fotini-rantisou beside a UN vehichleIn the latest edition of Trinity Today, graduate of our School Fotini Rantsiou talks to Leah Keogh about her unpredictable, challenging and fulfilling career as a humanitarian worker. Fotini credits her MPhil in International Peace Studies at Trinity (1996) with helping her obtain her first post with the United Nations and has not looked back since. She has worked in many conflict zones, a personal highlight being her role with UNRWA in Palestine from 2002-2005 where she helped negotiate access for humanitarian workers and facilitated the safe evacuation of Palestinian people from military zones.

Recently Fotini received a Trinity Alumni Award in recognition of her profound impact on a global scale. One of her personal motivations is a deep interest in and respect for the culture of others, and she speaks several languages. Her current posting is in Niger with the United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (UN OCHA).

Read the Trinity Today article ‘Borderless Humanity’.