Religious Studies Publications
Apocalyptic Movements in Contemporary Politics by Carlo Aldrovandi
Apocalyptic Movements in Contemporary Politics
Carlo Aldrovandi
Falling in Love with the Earth: Francis’ Faithful Ecology by Jacob J Erickson
Falling in Love with the Earth: Francis’ Faithful Ecology
In For Our Common Home: Process-Relational Responses to Laudato si’
Jacob J Erickson
Irreverent Theology: On the Queer Ecology of Creation by Jacob J Erickson
Irreverent Theology: On the Queer Ecology of Creation
In Meaningful Flesh: Reflections on Religion and Nature for a Queer Planet
Jacob J Erickson
The Apophatic Animal: Towards a Negative Zootheological Imago Dei
The Apophatic Animal: Towards a Negative Zootheological Imago Dei
In Divinanimality: Animal Theory, Creaturely Theology
Jacob J Erickson
Theophanic Materiality: Political Ecology, Inhuman Touch, and the Art of Andy Goldsworthy
Theophanic Materiality: Political Ecology, Inhuman Touch, and the Art of Andy Goldsworthy
In Entangled Worlds: Religion, Science and New Materialisms
Jacob J Erickson
Tools for Religious Conviviality: Ivan Illich, Process Thought, and Political Ecology on a Multireligious Planet
Tools for Religious Conviviality: Ivan Illich, Process Thought, and Political Ecology on a Multireligious Planet
In Living Traditions and Universal Conviviality: Prospects and Challenges for Peace in Multireligious Communities
Jacob J Erickson
Religion, Conflict and Peace in Sri Lanka by Jude Lal Fernando
Religion, Conflict and Peace in Sri Lanka
Jude Lal Fernando
Resistance to Empire and Militarization: Reclaiming the Sacred Edited by Jude Lal Fernando
Resistance to Empire and Militarization: Reclaiming the Sacred
Edited by Jude Lal Fernando
A Flagging Peace by Siobhán Garrigan
A Flagging Peace?
In Liturgy in Post-colonial Perspectives
Siobhán Garrigan
Beyond Ritual: Sacramental Theology after Habermas by Siobhán Garrigan
Beyond Ritual: Sacramental Theology after Habermas
Siobhán Garrigan
Irish Theology as White Theology by Siobhán Garrigan
Irish Theology as White Theology: a Case of Mistaken Identity?
In Modern Theology
Siobhán Garrigan
Queer Worship, Queer Theory, Liturgical Practice, Theology and Sexuality
Queer Worship: Theology and Queer Theory
In Liturgical Practice, Theology and Sexuality
Siobhán Garrigan
Reconciliation: The Place of Prayer in Conflict and Peace Making by Siobhán Garrigan
Reconciliation: The Place of Prayer in Conflict and Peace Making
In T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Prayer
Siobhán Garrigan
The Hermeneutics of Intersubjectivity by Siobhán Garrigan
The Hermeneutics of Intersubjectivity: A Study of Theologies of Homelessness
In Grace, Governance and Globalization
Siobhán Garrigan
The Real Peace Process: Worship, Politics and the End of Sectarianism by Siobhán Garrigan
The Real Peace Process: Worship, Politics and the End of Sectarianism
Siobhán Garrigan
Aesthetics of Knowledge
Aesthetics of Knowledge
In The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Cultural and Cognitive Aesthetics of Religion
Alexandra Grieser
Knowledge Formation and Aesthetic Ideologies between Religion and Science
Blue Brains: Knowledge Formation and Aesthetic Ideologies between Religion and Science
Alexandra Grieser in Aesthetics of Religion
Edited by Alexandra Grieser
European History of Religion Revisited: Modelling a Pluralist Approach
European History of Religion Revisited: Modelling a Pluralist Approach
in Religion in Culture - Culture in Religion: Burkhard Gladigow’s Contribution to Shifting Paradigms in the Study of Religion
Alexandra Grieser
Recent Research on the Aesthetics of Knowledge in Science and in Religion by Edited by Alexandra Grieser
Recent Research on the Aesthetics of Knowledge in Science and in Religion
Alexandra Grieser in The Beauty Fallacy: Religion, Science and the Aesthetics of Knowledge
Edited by Alexandra Grieser
Betwixt and Between Liminality and Marginality: Mind the Gap edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Betwixt and Between Liminality and Marginality: Mind the Gap
Edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Creating Eve: Feminine fertility in medieval Islamic narratives of Eve and Adam in In the Arms of Biblical Women by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Creating Eve: Feminine fertility
In medieval Islamic narratives of Eve and Adam in In the Arms of Biblical Women
Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Fall Narratives, edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Fall Narratives
Edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Fallen Animals edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Fallen Animals
Edited by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Images of the first woman: Eve in Islamic Fāl-nāma paintings in Biblical Reception by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Images of the first woman: Eve in Islamic Fāl-nāma paintings
In Biblical Reception
Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
My God? Your Lord!: A qur’anic response to a biblical question in JIQSA by Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
My God? Your Lord!: A qur’anic response to a biblical question
Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
The wheat and the barley: Feminine (in-)fertility in Eve and Adam narratives in Islam
The wheat and the barley: Feminine (in-)fertility in Eve and Adam narratives in Islam
In Texts in Transit in the Pre-modern Eastern Mediterranean
Zohar Hadromi-Allouache
Ecology and the Theology of Nature, Concilium 2018/6, edited by Linda Hogan
Ecology and the Theology of Nature, Concilium 2018/6
Edited by Linda Hogan
From Women’s Experience to Feminist Theology by Linda Hogan
From Women’s Experience to Feminist Theology
Linda Hogan
Keeping Faith With Human Rights, by Linda Hogan
Keeping Faith With Human Rights
Linda Hogan
Technology: Between Apocalypse and Integration Concilium 2019/3, edited by Linda Hogan
Technology: Between Apocalypse and Integration Concilium 2019/3
Edited by Linda Hogan
The End of Life Concilium 2021/2, edited by Linda Hogan
The End of Life Concilium 2021/2
Edited by Linda Hogan
Mimesis and Atonement, René Girard and the Doctrine of Salvation edited by Michael Kirwan
Mimesis and Atonement: René Girard and the Doctrine of Salvation
Edited by Michael Kirwan
Mimetic Theory and Islam: the wound where light enters, edited by Michael Kirwan
Mimetic Theory and Islam: the wound where light enters
Edited by Michael Kirwan
Criticism of Verbosity in Ancient Philosophical and Early Christian Writings by Daniele Pevarello
Criticism of Verbosity in Ancient Philosophical and Early Christian Writings: Jesus’ Critique of the ‘Polylogia’ of Pagan Prayers (Matthew 6:7) in its Greco-Roman Context
In Religio-Philosophical Discourses in the Mediterranean World
Daniele Pevarello
Il discorso eucaristico in Giovanni 6: unità e messaggio. Complessità e ricchezza di un caso di ipertestualità by Daniele Pevarello
Il discorso eucaristico in Giovanni 6: unità e messaggio. Complessità e ricchezza di un caso di ipertestualità
Daniele Pevarello
Looking for Wisdom in Wis 11:2-19:2: between Universalism and Particularism
Looking for Wisdom in Wis 11:2-19:2: between Universalism and Particularism
Daniele Pevarello, in Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
Edited by Daniele Pevarello and Benjamin Wold
Pythagorean Traditions by Daniele Pevarello
Pythagorean Traditions
In Monastic Education in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of Classical Paideia
Daniele Pevarello
The Sentences of Sextus and the Origins of Christian Ascetiscism by Daniele Pevarello
The Sentences of Sextus and the Origins of Christian Ascetiscism
Daniele Pevarello
Celebrating Imperfect Communion
Celebrating Imperfect Communion
In Eucharistic Sharing: Bridge towards Unity – Barrier to Unity? Review of Ecumenical Studies
Andrew Pierce
Crossbows, bludgeons and long-range rifles: Tyrrell, Newman and the intimate connection between methods and their results in George Tyrrell and Catholic Modernism, Andrew Pierce
Crossbows, bludgeons and long-range rifles: Tyrrell, Newman and the intimate connection between methods and their results
In George Tyrrell and Catholic Modernism
Andrew Pierce
Talking to the Hand: Towards Theological Dialogue with Religious Fundamentalism in Ecumenism of Life as a Challenge for Academic Theology, by Andrew Pierce
Talking to the Hand: Towards Theological Dialogue with Religious Fundamentalism
In Ecumenism of Life as a Challenge for Academic Theology
Andrew Pierce
The Authority of Dissent, IncThe Authority of Dissent in Incarnating Authority: A Critical Account of Authority in the Church, by Andrew Piercearnating Authority, Authority in the Church, Andrew Pierce
The Authority of Dissent
In Incarnating Authority: A Critical Account of Authority in the Church
Andrew Pierce
The Ecumenical Church of Vatican II
In Vatican II in Ireland. Fifty Years On: Essays in Honour of Pádraic Conway
Andrew Pierce
The Modernist Millennium in Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies, by Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies by Andrew Pierce
The Modernist Millennium in Beyond the End: The Future of Millennial Studies
Andrew Pierce
Mission and Unity: Common Witness of Separated Churches? Edited by Andrew Pierce
Mission and Unity: Common Witness of Separated Churches?
Edited by Andrew Pierce
Stop, Stop and Listen: Changing the Church by Listening to its Life, by Andrew Pierce
Stop, Stop and Listen: Changing the Church by Listening to its Life
In Changing the Church: Transformations of Christian Belief, Practice and Life
Andrew Pierce
Integral Ecology: Autonomy, the Common Inheritance of the Earth, and Creation Theology, by Cathriona Russell
Integral Ecology: Autonomy, the Common Inheritance of the Earth, and Creation Theology
In Integral Human Development
Cathriona Russell
Autonomy and Food Biotechnology in Theological Ethics, by Cathriona Russell
Autonomy and Food Biotechnology in Theological Ethics
Cathriona Russell
Environmental Perspectives on the Genesis Flood Narrative, by Cathriona Russell
Environmental Perspectives on the Genesis Flood Narrative
In Opening Heaven’s Floodgates: The Genesis Flood Narrative, its Context and Reception
Cathriona Russell
Ethics for Graduate Researchers: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach
Ethics for Graduate Researchers: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach
Edited by Cathriona Russell, Linda Hogan and Maureen Junker-Kenny
Demography, Poverty and Planetary Boundaries in Laudato si’
Demography, Poverty and Planetary Boundaries in Laudato si’ in Laudato Si’: An Irish Response
Cathriona Russell
The Church in Pluralist Society: Social and Political Roles, Edited by Fáinche Ryan and Cornelius J Casey
The Church in Pluralist Society: Social and Political Roles
Edited by Fáinche Ryan and Cornelius J Casey
Karl Rahner: Theologian for the Twenty-first Century, Edited by Fáinche Ryan and Pádraigh Conway
Karl Rahner: Theologian for the Twenty-first Century
Edited by Fáinche Ryan and Pádraigh Conway
Bertolt Brecht and the David Fragments (1919-1921): An Interdisciplinary Study, by David J Shepherd
Bertolt Brecht and the David Fragments (1919-1921): An Interdisciplinary Study
David J Shepherd
Knowing Abner in Characters and Characterization in the Book of Samuel
Knowing Abner in Characters and Characterization in the Book of Samuel
David J Shepherd
Remember Their Sin No More by David J. Shepherd and Richard S. Briggs
Remember Their Sin No More
David J. Shepherd and Richard S. Briggs
Septuagint, Targum and Beyond: Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity, by David J Shepherd
Septuagint, Targum and Beyond: Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity
In Characters and Characterization in the Book of Samuel
Edited by David J Shepherd
“Mystery” in the Wisdom of Solomon and 4QInstruction by Benjamin Wold
“Mystery” in the Wisdom of Solomon and 4QInstruction
In Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
Benjamin Wold
Qumran Wisdom and the New Testament: Exploring Early Jewish and Christian Textual Cultures by Benjamin Wold
Qumran Wisdom and the New Testament: Exploring Early Jewish and Christian Textual Cultures
Benjamin Wold
Sin and Evil in the Letter of James in Light of Qumran Discoveries, by Benjamin Wold
Sin and Evil in the Letter of James in Light of Qumran Discoveries in New Testament Studies
Benjamin Wold
Wisdom in the New Testament, by Benjamin Wold
Wisdom in the New Testament
In The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Wisdom Literature
Benjamin Wold