Welcome from the Head of School
You are very welcome here at the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Our School tackles the big questions facing humanity. Through excellent research, teaching and civic engagement, we seek to understand religion, theology, and peace studies in historical settings and contemporary life, preparing our students for the world that needs them.
Religious Studies at Trinity goes back to the foundation of the university and is taught today by scholars of Religion and Theology whose approach is critical and progressive. Our teaching is for people of all faiths and none. One of the best things about a degree in Religion is that it teaches you multiple modes of thinking – philosophical and historical and political and literary and anthropological, amongst others.
Peace Studies is led by an international cohort of scholars many of whom are deeply involved in civic engagement at local, national and international levels. Using interdisciplinary perspectives, students analyse the causes of conflict and violence and the conditions of peace. Our School is unique in Trinity in having campuses in both Dublin and Belfast where we teach our postgraduate Peace Studies programmes.
Our students go on to find employment across a wide range of careers, such as the non-profit sector, teaching, broadcasting, the public sector, NGO’s, government, advocacy and activism, religious ministry, academia, publishing, marketing, banking, law and management consultancy. Join us in our student-friendly School! You’ll be most welcome. This website aims to give you everything you need to know to access our programmes, keep up with our news and events and contact our staff, but should you need any further information, please contact: religion@tcd.ie.
Best wishes,
Prof. Gillian Wylie.
Further Information About Us

Our Strategic Plan 2023-28
This strategic plan sets out the goals we, as a School within Trinity College, hope to achieve and how to achieve them during what will be a challenging but exciting period.

Our Disciplines
We cluster our teaching and research around two major disciplines--Religious Studies and Peace Studies.