Across the School our academic staff have internationally recognised research expertise.
In Peace Studies this includes research on conflict resolution, transitional justice and peace processes with expertise on Northern Ireland, Israel and Palestine, Korea and Sri Lanka.
In Religious Studies we have experts in the theology and the textual, doctrinal and cultural aspects of world religions, while others focus on religion’s ethical and political impacts.
Please explore our individual research profiles.

Peace Studies
Our academic staff, fellows and students who research in Peace Studies specialize in conflict analysis and peacebuilding, conflict and peace in Ireland, local and global peace processes, gender studies, ethics, mediation and conflict resolution, reconciliation and transitional justice, and more.

Religious Studies
Our academic staff, fellows and students who research in Religious Studies specialize in the theory of religion, biblical studies, theology, ethics, gender and sexuality studies, environmental studies, and are experts on a range of topics in the humanities and social sciences.