Dr. Andrew Pierce
Assistant Professor, School of Religion
Email piercean@tcd.ie Phone3531896 4782http://people.tcd.ie/pierceanPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Keynote - 'Intra-Christian Dialogue, Interreligious Dialogue and Common Ethical Concerns: Can one be separated from the other?' in, editor(s)Andrew Pierce and Oliver Schuegraf , Den Blick weien: Wenn Oekumene den Religionen begegnet/Dialogue Inside-Out: Ecumenism Encounters the Religions, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014, pp99 - 120, [Jude Lal Fernando]Book Chapter, 2014
- Ecumenics as the Pursuit of Equilibrium in, editor(s)Andrew Pierce and Oliver Schuegraf , Dialogue Inside-Out: Ecumenism Encounters the Religions, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014, pp19 - 32, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2014
- Ecumenics as an Intercultural Theology: In Search of Repentant Reconfigurings of Authority, Tradition and Experience in, editor(s)John O'Grady, Cathy Higgins and Jude Lal Fernando , Mining Truths: Festschrift in Honour of Geraldine Smyth OP - Ecumenical Theologian and Peacebuilder, Sankt Otilien, Editions of Sankt Otilien, 2015, pp43 - 58, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2015
- The Ecumenical Church of Vatican II in, editor(s)Dermot A. Lane , Vatican II in Ireland, Fifty Years on: Essays in Honour of Padraic Conway, Bern, Peter Lang, 2015, pp195 - 217, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2015
- Andrew Pierce, The Place of the Church, Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, URL
- Andrew Pierce, Being Human, East and West: The Buffalo Statement 2015, Search, 41, (1), 2018, p21 - 28Journal Article, 2018
- The Authority of Dissent in, editor(s)Paul Avis, Angela Berlis, Nikolaus Knoepffler and Martin O'Malley , Incarnating Authority: A Critical Account of Authority in the Church, Munich, Herbert Utz Verlag, 2019, pp231 - 244, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2019
- Modernity and Anti-Modernism 1850-1910 in, editor(s)Series editors James E Kelly and John McCafferty Volume IV editor Susan O'Brien and Carmen Mangion , The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism, Vol IV 1830-1913, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp299 - 317, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2023
- 'Stop, Stop and Listen': Changing the Church by Listening to its Life in, editor(s)Vladimir Latinovic and Mark D Chapman , Changing the Church: Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice and Life, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp269 - 277, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Andrew Pierce, The Place of the Ecumenical Church, One in Christ, 54, (1), 2020, p2 - 12Journal Article, 2020
- Andrew Pierce, (Post-?) Koloniale Koinonia: Erbe und Vision des Anglikanismus, Ökumenische Rundschau, 72, (3), 2023, p332 - 344Journal Article, 2023
- Andrew Pierce, Celebrating Imperfect Communion, Review of Ecumenical Studies, 14, (1), 2022, p64 - 73Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Theologische Ausbildung, Walter Kasper et al, Lexicon fur Theologie und Kirche, Frankfurt, 1996, [Andrew Pierce]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 1996
- Andrew Pierce and Geraldine Smyth, Editors, The Critical Spirit: Theology at the Crossroads of Faith and Culture: Essays in Honour of Gabriel Daly, Dublin, Columba, 2003Book, 2003
- Millennialism, Ecumenism, and Fundamentalism in, editor(s)Kenneth G. C. Newport and Crawford Gribben , Expecting the End: Millennialism in Social and Historical Context, Waco, Texas, Baylor University Press, 2006, pp79 - 95, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2006
- Churches and Theology in a Century of Revolution and Reaction in, editor(s)John R Bartlett and Stuart D Kinsella , Two Thousand Years of Christianity and Ireland, Dublin, Columba, 2006, pp155 - 167, [A R Pierce]Book Chapter, 2006
- Andrew Pierce, Communio and Its Discontents, Milltown Studies, 53, 2004, p72 - 93Journal Article, 2004
- Identity and Conversion: An Irish Perspective in, editor(s)Dagmar Heller , Bekehrung und Identitat: Okumene als Spanning zwischen Fremden und Vertrautem, Frankfurt, Verlag Otto Lembeck, 2003, pp167 - 180, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2003
- Faith and the Culture of Experience in, editor(s)Andrew Pierce and Geraldine Smyth , The Critical Spirit, Dublin, Columba, 2003, pp189 - 199, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2003
- The Irish Churches in Decline: Is Ireland Becoming 'Post-Christian'? in, editor(s)Stephen R White , A Time to Build: Essays for Tomorrow's Church, Dublin, APCK, 1999, pp82 - 94, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 1999
- Christianity: A Credible Presence? in, editor(s)Dermot A Lane , New Century New Society: Christian Perspectives, Dublin, Columba, 1999, pp11 - 17, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 1999
- Andrew Pierce, The Inflation of Experience, Doctrine & Life, 49, (3), 1999, p166 - 176Journal Article, 1999
- Andrew Pierce, Eucharist and the Search for Unity, Search, 30, (1), 2007, p3 - 14Journal Article, 2007
- Andrew Pierce, Re-Imagining Irish Ecumenism, Doctrine & Life, 57, (7), 2008, p2 - 16Journal Article, 2008
- Andrew Pierce, Christianity and Creation, Review of Christianity and Creation: The Essence of the Christian Faith and its Future Among Religions: A systematic Theology, by James P Mackey , Search: A Church of Ireland Journal, 30, (3), 2007, p263-266Review, 2007
- Christian Theology, Imagination and 'Religious Fundamentalism' in, editor(s)John O'Grady and Peter Scherle , Ecumenics from the Rim: Explorations in Honour of John D'Arcy May, Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2007, pp43 - 51, [Andrew Pierce and Gabriel Daly, OSA]Book Chapter, 2007
- Andrew Pierce, Comprehensive Vision: The Ecumenical Significance of a Lost Ideal, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic: Reflecting on the Church in a Postmodern Age, Dublin, April 2008, edited by Gesa Thiessen , tbc, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- 'Talking to the Hand: Towards Theological Dialogue with Religious Fundamentalism in, editor(s)Bernd Jochen Hilberath, Ivana Noble and Peter De Mey , Ecumenism of Life as a Challenge for Academic Theology, Frankfurt, Lembeck, 2008, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2008
- Comprehensive Vision: The Ecumenical Potential of a Lost Ideal in, editor(s)Gesa Elsbeth Thiessen , Ecumenical Ecclesiology: Unity, Diversity and Otherness in a Fragmented World, London and New York, T & T Clark/Continuum, 2009, pp76 - 87, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2009
- Andrew Pierce, Church, Dialogue and Conflict, The Triune God: A God of Peace and Dialogue, Heidelberg, June 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Andrew Pierce, Crossbows, Bludgeons and Long-Range Rifles: Tyrrell, Newman and 'the intimate connection between methods and their results', 2009-09 Newman Lecture, UCD International Centre for Newman Studies, Newman House, St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, 21 May , 2009, UCD International Centre for Newman StudiesInvited Talk, 2009
- Hugh Durnin, Converging in Catholicity, Doctrine and Life, 59, (No.3 March), 2009, p49 - 54Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Andrew Pierce, Loisy, Newman and Religious Individualism, American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 7-10 November 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Andrew Pierce, Anglican 'incomprehensiveness', Search, 33, (2), 2010, p123 - 131Journal Article, 2010
- Andrew Pierce, John Henry Newman and the Sanctification of Ambivalence, One in Christ, 44, (1), 2010, p67 - 85Journal Article, 2010
- Andrew Pierce, Enlightenment and Religion, Doctrine and Life, 59, (8), 2009, p9 - 23Journal Article, 2009
- Andrew Pierce, Dialog als Selbstverwirklichung der Kirche: Eine anglikanische Perspektive, Oekumenische Rundschau, 59, (2), 2010, p206 - 212Journal Article, 2010
- Crossbows, bludgeons and long-range rifles: Tyrrell, Newman and 'the intimate connection between methods and their results' in, editor(s)Oliver P. Rafferty , George Tyrrell and Catholic Modernism, Dublin , Four Courts Press, 2010, pp56 - 75, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2010
- Karl Rahner: Theologian of Dialogue and Ecumenism in, editor(s)Padraic Conway and Fainche Ryan , Karl Rahner: Theologian for the Twenty-first Century, Oxford and Bern, Peter Lang, 2010, pp171 - 186, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2010
- Andrew Pierce, The Modernist Millennium, The Future of Millennial Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2-3 September 2010, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Andrew Pierce, Review of Protestant Theology at the Crossroads: How to Face the Crucial Tasks for Theology in the Twenty-First Century, by Gerhard Sauter , International Journal of Public Theology, 5, 2011, p246-7Review, 2011
- Andrew Pierce, New MPhil in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies at ISE, Trinity College Dublin, Concilium, (1), 2011, p115 - 118Journal Article, 2011
- Andrew Pierce, Medievalism Redivivus, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2010, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- The Modernist Millennium in, editor(s)Joshua Searle and Kenneth G C Newport , Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies, Sheffield, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012, pp75 - 93, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter, 2012
- Peter De Mey, Andrew Pierce and Oliver Schuegraf, Mission und Einheit: Gemeinsames Zeugnis getrennter Kirchen?/Mission and Unity: Common Witness of Separated Churches?, 1st, Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012Book, 2012
- Andrew Pierce, Ein Imaginaeres in sich entzweit? Anglikanismus und Oekumenismus ad intra et ad extra, Oekumenische Rundschau, 60, (4), 2011, p450 - 461Journal Article, 2011
- Andrew Pierce, Re-reading Lumen Gentium and Unitatis Redintegratio, Search, 36, (2), 2013, p84 - 94Journal Article, 2013
- Avis, P., Berlis, A., and Knoepffler, N.(ed.), Incarnating Authority, Jena, Germany, 6-9 September 2017, 2020Proceedings of a Conference
- Where are we now? The Contesting of Biblical Authority in Historical Perspective in, The Authority of Scripture: A Report of the Church of Ireland Bishops' Advisory Commission on Doctrine, Dublin, Church of Ireland Publishing, 2006, pp9 - 51, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter
- Church in Society Committee, Social Justice and Theology Group (Republic of Ireland), Local Partnerships: A Theological and Pastoral Reflection, Dublin, Church of Ireland Publishing, 2006, 2006Report
- Andrew Pierce, A Shadow over our Lives, Review of After the Evil: Christianity and Judaism in the Shadow of the Holocaust, by Richard Harries , The Irish Catholic, (3 November), 2005, p20Review
- The Church of Ireland Church in Society Committee, Alcohol in the Lives of Young People, Dublin, Church of Ireland Publishing, 2005Report
- The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion: A Sectarian Text in, editor(s)Charles Kenny , Are the Thirty-Nine Articles Sectarian, Belfast, Catalyst, 2003, pp10 - 15, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter
- Communion where convictions divide in, editor(s)Ginnie Kennerley and Richard O'Leary. With a preface by Judge Catherine McGuiness , Moving Forward Together: Homosexuality and the Church of Ireland, Belfast, Changing Attitudes Ireland, 2012, pp45 - 54, [Andrew Pierce]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
Religion and the Experience of Modernity; Religious Anti-Modernism or Fundamentalism; Roman Catholic Modernism; Nineteenth Century Religious Thought; Ecumenical Ecclesiology; Auguste Sabatier's philosophy of Religion; theological interpretations of place
TitleModernity and Modernism: Interpreting the Roots of Religious CrisisSummaryIn 1907, Pius X condemned 'modernism,' imposing theological 'integralism' and a restrictive discipline which remained in force until Vatican II (1962-65). After a century, the construction of modernism and anti-modernism merit evaluation. Modernism occurred within a modernity the value of which is debated. This project situates debates from the early twentieth century in the context of current theological contendings with modernity, thus contributing to debate within modernist studies, and to the theological reception of modernity's past.Funding AgencyIRCHSSDate FromOctober 2008Date ToOctober 2009
TitleTowards Theological Engagement with Religious FundamentalismSummaryResurgent religiosity has attracted widespread attention from social and political scientists, but not - in any significant way - from those engaged in Christian systematic theology. As a preparation for an in-depth study of fundamentalism's theological significance, this project will involve a scoping study of the field, culminating in an international consultation in Dublin to make available the initial results.Funding AgencySt Stephen's Green Trust, Irish School of Ecumenics TrustDate From2007Date To2008
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion,
- Malcolm Bowie Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Christ's College, Cambridge, April-June 2009
- Bishop Moorman Scholarship, St Deiniol's Library 1995
- Distinguished Visiting Scholar, UCD International Centre for Newman Studies 2008-09
- Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellow 2008-09
- Non-foundation scholarship, Trinity College Dublin 1988-1993
- Elrington Prize 1990
- Societas Oecumenica present
- Irish Theological Association
- American Academy of Religion
- European Academy of Religion present
- member, Theology and Social Justice Working Group (Church of Ireland, Republic of Ireland) 2000-03
- Member of, and Consultant to, International Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) 2009-2019
- Member, Anglican-Methodist Covenant Council 2005-08
- member, The Church of Ireland Bishops' Advisory Commission on Doctrine
- member, Board of Governors, Church of Ireland College of Education 2011-present
- Societas Oecumenica, The European Association for Ecumenical Research; President 2010-2012 2010-1012
- Member, Anglican-Methodist Covenant Council 2005-08
- Standing Committee, Societas Oecumenica 2006-2010
- member, Board of Management, APCK 2005-11
- member, The Church of Ireland Bishops' Advisory Commission on Doctrine
- Societas Oecumenica, The European Association for Ecumenical Research; President 2010-2012 2010-1012
- member, Board of Governors, Church of Ireland College of Education 2011-present
- member, Board of Management, APCK 2005-11
- Standing Committee, Societas Oecumenica 2006-2010
- member, Theology and Social Justice Working Group (Church of Ireland, Republic of Ireland) 2000-03
- Member of, and Consultant to, International Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) 2009-2019