International Peace Studies

International Peace Studies students are immersed in an interdisciplinary cutting-edge course of study that examines the causes and consequences of war and armed conflict, with a view to understanding how to achieve sustainable peace.

Students at the United Nations

International Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin

Our world needs skilled and highly motivated peacebuilders who understand the root causes of intractable conflicts and take strategic action for peace and social justice.

Come to study International Peace Studies (IPS) at one of the world's leading academic centres promoting sustainable, inclusive, holistic methods of conflict transformation and peacebuilding.

The IPS curriculum is interdisciplinary, drawing upon international relations, political science, gender studies, conflict analysis and resolution, negotiation and strategic peacebuilding, complemented by internship opportunities for practice based learning.

In the last 30 years, our IPS programme at Trinity College Dublin equipped over 900 students with the necessary skills and knowledge to serve worldwide in government agencies, international humanitarian organizations, research centres and think tanks, peace education, news agencies and leading local or global NGOs.

Why study International Peace Studies?

 If you choose this one-year course, you will:

  • Get a Postgraduate Degree in Peace Studies from Ireland's leading university.
  • Benefit from the unique 'cross-border presence' of Peace Studies with a synergic link between our Dublin and Belfast campuses.
  • Have the option to attend study trips to Northern Ireland & United Nations Headquarters in Geneva
  • Have the possibility to undertake an internship at leading NGOs, think tanks or international organizations such as the United Nations Office in Geneva, the Korean Sharing Movement in Seoul, Frontline Defenders and UNICEF in Dublin, etc.
  • Engage with research-led, cutting-edge teaching driven by specific regional & global specialisms, including Palestine-Israel, Korea, Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland and ex-Yugoslavia.
  • Gain advanced research experience and many other transferable skills.

What is the IPS course like?

The IPS programme is grounded on rigorous academic coursework integrating the teaching staff's research-driven knowledge with other forms of learning, including close engagement with policymakers, diplomats, NGO officials and practitioners from global and local partner organisations. Assessment is carried out through written essays, interactive group presentations, and a final dissertation whereby students will develop research skills.

 Modules are taught primarily through weekly classes and include:

  • Foundations of International Peace Studies
  • Forced Displacement, Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Conflict Resolution & Negotiation Across Worldviews
  • Human Rights
  • UN and Conflict Resolution
  • Gender in War and Peace
  • Internship Module (see Information Guide Internships and Internship Module)

What do students do afterwards?

Our graduates are scattered across the globe, helping contribute to building a more peaceful and sustainable future. Graduates find work in a range of fields, including:

  • NGOs and the non-profit sector,
  • Human rights
  • Conflict resolution and mediation
  • Policy advising in government, international organizations, and diplomacy
  • The United Nations and international organizations
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • PhD research
  • Teaching

What is it like to be a student in Dublin?

Dublin is a culturally vibrant city, with all the attractions of a European capital while still being manageable and accessible. At its centre is the famous campus of Trinity College, with excellent resources for student life: study space, sports facilities, student support, clubs and societies. Guidance on accommodation, visas, healthcare, and more information for international students is available here. 


EU Students

Full-time over 1 year €9,800

Part-time over 2 years €6,410

Non-EU Students

Full-time over 1 year €18,180

Part-time over 2 years €10,820

Through this course, I was able to improve and enhance my knowledge of organizational development and capacity building, strategic and policy support, global health and development, human intervention, sanctions, peace dialogues, UN bodies and policies, working on case studies, writing reports, enhancing interpersonal communication skills, etc. It was instrumental in securing my employment at International Organization for Migration - United Nations (UN-IOM) in their Dublin office.

Rashid Mojeeb

2021-22, International Organization for Migration - United Nations (UN-IOM) Dublin office

This masters was insightful and comprehensive because of the passion and dedication of the lecturers, who were always there to answer any questions. The completion of the dissertation was a highlight for me, due to the passion of my supervisor who inspired me throughout my research. I was also afforded the incredible internship opportunity with UNICEF Dublin where I put the theoretical knowledge I had learned throughout the first semester of this programme into practice and gained hands-on experience in the NGO sector. I am so glad I completed this masters and would highly recommend it to anyone considering applying.

Emma O’Callaghan


I currently work in the field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding and it is thanks to the skills and knowledge I gained from the MPhil in International Peace Studies that I feel my work can have an actual improving impact on the world. The course gave me a grounding in conflict awareness, and more importantly, an awareness of the drivers and dynamics of building and sustaining peace, that has proved invaluable to me in understanding both the barriers in the way of just and peaceful societies, and the steps that can be taken to overcome these. The modules gave me a solid practical grounding, but I also regularly apply the concepts and theories I was introduced to in my everyday work.

Adam Randera 2019-20, African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)

A CSO that works throughout Africa in peacebuilding and related fields.


The Irish School of Ecumenics Trust will make the following scholarship available:

  • International Peace Studies M.Phil. (IPS) - €2,000 (1 scholarship)

There is no separate application process. All incoming students who have accepted a firm offer by 25 July in the intended year of study will be considered. For further details please contact

Find out more about Postgraduate Scholarships.