ForagersDr Brendan Ciarán Browne will discuss Jumana Manna’s film Foragers, in relation to the themes of surveillance, control and cultural resistance in Palestine. The event will take place on Thursday 30th January at 7pm in the Douglas Hyde gallery.

Dr Browne’s research interests are focused on transitional justice, settler colonialism, liberal peacebuilding, and conflict and forced displacement. He is Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. His previous academic positions include as Assistant Professor of International Law at the Al Quds University, Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine. He is author of several books, including Transitional (In)Justice and enforcing the peace on Palestine (2023), nominated for the 2023 Middle East Monitor Palestine book awards.

After a brief welcome and introduction, the screening of Foragers (65 mins) will be followed by the talk by Dr Browne and discussion with the audience.

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