Linda Hogan is an ethicist with extensive experience in research and teaching in pluralist and multi-religious contexts.The work of Trinity’s Professor of Ecumenics, Linda Hogan, is featured in the latest edition of Trinity Today. Prof Hogan recently represented Ireland in the negotiation of the UNESCO recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and leads Trinity’s Ethics Initiative whose aim is to embed ethics across the university.

Prof Hogan sees a growing push across all professional areas to be attentive to ethical considerations and ‘that push is also coming from students. This generation of students is passionate about sustainability, human rights and confronting legacy colonial issues’.

Prof Hogan teaches on the intersection of ethics religion and human rights on the BA in Religion and the M.Phil in International Peace Studies. She also runs the Trinity elective ‘the Ethics Lab’ which brings together undergraduate students and staff from across the university to focus on identifying ethical responses to the challenges of today. Read the full article at the link below.

‘The Ethical Lens’ in Trinity Today.