliher, P., Shen, Y., Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., Effect of chronic antidepressant treatment on behavioural, neurochemical and endocrine changes following forced swim test exposure, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 11th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, Paris, France, 1998, 8, (s2), 1998, pp194-
Harkin, A., English, J.A., Hemphill, K., Craft, B., Paul, I.A., Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors have antidpressant properties, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27th Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, 1997, 1997, pp1757-
Healy, D., Harkin A., Kelly J.P., Leonard, B.E., Exhibition of an antidepressant-like profile with an antiglucocorticoid drug in animal tests, Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Cambridge, UK, 1997, S11, 1997, pp156-
Regan, C., Redmond, A., Harkin, A., Kelly, A., Leonard, B.E. , Comparative behavioural response to MK-801 and PCP in male rats, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Summer meeting, Queen's University Belfast, 1997, 166, 1997, pp166-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E. , The effects of reboxetine in some preclinical tests predictive of antidepressant activity., Journal of Psychopharmacology, British Association for Psychopharmacology Summer meeting, Cambridge, UK, 1997, S11, 1997, pp155-
Harkin, A., Kelly, J.P., Leonard, B.E., The comparative effects of long term adminstration of sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, fluoxetine and amitriptyline on monoamine content in rat brain, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Biomedical Sciences Section Winter meeting, Trinity College Dublin, 1996, 165, 1996, pp311-
Harkin A., Kelly, JP, Leonard, BE, A comparative assessment of aopmorphine induced effects in the rat under difference experimental conditions, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Summer meeting, National University of Ireland Galway, 1995, 165, (3), 1995, pp229-
Research Expertise
My research falls within the remit of Neuropsychopharmacology, a discipline that links neuroscience to the pharmacological treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. My work contributes to understanding the psychopharmacology of nitric oxide (NO), targeting glutamate neuronal transmission for antidepressant action, the role of stress and inflammation in the pathogenesis of brain disorders, anti-inflammatory properties of noradrenergic agents as a potential therapeutic strategy in neurodegenerative disorders and safety pharmacology of recreational drugs, reported in peer-reviewed publications in international journals. My group utilize a range of behavioural, imaging, molecular, cellular and analytical techniques including bottom up laboratory and top down clinical approaches and I have ongoing collaborations with a number of industrial partners and investigators from a variety of disciplines. Current research on neuroinflammation and glia-neuronal interactions is focused on molecular pathways including glutamate-NO, noradrenaline and tryptophan-kynurenine pathways implicated in neurodegeneration in efforts to identify pharmacological interventions of potential therapeutic benefit. Furthermore, inhibition of the glutamate NMDA receptor (NMDA-R) subtype has shown considerable promise as a drug target to produce new antidepressants that work faster, and are more effective than existing antidepressants. A working hypothesis is that targeting signaling events down-stream of NMDA-R including NO may provide a more viable approach and current research is assessing such targets for development of novel antidepressant agents. I have engaged in projects funded by the European Commission including "ReBirth", a Marie Curie funded international training network for early stage and experienced researchers; MOODINFLAME, a collaborative research project with a variety of academic and industrial partners focused on targeting the activated inflammatory response system in mood disorders; and participated in "MolCellbio", a PhD training programme funded by the Higher Education Authority. I have also received funding from Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council.Projects
- Title
- Targeting the noradrenergic system for anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective actions in a clinically relevant model of Parkinson's disease
- Summary
- Accumulation of α-synuclein (α-syn), a major constituent of pathological Lewy body inclusions in the brain associated with Parkinson's disease, leads to microglial activation. Therapeutic approaches that reduce microglial activation may halt development and progression of neurodegeneration. Noradrenaline is a neurotransmitter known to elicit anti-inflammatory actions in the brain by stimulating specific receptors expressed by microglia. We propose that increasing noradrenaline's availability or targeting its receptor will ameliorate α-syn associated microglial activation, inflammation and degeneration of neurons. This project will determine whether targeting noradrenaline to elicit anti-inflammatory effects in the brain translates into neuroprotective effects.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2022
- Title
- A translational investigation of the anti-inflammatory and antidepressant effects of psychedelics in Depression.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2022
- Date To
- 2027
- Title
- Assessment of a neuroprotective role for noradrenaline in combating alpha-synuclein-related neuroinflammation toward a new treatment strategy for Parkinson's disease.
- Summary
- Accumulation of the alpha-synuclein protein in the brain is a pathogenic hallmark of Parkinson's Disease, and is understood to trigger neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, motor deficit and cognitive decline in patients with the disease. It has been established that the neurotransmitter Noradrenaline (NA), upon interaction with its receptor (beta2-adrenoceptor), has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and is innate in maintaining an immunosuppressive environment within the brain. While compelling evidence from experimentation with inflammatory models of Parkinson's highlights robust neuroprotective effects of drugs targeting NA, the ability of such drugs to ameliorate alpha-synuclein-induced neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, motor and cognitive deficits in clinically relevant models of Parkinson's is unknown. To address this question, this project will determine if targeting beta2-adrenoceptors alleviates alpha-synuclein-induced microglial activation and associated neurotoxicity in cultured animal and human cells. Additionally, this project will establish an experimental model which simulates the clinical and pathological features of Parkinson's, and apply the model to determine if NA, or other pharmacological interventions which directly stimulate beta2-adrenoceptors, ameliorate the pathogenic features of the disease induced by the delivery of pathogenic forms of alpha-synuclein to the brain. The results will indicate if pharmacologically targeting beta2-adrenoceptors has the propensity to regulate the neuroinflammatory phenotype in vivo, and be a neuroprotective strategy against inflammation-induced neurodegeneration. In accordance, clinical agents such as beta2-adrenoceptor agonists may prove useful as protective agents in the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions associated with brain inflammation.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- Sex matters: Identifying the neurodevelopmental origins of sex differences in depression
- Funding Agency
- Research Ireland
- Date From
- 2022
- Date To
- 2026
- Title
- Investigating the Kynurenine Pathway as a Central Regulator of Neuronal Resilience
- Funding Agency
- Irish research council
- Date From
- 2022
- Date To
- 2026
- Title
- Old drugs, new tricks. Beta2-adrenoceptor agonists for Parkinson's disease
- Summary
- In my laboratory we are examining the impact of alpha-synuclein on microglial cells with a particular focus on neuroinflammation. Having simulated Parkinson's in experimental models, the next step involves finding new drugs, or repurposing old ones, that can treat the disease by reducing inflammation. Over the last number of years, work in my laboratory has demonstrated beneficial effects of noradrenaline (NA) and drugs which activate the beta2-adrenoceptor in combating neuroinflammation. This project will potentially deliver a new treatment for Parkinson's by focusing on the repurposing of NA drugs to reduce inflammation and protect the brain from degeneration.
- Funding Agency
- Provost PhD Award
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- Connecting Connecting Pratchett, Brain Health and Neuroscience: Advancing Our Understanding and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
- Summary
- Acclaimed comic fantasy writer, Terry Pratchett, author of the popular Discworld series of novels became one of the most vocal advocates for research into Alzheimer's Disease after being diagnosed with a form of Alzheimer's disease in 2007. Pratchett donated $1 million to the Alzheimer's Research Trust for treatment research, and documented his own experiences with the disease and related issues in several documentaries. He spoke publicly about his condition at Trinity College Dublin, when he held an adjunct professorship. Sadly, Pratchett died from Alzheimer's disease in 2015. Now, the College maintains its link with Pratchett through ground-breaking interdisciplinary research into his life and work, under the banner of "The Pratchett Project". A central aim of the Project is to carry on Pratchett's mission to advance understanding of Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative brain condition that causes a loss of memory, difficulty thinking, problems with judging space and distance, and trouble speaking and understanding language. This project will combine three of Trinity's strengths: it's thriving research culture in Neuroscience (, it's work in brain health at the Global Brain Health Institute ( and it's unique Pratchett Project ( It will develop the findings made possible by Pratchett's donation, along with his spirit of advocacy and the quest for scientific discovery, in a fully interdisciplinary programme. This programme will not only advance Alzheimer's research, but will also develop new methods for translating the findings and their implications for the community. It will allow a doctoral researcher to undertake cutting-edge research on the impact of noradrenaline on brain cell loss, something that is relevant not only to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, but also to brain aging. At the same time, this programme will develop new ways to share neuroscience research and its implications with the general public, advancing Alzheimer's research, advocating to destigmatise the disease, and attracting further support, all, as Pratchett said: "to get this thing out of our hair". There is a collaborative project team in place. Andrew Harkin leads a laboratory-based research group in Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, specialising in inflammation, neuronal atrophy and brain degenerative conditions. Brian Lawlor is co-director of GBHI and has extensive clinical experience in the field of Alzheimer's research. James Hadley of the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation leads the Pratchett Project, coordinates its various strands, and liaises with the Pratchett estate.
- Funding Agency
- Trinity Foundation
- Date From
- 2020
- Date To
- 2024
- Title
- The effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on serum tryptophan metabolites
- Funding Agency
- Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
- Date From
- 2018
- Date To
- 2020
- Title
- Microtubules and neuroinflammation: A novel path towards innovative biomarker identification and pharmacological interventions in Parkinson's disease?
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2017
- Date To
- 2021
- Title
- Research in Depression: Endocinology, epigenetics and neuroimaging: the REDEEM study (HRA-POR-2015-1317)
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2016
- Date To
- 2019
- Title
- Ketamine for depression relapse prevention following electroconvulsive therapy; a randomised pilot trial with blood neuroplasticity biomarker evaluation.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- Brain Imaging Return to Health
- Summary
- Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN): FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN Brain Imaging Return to Health "reBIRTH" (see The r'BIRTH consortium is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network that gathers experts on molecular mechanisms of age-associated pathologies including neurodegeneration and depression. They work together to identify stress-regulated molecules provoking neuronal atrophy and hindering neurogenesis, and monitor the consequences of these processes in human brain. At the cellular level, diminished birth of new neurons (neurogenesis) contributes to cognitive decline and increased depressive and anxiety disorders that are associated with ageing. The work is funded by the European Commission (FP7) under the sub-programme PEOPLE (Marie Curie Actions). 16 early stage researchers will be trained in the topics of the programme i.e. molecular imaging (MRI), proteomics, immunotechnology, high content screening, molecular neuroscience, neuropharmacology and patient studies. The training is provided by seven universities, two private companies and one non-profit research organisation from 7 European countries.
- Funding Agency
- European Commission
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2018
- Title
- Early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders targeting the activated inflammatory response system.
- Summary
- [Acronym: MOODINFLAME] 2008-2013. A collaborative, large-scale focused research project entitled "Early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders targeting the activated inflammatory response system. [Acronym: MOODINFLAME]. A consortium of 14 European Universities/Research Institutes and 4 SMEs have come together for this project with the overall objective of developing biomarker tests for mood disorder patients based on an activated inflammatory response system (IRS) and inflammation-mediated disturbances in tryptophan metabolism. As part of this programme patients are treated with drugs to counteract the consequences of an activated IRS/disturbed metabolism of tryptophan. The project leads to an enhanced understanding of the pathogenesis of inflammation-related mood disorders, and of the mechanism of anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs targeting tryptophan metabolism in treating depressive behaviour.
- Funding Agency
- EU 7th Framework
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- Neuronal nitric oxide synthase: A novel target for antidepressant activity
- Summary
- Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors (NMDA-R) has shown considerable promise as a drug target to produce new antidepressants that work faster, and are more effective than existing antidepressants. However, targeting NMDA-R directly is problematic due to adverse effects. We hypothesise that targeting signalling events down-stream of NMDA-R may provide a more viable approach. nNOS is a down stream target of NMDA-R. We have published a number of original papers demonstrating that 1) NOS inhibitors have antidepressant properties 2) such properties are dependent on endogenous serotonin and 3) NOS inhibitors can augment the effects of conventional antidepressants in preclinical models. Currently our research is assessing the efficacy of nNOS inhibitors as novel antidepressant agents. A future aim is to determine if uncoupling the NMDA-R from nNOS can elicit antidepressant actions.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2012
- Title
- Caffeine exacerbates the acute toxicity of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy"): A role for dopamine ?
- Summary
- Co-administration of caffeine profoundly enhances the acute toxicity of MDMA. This project will elucidate the mechanism underlying a potentially serious drug interaction between caffeine and MDMA and clarify risks associated with the concurrent consumption of caffeine with other drugs which increase dopaminergic transmission.
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board
- Date From
- 2006
- Date To
- 2009
- Title
- Can antidepressant-induced adaptation to the NMDA receptor confer neuroprotective properties?
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council
- Date From
- 2006
- Date To
- 2009
- Title
- Caffeine promotes hyperthermia and serotonergic loss following co-administration of the substituted amphetamines, MDMA
- Summary
- The project determined the effect of caffeine co-administration on the core body temperature response and long-term serotonin (5-HT) loss induced by methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; "Ecstasy") and its metabolite methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA; "Love"). Caffeine promotes hyperthermia, tachycardia and long-term central serotonin loss associated with MDMA and MDA. This is a serious drug interaction, which could have important acute and long-term health consequences for recreational drug users.
- Funding Agency
- Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Antidepressant efficacy following methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced serotonin
- Funding Agency
- Science Foundation Ireland
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2007
Member of external assessment committee to evaluate proposal for Collaborative Research Centres funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation).
Member of external assessment committee to evaluate proposals for Centres of Excellence for Improving International Scientific Competitiveness funded by the Estonian Research Council.
I have served as External examiner for PhD candidates in United Arab Emirates University, College of Medicine, Al Ain; Aarhus University, Denmark; University of Turku, Finland; University of Tartu, Estonia; Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; University of Nottingham, UK; University College Cork; University College Dublin; National University of Ireland Galway; Royal College of Surgeons Dublin.
Consultant on psychoactive substances to the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau and Forensic Science Laboratory of the Department of Justice in criminal prosecution proceedings and to the Dublin coroner's court providing expert reports, opinion and testimony.
I am a member of editorial boards of Brain Behavior and Immunity, PLOS One, Frontiers in Neuropharmacology, Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience and Acta Neuropsychiatrica.
I have served as an expert reviewer for international grant awarding bodies including the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), German Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); The Ontario Mental Health Foundation; Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO); Estonian Research Council and National Science Centre, Poland. I have also served as reviewer of research grant applications for the Health Research Board of Ireland.
I am a regular peer reviewer for international neuroscience and pharmacology journals including Nature Communications, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Journal of Psychopharmaology, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, European Neuropsychopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, European Journal of Pharmacology, British Journal of Pharmacology, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Behavioral Pharmacology, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Neuroscience, European Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neuroscience, CNS Drug Reviews, Molecular Brain Research, Behavioural Brain Research, Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, Neuroscience Letters, Physiology and Behavior.
Awards and Honours
Recipient of TCD Provost's PhD Project Award
Honorary Professor (Translational Neuropsychiatry) Aarhus University
Fellowship Trinity College Dublin
British Association for Psychopharmacology Certificate in Psychopharmacology
CINP Young Investigator Award.
Health Research Board career development fellowship
Neuroscience Ireland
Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society
Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum
British Pharmacological Society
British Association for Psychopharmacology