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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Dr. Brian Barry
Associate Professor, Law


Dr. Brian Barry is Associate Professor in Intellectual Property Law in the School of Law. He teaches Regulating Artificial Intelligence and teaches and supervises dissertations on various aspects of intellectual property law and AI regulation at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr. Barry's research is primarily concerned with understanding and improving decision-making in justice systems. His research is empirically-focused and interdisciplinary, linking areas such as the psychology of judicial decision-making, the operation of courts, and technologies for judging, particularly AI tools and systems. He is also interested in judicial education and training, and dispute resolution more broadly, particularly in the domain of workplace relations.

He is the author of How Judges Judge: Empirical Insights into Judicial Decision-Making (Informa Law from Routledge, 2021) and of numerous peer-reviewed articles and other published works. His research has attracted large-scale funding and has been cited by leading courts such as the Irish Supreme Court and the Australian Federal Court. Dr. Barry has advised several government departments and agencies on improving decision-making in their operations, and he regularly delivers training to judges and adjudicators at various judicial and quasi-judicial bodies, particularly on the psychology of judicial decision-making.

Before joining the School of Law as an associate professor, Dr. Barry lectured in law at Technological University Dublin. He graduated from the School of Law with an LL.B. in 2009 and a Ph.D. in 2013 for his thesis on workplace dispute resolution reform in Ireland. He was a visiting scholar at Columbia University and the University of Toronto, and qualified and practised as a solicitor in a large Dublin law firm for some time.

Dr. Barry welcomes expressions of interest in PhD supervision and post-doctoral research in his areas of teaching and research interests.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Brian M Barry, AI for assisting judicial decision-making: Implications for the future of open justice, Australian Law Journal, 98, (9), 2024, p656 - 669 Journal Article, 2024

Ireland: Judicial restraint in a stable political environment in, editor(s)Kálmán Pócza , Constitutional Review in Western Europe Judicial-Legislative Relations in Comparative Perspective, Routledge, 2024, pp169 - 190, pp169-190 , [Brian Barry] Book Chapter, 2024

Rónán Kennedy, Brian M Barry, Introduction: Law As Data, Data As Law, Law, Technology and Humans, 6, (3), 2024, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Rónán Kennedy, Brian M Barry, Law, Technology and Humans, 6, (3), 2024, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2024 URL

Brian M Barry, Views of the Irish Judiciary on Technology in Courts: Results of a Survey, Irish Judicial Studies Journal , 7, (1), 2023, p26- Journal Article, 2023

Brian M Barry, Judging Better Together: Understanding the Psychology of Group Decision-Making on Panel Courts and Tribunals, International Journal for Court Administration, 14, 2023, p1 - 18 Journal Article, 2023

Brian M Barry, Judicial Impartiality in the Judicial Council Act 2019: Challenges and Opportunities, Irish Judicial Studies Journal , 6, (1), 2022, p38 - 54 Journal Article, 2022

Brian M Barry, How Judges Judge: Empirical Insights into Judicial Decision-Making, 1st, Informa Law from Routledge, 2021 Book, 2021

Brian M Barry, Workplace Dispute Resolution in Ireland at a Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities, Irish Jurist, 66, 2021, p44- Journal Article, 2021

Brian M Barry, A Strategy Map for Workplace Mediation Success, Mediation Theory and Practice, 6, 2021, p64- Journal Article, 2021

Brian M Barry, Surveying the Scene: How Representatives' Views Informed a New Era in Irish Workplace Dispute Resolution, Dublin University Law Journal, 41, (1), 2018, p45- Journal Article, 2018

Brian Barry, The Workplace Relations Bill: An Important Opportunity for Workplace Relations Reform, Irish Employment Law Journal, 4, 2014, p106- Journal Article, 2014

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Brian Barry (lead author), An Evidence Review of Behavioural Economics in the Justice Sector (, Department of Justice, December, 2022 Report, 2022

Brian Barry, How Judges Judge: The Research and its Consequences, Incorporated Council of Law Reporting Blog, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Brian Barry, Judging Justice - How Solicitors' Expertise Can Improve the Courts System, Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, 111, (7), 2017, p21- Journal Article, 2017

Brian Barry (co-author), Shaping the Agenda 2: Implications for Workplace Mediation Training, Standards and Practice in Ireland , Kennedy Institute Workplace Mediation Research Group , 2016 Report, 2016

Brian Barry (co-author), Shaping the Agenda 1: Exploring the Competencies, Skills and Behaviours of Effective Workplace Mediators , Kennedy Institute Workplace Mediation Research Group , 2016 Report, 2016

Brian Barry, Modernising the Law on Pre-Nuptial Agreements in Ireland, Trinity College Law Review, 12, 2009, p80- Journal Article, 2009



Since joining the School of Law, I have served as peer reviewer to various journals and publishers including Oxford University Press, the Hibernian Law Journal, the European Journal of Legal Education and have served in an advisory role to Trinity College Law Review. 2024

Committee Member, International Future of Law Association 2023-Present

External Examiner - Ulster University 2024-present

Awards and Honours

Teaching Hero Award 2021


Non-practising Solicitor (admitted to roll of solicitors) 2015 – Present